Surviving Shane: Volume One (6 page)

BOOK: Surviving Shane: Volume One
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“Seems like I hurt you.”

He sighed before grasping her wrists in his hands and pulling them above her head. She struggled to dislodge him, almost succeeding in escaping once as he was pinning both wrists with one hand.

“No way.” With another grunt, he cuffed her lightly upside the head. It wasn’t enough to incapacitate her, but it did slow her down until he could secure her arms above her.

“You’re disgusting.” She wanted to spit in his face, but feared that might elicit a reaction that far surpassed anything he had done to her yet. It would be hard to top last night though.

“Really?” With what seemed more like luck and determination than finesse, he unzipped her jeans and stripped them down to her thighs with one hand. “You’re so disgusted by me, little Mia?”

She glared at him. “You repulse me.”

Shane tugged at her underwear, ripping the cotton from one side of her hip to allow him access. “Tell that to your pussy.” With a chortle of dark triumph, he thrust two fingers into her folds, finding little resistance.

Her eyes widened with shock when she realized she was wet—and not just a little bit, but dripping with arousal. Trying to squirm away from his confident fingers only exacerbated the problem by making her slicker. She bit hard on her tongue to keep in a moan when he bent his fingers inside her to press against her g-spot. “Let go.” Mia arched her hips, hating that she liked what he was doing enough it spurred her to renew her escape attempts. “You disgusting bastard, get off me.”

Shane stood up, bringing her to her feet. He moved so quickly that she stood frozen for a second as they stared at each other, chests heaving. Her gaze darted toward the door as his moved to the bed before returning to her. Mia feinted around him and ran for the French doors. There wasn’t a chance she’d reach them, but she couldn’t just give in.

He halted her in midflight seconds later, clamping her resisting body against his as he half-dragged, half-wrestled her to the large bed. She landed against the snowy linens with a small grunt, and he was atop her a second later. Mia turned her head to the side to avoid suffocating in the plush comforter as he straddled her back, his buttocks resting near her neck.

The silk robe had come undone in their struggle and now pooled around them, barely held on by his arms. Mia whimpered when he shrugged out of it and draped it across the bed beside her very precisely. Her jeans, which had ended up tangled around one ankle, came next. Torn panties joined the pile, along with ankle socks. She felt absurdly vulnerable to be underneath his bare body in just a baggy sweatshirt and bra.

“You need to stop this nonsense, Mia.” His hand collided firmly with her buttocks.

She flinched at the sharp spank. “How dare you? I’m not a child.” Her position and the bedding muffled the words, but they still carried a strong note of outrage.

“You’re behaving like a child.” He spanked her again and again.

“I guess that makes you a pedophile then?” She tossed out the accusation when his hand changed from punishing to caressing on her butt cheek.

He laughed. “I said you were acting childishly. There is nothing about your lush body to make me think of a little girl, honey.” He cupped both of her cheeks and kneaded gently.

Mia pressed her hips forward, straining to get away—and disconcerted to note the way the position forced a pile of the bedding against her mound. As she wiggled to escape, the comforter stimulated her clit in a way that made her burn with shame, even as she pressed more firmly against the material. To escape his hands on her ass, of course.

“This could be good for both of us, baby.” His hands moved toward her thighs, his thumbs wedged in her crack.

She froze, shaking her head frantically. “No.”

“Mine.” He dipped his digits in a bit more and spread her wider. “Every hole is mine, Mia. Every inch of your body belongs to me. Before this is over, every thought in your head will revolve around me, and every sexual fantasy will be about me.”

“You have an enormous ego.”

He pressed against her back, and the microfleece did nothing to disguise the heat of his arousal. “It matches my cock.”

She wanted to heckle him, but she couldn’t disagree. Her experience with that…thing had demonstrated his endowment, even though she had little with which to compare. His breath caressed her puckered bud, and she shook her head more frantically, struggling again to dislodge him. “Please, Shane, not that. Not there.” How she hated begging him for anything, but she just couldn’t let him touch her there.

