Surrender to Fate (Fate's Path Part One: A New Adult Romance Series) (19 page)

BOOK: Surrender to Fate (Fate's Path Part One: A New Adult Romance Series)
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Chapter 37

Sarah was certain that she had worn a path in the carpet from pacing back and forth. She had gone home, combed her hair, freshened up, and then anxiously awaited for the signal that Adley was ready to leave with the fencing supplies. It seemed that each time she looked out the window, the truck was still backed up to the shed instead of pointing down the road. She decided to sit and at least pretend to read while she waited.

Finally, after five minutes of staring at the pages in her book, she looked out the window, and caught her breath. The truck had been turned, and she could see Adley sitting behind the wheel. She took one more glance in the mirror, and then as calmly as possible, walked to the truck.

When she opened the passenger door, Adley smiled over at her the most devastatingly handsome smile. His expression was mix of excitement and happiness, and Sarah felt exhilarated knowing that she was reason for it. She thought she caught a moment of relief flash across his face too and wondered if he had doubted that she would meet him. She tossed her bag into the cab and slid onto the seat. She noticed that he had brought a bag, too, and wondered what was in his.

He reached his hand across the seat and rested it on her thigh. “Ready?”

That was a bigger question that he had intended she was sure, and Sarah took a deep breath before she answered. “I think so.”

He gave her leg a slight squeeze and put the truck into gear. They rumbled down the road toward the lower fields which were at about five miles away. The sun had begun to set, and Sarah was happy to be leaving the farm for a bit. Her life was all taking place in a very limited amount of space. It was nice to get away from it, and see something new, even if it was only a few miles difference.

Once Adley had unloaded the supplies, he hopped back into the truck and smiled, “Now, in case you were wondering, my
are done for the day.”

He turned the truck down a worn path that led further into the field, which bordered a grove of orange trees. Sarah felt an unexpected edginess, but she knew it mostly stemmed from the excitement of being alone with Adley, and the fact that she couldn’t get enough of him. She reveled in this new feeling with Adley. Despite the physical tension that swirled in the truck as their hands brushed against each other, their usual easy conversation returned and a feeling of happiness washed over her. He finally stopped the truck, facing the sun that had almost set. Turning off the engine, he looked over at her. “We’re here.”

She looked out the window, but saw nothing but rows and rows of trees.

“The Groves. Another favorite place of mine. Come on.”

They met at the front of the truck and Adley took her hand. “Wanna go for a walk?”

He brought her to a worn path to where there was a high point in the grove and they could stand and get the full view of the sunset. It really was a gorgeous sight, and Sarah smiled at Adley. “Beautiful, isn’t it?” she murmured.

“Breathtaking, actually.” She looked at him, but he wasn’t looking at the sunset.

He took her hands and pulled her to him. “I think about you all the time, Sarah. Not just that you are more beautiful than any sunset I’ll ever lay eyes on, but all of you. Your kindness, gentleness, strength. I want to be with you. I think you know that. I want you to let me show you how I feel about you.”

“Adley…I,” Sarah began but was stopped short by his kiss. The kiss she could never grow tired of. They were so passionate, and there was just something about the way he moved around her mouth that instantly filled her with desire. He finished his kiss and looked at her, “Don’t tell me, I want you to
me, if you want me.”

He led her back down the hill and through the trees until they had returned to the truck. As they walked, Sarah couldn’t help replaying his comment of wanting her to ‘show’ him if she wants him. She wasn’t exactly sure what that meant, but she guessed that she was about to find out. He opened the passenger door for her, and then walked over to the driver’s side and hopped in. He noticed her shiver. “It’s getting chilly, isn’t it?”

“A little bit.” Although Sarah was certain that the temperature wasn’t the only reason she was shivering.

“Here, I brought us some hot chocolate.” He pulled opened his bag and pulled out a thermos and two mugs. I thought we could watch the sunset, and then the stars, for a while?”

He poured Sarah’s cup, and then his own. Sarah loved that he thought of such a sweet gesture. “What else do you have in that bag?”

He smiled at her, “Are you hungry?”

Sarah nodded cautiously, and he placed the mugs on the dash.

“Close your eyes.”

