Surrender (20 page)

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Authors: Amanda Quick

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

BOOK: Surrender
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bubbling over with the excitement of the

entire affair. Her main concern now was

for her companion.

Lucas had uttered barely a word since he

had helped her up from the pavement and

tossed her into a carriage. She could feel

the angry tension in him. He was absently

rubbing his leg and she wondered if he had

hurt it rescuing her.

You were very quick, Lucas. I vow I

would have been run down if you had not

moved so fast."


Does your leg pain you very much?"

I'll survive."

Victoria sighed.
It is all my fault, isn't

it? If I had not insisted on going to that

gaming hell tonight, you would not have

hurt your leg."

That is certainly one way of looking at

the incident," Lucas said.

I'm so sorry, Lucas."


Well, not about going to the Green Pig,

precisely," she admitted candidly.
For I

did have a marvelous time. But I am

terribly sorry you got hurt." Impulsively she

slipped across the short distance between

them and sat down next to him.
Here, let

me massage it for you. I am quite good

with horses, you know."

Is that a recommendation?"

She smiled, relieved to hear the unwilling

humor in the question.
Of course. One

needs to learn how to soothe a spirited

animal after a bruising ride."

You're the one who probably got

bruised. You were on the bottom. You

are certain you're not hurt?"

Oh, I am quite all right. One of the

useful things about men's clothing is that

it provides much more protection for the

body than an evening gown. If only you

had not twisted your leg when you threw

yourself toward me the way you did."

As she talked she put her hands on

his thigh and probed experimentally. She

was instantly aware of the strong sinew

and muscle under her fingers. The snug

fitting breeches hid nothing of his natural

contours. It was almost like touching his

bare skin, she thought as she cautiously

began to knead his leg.

Lucas made no move to stop her. He

simply sat there looking down at her as

she worked over him. Victoria concentrated

fiercely, anxious to bring him some relief

from his obvious discomfort.

There was very little give in him, she

thought, squeezing the solid muscle. Hard

as stone.

I really do appreciate what you did for

Ferdie Merivale." Victoria found herself

speaking quickly in an effort to fill what

seemed to her a highly charged silence.

Her fingers dug deeper into his thigh.

I'm glad you do because I doubt that

Merivale does." Lucas sucked in his breath.

Easy, if you please, Vicky. That is my

injured leg, you know."

Oh, yes, of course." She lightened her

touch, glancing up to see his expression.

Is that better?"

Much better." He was silent for a

moment longer and then he said,
You do

have excellent hands. I envy your horses."

This time when she looked up into his

shadowed face, she realized he was smiling

slightly, a piercingly sensual smile that sent

a rush of heated awareness through her.

She could feel the tension in his leg

changing in some indefinable fashion and

she found herself running her palm along

the inside of his thigh.

He lifted a hand and drew his slightly

rough fingertip slowly down the line of her

throat to the nape of her neck. Victoria

held her breath, sensing he was going

to kiss her. She'd learned to recognize

that glittering gaze. She'd seen it on the

occasions when she'd stood with him in her

aunt's garden after an evening's escapade.

The anticipation alone was enough to set

fire to her senses.


Tell me, Vicky, do you like my good

night kisses?"

." The words seemed to get caught in

her throat.
Yes. Yes, I do."

One of the things I like about you, my

dear, is that you can be so delightfully

honest at the most interesting times." He

threaded his fingers through her hair and

then his hand tightened on the back of

her head, urging her close.
I wonder if

you have any idea of how it affects me."

She went to him willingly, tumbling

across his lap as the coach swayed and

jounced. With a soft little sigh of pleasure

she wrapped her arms around his neck and

lifted her face for his kiss. There was no

doubt about it, she thought, her appetite

for this sort of thing had been well and

truly whetted by those previous kisses in

the garden.

Lucas's mouth came down on hers, his

tongue sliding along the edge of her lower

lip, seeking admittance.

Eager now for the heat and excitement

she always found in his good-night em

braces, Victoria nestled closer. His arms

were strong and hard around her, and

when his hand moved to the buttons of her

waistcoat, she made no move to resist.

All the pent-up excitement of the evening

was flowing through her and this was the

most thrilling moment of all. Victoria

barely felt her cravat being loosened, but

when his fingertips glided down her throat,

she tightened her arms around his neck.

Lucas laughed softly against her mouth

as his fingers went lower to part her

waistcoat and shirt.
There is something

rather strange about unfastening men's

clothes on you, sweetheart."

Victoria could not respond because he

was suddenly cupping her bare breast in

his hand. She gasped instead and went

taut. Then, instead of protesting, as she

knew she ought, Victoria turned her hot

face into his shoulder and clutched him


Do you like the feel of my hand on

you, Vicky?"

She nodded jerkily.
Yes." She could feel

her nipple tighten under the touch of his


So honest. Can you feel what you're

doing to me?"

She could. He was growing hard beneath

her buttocks. His thighs parted slightly,

making her even more aware of the solid

shape of his manhood beneath the tight


Lucas, your poor leg."

I assure you it is not paining me in the

least right now.

We must stop."

Do you really want me to stop touching

you?" Lucas whispered.

Please don't ask me such a question."

Breathlessly she dug her fingers into the

muscles of his shoulders and strained

against his hand. She was growing hotter

and she could feel a warm dampness

between her legs.

As if he, too, knew about the moist

heat between her thighs, Lucas moved

his hands down to the fastenings of her

breeches. Victoria completely lost her voice

just when she knew she should be raising

it to its loudest level in a fierce demand

for him to halt. Instead she was suddenly

fascinated with the masculine scent of his

body and the sensual tension in him. Her

fingers clenched and unclenched on his


You are damp and ready for me,

aren't you?" Lucas slid his hand inside

the open breeches and found her secret

Your body is already preparing

its welcome.


Do not be embarrassed, my sweet. I am

glad to know you want me as much as I

want you. When the time comes, we are

going to deal very well with each other."

Dazed, she managed to lift her head long

enough to look up at him.
When the time


Not tonight. I would much prefer a bed

instead of a carriage seat for our first time

together. And I want all the time in the

world, not the few minutes we have left

before we reach your home."

Lucas, we must stop. We must." He

had never touched her like this and she

did not know how to handle her own

emotions. A delicious sense of eagerness

was gripping her.

Are you sure you want to stop, little

one? You feel so good, darling." His mouth

was on hers again and then on her throat

as his fingers slipped lower, parting soft

petals to seek out the tiny bud of desire.

So damned good. And you want me. Say

it, Vicky. Give me the words at least."

Victoria sucked in her breath as the

wondrous sensations made her tremble in

need. She wanted to tell him again that

he must cease touching her so intimately,

but she knew she could not. Not yet, at

any rate. She wanted more of this exotic

feeling and she sensed that only Lucas

could provide her with what she desired.

The words, sweetheart. Is that so much

to ask?" His voice was gentle, coaxing,

All I'm asking is for you to

tell me what you are feeling. Does this

feel good?"

Yes, oh, Lucas, yes." She squeezed her

eyes shut so she would not have to meet

the gleaming satisfaction she knew she

would find in his intent gaze. She twisted

helplessly against his probing hand.

Keep talking to me, sweetheart. Keep

telling me how you feel when I touch you

like this." He slid one finger gently into her


She cried out and muffled the sound

against the fabric of his jacket.

And this

She flinched and suddenly she could not

get enough of his long, sensitive fingers.

She lifted her hips, silently pleading for

more but not knowing what it was she

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