He hesitated for a second, as though deciding. His lips ghosted along her crevice, but didn’t venture inside as his mouth moved lower. It was almost a relief to feel his tongue against her perineum before it ventured lower.

Mia froze when he licked her slowly, the tip of his tongue barely exploring her slippery depths. She wanted to beseech him to stop, but a darker part of her wanted to beg him to go faster. Settling for clutching the blanket in her fists, she stuffed her mouth with the pillow and tried to remain stiff and unyielding.

God, he was good at this. His coaxing, teasing approach was difficult to ignore. He swept through every millimeter of her folds, tasting her essence and testing her most responsive areas. Much as she tried to remain motionless and aloof, she couldn’t help squirming against the mattress whenever he hit a particularly sensitive spot.

She was so caught up in resisting that she didn’t realize how close she was to giving in. Suddenly, he pressed the broad part of his tongue firmly against her swollen clitoris, making her cry out around the pillow as she climaxed. Her pussy was slick with her release and his saliva as she arched against the bedding while riding the wave of her pleasure.

Mia didn’t know if she hated him or herself more in the moment following her passionate surrender. She was too drained to fight him when he climbed off her to turn her around. All she could muster was a glare and passive resistance when he removed her shirt and bra.

They were naked before each other, but it was more than that. She was raw and exposed, ravaged by his tongue, plundered by his experience, and betrayed by her own weak flesh. He had taken her, but she had let him. Tremors of release were still making her shake, and her core throbbed with want for more. Tears blurred her eyes, and she turned her head when he laid down on her to kiss her.

Shane nuzzled her cheek. “Don’t cry, Mia. Didn’t you like that?”

She stiffened when he licked a teardrop from her cheek. “You know I did,” she said hollowly, feeling dead inside. No, wishing she could be numb instead of enduring the raging ache of desire tempered with the torrent of self-loathing. Right then, she was the object of all her hatred, because she had surrendered.

“What’s wrong?”

“I’m ashamed.” She turned to look at him, her blue eyes clashing with green. “I hate that you conquered me. I don’t want you.”

“Your body does.”

She rolled her eyes. “My body would be happy if I never worked out again and ate ice cream all day, but the idea of doing so is abhorrent to my mind.”

“I get it.” He cupped a breast, lazily thumbing her nipple. “You don’t like that your sexual needs can overwhelm your intellect.”

She sighed, not entirely sure if it was from annoyance or pleasure at the way he touched her. “It’s more than that. Sex is primal and basic. I hate you, but I hate my own weakness more.”

“Hate is the flipside of love, they say.” He grinned before brushing his lips against hers, trying to coax her to respond.

“That’s bullshit. Apathy is the flipside of love. Hatred and love are more intimately entwined than opposite each other.” She sneered at him. “But don’t try to pretend like you love me or something, O’Mara.”

He snorted. “As if. The truth is I’m completely fucking obsessed with you. From the moment I laid eyes on you, I wanted nothing more than to bury my cock inside your cunt and fuck you for hours.”

She shivered, allowing only her disgust to show and praying she hid her darker, more shaming response to his words. “Why me?”

He lifted a shoulder. “How the fuck should I know?” Shane scowled. “Do you think I like this weakness either, Mia?”

She snorted. “Yeah, you’re the one in the vulnerable position.”

His expression darkened. “When you won’t leave my thoughts for more than five minutes, it makes me weak. I can have any woman I want, so it humbled me to plot and scheme to have you.”

She shook her head. “I don’t understand why you didn’t just ask me out on a date?”

He arched a brow as his thumb pressed against her nipple almost to the point of pain. “Would you have said yes?” At her mutinous expression, he smiled. “As soon as Arvin Lovelle enlightened me to your family history and hatred of the mafia, I knew you would run away screaming if I tried a traditional approach.” He pressed firmly against her nipple again.

