Surrender to Me (40 page)

Read Surrender to Me Online

Authors: Shayla Black

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Fiction / Romance, #General, #Triangles (Interpersonal relations)

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“Wait!” She swallowed down her nerves. “I—I don’t want it like this. You . . .” She tried to gather her racing thoughts, find the right words. “It’s like you don’t like me, even want me, anymore. If that’s the case—”

Kata didn’t even finish the sentence before Hunter dragged her closer and captured her mouth with his own, fists in her hair, lips tangling with hers, heart racing against her own. He urged her open and dove in. The kiss turned instantly deep. Intimate. He swirled his tongue around her own as if he planned to stay all night. With a devouring pace, he engulfed her senses, silencing her worries. Kata pressed to him, curled her arms around his neck, losing herself in Hunter’s familiar flavor. God, she never wanted the kiss to end.

As she moaned, he pulled away, his mouth pressed into a grim line. “I want you. Never doubt that. Come inside.”

He opened the front door, and Kata had the impression of warm-toned walls, tall ceilings, lots of Tuscan details before he hustled her down a long hall. She bit back questions. He’d reveal to her his intentions when he was ready. As much as she hated to admit it, he knew her body well. Whatever demanding, restraining, subjugating things he had planned, she’d likely love it.

He led her to the very last door and pushed his way into a large bedroom, steeped in shadows. Just inside the door, he flipped a switch. Low, golden light flooded the bedroom. Beige and white striped the walls. A traditional white headboard framed by heavy brocade drapes dropped from a white cornice box affixed to the ceiling, a wood-burning fireplace tiled in traditional marble and a gleaming white mantel all lent the room an air of elegance. Not a piece of BDSM equipment lay anywhere in sight.

Kata turned to Hunter with a question in her gaze.

He swallowed. “Do you like it?”

The cozy, romantic feel appealed, for sure, but . . . “I do. I guess I was expecting something that looked more like your brother’s living room.”

An expression she couldn’t discern crossed his face. “Tonight is about you, honey. Whatever you want, it’s yours.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask him why he could just be with her this way tonight and not every other night, but she knew. He simply wasn’t wired that way for the long term. Tonight, Hunter was willing to put aside his desires for her.

It made her love him even more.

She pushed back tears. ‟That’s . . .”
“Thank you.”

Hunter looked like he wanted to say more but shook it off. He shoved his hands in his pockets. “Tell me how you want this to go.”

With him, it had never been anything but a whirlwind of desire so intense, it was like standing in the middle of a raging storm. For days, she’d wished he would ease off, not try to overtake her mind and soul. Now that he was giving her what she wanted, Kata wasn’t sure what to say.

“Can you just ... be with me? Soft, maybe a little sweet?”

For a second, the hard angles of his male face tightened with uncertainty. Finally, he caressed her shoulder, cupped his palm around her neck. “For you, yeah.”

Her heart was about to break. Kata knew that as soon as he leaned in and kissed her softly, his lips lingering over her own, a velvety brush of tongue. She clung to his wide shoulders and pressed her mouth to his. He didn’t hesitate to open to her, deepen the kiss until she felt herself drowning in the sweet stirrings of pleasure.

“Do you want to lie down?”

Of course. This good-bye was going to be long and poignant. She didn’t want to be rushed or try to join with him standing up. Tonight called for soft sheets, rumpled covers, breathy sighs—a cocoon for lovers.


Hunter reached up to the switch and killed the lights.

From their argument their first night together in Vegas, she knew that he preferred full light, wanting to see the effect he had on her. He’d given her darkness now as another concession.

Funny thing, she no longer felt self-conscious around him. In fact, she’d rather have the lights on to see every expression on his gorgeous, familiar face.

Before she could say so, he took her hand in his. “Lead the way.”

Kata frowned. She knew he was letting her set the pace, trying to give her what she wanted, but this behavior was so unlike him, she wondered if making love tonight was going to be like being with him at all.

Biting her lip, she led him over to the plush queen-sized bed. He followed without word, waiting until she sank down to the mattress, her whole back enveloped in something cloudlike, heavenly.

