Surrender (2 page)

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Authors: Rachel Carrington

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Surrender
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With black hair licking at her waist and a body that could have been carved by an archangel, Kira had been truly blessed by her ancestors. Even now, the picture-perfect image of her face in his mind made him catch his breath. He’d never seen such a beauty before, not even amidst any of the loveliest of Timaran women.

His heart began to thunder loudly, almost drowning out the sound of his father’s voice ringing in his mind.

On the day of my departure, your future queen will arrive.

More vivid curses colored the air, and Jarek strode toward the door of his personal chamber. “I might take her to bed, but I will be damned before I take that woman as my wife. Damned. Do you hear me, Father?”



Set needed to trust that Kira would do his bidding, but deep down, he still worried, and that anxiety was enough to make him watch her every move. She didn’t know how desperately he needed Timara’s resources. Its minerals and oils would provide much-needed surplus for Enun and its adjoining cities.

Folding his hands in the pockets of his robe, he looked out over the tranquil city he ruled. Though small, Enun was still considered mighty, and he was proud to call it his. But it had been, and always would be, his second choice.

Timara was the city he’d always wanted. Timaran rulers were looked upon with awe and treated as royalty beyond that of an ordinary ruler. Perhaps it was because the city had never been defeated in a battle. And that was precisely why Set wanted it. He had to know what lay beneath its ground that made it undefeatable. He refused to believe it was the power of the god who ruled the city that surrounded Timara with invincibility.

But, to take the greatest city in the galaxy, Jarek would have to be destroyed—not an altogether easy task, which was why Set’s faith in his stepdaughter was shaky at best. Kira was a strong warrior with determination and firm loyalty, but she’d never gone up against such a strong foe.

Wincing a little, the God of Evil stepped back from the window and adjusted the silken braid to allow the curtain to fall back into place. He didn’t want Kira to become a sacrifice for his desire, but Set couldn’t approach the city…at least not yet. So, for now, he’d have to rely on Kira’s abilities and hope the fate that had befallen his ancestors didn’t befall her.



The message came at precisely seven the next morning, delivered by a little man with a high-pitched voice who disappeared the second Kira’s hand closed around the scroll.

“Nice trick, Jarek.” His name rolled off her tongue, making her shiver, and as she unfurled the parchment, his distinct masculine scent filled the room.

She’d taken up residence in one of the smaller cities outside of Timara, preferring to keep her distance for now. And, as much as she’d tried to get some rest, images of the Timaran ruler kept reeling through her mind like a dark, sexy movie.

Even now, her palms were sweating as she recalled the fine sheen of perspiration covering his muscles as he leaned over her, his body braced on biceps the size of watermelons. Green eyes meeting her gaze, he barely moved, just simply held himself above her while their breaths mingled in the moist air.

All through the night, Kira’s fantasies had taken her on a wild thrill ride named Jarek. They’d come together in a passionate frenzy in her dreams, clawing at each other’s clothes and nipping at exposed flesh, and then, as day began to break, their lovemaking had turned gentle. He’d kissed her so softly that she’d almost wept, and when he rolled from the bed and got to his feet, she begged him to return to her. Then her eyes had opened to greet the day, and she knew the sweet dreams had ended.

Sweeping one hand over her body, Kira clothed herself in another skintight bodysuit, choosing red this time to suit her mood. She had no idea what in the hell had gotten into her, but the last thing she should be thinking about was sex with Jarek…even if it would be incredible sex.

Shaking her head vigorously, she ascended to the gates guarding Timara to answer the summons.

Jarek met her next to the iron railings. His face didn’t carry a greeting.

“You called?” She came to stand in front of him, last night’s images making her voice a little breathless. Had he summoned her to succumb to her demands? She didn’t think so. He looked the type who would enjoy a battle, and she’d expected at least something of a fight.

“I accept your challenge.” He spoke in a silky voice, which set Kira’s instincts on high alert.

She surveyed him for a long moment before replying. “I wasn’t aware I’d issued a challenge.”

“Abdicate or you will kill me. I consider that a challenge.”

