Surviving Elite High (14 page)

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Authors: John H Ames

BOOK: Surviving Elite High
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“Just a part-time job,” Nick told her as she wiped his tears. “Don't try to stop me.”

My mom sighed as she let him go.

“Fine,” she agreed as Nick stood up and lifted her from the ground.

“Thank you, Mom!” Nick shouted as he brought her back down.

“Only if your job doesn't interfere with your studies.”

“I'll make sure.”

“Good, now let's open our presents.”

We ran to our small Christmas tree and found two presents underneath it for the first time in many years. Both gifts were from my mom. I opened mine and found a silver bracelet. Nick also found the same bracelet, but his nickname was inscribed on the surface. He was so happy. Nick immediately began to search for something inside his suitcase. He pulled out two gifts and handed them to us. We were shocked since we didn’t expect anything from Nick. He had already done so much for us. Nevertheless, we thanked him and opened our gifts. He gave my mom a gold locket and I got a beautiful silver chain with a cross pendant. It was the best Christmas of my life. I gave Nick his present later that night. He loved it. It was a set of edible whipped creams that Madison (of course) helped me pick out.


* * *


The following days proved to be a little tough for Nick. It was difficult for him to find a job during the Christmas break. He decided to look for one after the holiday.

Elite High opened its doors on the second week of January. We were so excited to get back to our lives. On the first day of classes, we were headed to our first period when we were called to the Financial Affairs office where we found Mrs. Carter inside. I knew that things were going to get much worse.

“Hello boys. Have a seat.”

We sat down while she smiled warmly.

“I know that you may be wondering why I called you here today. I've got two main issues to discuss with you. The first and most important one is your financial situation.”

“Financial situation?” Nick asked her.

“Yes, Mr. Hawking. Your parents didn't pay for your, and Mr. Ames', second semester.”

My heart sank. We turned to each other and I clearly saw that Nick was surprised.

“They didn't pay? Why?” Nick asked her.

“Their reply was that they no longer have responsibility to you because you emancipated yourself from them last year. Is that true?”

“Yes, but I never thought they’d do that to me.”

“Sadly, they did. You know the school's policy and –”

“Please don't kick us out!” I interjected.

“I wish I could help you, but the policy states that –”

“You're going to kick us out?” Nick asked as he stood up.

“Nick, please have a seat and let me finish,” Mrs. Carter directed as she pointed to the chair.

“Nick, please sit down,” I told him as I tugged his arm.

He glanced at me and sat down. Mrs. Carter continued.

“The policy states that you've got until Friday to pay. If you don't pay by then, we'll politely ask you to leave.”

“We've got until Friday to pay?” I asked her.


“That's a lot of money,” Nick told her.

“I wish I could help you boys, but this is a private institution and there's nothing I can do. My hands are tied.”

Nick sighed.

“Don't worry Mrs. Carter, we understand. We'll pay by tomorrow. I promise.”

“Tomorrow? How are we going to get that amount by tomorrow?”

“Relax Jaan, I’ve got a plan. What's the other issue, Mrs. Carter?”

“I hope you boys find a way. The next issue is simply a reminder. Monday is Matthew Ward's trial and you’re expected to testify against him.”

My heart stopped. I had completely forgotten about Matthew! What was even worse was that I had to see him in one week! The last time I saw Detective Morgan and his lawyers was before the Christmas break.

“Detective Morgan asked me to remind you to be in court at eight sharp. Your parents will also be notified.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Carter, we'll definitely be there,” Nick answered as he stood.

“Okay boys, you may leave.”

Outside, I turned to Nick.

“What are we going to do?”

“Don't worry, just say what he did to you. Everything's going to be fine,” Nick told me as he placed his arm around me.

“No, I meant with the school fees.”

“Don't worry, I'm the man of the house now, second to your amazing mother that is,” Nick added with a grin. “Wait! I didn't mean to call her a man.”

I laughed.

“You get me right?”

“Yes I do, baby.”

“Okay, I'll provide for you now. I've got a plan.”

“A plan?”

“Yes, a plan. Shut up and trust me.”

I left everything to him. Three girls swooshed in beside us and smiled at Nick.