He stretched out beside her, taking her hand in his, turning his face in her direction. Their stares met in the shadows, his questioning . . . and so damn resigned, she felt a sob rise up. Kata turned to him, threw her arms around him, pressed their bodies tight.

Hunter slid his arms around her. “Tell me what I can give you tonight, honey. Whatever you need, it’s yours.”

That would be his parting gift. She heard it in his voice.

A mix of sadness and panic gripped her. She trapped a sob in her chest and covered his mouth with her own, desperately trying to sink down into the male flavor of him, his gentle embrace. He returned the kiss, every breath, every brush of lips, every slide of tongue. She tried to drown in the heavy, honey-sweet sea of desire he usually created inside her. It wasn’t there.

“What’s wrong?” She stared at him in the dark, trying to understand.

“Nothing.” He caressed her face. “I’m doing my best to give you what you want.”

Yeah, he’d said that, but something didn’t feel right. “Tell me what

He sent her a regretful smile. “Everything you don’t. So let’s not dwell on what isn’t meant to be. Let me give to you tonight.”

Hunter was trying to be something he wasn’t—for her. Hunter was letting her go—for her. Suddenly, she knew what she wanted.

“Be yourself with me,” she blurted into the silence.

He sighed. “Kata . . .”

“I know I’ve been afraid before.” Of him seeing too deeply inside her, of falling for this man who enthralled her so much. No matter how she’d tried to stop him, he’d worked into her soul and stolen her heart. She couldn’t protect what he’d already taken. “Tonight is our last time together. I want to be with

This once, that would be her gift to him—for both of them.

His grip at her neck tightened. “Are you sure?”

Yes and no. Hunter was going to strip away her every defense and artifice, but for once in her life, she didn’t want to be too afraid to give her trust, her love. Tomorrow, she could return to her sarcastic, defensive, barbed-wire self. Tonight, she wanted to connect to Hunter in a way she never had . . . and never would with any other man again.

She smiled. “Yes, Sir.”

He hesitated, then pulled her to her feet. “All right, honey. Come with me.”

Kata squeezed his hand as he led her out of the cozy bedroom, then across the hall. In front of another door, he stopped. She waited as he pulled a black, silky cloth from his back pocket. He held it up in front of her, as if waiting for her to object. She flattened her lips together and kept the hovering question to herself.

“Very good,” he praised her restraint. “Thank you. I’m proud of you.”

Then he turned her away. Kata fully expected him to tie her wrists together. Instead, he lifted the cloth over her eyes and tied it around the back of her head.

“Can you see, Kata? Be honest.”

“Nothing.” That was the frightening truth.

She heard a soft click, then a long creak. A rush of cooler air greeted her as Hunter urged her forward, guiding her with an arm around her waist and his hand on her hip. Then she heard the door close behind her.

Kata swallowed nervously. What didn’t Hunter want her to see? Her mind flashed back to Logan’s living room. She shivered. Hunter had admitted that he was no stranger to all that equipment, and he’d known it freaked her out. Was that why he blindfolded her now?

“Your safe word tonight is “red.” Are you clear?”

“Red. Yes.” Kata knew without asking that if anything Hunter did frightened or hurt her that she could say one word and stop everything, no hesitation.

She frowned. When had she come to trust him so unequivocally? The man had seduced her, married her when she was too drunk to know better, dominated, spanked, and punished her. He’d also given her more pleasure and devotion than she’d ever had in her life, and he’d never gone back on his word. He wouldn’t hurt her now.

He also wouldn’t be in her life after tonight.

The reality of that swamped her again. Panic flared, along with a need to feel him close. What was the matter with her? Was it the vulnerability that being blindfolded gave her? Or those useless feelings for Hunter creeping in?

Afraid to answer the question, she turned to where she sensed he stood and wrapped her arms around him.

“Whoa.” He steadied her, brought her closer. “You all right, Kata?”

“A little afraid.” She wanted to say more but forced herself to keep silent, trust him. Please him.

“You’ll be fine. Tonight, you didn’t choose what you’ve been telling yourself you want. And I’m glad.” She could hear the sincerity in his voice. “Let me give you what you need. Surrender to me.”

Kata reached out to touch him. “Yes, Sir.” Then Hunter set his mouth over hers again with hungry demand, and she was lost.

