Surrender: Keeping Her in the Dark Vol. 4 (4 page)

Read Surrender: Keeping Her in the Dark Vol. 4 Online

Authors: Leslie Sansom

Tags: #Keeping her in the Dark

BOOK: Surrender: Keeping Her in the Dark Vol. 4
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“Marcus and Kelly went back to their hotel. I told them we would be in touch.” Her hands kept moving on my thighs. “I think Marcus has a crush on you,” she whispered.

“Marcus does have a crush on me,” I whispered back. She smiled and our eyes locked on each other.

“How do you feel about me hiring Kelly to work for me?” she asked me.

“I think it would be dangerous. You don’t know what she has been through. She needs help. She needs to talk to someone and possibly medication. But it is your business and you obviously care about her, so it is up to you.” She kept moving her hands up and down. Just her touch was making me hard. She nodded at me and looked down.

“Liam, I…” I knew what she was up to.

“Norah, I don’t want to talk about it,” I stopped her hands.

“I think we need to discuss the N…” but before she could finish the word I put my hand over her mouth.

“I said, I don’t want to talk about it. Yes, I am angry. Knowing Nick has her makes me angrier, but I really don’t want to talk about it.” I moved my thumb to her mouth because she had started to lick my fingers.

“Her?” she put her tongue back in her mouth. “You mean the third girl?” I tried to get her to move her hands on my thighs again but she just gave me a hard squeeze.

“Yes. Holly.” Apparently she didn’t like my answer because she stood up.


“What is the problem?” I tried to pull her in my lap but she didn’t move.

“You’re saying it like you know her or something? Do you know her?” she crossed her arms against her chest.

“No. I don’t know her. I have never met her. What is this about?” I pulled her hand to my mouth and started to lick her fingers.

“I think you are becoming fixated with this girl,” she said. I ran my hand up her leg and under her skirt. “I think you already have enough grief with Nick and now you are making it worse by becoming fixated on her,” she breathed out as I ran my hands her over hips and pulled her underwear down.

“Norah, I have never met this girl. I do not know this girl. I care nothing about this girl. I say ‘her’ instead of ‘the third girl’ and now I am suddenly fixated on her?” I raised her shirt and kissed her stomach. “I love it when you make up problems in the pretty head of yours,” I kissed her again. “I have a problem with Nick and Nick alone.” She had closed her eyes as I caressed her sex with my fingers.

“So?” I prompted.

“So?” she repeated.

“So what is your concern?” I moved her to the bed and laid her on her back. I pulled her legs apart and closer to the end of the bed.

“I have many, many, concerns.” She breathed out as I kissed her inner thighs.

“None of which I choose to talk about right now,” she pushed my head to her sex and I plunged right in, licking her from top to bottom. She groaned and arched her back.

It was so easy to distract my wife with sexual favors. Her body was so sensitive and I knew her pleasure points like the back of my hand.

I didn’t want to talk about our problems right now, but I knew she wouldn’t stop. Norah was the type of woman that wouldn’t stop talking until she either conceded, which wasn’t likely, or made me see that she was right. I didn’t feel like hearing her try to make her point all night long when I could make her come instead.

I moved her body to the middle of the bed and kneeled between her legs. I ran my hands over her thighs and under her butt.

“Norah, you are so beautiful,” I whispered.

“You always say that,” she lifted her shirt over her head and threw it on the floor.

“How did a bum like me get so lucky as to have a woman like you?” It was a rhetorical question.

I moved to the drawer next to the bed and pulled out two scarves. I slowly moved to the other side of the bed and tied one scarf around each of her wrists. Then I slowly moved her body so I could tie her hands to the head board. She wiggled and gave me a big smile.

“Don’t move,” I said quietly. When she was secured to the head board I took out another scarf and blind folded her.

“You won’t be needing these,” I said as I leaned over her, pulling her skirt to the floor.

I deliberately drug my hands over her body and watched as the little bumps appeared. I moved down to her navel, between her legs, up one leg and down the other.

Again I walked to the other side of the bed and opened the drawer to take out a long, black feather. I touched her arms very lightly and she gave me a deep moan. I moved the feather across her breasts and over her neck, while lightly blowing on her at the same time.

