Read Suspicious Minds (Fate #3) Online

Authors: Elizabeth Reyes

Suspicious Minds (Fate #3) (14 page)

BOOK: Suspicious Minds (Fate #3)
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Lorenzo laughed. “Ruthless pleasure, huh? I like that and guess

She scrutinized his eyes, a curious brow lifted. “What?”

“This is just the beginning,” he said, kissing her softly.

Seeing her lick her lips with a blank expression made him smile.
He knew she was tasting herself because he still had that delectable taste in
his mouth.

“Have you ever tasted yourself before?” he asked, tilting his
head. “You like it?”

She stared at him for a moment; then her eyes were on his lips,
and she kissed him again. This time he did groan as he devoured her mouth, and
she laughed, pulling away.

“Is it weird that I do?”

“Weird?” he said, letting his head fall back with a laugh. He
could hardly believe how he lucked out. Most girls
it. “It’s a
fucking turn on that you do.”

Her face tinged with color, and that made him laugh even more.
Here she stood right in front him. Except for her fuck-me shoes and open robe,
she was completely naked, and
made her blush?

“My body feels drained,” she said, glancing over his shoulder. “I
could actually go for a little time in the hot tub.” She looked back at him
then down at the obvious bulge in his pants, the corner of her lip tugging. “That
is, of course, if you’re so inclined to put off other things while we relax in
there for a few.”

Lorenzo was already undoing his zipper. “Who said we have to put
things off just because we’re in there?”

Her eyes went wide, but she smiled big then started toward the
tub, but not before reaching for her glass of champagne. “Would you like me to
wait while you go change into your robe?” She turned around in time to see him
pull off his shirt then drop his pants, and she laughed. “I guess you won’t
need the bathroom for that.”

Laughing as he stepped out of his pants, he shook his head. “My
carnal enthusiasm makes up for my lack of modesty.”

He lifted one leg at a time to pull off his socks, and in record
time, he was down to his boxer briefs. Staring at Liv, he waited until her eyes
were back on his, because for a moment they were on what he knew was flagrantly
at attention even if still under his briefs. When their eyes met, he saw her
face tinge again, and he smiled slowly, already imagining the things that were
about to happen in that hot tub. If she thought they were going to relax in
there, she was in for one big

“Don’t worry,” he said, feeling a little evil because he knew he’d
already embarrassed her by making it obvious he’d seen what had momentarily
distracted her. “You won’t be the only one completely nude in there. These are
coming off too. But ladies first.”

He watched as she turned towards the hot tub and then slipped out
of her robe, still taking her time to hang it back on the coat hanger. She
turned to him and, to his surprise, smiled just as sinfully as he did watching
his sexy ass girlfriend in nothing but her fuck-me shoes.

Taking a seat at the edge of the hot tub, she took off her shoes
one by one and laughed when she looked up and saw him pout. “If I didn’t think
they’d be ruined, I’d wear them in there just for you. But they were too
expensive to chance it.”

Lorenzo smiled, keeping to himself that her days of wearing those
or any of her other fuck-me shoes anywhere without him were over. He’d cross
that bridge when they came to it. But if he had his way, she wouldn’t be doing
a whole lot without him from here on anyway. For now he’d focus on something
else instead: everything he’d be doing with her,
to her
, in a few

As frenzied as their making out had gotten in the past two weeks,
Lorenzo had made a point to keep his hands off her ass. At least not get too
carried away. While he’d learned to have restraint when it came to these things
over the years, when it came to Liv and that glorious ass of hers, he didn’t
trust himself to not go over the edge. She began stepping in the hot tub, his
eyes glued to her beautiful ass, as he swallowed hard.
Jesus Christ!
didn’t think he could get any harder.






Unlike that first night when everything happened so
fast and they’d been in the dark, Olivia now knew why she’d been sore for days
after being with Lorenzo. The fact that she hadn’t been with anyone else in
well over two years was
the only reason. Seeing first hand in the
light from the fireplace as Lorenzo stepped into the hot tub minus his briefs,
she knew just why she’d been
she knew without a
doubt she’d be sore again tomorrow. Yet after just having one of the best
orgasms of her life she was
ready for more.