Sarah did as she was told and heard him rustling around in the bag. When he stopped, she listened for what he could be doing next.

“Keep your eyes closed, okay, Sarah?”

She nodded and waited. Suddenly, she felt something on her lips. Something cool, and slightly round. She furrowed her brow, not expecting what he was doing.

“Open your mouth, Sarah.”

Sarah’s chills turned to goose bumps.

“Good, now bite, slowly.”

Gently, she brought her mouth down and her teeth sunk into a sweet, chocolate truffle. She was certain she had never tasted anything so divine. She smiled and kept her eyes closed, “Mmmmm…”

“Do you like it?” His voice was low.

She nodded slowly, still savoring the rich flavor.

“Good. I got it in town today, just for you. I knew I had to see your sweet lips wrap around this, and then I would have to taste your lips. Keep your eyes closed.”

She felt Adley slide closer to her. She expected to feel him kiss her, but he didn’t. Instead, she felt his hands push her hair off her shoulders and behind her back. He leaned forward and kissed her exposed neck that sent a shock of shivers through her. He moved his kisses around the front of her neck and to the other side. He slowly moved up her neck to her jaw bone and grazed his mouth over hers. She was ready to feel his kiss, but he didn’t give it to her. He moved to the other side, leaving kisses along her neck. Just when she couldn’t stand another minute, his lips and tongue were finally on her mouth, and she realized the chocolate was nothing compared to the taste of him. Their tongues hungrily united and they began to devour each other.

“Look at me, Sarah.” Her eyes fluttered open to find him just inches from her face.

“Do you want more?”

She nodded her head slowly, “Yes.” Somehow, she knew he wasn’t offering more of the chocolate decadence.

He pulled a red plaid blanket from the bag and unfolded it. He motioned for her to lean back against the seat, and into his body by lifting his arm. She nestled in under his arm, and draped her arm over his chest. He covered them both with the blanket, and pulled her close. His arm easily fit around her small frame and she instantly felt warm, surrounded by him. He moved his free arm under the blanket and lifted Sarah’s chin to meet his kiss. Moving his hand slowly down her neck, down her breast and up under her shirt, the feel of his hand on her again brought a moan from Sarah that she hadn’t been expecting.

Adley found her breast and began rubbing and massaging, slowly at first, but his paced picked up to match his kiss. Sarah found herself pressing even harder into his body. His hand began to slide down her stomach, and down her leg until he had gathered her skirt enough to feel the hem. He slid her skirt up until he could feel her exposed panties. He moved his hand over the thin material and groaned in Sarah’s mouth when he felt how her wetness had already soaked through the material. He slid the material to the side, and began the intoxicating swirling of his fingers. Sarah writhed under his touch, and began sucking and holding his tongue in her mouth. Adley’s fondling motion grew wild, and in another second, he had his fingers inside of her. He plunged in and out of her, stopping only to spread her wetness even more all over her soft folds, and open her even wider. Adley stopped his assault on her mouth and looked hungrily into her eyes, and Sarah gasped as she felt him place three fingers deep inside of her. She stopped the motion of her hips as she felt him start to move his fingers inside of her. All she could do was close her eyes, and try to breathe. Adley’s large fingers had stretched her to a whole new sensation of pleasure.

“No, Sarah, look at me. I want to see you this time. I want to see your face when you surrender to me.”

She brought her eyes to his and watched them as his fingers pressed even deeper into her. She couldn’t control the way her hips began to roll, bringing his fingers in to her deepest point. She felt that delicious, familiar feeling building inside of her and it drove her body even further to grind back and forth against Adley’s hand.

“Me, Sarah, look at me,” Adley’s breath was almost as shallow as Sarah’s.

She looked at him once again and felt the thrusting of his fingers take her to that place of no control. She could no longer keep eye contact, as she threw her head back and closed her eyes. The flood of warmth gushed out of her as her hips slammed against his hand over and over. She yelled out as her world shattered into tingling pieces all over her body.

“Ohhh...yes, Sarah! That was beautiful.”

She began to crumple into his chest when he carefully pulled his fingers from her and stared at her as he slightly moaned at the taste of her on his fingers. He pulled her on top him to straddle across his hips.