“Liam, you are making me crazy,” she moaned. I moved the feather to her ribs and to each hip.

“You made me crazy long ago, little one.”

I bent her knees and knelt between them again so I could move the feather over her inner thighs. When I started to move it over her sex she cried out to me.

“Please stop,” she panted. “I can’t take it!” her voice was raspy and deep. I thought of all the things I had put this woman through and this is what she can’t take. She was fine with me chaining her in the basement, locking her in the bedroom, pleasuring her orally without permission, forcing her to give me a hand job and fucking her ass…but this little feather she can’t take.

“Shhhh,” I said to her. I moved my hand over her mouth and ran my thumb over her lips. She parted them slightly and I slowly pushed my thumb inside. She entangled it with her tongue.

I drug my hands down to her nipples and ran my fingers over them lightly. Then I gave them a hard pinch. She bit the bottom of her lip and muffled her moan.

I started at her neck with my tongue and licked her. I licked her neck, over to her shoulder and down her collar bone. I started undoing my pants and moved them down my hips. I crawled on top of her and straddled her.

“Open your mouth,” I instructed. She followed my command. I put the tip of my penis in her mouth and she willingly stuck out her tongue to greet it. She closed her lips asking for more, but I just kept the tip at her lips.

“Just the tip, little one. Lick me.” Her tongue moved around my head making me harder. I stroked myself and pushed in her mouth just a little more.

“Wrap your lips around the head,” I asked. She complied. “Mmmm, your lips are so soft.” I stroked myself a few more times.

I moved back down her body and placed my cock in between her breasts.

Norah’s breasts were small but ample enough for me. I loved fondling and licking her pretty little tities.

I pushed them together and moved myself between them. My thumbs moved over her nipples as I thrusted against her.

I didn’t want to come on her chest so I moved myself down her body and knelt between her legs. I raised her hips and plunged myself inside her. She let out a loud moan. I was going to reprimand her, but I knew she couldn’t help it.

I started off rough and fast. I kept plunging myself inside her again and again. My orgasm was building inside of me so I slowed my pace. She let out a deep groan and begged me not to stop. I like it when she begs. Beg for chocolate, beg for a vacation, or beg for an orgasm…I just liked to hear my wife beg.

I lowered her hips and moved on top of her body. I thrusted deep inside her a few more times and I could feel her sex contract with her orgasm. I followed close behind her then lay resting, just listening to her breathe.

“That was very unexpected, Mr. Hastings,” she panted. “What did I do to deserve that?” I reached over her head and untied her hands, leaving her eyes as the last thing I uncovered.

“Well I am a man full of surprises,” I gave her a soft kiss as I uncovered her eyes.

“That we agree on,” she kissed me again.

I rolled off of her and headed toward the bathroom.

“Liam, I wanted to talk about,” but I stopped her.

“Norah, I don’t want to talk about it. Not tonight. I need to think about other things.” I held up my hand and kept moving straight into the bathroom.

The next morning Norah was up early telling me there was a yoga class she wanted to start going to and she couldn’t stop for breakfast. I skipped breakfast myself and headed straight to the office. There was so much I had to handle before my trip.

Mr. Bailey, the gentlemen that canceled on me before because of his wife’s chemical peel accident, now was free and able to have our meeting. There was a large charity organization based in New York that was asking me for a large donation. The owner and CEO, Mr. Crowne had personally invited me to a charity dinner and silent auction. Then there were the 3 other new company proposals I had to have written and approved. All of this needed to be done before I went on my trip with the United Nations office of Drug and Crimes.

After my meeting with Mr. Bailey, I sat at my desk rubbing my hands over my face.

“Marcy!” I yelled. “Can you please get me some coffee? I seem to be out. I was up late last night and now I have a screaming headache.”

Marcy waddled into my office holding a notepad and a pen. She moved over to the bar and looked through some things.

“Sure thing. I’ll have Kim re-stock the coffee in your bar and make a Starbucks run.” I didn’t look up from my computer.

“Which Kim?” I asked.

“Does it matter?” she retorted. This time I looked up.

“No. I guess not.” She was standing in the middle of my office like she was waiting for something. “Is there anything else?” I asked.