“Good morning ladies.”

They giggled and answered him back. I quickly elbowed him.

“Ouch! Don't be jealous. You're my Jaan,” Nick answered as he held me tighter.

I smiled back. We went back to class and the day went unbelievably smooth. I found out about Nick's back-up plan later that night. I was watching television when he arrived home. He kissed me hello since my mom was working late. He sat down beside me and pulled me into his arms.

“I tried to call you.”

“Really? I didn't hear my phone.”

“Our phone plans has been disconnected.”

“What? Why?”

“My parents cancelled my credit cards.”

“So what? We don't need cell phones.”

“Nope, but we do need this,” Nick stated as he showed me a check.

I examined it. I could not believe my eyes.

“Nick, this is enough to cover this year and next school year for both of us. How did you get this large amount?”

“I sold my car.”

“You sold your new car!? You love that car!”

“I only love you,” Nick answered me. I wanted to melt in his arms. Nick was a huge heartbreaker. He always knew what to say. I rested my head on his shoulder while I handed him back his check. “Consider this a long-term investment. We get a good education now and someday we will buy a new car. For now, we've got to walk to school. I also got a job.”

“You did? Doing what?”

“Do you remember Eric?”

I shook my head.

“Eric, the pizza delivery guy?”

I remembered him. Nick always gave him a good tip.

“Yes, what about him?”

“Well, he put in a good word for me with his boss and the old man offered me a job.”

“You're going to deliver pizzas?”

“Yup, I start tomorrow from four to ten.”

“Awesome, baby! You'll be one sexy pizza delivery guy,” I boasted, kissing his neck.

“Don't kiss me there! You always make me horny,” he cautioned. “I get an instant erection!”

“Really?” I asked, licking his neck.

“Alright,” Nick declared, standing up. With a single tug, he lifted me from the sofa and placed me over his shoulder. He slapped my ass while he carried me to my bedroom. “We're going to celebrate tonight!”

With one hand, he yanked down my pants while he threw me on the bed. Then, he proceeded to rip off my white singlet. Nick Wild Fuck was ready to rumble.


* * *


The following day, Nick paid the school and began his first run as a pizza delivery boy. He looked so handsome in his uniform. All I wanted was to strip him naked and eat him alive. His first run was slow, but as soon as word got out that Nick was delivering pizzas, pizza frenzy hit the town! Girls would order pizzas everyday just to see Nick at their front porch. They would ask for Nick to personally deliver the pizzas. Agostino di Duccio's pizzas sold out every day from four to ten. The manager gave Nick a raise on the third night and asked him to take another shift with double pay, which Nick declined. My mom would have killed him if he ever accepted his offer. He got huge tips from his clients just for being Nick Wild Hawk. Some girls would tip him really well just to see or touch his lean abdomen. Some even offered him a condo and a new car in exchange for sex, but those types of offers, he declined.

“I'm exhausted,” Nick admitted as he dropped on my bed. It was the Sunday before Matthew Ward's trial. I lay down beside him and he hugged me. “What a crazy week.”

“I know. Who would have thought that you'd be so good at your job?”

“Is that an insult or a compliment?”


Nick laughed.

“Look,” he said as he took off his shirt.

Nick had several bills tucked inside the waistband of his pants.

“Whoa, Nelly!” I said as I began to retrieve them from his pants.

“I know, that's enough for this year's rent.”

I retrieved the bills and packed them inside our small private strongbox.

“You're amazing, you know that?” I asked him as I cuddled back into his arms.

“I've heard that a few times,” Nick answered as he kissed my forehead. “Tomorrow is the trial. Are you afraid?”

I sighed.

“Nervous actually.”

“He'll never hurt you again, love. I promise.”

“I know, baby. I just want us to move on with our lives.”

“We will,” Nick told me as he closed his eyes. “We will…”

Nick slept like a baby, but I barely closed my eyes. Matthew kept running through my mind the entire time.