No sooner had he sat down next to her than his lips and hands were
on her. She figured if he was going to forgo modesty after what he’d just done
to her, she could abstain from modesty herself. Since his hands roamed her wet
naked body freely, she took the same freedoms with his body, smiling at the
sound of his groan when she wrapped her hand around his breathtaking erection.

He pulled his mouth away from hers, dropping his head back as she
stroked him gently. Unable to contain herself, she lifted herself over him, his
hands were instantly all over her back and ass, and she couldn’t help gasping
when she felt him rub against her. Pulling her lips away from his, she let him
suck her neck as she continued to let him—
him to—rub his erection
up against her sex. Olivia felt him spread her cheeks and lift her then bring
her back down directly onto him but hesitate as he began to enter her. Remembering
their first night, she knew the hesitation was because of how tight she was, so
she pushed down and he continued driving into her cautiously.

that feels
good,” he said as she slid further
down onto him slowly.

Olivia lifted her feet onto the seat on either side of him, bending
her knees, and pushed down, wanting him as deep as he could go. The discomfort
of having him all the way in was only momentary, and then her eyes rolled back,
and she closed them, enjoying the amazing feeling of him so deep inside her. Spreading
her legs as wide as she could, she pushed down onto him, unable to get enough
of him inside her.

“Fuck me,” she whispered against his ear, feeling dirty but
liking it.

Lorenzo seemed to freeze for a moment, but then she felt him sway
his hips in that familiar way he had last time. Not just pumping her. He had a
rhythm about it and it felt damn good. “I didn’t wanna fuck you tonight,” he
said as she lifted herself up then promptly sat all the way down, taking him as
deep as possible again. “I wanted to make love to you.”

“You will,” she responded breathlessly, nipping at his bottom
lip. “Over and over, but right now I
you to fuck me, Enzo. Fuck me

Olivia had never felt so damn horny in her life. Seeing how big
he was and now having him buried deep inside her as he swayed his hips so
perfectly nearly had her coming again.

“Is that right?” he asked with a smirk, lifting her hips and
bringing her down harder onto him.

She gasped when he pulled her off him completely and stood then
spun her around and bent her over. “Spread that ass for me,” he said in a
demanding tone, but she did as she was told and felt him tug on her hair. “Be
careful what you ask for, baby,” he said, teasing her with the tip for a
moment. “Because if getting fucked hard is what you want, then . . .”

He slammed into, her making her cry out, and he did as requested,
slamming in her again and again with conviction. Then he slowed and she felt his
hands on her ass cheeks. His fingers dug into them, squeezing so hard it hurt
but in a strangely arousing way.

Spreading her wider, he began pumping into her even harder.

“Damn, Liv, I knew from the first time I laid eyes on you the
view from back here would be incredible, but this is
!” He groaned,
burying himself deeply but seemed to slow his rhythm a bit. “This is beautiful.”
His words were strained. “I have to slow down or . . .”

As he continued to fuck her slowly, sliding in and out as he
moaned with every stroke, his big strong hands continued to mold her ass, and
she could almost feel the pleasure it gave him to do so. The swaying of his
hips was perfectly in time with his moans as he continued in and out, but he’d
suddenly slowed even more as if he were afraid to come too soon.

“Does that feel good?” he asked.

,” she gasped. “Yes, it does.”

“Because it looks so fucking beautiful from back here, baby.”

His voice was completely strained, and he began to thrust harder,
bringing his other hand around her waist as he sped up again. Each time he went
in as deep as possible with a loud grunt.

“Oh!” she moaned as he slid in and out of her harder, their
bodies slapping together beautifully. “Oh . . . my . . . G—” She squeezed her
eyes as she came just as hard and as satisfyingly as the first time.

“Come, baby girl,” he said through his teeth then pulled out
suddenly with a groan, and in the next second, she felt the hot liquid splatter
on her back. That alone was strangely arousing.

