Surrender (66 page)

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Authors: Amanda Quick

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #General

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Cleo leaned forward and admired Vic

toria's painting, musing thoughtfully.

stone vale to find a way to give his heiress

the one gift she could not have bought for


The amber yellow silk gown was stun

ning in its elegant simplicity. Victoria was

pleased with the effect. The skirt fell in a

narrow, graceful column to her ankles. The

high waistline, topped with a small, artfully

draped bodice, displayed a wide expanse

of white skin and emphasized the gentle

curves of her breasts. Her slippers were

embroidered in gold thread and matched

her long, elegant gloves.

The amber pendant hung in solitary

splendor around her throat. With a last

glance in the mirror, Victoria decided she

was as ready as she would ever be for

Jessica Atherton's reception. She picked

up her gilded fan.

I will take the black cloak, the one with

the hood lined in gold satin, Nan."

Ye do look wonderful tonight, ma'am,"

Nan breathed reverently as she carefully

draped the long, flowing cloak around

her mistress's shoulders.
His lordship

will be ever so proud." She adjusted

the hood so that the gold satin formed

a deep, rich collar around Victoria's throat.


Thank you, Nan. I must be off. His

lordship will be waiting in the hall. Pray

do not wait up for me. I will wake you

when I return if I need any help."

Yes, ma'am."

Lucas was pacing impatiently at the foot

of the stairs, but when he saw Victoria

draped in black velvet and gold, he halted

abruptly. His eyes were full of gleaming,

sensual admiration as he watched her come

slowly down the staircase.

Ready for battle, are we?" he murmured

as he took her arm.

Let's just say I do not want Jessica

Atherton feeling sorry for me."

He laughed as Griggs opened the door.

She is far more likely to feel sorry for


Oh, really? And why is that, my lord?"

Lucas tightened his hold on Victoria's

She will know I must be helpless

to resist my Amber Lady. She will

undoubtedly worry that you are already

in command of this marriage."

Victoria slid a sidelong glance at him as

he assisted her into the carriage.
And are

you helpless to resist me?"

What do you think?" He climbed in

beside her.

I think you are teasing me again."

He reached for her hand and inclined

his head gallantly over her gloved fingers.

Madam, I assure you that I find you

utterly irresistible."

I shall bear that in mind."

The streets near the large Atherton

home were filled with carriages. Dozens

of elegantly dressed people clogged the

front steps. But Lucas and Victoria, as

guests of honor, were quickly ushered past

the crowds.

When Victoria handed over her cloak

in the wide, brilliantly lit hall, the amber

yellow gown was revealed in all its glory.

Lucas took one look at the graceful expanse

of his wife's throat, shoulders, and bosom

revealed by the small bodice and he set

his teeth.

No wonder you kept that cloak wrapped

around you, until we got here," he growled.

This will teach me to examine your

attire far more carefully before I take

you anywhere in the future."

Trust me, Lucas. This gown is in the

height of fashion."

It reveals more than a tavern maid's

dress. You are practically falling out of it.

If I had seen it before we left the house,

I would have sent you straight upstairs to


Too late for that now," she told him

Now do stop frowning so. We

are about to be announced and you surely

would not want Lady Atherton and her

guests to think we are quarreling."

You have won for now, madam, but

rest assured, this discussion will continue

at a later time." He led her toward the

top of the stairs that descended into the

glittering, crowded ballroom.

A hush fell over the throng of beautifully

dressed people as the Earl of stone vale

and his lady were announced. And then

a ringing cheer went up and glasses were

raised in a salute as Lucas and Victoria

went down the staircase to greet their host

and hostess.

Lady Atherton's gaze held a trace of

wistfulness as she smiled at Lucas. Lord

Atherton, an austere man who was active

in politics, inclined his balding head over

Victoria's hand.

So kind of you both to honor us

with this reception tonight," Victoria forced

herself to say as sincerely as possible.

You look lovely, my dear," Jessica said

to Victoria.
That gown is simply exquisite.

And such an unusual style for a new bride.

But, then, you have always been something

of an Original, have you not?"

I do my best," Victoria assured her.

After all, I would not want to bore my


Lucas shot her a warning glance.

His smile was full of menacing charm.

Boredom is not something I have suffered

from much since the night I met you,

my dear."

Lord Atherton smiled briefly.
And as I

understand it, that momentous occurrence

took place right here in this ballroom, did

it not?"

Lady Atherton was kind enough to

introduce us," Victoria said politely.

So I heard." Lord Atherton extended

his arm.
Would you be so gracious as to

honor me with the first dance, madam?"

It would be my pleasure."

As she was led out onto the floor,

Victoria glanced back over her shoulder

in time to see a crowd of people close

in around Lucas. He caught her eye over

the heads of the throng and smiled faintly,

a smile of possession, admiration, and

sensual promise; a lover's smile.

Warmed by that smile, Victoria turned

to give her attention to Lord Atherton, who

was already starting to talk about politics.

Lucas kept an eye on his Amber Lady

as the evening passed, but he had very

little opportunity to speak to her. Just as

well, he told himself. If he did get close

to her, he would probably be unable to

avoid bringing up the topic of the dress

again, and since the damage was already

done, it would be pointless to continue the


A husband had to learn which battles

Were worth fighting, and he could not deny

that the military strategist in him could not

help but sympathize with Victoria's need to

make a brilliant splash tonight in front of

Jessica Atherton.

Nevertheless, he vowed as he caught

sight of Victoria being led out onto the

floor again, he would pay much closer

attention to her clothes in the future.

Your wife is cutting quite a swath

through my male guests tonight," Jessica

Atherton murmured as she glided up to

stand beside Lucas.
I am gratified that

she is enjoying herself."

She deserves to enjoy herself."

Yes. It cannot have been easy for her

to come here tonight."

Lucas raised a brow at that bit of

unexpected insight.
No, it was not."

I know she must have been feeling

somewhat battered by all that happened

at the time of her marriage to you. And I

did not aid matters by calling on her that

morning before you left for Yorkshire. I

am sorry about that, Lucas. I have wanted

to apologize for it. My only excuse is that

I was desperately anxious to know if you

were going to be happy with her," Jessica

said weakly.

Forget it, Jessica. It is all in the past."

Yes, you are quite right. It is just that

I know you were angry with me that day

and I expect I am trying to find out if you

have forgiven me."

As I said, it is over and done. Don't

fret about it. Victoria and I have arrived at

an understanding and we are both content

with the marriage."

Jessica nodded.
I rather thought that

is what would happen. She is, after all,

an intelligent woman. She may be rather

outrageous at times, but she is also a

woman of honor and integrity. I would

not have introduced you to her if I had

thought otherwise. I was certain that when

all was said and done, she would learn to

accept her fate and fulfill her duty, just as

you must."

Lucas realized he was starting to grit his

teeth. He reached for a glass of champagne

and took a large swallow.
Tell me, Jessica,

have you had much pleasure in your


Atherton is a tolerable husband. That

is as much as a woman can hope for from

her marriage. I take satisfaction in knowing

I am a good wife to him. One does what

one must."

A tolerable husband. Victoria had called

him that once or twice, Lucas reflected.

He suddenly felt slightly savage. Was that

all he was to her he wondered? A tolerable


Excuse me, Jessica. I think I just saw

Potbury in the crowd by the window. I

wanted to ask him a question."

Of course."

Lucas escaped his hostess, but he knew

he could not escape her words. As was

frequently the case with Jessica Atherton,

she might grate a bit, but she was not

altogether wrong in her observations. She

was right about Victoria being a woman

of honor and integrity. But Lucas did not

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