Her lips curled into a half smile while her skin warmed. She’d never met a man or a god quite like this one. So sure of himself. Sexy. All hard body and strong will. Inwardly, she drooled. Outwardly, she remained calm. “You want to test your strength against mine.”

“Absolutely, but…” he opened the gate and waved her inside, “…I propose we make it more interesting.”

“I’m listening.” Even as she said the words, she knew his proposal would have something to do with sex, and as much as she wanted to be able to harshly object, she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t interested. Last night had told her that much, and no matter how much she cursed her body’s response to his, she couldn’t ignore it.

Jarek moved toward her, and his sheer physical presence created a flurry of activity within the pit of her stomach. “If you succeed, you take the throne, and I will make sure the gods will not oppose you. If you fail in your attempt to kill me, you will give yourself to me.”

Kira’s temper spiked in spite of the wetness between her thighs. She’d expected sex, but not in such a callous announcement. The warmth of her dreams was starting to fade. “Give myself to you? As a servant?”

Jarek chuckled and brushed his knuckles down her cheek. “In a manner of speaking.”

She could have killed him right then. She wanted to. Instead, she held her fury in check and responded with a cool, “You would have me as your lover.” No matter how intriguing the idea, she would not be treated as a sex slave were she to lose, which, of course, she didn’t intend to do.

He tipped his head to one side and surveyed her with a gaze rife with innuendo and promise. “Have you ever been with a god, Kira, or have you only lain with mere mortals so as to retain your superiority?”

Kira’s teeth gnashed, and the red haze of anger guided her hands. With left and right jabs, they struck out aiming toward his face, but Jarek easily deflected the blows. She hissed low in her throat and embraced her dark side.

Leaping into the air, she kicked her legs to propel her forward. She managed to achieve one swift blow to Jarek’s upper shoulder, but the impact didn’t seem to affect him. He spun swiftly and counterattacked, putting her on the defensive, forcing her back against the wrought-iron gate.

Kira cursed and shot up into the air, trying to regain the upper hand, but he was too quick, too smart…too good. Apparently, her father had underestimated him. She hovered in the air, eyes filled with hatred, while Jarek looked up at her, smug and self-assured. “I will kill you for this, Jarek. Make no mistake about that.”

He rose to meet her. “So you accept my challenge, then?”

“I accept nothing. You will die at my hand. That is not up for negotiation.”

Jarek folded his arms and his muscles bulged. “You might want to reconsider your plan of action, Kira. As my father’s son, I eliminated many who would oppose him. Do not be so hasty in assuming you may now annihilate Timara’s new ruler…no matter what your father might have told you.” He turned away and proceeded back up the smoky path, which soon enveloped him, hiding him from her view. But his words reached her ears.

“Until we meet again.”


He hadn’t wanted to leave her. Just the mere sight of her had increased the pressure between his thighs. Not that he’d needed any help with that. Last night had been spent pacing the floor, picturing the dark-haired goddess lying across his bed like a sacrifice to the Timaran temple.

With an imagination only a god could have, he’d seen her in his mind. From the stiff peaks of her nipples to the abs that rippled when she moved, she was pure perfection. And then his gaze had traveled lower, taking in creamy skin covering tight muscle, before moving to the dark triangle between her thighs.

With a groan that was more of a plea, Jarek picked up his pace down the long hallway. “What in the hell is happening to me?”

His breath whooshed out of his lungs as he felt her departure, and a strange sense of emptiness washed over him. How long had she stood at the gate trying to see inside? Had she been hoping he’d return? And did she know how much he wanted her to return?

Cursing again, he lifted his face toward the arched ceiling. “Is this what it feels like to be connected to someone?”

He didn’t understand what was taking place inside his soul, but he felt different. Each time he saw her only increased the need to see her again. And somehow he knew that no matter what happened, he would never be able to harm her.

Violent whisperings dragged his focus back to the castle. The gods under his control were worried. They sensed trouble, and Jarek was powerless to still their fears without more knowledge. He knew little of Kira’s abilities, other than her penchant for destroying entire cities of lesser gods and an occasional group of humans when bored. That information wouldn’t please his subordinates, so he had no other choice but to remain silent until he could learn more.