She might regret it later, but she opened to him completely. If this was their last night, she wanted that connection deeper than ever, wanted to know that she’d been with him without artifice, barriers, or fear.

Kata knew that might hurt tomorrow, but he would do whatever necessary to give her absolute pleasure. She put herself in his hands and let go.

“Strip, Kata. Shoes first, then shirt, pants, bra—in that order. Fold the garments, putting them on the table beside you as you go. Once you’re finished, hand them to me.”

Her stomach lurched, as if she’d jumped off a cliff. A week ago, she would have hated his tone, even as it melted her. Now, she focused on the sound of his voice, on giving herself over, pleasing him, experiencing all they could be. Tonight only.

“Yes, Sir.” She slipped off her shoes and groped for the table, finding it directly beside her. She followed by unfastening her shirt, one reckless loosening of each button after another until she peeled it off her shoulders. Folding it as best as she could, Kata set it aside. Then she took a deep breath. Now for the most frightening command. But she tore at the fastening on her low-rise jeans and pushed them down. Per Hunter’s earlier instructions, she’d worn no panties.

Kata shoved the denim down, folded it up, then set the pants on top of the rest. With a deep breath, she shoved them in his direction. Hunter was right there, taking the clothes from her hands, settling a soft kiss on her mouth.

Naked, she stood before him, heart pounding, blood racing. Proud, scared—ready.

Hunter took her by the hand, led her across the room, then guided her to stand before him, easing her back against something padded. Everything inside her stuttered, and she wanted to ask what he planned. But she didn’t. “Spread your legs.”

Drawing in a bracing breath, she complied. Something cool and leathery-soft slid around one ankle. It fastened with a quiet click. He repeated the motion with the other leg. Caressing his way up her thigh, her belly, her breast, Hunter reached for her wrist and dragged one over her head. Soon, she felt the supple straps and the cool metal of a buckle. Finally, he reached for her other hand, linked her fingers in his, then raised her arm.

Kata seized up. God, by binding her so completely, how powerless would he make her? And yet, with his groan of approval in her ear and his body pressing against hers, urgent and hard, she felt the power she had over him.

The buckle fitted around her wrist, then he trailed his fingertip down the inside of her arm, over her breast, stealing across her nipple until he pinched with just enough pressure to be just shy of pain.

Hunter leaned in and feathered his lips across her shoulder, her neck, her ear. “We’re being watched, honey.”

She froze, her breath catching. There was someone in the room with them? Who?

Hot eyes roamed her skin, assessing, caressing. She shivered, an icy thrill racing over her. Vulnerability hit her, and she became aware of every taut inch of her skin, the tight beads of her nipples, the wet folds of her pussy sliding against each other with lip-biting friction whenever she moved. And a complete stranger could see it all.

As if he could hear her racing thoughts, he murmured, “Shoulders back. Hair behind you. Show him how fucking sexy you are. Make him know that I’m the luckiest bastard on the planet to be fucking you tonight.”

The thought, Hunter’s words aroused her . . . even as insecurities tried to take over. “A stranger is looking at my hips and thighs.”

“They’re gorgeous and lush.
looking, too. If you can’t commit to submitting tonight, use your safe word. Or let me touch you while he watches.”

Kata should be horrified by the thought of a stranger’s eyes on her. Anxiety about her appearance niggled at her, but Hunter demanded her compliance. And she wanted to please him.

This was so much like her fantasy. She held her breath. Oh God, did he mean to give her the
fantasy? As possessive as he was, would he really share her with another man?

Hunter brushed his thumb across her nipples, scattering her thoughts. He pressed his body against hers, kissed his way down her neck—and made her feel sexier than any man ever had. She sighed, willed herself to relax. For him.

“Yes, Sir.”

“So fucking sexy,” he groaned against her skin as he kissed his way down the swells of her breasts, laving all around the tight peaks of her nipples.

Electricity flashed through her as if someone had jolted her. Pleasure flowed between the peaks and in a straight arrow between her legs. Her first instinct was to press her thighs together, but her bindings made that impossible. She whimpered.

She could almost feel Hunter smile as he sidled closer and fastened his mouth on her breast, sucking hard at the peak.

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