Surrender My Love (38 page)

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Authors: Lisa Eugene

BOOK: Surrender My Love
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“No! I can’t imagine that Susan would be party to this!”

“You said it yourself. Whoever is giving the medication would have to be on the ward every day. Susan would have ample opportunity.”

She scrubbed her hands over her face, still trying to wrap her brain around his
incredible accusations. She remembered Susan’s reluctance to hand over the syringe and chills dispersed over her skin.

Brad laced his fingers through hers. “I’m just saying we have to consider all possibilities. It may
very well not be Memoram in that second syringe, but it’s strange that the police is having difficulty identifying the substance. And it’s possible you inadvertently brought it home from the hospital. Either way, we need the link to Omega and that means we still need the research data.”

Chloe’s mind was far away, thinking about her job and the people she worked with.
Could Susan be involved in this? Her friend? Did she also believe the medication wouldn’t harm the patients?

“I can’t imagine what it’s like at the hospital
now,” Chloe mused sadly. “I really miss my job. I miss the patients.”

His large hand squeezed
hers. “It’s very tense. Everyone misses you, Chloe. No one who knows you believes you capable of hurting anyone. They’re all out trying to find you. They’re out searching every day.”

Chloe nodded and tried to shrug away the melancholy that had settled like a shawl over her shoulders. Although she was living it, she still couldn’t believe the astonishing turn of events in her life. She had to believe she’d be cleared of all charges
. She tried not to think of the future, about the impact of this horror on her nursing career, about her dire financial situation. She had to live one day at a time, and focus on clearing her name.

Just then, Brad’
s cell phone rang and he fished it from his pocket. She noticed the angles of his face sharpen as he looked at the caller ID. He stood from the table and walked towards the large windows overlooking the city. Not wanting to intrude on his call, she rose and started to head out of the room. She wanted to take a shower anyway. Brad caught her gaze and gave a sharp shake of his head, stopping her in her tracks. He said a few clipped words into the phone, and then hung up and stared at her from across the room.

“That was John
Fusso. He says he can get me the information on Memoram. He wants in on my parents’ biotech company and is interested in negotiating. We’re meeting tomorrow.” He must have seen the worried look on her face because he added, “Don’t worry, Chloe. Phillips will pay for what he’s done.”



Chloe stepped out of the large
, glass-enclosed shower and grabbed a towel. She quickly dried off and swaddled her body. Running her palms up and down the material, she fingered its soft texture. The silver towel racks must have built in warmers because the warm, plush towel felt divine against her skin.
God! Who has such luxuries?
The plastic telescopic towel rack in her apartment was constantly falling out of its holder, which she guessed was okay because she mostly used it to prop up the tiny window in her bathroom that never stayed open.

Chloe had never stopped to contemplate all the
material things she didn’t have. She’d always had food on the table and a roof over her head and counted herself lucky, because that was more than most of the world. As a nurse she took care of people from all walks of life, from the very wealthy to the destitute. That was the one thing about nursing…she witnessed pain and sorrow every day and it was patently obvious that health was the most important treasure one could have. It gave her undiluted joy to help patients feel better, recover from their illnesses, and return to their normal lives. She wondered if it was the same for Brad. It was obvious he had been fond of Mr. Barkley, but when he talked about work sometimes, it seemed like more of an obligation than a passion.

She sighed, wondering about his plan to meet
with Mr. Fusso and negotiate for the Memoram data. Brad was extremely optimistic and on some level so was she. She wanted to get this over with and knew she couldn’t take refuge with Brad much longer. The longer she stayed with him, the more she put him at risk, especially with Detective Sullivan sniffing around.

She didn’t have much faith that
Nigel would come through. He’d practically been jumping out of his skin with fear, and as much as she desperately needed the information, she didn’t want him losing his life. She still had a hard time with what Brad had said about Susan. She just couldn’t imagine that her friend would be involved in such a scheme, or that she’d purposefully hurt her. Although glad Mr. Fusso could obtain the data, she hated the idea of Brad making such a sacrifice. He was an amazing man with a good heart. He was gorgeous, smart, determined, rocked her world in bed, and he…was falling in love with her.
Holy crap!
She grinned.

Chloe wrapped another towel around her
dark hair, struggling to contain the thick length. Finally getting it secure, she looked around for the toothbrush Brad had told her was on the counter. She pulled out a few drawers, and not finding it, called out to him.

She opened
the medicine cabinet and her hand instantly stilled. Her brows furrowed as she read the prescription bottle. She picked it up and held it closer to her face, alarm bells ringing in her head.

“What are you doing?”

The question came from behind her, the voice flat and hard.

Chloe startled and turned wide-eyed to Brad.
He was standing by the bathroom door. He’d taken off his suit and was just in boxers, his chest bare. “What is this, Brad?”

“It’s nothing. Just put it back.”

Chloe ignored his harsh tone and intimidating gaze as he walked toward her. She’d heard of this drug. She could put it back and pretend she’d never seen it, but it would always bother her. It was a new drug used primarily to treat panic attacks, but was known to have many side effects and was highly addictive.

Since her problems with Richard
’s addiction, drugs have been a hot spot for her. She knew she might be stepping over the line here, but a rush of terrifying emotions emerged. She took hold of his hand, letting him know that this was coming from a place of concern and affection, not judgment or censure.

