Read Survive the Dawn Online

Authors: Kate Sweeney

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

Survive the Dawn (29 page)

BOOK: Survive the Dawn
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None of them expected what happened next.

The chalice emitted a monolith of flame that shot up and illuminated the entire area. They watched in awe when the forest seemed to come alive, moving as if it were one. When the earth claimed Carey, it brought the
to life. The old haggard witch hovered inches above the ground. Covered in vines, branches, and leaves that seemed to support her, she swayed back and forth with a look of pure malevolence.

She looked as though she were part of the woods, which
thought was precisely what she was. Her eyes were deep red, embedded into the soil that was her face. She grinned evilly as she looked down at the chalice and back to

“What have you done?”
whispered behind him.

put his hand up to silence her as he watched. The witch drank from the chalice as the light still radiated from it; her mouth opened and an unearthly scream filled the forest. No one moved. She threw her head back and exploded, sending dirt and foliage flying in every direction.

and the others put their hands up to fend off the flying debris. The smell of rotten wood and decaying flesh filled the air they breathed. The fire from the chalice turned from white to blue to gold, nearly blinding
and the elders.

The tremendous bright light then sucked back into the chalice and was extinguished.

In its place was Leigh, naked, her blond hair hung in waves around her shoulders. Her lips still the same ruby red.

The forest was still, but the wind blew, the night sounds of the forest were present once again. Then she spoke.

. I’m naked. Not that I mind, but why am I the only one?”

heard the groan behind him from
and ignored it as they walked up to Leigh.
took her long coat off and draped it around Leigh’s body.

Leigh raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Why thank you.”

placed a hand on Leigh’s shoulder. “Do you know who I am?”

“Don’t you know?”

grin faded. “Well, yes.”

“Then why do you ask?” Leigh looked back at
. “I feel I’m missing something here,

cleared his throat and took Leigh by the arm. “Leigh, I have brought you back—”

“From where?”

offered a self-satisfied glance at
that screamed “I told you so” and said, “From wherever Sebastian sent you.”

“Sebastian? Is she here?” Leigh asked happily and looked around.

“I doubt that you’d want to see her,” Marcellus said.

Leigh pouted. “Not want to see Sebastian? Why is that?”

“She tried to destroy you,”
said, watching her carefully.

“Sebastian?” she asked with an incredulous tone. “Destroy me? Why?”

“Because you were trying to destroy her,”
said calmly and glanced at

“Me? Destroy Sebastian? Why?” She looked from
to the elders. She cocked her head when she came to Marcellus. A sultry smile produced sharp canines. “Oh, I do remember you, darling,” she said with a wink.

Marcellus blinked but said nothing.
interceded. “Leigh, sit down.”

“Thank you,” Leigh said happily and looked down at the chalice on the tree stump. “For me?”

took the chalice and the bloody
as Leigh sat and watched while he covered them with the ancient cloth. “What has been going on here? What did I miss?” She looked at each of them. “Did you play hunt the humans without me?”

heard the pout in her voice and went on. “Leigh, what do you remember?”

“About what?”

He closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. “Tatiana.”

“What about her?”

“You remember her?”

“Of course I do. Don’t be silly.” She lightly slapped at him. She looked at

“You don’t remember me?”
stepped closer. “I’m

Leigh’s gaze darted back and forth, then she sported a forced smile. “Ah, yes,
. How nice to see you again.”

“You have no idea who I am, do you?”

“Not a clue.”

Marcellus let out an impatient groan. “For god’s sake. Leigh, Tatiana had a box,” he started and stopped, not knowing how to continue.

“A box of what?”

“It contains an amulet, which encases her power.”
stopped when he looked her in the eyes; he then moved back. Her eyes were not the deep sensual blue they had been—they were dark, almost black. Lifeless eyes. He wisely chose not to bring it to anyone’s attention. “It was to be given to Sebastian in America. She entrusted it to Nina, who proved her loyalty to me. It is now in my possession. Tatiana has been destroyed and her mansion burned to the ground.”

“Tatiana destroyed?” Leigh asked. “My, my, you’ve been busy. And Nina, what a darling. See,
, I told you I sired her for a reason. Where is she, by the way?”

grinned. “She gave her life so you might be resurrected.”

“Nina? Gave her life for me? I adore that vampire.”