“I’m not done with you yet, Sarah. Tell me you want more, Sarah, tell me.”

Sarah nodded slowly as she tried to catch her breath. “Yes, Adley, yes...”

He pulled her face down to his kiss, and she returned it, despite feeling completely spent. He wrapped his arms around her back and they kissed deliberately, and passionately. She ran her fingers through his hair and allowed herself to once again become enthralled with what he was doing to her.

He moved his hands to her hips and pressed them into his lap. “Do you feel what you do to me?” He moved his hands behind her butt cheeks, pushing and pulling her over the massive ridge in his pants. “This is all because of you, Sarah. Do you see how much I want you?”

Sarah couldn’t believe how hard he was. She looked down and saw his solid shaft, pressed against his pants. “Adley, I don’t know what to do. Tell me what you want,” she whispered.

Adley exhaled, “Oh Sarah, but you do know. I want you.” He guided her hand down to the button on his pants and helped her unsnap it, and unzip the zipper. He opened the flaps of his pants, revealing even more of his shape underneath his boxer shorts. He took her hand and placed it on his rock hard bone, and began to slide her hand up and down over it.

Sarah couldn’t believe how she was touching Adley. He closed his eyes and moaned. She loved that she had a power over him, too, and it was starting to drive her almost as wild as she felt with his fingers inside of her. She moved her hand to the top of his waistband, and his eyes opened and stared at her. Staring back, she twisted her hand and went inside to his waiting rod. She wrapped her fingers around him gingerly and slowly moved up and down his soft skin, and over his swollen tip. Something deep inside of her knew that Adley would give his body to her to pleasure her beyond all sanity. As she felt him grow even harder, she wouldn’t deny that she wanted to know what that would feel like.

“Oh my God, Sarah. I’ve waited so long to feel your touch,” he moaned as if in delicious pain.

Sarah had never felt anything so magnificent, or powerful, and she felt a warmth begin to trickle out of her. Her body knew what it wanted. But Sarah wasn’t sure she was ready for what would surely be the point of no return.

“Sarahhhh…please. Let me feel you.”

“Adley, I…I don’t think I’m ready.” She looked at him, worried of what he might say.

He looked at her and smiled, “It’s okay, because when the time comes, I don’t want you to have any hesitation. Come here.” He pulled her close for a tender kiss. “We don’t have to do anything that you don’t want to, okay?”

Sarah nodded. “Okay.”

“Do you trust me? I have to know because I want to show you how I feel about you, but I promise, we won’ know. And if you want me to stop, just tell me, alright?”

She nodded again, but Adley said, “Tell me.”

She leaned over to his mouth and whispered, “Yes, Adley.”

He smiled, “Good, because I want to see your beautiful face when you unravel on me one more time.”

He lifted her up slightly to put his fingers under the elastic of her panties and moved the material to the side. “Oh, you are so wet!” He began a quick flicking of his fingers over her soft opening. Once again, Sarah couldn’t help to relish the feeling and she started a slight sway of her hips.

“Oh that’s good, Sarah…,” he lowered her body down a bit but kept his fingers nestled inside her warm cave. He reached to her hand resting on his chest, and guided it down to wrap around his exposed hard and waiting shaft. She followed his request and began her gentle strokes up and down his entire length. She could no longer control the sway of her hips that kept time with the dance with his fingers. Her momentum was picking up as he sunk his fingers even deeper. “Just like that Sarah, yes, you feel amazing.”

Sarah was now feeling his fingers vibrate inside of her. She let her body sink even further into his waiting hand, pressing against him even harder. She moved her hand even slower, letting her fingers fully encompass and caress him, until his moans were coming with every breath he took. She felt her body constrict around his fingers and she knew it was coming. Leaning back slightly she let her gaze fall and watch her hand pleasure him. She couldn’t help the slight gasp that escaped her lips at her first look at Adley. He was even more incredible than she had realized just by touch alone. She wrapped her fingers around his girth, in awe of how it filled the palm of her hand. She brought her fingertips up over the pronounced ridge to the swollen tip. Lightly, she brushed her finger back and forth over the silky smooth skin until she felt a slight wetness come from him and her finger was able to glide even easier over his skin.

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