He strode through the gilded halls as the whispers increased in intensity, then he came to a dead stop and shouted, “Enough!” Silence descended, and he breathed a sigh of relief. “You will know when I know,” he called again.

“If our way of life is in jeopardy, Jarek, we have a right to know,” came a nasally voice from just down the hall.

Shoulders tense, Jarek spun to face the God of Wind, thinking he was appropriately crowned. Abar was a pompous windbag who had always irritated the hell out of him. Even Jarek’s father had merely tolerated the lesser god, but now, Jarek wasn’t in such an accommodating mood.

“Did you not just hear me say that when I know, you will know?”

Abar moved forward on pencil-thin legs, the purple silk suit he wore making him look more like a child’s puppet than a powerful god. “And we are supposed to accept that?”

Jarek’s eyes narrowed. “Yes.”

Lips thinning, Abar tented his fingers together. “I trusted your father, Jarek, but I cannot say the same for you. I have seen your temper, your loss of control, and I, and many others, think you might not handle this matter in an appropriate manner.”

Fury knotted in the pit of his stomach, but Jarek sought to remain calm. Abar’s intention was to antagonize him, but he wouldn’t take the bait. “I rule this city, Abar, not you, nor anyone else. In case you aren’t aware, ruling means to exercise authority. I make the laws here, and I enforce them. All of you know that.” His voice lifted on the last sentence to make sure all of the listening gods would hear.

With those last words, Jarek strode away.

Sensing his approach, the chamber door opened and then closed once he crossed the threshold. A pair of silver eyes haunted him, and combined with the image of waist-length black hair and a body that would create heat within any man, be he god or human. The effect crippled him, at least momentarily.

The air rippled, splitting in a vivid blast of blue heat. Jarek whirled in time to catch Kira’s blade in his hand. He melted the steel with his palm and grabbed hold of her wrist. How in the hell had she gotten inside the gates? Had he somehow left them open? Could he have been so careless?

He yanked her closer, bending her arm behind her back with just enough pressure to make her take notice of his displeasure, but the feel of her breasts pressing against his chest softened his anger. “You take a great risk invading my home.”

“I wouldn’t have been able to invade it had it been properly protected. Once I have eliminated you, I will make sure no one enters my home without my permission.”

Jarek smiled, both surprised and intrigued at the woman’s audacity. “Killing me could mean your own death, Kira.”

She struggled against him, and he saw the impatience in her gaze. She couldn’t break free from him, and the knowledge disturbed her. “I want what belongs to me, Jarek.”

Her lips tantalized him. “And I want what will belong to me,” he responded, before he fisted his hand in her hair and yanked it. Kira’s gasp gave him just the opportunity he needed to seal her lips with his.

Heat scorched his skin and blazed through his internal organs, searing his soul. He dragged her even closer, until her leather bodysuit melted against his body. Her tongue dueled with his, and though he felt her resistance, she didn’t deny him a taste.

How something so dark could taste so sweet bewildered him. Her lips yielded against his, as soft as spun butter, her mouth a delicate blend of honey and spice.

Sensations buffeted his body and laid siege to his rationality. The god within him gave way to the male instincts lying dormant for so long. He dropped his hands to her bottom and cupped her firm flesh, lifting her higher until she fit in the apex of his thighs.

Kira snagged her fingers in his hair and feasted on his lips before lifting her head to drag great gulps of air into her lungs. “You cannot take me,” she whispered.

The blood surged within his veins. “I can and I will.”

She thrust her head back, pressing her breasts against his chest. “I will not allow it.”

Pure male animal responded. “Before this day is through, you will crave me as much as you crave ownership of Timara.” He released her so suddenly, she stumbled. “Now, leave me, but know this…” his chest heaved, “…if you choose to return to attempt my assassination, you will not be allowed to leave me again.”

Kira gave a supremely feminine laugh. “Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Did you really think this seduction scene was all your idea, Jarek?” She closed the distance between them and trailed one finger down the column of his throat. “Killing you will not only be easy, it will be my pleasure.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed his cheek. “Pray that you don’t see me again.”

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