Brad, I’m just worried. I’ve heard a lot of bad things about this medication. If you have panic attacks, that fine. Many people do—”

Brad pulled his hand away, severing their connection. “I don’t have panic attacks
, dammit!”

Chloe’s shoulders fell with a disheartened shrug. It was obvious he was angry that she’d made the discovery and had no intention of discussing the matter with her. She also felt hurt because she’d let him into parts of her life she
’d never shared with anyone. She was starting to trust him and his declaration of feelings for her.

“If you ever want to talk about it—”

He shoved his fingers through his hair and swore. “Fuck, Chlo! You have no idea the amount of pressure I’m under!”

Chloe bit her bot
tom lip and looked into his eyes. “I can’t begin to imagine. I’m sorry.”

He issued a long breath and
shifted his weight, his rigid shoulders slackening. “I—I take it because I started getting fine hand tremors. It doesn’t happen often, but it shouldn’t happen at all. Do you know what that means to a surgeon?”

She nodded, fully understanding that it could mean the
end of his career. But she also understood what else this symptom could mean.

you may not need medication. Maybe you’ve just got too much on your plate and need to slow down. Your symptom could be because you’re stressed out.”

“I have a
great deal of responsibility. People count on me, expect certain things. That’s how my whole life has been.”

“Yes, but you chose your own path. I know your parents are famous scientists, but you don’t have to follow in their footsteps if you don’t want to.”

She could see him grinding his teeth, his body tensing again. She reached out and cupped his cheek, having another realization.

“Plus, the medication is what’s most likely causing your issue with know. This class of drug can do that. It’s one of the side effects.”

His palms raked along
the back of his neck. “I know. I guess I never wanted to admit it. I was more afraid of stopping the med.”

“This dr
ug can also make you aggressive, sometimes irritated and surly.”

“No, that’s just me.” His lips tilted marginally.

She recalled her earlier thoughts. “Do you enjoy your job? Do you like what you do for a living?”

He chuckled wryly. “
No one has ever asked me that. I was just always expected to be a doctor, I had no choice in the matter. My first toy was a stethoscope.”

“I think it’s an important question.”

He held her gaze, seeming to ponder her question.

“I like my job most of
the time. I love doing surgery and seeing patients in the office.”

you like?”

Mmmm…” He took a step closer and unwrapped the towel from her head, freeing the cascade of wet hair and running his fingers through it. “I don’t like traveling and lecturing, and all the schmoozing and public speaking.”

“Then don’t do that stuff.”

He feathered his knuckles along her jaw, then combed his fingers through her hair again, smiling. “You make it seem so simple, Chlo.”

She shrugged, looking into his eyes. “It is. Why must you do all that stuff if you don’t want to? You said you already hav
e more money than you can spend. You have a great reputation, and you’re respected. Why do it?”

was silent for a long time, his gaze drifting far away. “To be number one.”

Standing on tip-toe, she traced her lips against his, loving the tingles his touch always created. “You’re already number one to me, Brad.”

He seemed to surface from his trance then, and he wrapped his arms around her, holding her tight and crushing her against him. She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with him.

“Thank you for that.
I’ll think about what you said.” He gazed down at her quizzically. “How do you feel about your own path, Chloe?”

pursed her lips, wondering how much she should tell him. “Well, apart from the recent turn for the worse, I can’t complain. I have more than most.” Her gaze dropped to the floor. “I thought my path would be very different, but…but…I was dumped three years ago, left at the altar.”

His arms tightened around her and he paused a few heartbeats before he spoke.

“I’m sorry. What happened?”

“My fiancé decided last-minute he couldn’t go through with it. He said I wasn’t right for him. He later packed up and moved away.” She hated the vibration in her voice.

“Were you very much in love?”

found she couldn’t meet his gaze. “I thought I was. Now I don’t think so.”

“He was a fucking coward. His leaving was not about you, it was about him and his own issues. He didn’t deserve you.”

His hard tone and heated words were an unexpected gift.
After her break up with Jack, she’d blamed herself, always wondering what she’d done wrong and how she’d failed him.

She took a deep breath. “It was aw
ful, but I learned to be strong, to be independent.”

I learned to tuck
away the pain and move on, to never give in to those nearly-crippling emotions.

“I’ve noticed
your independence.”

There was an emotion laced with his words that she couldn’t read.
She thought it might be sarcasm, but it was more than that. He hooked his finger under her chin, bringing her gaze to his. She watched his lips kick up in a wry smile.

“I’m sorry you got hurt, but I’m thrilled to death you’re still single. Our relationship would be very awkward if you were a married woman.”

She laughed. “I’m glad I’m single too.
” Her palms rested on his bare chest and she loved feeling his tight muscles shift beneath her fingers. She pushed away the haunting memories that came with discussing Jack. “Thank you. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me.”

flicked his tongue along her earlobe and her lids drifted closed. “You’re a wonderful woman, Chloe, and I really want to make love to you right now, so you’ll get your chance to thank me all you want.”

Chloe pulled back and gave him a smile
, her lashes fluttering. “Ooh,
make love
?” she teased, rubbing against the bulge in his boxers. “How romantic. Usually you’re Mr. Tie me up-tie me down-against a wall-on the floor-paddle my ass!”

He shook his head and issued a deep
, sexy-as-hell chuckle, his dimples slashing deep. “Oh, admit you love it! Horny girl!”

Chloe’s smile
widened because she did love it, but she still feigned innocence. She slapped his hands as he untucked her towel and let it fall to the floor.

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