Olivia was still enjoying the spasms of pleasure as she continued
to attempt to catch her breath when he sat down with a splash. He pulled her to
him, and she collapsed onto his lap as he cradled her.

Instinctively, she brought her arms around him, wrapping them around
his neck. “That was,” he said, trying to catch his breath, then pecked her, “incredible.”
He stared into her eyes and seemed to search for something. “So before you and
I”—he paused but then went on—“that first time, it’d been two years for you?”

She nodded, feeling inappropriately bashful all of a sudden. “Yes,”
she whispered.

His eyes dropped momentarily as he continued to breathe heavily,
but when he looked up again, they seemed uncertain. “And this was better than
our first—?”

“Stop right there,” she said, placing her wet fingers over his
lips, a little nervous about what she was about to admit, but she hated how
repentant he seemed to be about this. “I admitted one of my sexual fantasies
was”—she glanced up into the beautiful starlit sky and smiled—“to do it
completely naked under the stars. With brothers like mine and the possibility
of getting arrested for something like that, I never thought this would happen.
I certainly never imagined it would happen in such a luxurious way either. Lying
on a fancy bar of a beautiful beach house gazing up at those same stars while
the hot man of dreams pleasured me until I was panting far exceeded even my
wildest fantasies.”

His eyes brightened at that, and his hands squeezed her waist as
he’d done so often in the weeks prior when they’d made out so frantically.
Every time he’d done this she could feel the restraint it took him to not move
his hands down lower. Now he slid them down her behind and massaged her ass up
and down, closing his eyes as if that alone gave him immense pleasure.

That made Olivia smile. She loved feeling his hands all over her,
but seeing what it did to him made it all the more gratifying. She kissed his
closed eyelids softly then whispered. “But you fulfilled another fantasy I didn’t
admit.” He opened his eyes and stared into hers as she shrugged, feeling her
cheeks warm. “Only because it was a little embarrassing. This was one I never
thought would happen—kind of like people who maybe fantasize about bungee
jumping but deep inside they know they’d never go through with it.” He stared
at her, even more curious now. “Sleeping with a hot stranger I’d just met.” His
brows flew up, and she laughed nervously, smoothing the wet strands of hair
away from his forehead. “It just seemed so reckless—dangerous. So while you may
think that night is a bad memory for me, for weeks afterward, I couldn’t stop
thinking about it. I still can’t. It was”—she took a deep breath then exhaled—“exhilarating
on so many levels. And like tonight that night I could hardly believe how
beyond my expectations it had been. So even though it may not have been the
most romantic of nights, it was the fulfillment of one of my fantasies.”

Their eyes locked for a moment and for the first time, Olivia let
herself fall completely into them—into him and that incredible thing he did to

The corner of his lips rose slowly. It was the only thing she
allowed to distract her from his intense gaze and she smiled too.

“Are you saying what I think you’re saying?’ he asked with a
sweet smile then pecked her lips softly.

“Yes,” she whispered, feeling a little choked up suddenly. “I don’t
know how I got so lucky, Lorenzo. But you’re everything I’ve ever dreamed of in
a guy. Everything any girl would dream of. I still can hardly believe this is

“What’s so hard to believe?” he asked, still gazing into her eyes
and looking a bit amused.

She shook her head softly, surprised that he wouldn’t know. “That
a guy as perfect as you, both on the inside and the outside, would even be
looking for an exclusive relationship much less
one so early on.”

Lorenzo laughed, tightening his hold on her and kissing her
temple. “First of all, you’re damn right I’m demanding one. We wouldn’t be here
if that weren’t the case. And second, I’m not stupid, so I won’t throw myself
under the bus and give you specifics. But I’m sorry to tell you your boyfriend
is far from perfect. You’ll see soon enough. Hopefully my imperfections won’t
scare you off.”

“Never,” she whispered, feeling completely mesmerized.

He stopped talking and kissed her instead: softly, tenderly and
deeply. As always, it made her insides turn to mush and the tingling between
her legs started up. Olivia didn’t care what he said; he was perfect. Even his
intensity made her shiver but in a good way.