“You don’t understand the level of my obsession.” His free hand cupped her chin, forcing her to stare deep into his disturbing gaze. “A date wasn’t going to cut it. Even an all-night fuck session would barely take the edge off. I have to own you completely, to know you’re mine.” He squeezed her chin painfully. “You’re where I need you to be.”

His mouth was hard and angry when he pressed it to hers. Mia bit his tongue as it tried to invade her mouth, and he retaliated by drawing her lower lip between his teeth to bite until she squealed. Their lips met in a battle of clashing tongues and clacking teeth. She didn’t even know exactly what she was fighting for, but she was compelled to resist.

They tore and bit each other, fingernails digging into flesh. She raked her nails across his nipple and grinned savagely against his mouth when he hissed with pain. He retaliated by pinching her taut peak, and his mouth swallowed her scream. Even she couldn’t tell if it was a scream of pain, outrage, or animal lust.

They fought and strained until she was underneath him, and Mia found her will to resist sapped slightly when he settled between her thighs. She wanted to pretend like she didn’t, but she knew she parted her legs to give him freer access. All the moisture between her legs eased his passing, and she was both angry and amazed by just how much fluid she had produced.

“Your cunt is sopping wet.” Shane broke the kiss as he surged inside her in one sure thrust, burying his length to the hilt. Streaks of blood marred his chin and lips, but she had no idea whose it was. “Do you like it rough, baby?”

“What I’d like is for you to drop dead.” She cried out as he withdrew and thrust into her again with the same intensity. Tenderness from last night’s violation caused her to wince, but he didn’t seem to notice or care. His attention seemed solely focused on where their bodies had fused together as he pistoned in and out of her rapidly.

Mia tried to shove him away, even as her legs wrapped around his hips to draw him in deeper. “I don’t want this,” she shouted as her muscles tightened and her stomach warmed with the approaching orgasm.

“Little liar. You want all of it, and I’m going to give it to you.” He pounded mercilessly into her, both of them moaning at the punishing rhythm.

Mia let out a low groan as he spilled himself inside her, triggering her own climax. “I hate you, Shane O’Mara.”

“You fuck like it, baby.” He thrust shallowly to prolong her release.

She closed her eyes, unable to meet the smug, knowing gaze above her. As ecstasy washed over her, shame and repulsion joined in the mix, leaving her nauseated and shaking. When she shoved him away, he moved voluntarily, but didn’t leave the bed. Mia turned from him and burrowed under the blanket. His lips were like a splash of ice water on her shoulder when he pressed a tender kiss to the exposed flesh.

“If you keep hating me like that, I’ll die a happy man.”

“I’d like to kill you.” She meant it sincerely. If she had the means, she wouldn’t hesitate to end his life and free herself from this torture. “But I’ll settle for you going away.”

He laughed, sounding sated and relaxed. “Good night, baby.” He kissed her shoulder again before climbing from the bed. “I’ll see you at breakfast.”

“I’m calling in sick. The idea of sitting across from you while I try to swallow anything makes me feel ill.”

He laughed, his suggestive tone husky when he replied. “Maybe we’ll test your swallowing skills tomorrow night, Mia.” The bed dipped as he rolled off and got up. “Join me for breakfast.” The words were a command, even though he still sounded pleased.

Sadistic bastard. She’d love to join him for breakfast and stab her grapefruit spoon through his eye. Refusing to respond was the only way she could keep from disintegrating to an illogical, screaming mess. Relief surged through her when she heard the door close a moment later, followed by a bewildering surge of disappointment. What the fuck was wrong with her?


Chapter Five

After tossing and turning for hours, Mia had fallen into a deep sleep that remained dreamless. When the familiar nudge of a furry face against her cheek penetrated her consciousness, she was certain the last two days had been nothing but a nightmare. That hope dispelled as soon as she opened her eyes. The green eyes of her black cat, Clovis, were the only thing that was as they should be. The rest of the room was nothing like the room she shared with one of her roommates at her apartment.

BOOK: Surviving Shane: Volume One
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