* * *


The next day, the past was stirred up once more. Everyone was talking about the trial and a media circus surrounded the courthouse. We arrived at exactly eight sharp since the trial was scheduled for nine. I was extremely nervous, but Nick was my rock and comfort. He soothed my soul and gave me peace of mind. Mr. Patrick Baltimore, the prosecutor, told us that Matthew would plead insanity. He did not want him to win. He wanted Matthew to pay for his violent rampage and murder spree. If he pleaded insanity and won, he would be institutionalized in a mental facility and could be released in a few years. His psychopathic ass needed to be behind bars for the rest of his life. Nick, Jacob, my mother and I waited inside a small room to testify. I was scared because Nick was not going to be there with me. I walked up and down until my body began to tremble. I sat down next to him.

“Relax,” Nick told me as he held my hand.

I answered him with a faint smile and tried my best to relax. Jacob was called first to testify, but he never came back. At 10:45 AM, an officer took Nick to testify. My heart sank. I was about to lose my mind. My mom hugged me, but I was still freaking out. The officer returned fifty minutes later, but Nick was not with him.

“Where's Nick?”

“He's in another room. It's standard procedure. Follow me.”

I nodded and I followed him. As I walked down the hallway, every memory of that day rushed through my mind. I was reliving it again. I sighed deeply when the officer stopped in front of a red door and pushed it open.

“Good luck.”

I nodded. There was no going back as I stepped into the room. The first person that I saw was Matthew. He was dressed in an orange suit with the most heinous and cold smile I had ever seen. It sent chills down my spine, but I continued walking to the witness stand. The adrenaline in my veins allowed me that feat. A man, dressed in a black suit, walked up to me. He asked me to place my hand over the Bible while I lifted the other one.

“Do you solemnly swear that the contents of this affidavit by you subscribed are true, so help you God?”

“I swear.”

I sat down on my chair and glanced at Matthew. He was staring at me with a smirk. Suddenly, he licked his lips. As I looked away, Mr. Baltimore stood up. He fixed his jacket and walked to the witness stand. I focused my attention on him. I ignored Matthew during the entire interrogation process; I could not bring myself to look at him.

“Mr. Ames, do you recognize the person sitting in that chair?” Mr. Baltimore asked me in a strong British accent as he pointed to Matthew.

“Yes. His name is Matthew Ward.”

“Would you say that you and Mr. Ward were close friends?”


“What was your relationship with Mr. Ward?”

“We were anything but friends. Matthew and Jacob bullied me for the first two years of my high school life.”

“Bullied you for the first two years of your high school life? What made them stopped bullying you this year?”

“My friend, Nick, stood up to them.”

“Would you say that Mr. Hawking and Mr. Ward had a conflict because Mr. Ward bullied you?”


“What happened the night when Mr. Hawking beat Mr. Ward on Kingston Street?”

“I was waiting for Nick inside his car since he was buying a few groceries. When I saw Matthew and Jacob heading my way, I jumped out of his car and tried to make my way to the grocery store since I only felt safe with Nick. Matthew caught up to me, grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and violently dragged me away. Then, he grabbed me by the neck and slammed me against the wall of an empty building.”

“What happened next?”

“He told me that I got him in trouble with Nick and that I was going to pay for it. Jacob tried to talk him out of it, but he ignored his pleas. He told me that he was going to rape and kill me. I even felt his hard penis against my legs.”

People started mumbling while Mr. Baltimore glanced at Matthew.

“Silence!” the judged shouted as he slammed his gavel on the table.

Everyone got quiet. Mr. Baltimore continued.

“Was that the first time that Mr. Ward sexually harassed you?”

“No. He would usually make sexual remarks to me during gym or whenever we were alone.”

Everyone began whispering again, but the judge quickly silenced them. Mr. Baltimore cleared his throat and continued.

“What happened after Mr. Ward threatened to rape and kill you?”

“Jacob took off running and Matthew punched me in the stomach. I dropped to the ground because the pain was unbearable. Suddenly, I heard Nick's voice. They exchanged a few words until Matthew threw the first punch. Nick dodged him easily and began to beat him up. I tried to get Nick off him, but it was useless. Finally, I managed to talk some sense into Nick and he stopped beating Matthew. After that, we ran home.”

“You saw Mr. Ward again three weeks later? Am I right?”

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