Groaning softly against her mouth as their kiss intensified, he adjusted
himself under her, and she could feel how hard and ready to go he was already.
Feeling instantly aroused by that, Olivia cradled his face, kissing him
passionately, then pulled away to look him in the eyes. “I can already tell we’re
gonna be up all night.”

Wrapping his big arms around her, he growled against her mouth,
pulling her down into the center of the hot tub, submerging both of them into
the heavenly hot water.


Waking up under the blue sky, with the sound of the
ocean waves and surrounded by the flowers her new incredible boyfriend had
showered her, with should’ve been enough to make Olivia feel as if she’d woken
up in heaven. The things they’d done yesterday and all last night had her body
and heart feeling so amazingly content.

For a moment, she questioned if it’d been wise to admit to her
boyfriend how perfect she thought he was, but she was glad she had now. Rose
had been so right. Lorenzo was amazing. He was sweet, romantic, thoughtful yet
hot and dirty at just the perfect times she wanted him that way. It almost
scared her how perfect he was. Could she possibly keep him interested in
She knew everyone was flawed in some ways, yet since he’d admitted to trying to
fight his feelings for her and failing miserably, he’d been faultless. Sure she’d
thought him cold and possibly even full of himself before she knew
he’d been fighting the idea of a relationship. But since then she’d yet to find
even one flaw in him.

Even the few times their conversations had gotten a bit intense,
she got it. He explained it well enough. He’d been burned badly, and he was
just making certain it didn’t happen again. Protecting his heart. He was being
smart, not to mention completely honest. While Olivia herself knew the
heartache of being cheated on, she knew it was way different for her. She’d
since concluded that she’d never actually been in love with Jay. She’d confused
loving him with him being her longtime friend who she felt sorry for because of
all his family issues.

She’d likely never admit to Lorenzo what she knew now had been
her biggest hang up with Jay. It’d taken her long enough to admit it to herself,
but she finally had. Jay had introduced her to her love of sex. She’d been
fascinated by the pleasure it gave her body. Olivia had questioned it before,
and now she had her confirmation. Unlike with Jay, it wasn’t just her body that
yearned for Lorenzo. What she felt for him ran so much deeper and in such a
short amount of time. Maybe it was his straightforwardness even that first
night. It hadn’t wavered since. He held nothing back, and it made her feel as
if she could trust him with her life.

With Jay it was the opposite. He was dangerous. He lied. He
mocked her on more than one occasion, and she’d never trusted him, but she’d
felt too addicted to him to cut him out of her life. And now that she knew the
difference, she could conclude without a doubt she’d been hopelessly in
with Jay. Not love.

With all certainty, Lorenzo had already picked up on the fact
that she
enjoyed sex. She’d seen and felt his reaction when he
realized she shared his carnal enthusiasm. Clearly he was all for it. More than
once yesterday he’d expressed the same thing she’d been thinking about him.

“How the hell did I get so lucky?”

Olivia had been so ravenous last night just like the first time,
and she wondered how long it would be before Lorenzo began to question how she’d
gone over two years without sex. All she could hope now was that he wouldn’t
ask. She was ashamed to admit now what a number Jay had done on her mentally.

The most ironic thing about what she felt for Lorenzo—that draw
she felt to him almost from the moment she met him—was that she knew now
without a doubt that if it hadn’t been him who approached her that night she
wouldn’t have gone through with her first ever one-night stand. Jay would still
be her sole sexual experience. That was what made waking next to Lorenzo feel
more heavenly than any of the other things that had happened yesterday: that
unexplainable connection she felt to him. So far he’d been spot on when he read
her. Most alarming was how close he’d been to hitting the nail on the head when
he questioned her about Jay that first night he asked her about him. While she
hadn’t been saving herself out of loyalty to Jay because she didn’t have any
intention of ever getting back with him, in many ways she had avoided new
experiences out of fear that they would never live up to the ones with him. Now
she knew how wrong she’d been.

BOOK: Suspicious Minds (Fate #3)
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