“No, we needed the sacrifice of one you sired.”

“And Nina offered?”


“Ah,” Leigh replied. “You killed her to bring me back? I adore you,

“Can we get back to Tatiana and Sebastian?”

“Yes, let’s. This is very interesting.” Leigh settled in for a good story. “Tatiana destroyed. Sebastian and I at odds. This has all the earmarks of a bloody mess.” She wrapped the coat around her. “I’m loving it so far.” She looked at
to continue.

“As I said, the box is in my possession, but I know Sebastian will come looking for it. She has the key to unlock it. I’ve tried everything.”

“Hmm. I see your problem,” Leigh said with a nod. “So where is Sebastian?”

“We don’t know, that’s why we resurrected you,”

Leigh nodded. “I see.” She stood then and pulled the coat around her. “Sebastian must be miffed if you destroyed Tatiana. And if Sebastian tried to destroy me, I must be quite upset.” She stopped and cocked her head. “Although I don’t feel angry. I’m sure it’ll come back to me. So am I to assume you want me to find Sebastian and finish this caper, as it were?”

exasperated sigh as they followed Leigh down the path back to
mansion. “Come along, children,” Leigh said and looked at the ground.

and the elders stopped and looked at one another. They heard the rustling of the leaves and looked around. “Leigh, who are you talking to?”

Leigh turned back to them. “Don’t you see them?”

“See who?”
asked as his anger and impatience grew.

“Hmm. This is odd,” Leigh said with an amused laugh. “It seems I’m not the only one you resurrected,

The elders looked around the woods. They saw nothing, but the low rustling in the underbrush could still be heard. “I feel a presence,
,” Marcellus whispered.

waved him off as he watched Leigh. She looked right at him, yet he felt as though she didn’t see him at all. It was her eyes, he thought. They had no life; they did not register any recognition whatsoever.

leaned into him and whispered, “It’s her eyes,
. What have you done? What else came back with Leigh? And how are you going to control it?”

“I’m not,” he said.

“No whispering. We can hear you,” Leigh said and continued up the path. “We have work to do.”

“Leigh, are you sure you comprehend the severity of the situation and what
requires of you?”
called up to her.

Leigh lifted her hand and waved her off. “I understand.” She then turned around to them. “All right, let’s try this.” Her gaze settled on
. “You have Tatiana’s box. Sebastian has the key. If I don’t get Sebastian first. Oh, well, then, woe is me.” She stopped and laughed. “We just made a poem.”

She turned and asked, “I am still a vampire, am I not?”

merely nodded; they were all stunned.

“Excellent! Then there is work to be done.” She started up the path, stopped, and looked in all directions. “Where are we going?”

grinned evilly. “We will leave you now,
. Good luck.”

“Thanks,” Leigh called out and waved as the elders walked away. She looked at
then. “What do they mean—good luck?”

Chapter 27

“It’s too quiet,” Leigh whispered as she followed
into the foyer of his mansion.

raised his hand to silence her as they stumbled over the dead vampire at their feet.

“That’s not a good sign,” she said.

He was seething as he walked farther into the foyer. He saw two more dead vampires, both with their throats ripped out; blood was everywhere.

Leigh mounted a few steps and stared into the lifeless eyes of a vampire impaled on the banister. “
,” she said with a shiver and looked up at the top of the staircase.

was already flying up the stairs. “Wait for us,” Leigh said and chased after him.

When she heard
unearthly scream, she winced. “Oh, dear,” she said and looked to her right. “Try not to upset him. If I remember, he has a nasty temper.” She entered the room.

“It’s gone.” His voice sounded like a wounded animal as he slammed his fists on the desk.

Leigh looked up to see a dead vampire impaled to the ceiling by a sword through his chest. “How on earth did he get up there? Is that Damien?”

“This is no time for jokes,”
said with a snarl.

“Who’s joking?” Leigh asked, then cocked her head. “Why does this look familiar to me?” Her dark eyes widened as
watched and said nothing. “I’m remembering...” Leigh walked around the room, all the while looking up at Damien’s body. “The sunlight and something burning…” Her voice trailed off, and she glared at
. Though her eyes did not convey it,
sensed the recognition. “It was me,” Leigh said in a low voice. “I was burning. Sebastian let me die.”

BOOK: Survive the Dawn
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