“Well, I would like to go over your schedule. I have a hair appointment and then a doctor’s appointment later this afternoon so I won’t be here. You have a,” I interrupted her.

“Should I hire someone else to help while you’re gone?” I took off my glasses and stood up.

“I thought you hired the Kims to help out while I’m on maternity leave?”

“I did. But it seems to me that now I just have 4 secretaries that all have different jobs. You know you run this office, Marcy. There have been times I wouldn’t have a clue about where to go, which meeting I have next or where paperwork is located without you. So I need to know if I need to hire someone else.” I paused for a moment but before she could answer, I started again.

“I’m asking because, there is a young man I’m thinking of hiring and I think he would be good as your replacement…until you get back of course. Then I’m sure we can find something else for him to do,” I paused again.

“That is completely up to you,” she said.

“It is isn’t it,” I didn’t expect an answer to that.

“You have a 12:00 lunch with Will to discuss the charity golf tournament and New York charity dinner. You have a 2:00 meeting with Mr. Cunningham at his office. You have a conference call with Mr. Dawson and Mr. Chatham at 3:30 and then you told Mr. Bailey, at the Woodruff Country Club, that you would stop by around 4:30.” I nodded in agreement.

“Is that it?” I tapped my fingers against the desk.

“You also have your wife at 10:30,” she started out of my office.

“I have my wife? That sounds interesting but what does that mean?”

“You have an appointment with your wife at 10:30…in 2 minutes.”

“She made an appointment?” I didn’t need for Marcy to answer because Norah walked through the door.

“Hello darling,” she said.

“You made an appointment?” I asked my wife.

“Well you won’t talk to me at home and I figured here in your office you wouldn’t try to change the subject with sex…so yes, I made an appointment.” She took a seat in front of my desk and crossed her legs. She was wearing khaki colored suit pants with a red sleeveless silk blouse that tied around her waist. Her red heels were amazing and perfectly matched her red lips. I wondered if I had ever seen them before.

“Well, well, well…aren’t you cute?” it was rhetorical.

“I try to be,” she shrugged.

“Have I seen those shoes before because they are amazing?” I sat down in my chair.

“I want you to hear me out,” she started in.

“Your whole outfit is amazing actually. You are truly beautiful,” I was trying to suck up to her.

“Your flattery won’t work on me,” she said.

“I think it will.” I gave her my smirk. “Ok, I’m listening,” I said.

“I know you want to rescue this girl and get revenge on Nick at the same time, but I am asking you not to.” She had a piece of paper in her hands like she was reading notes.

“Norah, did you make notes for our meeting?” I was smiling again.

“I told you, I don’t want you to distract me, so yes, I made notes.” She smiled back.

“You know, I recall you are the one that kneeled in front of me last night.”

“I was trying...”

“It was also your hands that were rubbing against my thighs,” I tapped my finger against my temple.

“I was trying…” I interrupted her again.

“It seems to me that using sex as a distraction is fine as long as you are the one doing it,” I kept my smug smirk on my face.

“I was trying…” she started again.

“You’re asking me not to?” I prompted her.

“Yes,” she answered.


“It isn’t why you think,” she said.

“You don’t know what I think.”

“Yes. Yes I do. You think I am here asking you not to go after Nick because I am trying to protect him and I’m not,” she shook her head and moved to the edge of her seat.

“The Nick issue is over. It’s done. Randall told you this girl is a willing submissive so you don’t need to save her. She’s fine. Go and handle this thing the UNDC wants you to do but this other stuff is over.”

“It isn’t over,” I said.

“Yes it is.”

“No it isn’t.”

“It’s over because I say it is over. Nick’s offenses were against me and I don’t want revenge. I guess I should. But I don’t. I just want to live my life with my husband in peace. We have to move past this. It’s over and you should be able to drop this.”

“I should be able to drop this?”


“Norah, let me explain something to you. I know of no 16 year old little girl that says she wants to be a sex slave and neither do you. I cannot just leave her with Nick. But that is only one reason. The other reason is because Nick is an asshole and deserves to be punished for what he did to you and now for what he has done to me. Do you know me at all? Do I seem like the kind of man that just lets things go?” I stood up and walked to the front of my desk.

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