Swallow This (36 page)

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Authors: Joanna Blythman

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Cargill 113, 114–15

carnosic acid 65

carnosol 65

carotene 66, 92

Carotex 135–6

carrageenan (E407) 61–2, 178, 179

carrot extract 65–6, 82, 170–71

catalase 211

Cavamax 83

cellulose 62, 179, 213, 231

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 151

Change4Life campaign 133–4

cheese 78, 150, 205, 225, 226, 238, 239

Chemicals of Concern (COCs) 242


amount of added water 187
imported 30–31

chilled foods

number of companies in UK 41
number of recipes in UK 24

Chilled Foods Association 44

chitosan 231

chlorine 191, 229, 230

Chobani 109

cholesterol 100, 132

chymosin 211

Citral 147

citric acid 58, 84, 91, 127

clean labelling 3–4, 60–71, 78, 202, 225

chocolate cream dessert 61–3
definition 60
dips 63
effect of 70–71
extracts 64–7
phosphate replacers 64
responses of companies to the concept 60–61
rice extract 68
starches 192
yeast extracts 69

cloudifiers 168

coatings 35, 36, 74, 75, 78, 81, 123, 130, 131, 167, 231–2, 250

Coca-Cola 101, 113

Coco Pops® 254

coeliac disease 216

collagen 181, 182, 184

colour selector 166

colouring 65–6, 67, 79, 92, 94, 105, 151–2, 154–72

added colour essential to some sales 156–7
appropriate physical process 164
caramel 160–61
categories 162–3
chemical synthesis 164
colour lost in manufactured food 155
and expected taste 155–6
fake colours 59
health effects 157–9
labelling 154, 158–9, 168
making ‘natural’ colours 164–9
in nature 154–5
‘Southampton Six’ 157–60
titanium dioxide 161–2
traditional processing 163–4

‘colouring foods’ 169–71

Comax 140

Commonwealth Games (Glasgow, 2014) 101

consistent products, achieving: food manufacturer’s shopping list 26–30

consumer recall 51

convenience food chain 28

Corbion 76

corn sugar 108

cornflour 188, 190

‘cost engineering’ 174

cream substitute 38

crème pâtissière 91–2

Crohn’s disease 162, 249

cross-contamination 51, 52, 53

‘cuisine pastes’ 36

Culinar Keep 83

curcumin 167

Cyclamate 76

cyclodextrin 83

dairy 81

‘dairy essence’ 80

Danish pastries 92

Dansensor 228

Dean & DeLuca 87

Delyte 194

Department of Health 16

dextrin 192

diabetes, type 2 107, 111, 122, 125, 245, 252

Diana 167

Dietary Guidelines for Americans 122

DKSH 75–6

Dohler 82

dough 35, 68, 69, 106

doughnuts 90

Dow AgroSciences 124–5

DSM 206–7

Dutch Still Life school 253

E numbers 56, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 92, 115, 160, 169, 170, 191, 219, 225, 234, 251

eatFresh-FC 230

‘eatwell plate’ 16

Eckhart, Aaron 99

Ecoprol 83

Ecropol 2002 234

edible films 231–2


allergy 52, 89
‘egg replacers’ 33
forms of 33, 38
mimicry 195–6
mixes 33

emulsifiers 67, 68, 92, 127

‘emulsion’ products 180

Enzyme Technical Association 203, 209

enzymes 68, 80, 92, 127, 133, 150, 176, 182, 191, 203–217

as catalysts 204–5
and health problems 214–16
‘improvers’ 217
industrial applications 203
and labelling 210
and meat 206–9
naturally-occurring 203, 210
as processing aids 210
and shelf life 232
sources of 211–13

erythritol 114, 116

ethanol 65

ethyl vanillin 59, 109, 147–8

European Commission 80, 170, 172, 176, 210–211, 214, 215, 216–17

Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety 248–9

European Flavouring Association 152–3

European Food Information Council (EUFIC) 203, 210, 217, 222, 223

European Food Safety Authority 110, 129, 161–2

European Food Standards Agency 158, 159

European Technical Caramel Association (EUTECA) 160–61

European Union 56, 110, 116, 162, 250

Heat-Generated Food Toxicants (Heatox) project 129
Panel on Food Additives 109
REACH 243, 244
Scientific Committee on Food 128

extracts 64–7, 69

fats 145

avoidance of 99–100
hydrogenated 93
interesterified 133
monounsaturated 121, 125
polyunsaturated 124, 125
processed 13
reduction of 194
saturated 99, 103, 119–23, 125, 131, 132–3
trans 93, 122–3, 125, 132, 133

fatty acids, mono- and diglycerides of (E471) 68, 127

feather meal 208

fermentation 15, 58, 63, 65, 79, 92, 116, 150

Festhalle Messe, Frankfurt 73

fibre 199, 200

soluble 192
starchy 179–80

fish 81, 83

added water 174
adding proteins 182
and phosphates 176
and phthalates 247
and transglutaminase 175

fish protein hydrolysate (FPH) 182

Flaverco 136–7

FlavorFacts 142–3, 147

flavour technology (or delivery) systems 35–6


approved flavouring substances 143–4
artificial 147–8, 152, 153
bakery 92
caramel (E150) 36–7, 40, 67–8
cheap 137–8
dependency on 135–6
fish 37
flavour construction 145
From The Named Fruit (FTNF) 148–9
From The Named Source (FTNS) 148
health hazards to employees 150–51
labelling 146–7, 152
low-fat products 146
masking agents 136–7, 139
‘natural’ 1, 147–50, 152–3
Nature’s flavours 145
replacing destroyed natural tastes 59
terminology 139–40
in Truvia 114
types of 140–42
With Other Natural Flavourings (WONF) 148, 149

‘flavourists’ (food industry chemists) 138–9, 142–3, 144–5, 146

fluoropolymers 241

foam, excessive 79

Food Additives and Ingredients Association (FAIA) 219

Food and Drink Federation 12, 104

food chain 2, 28, 51

Food Facts and Fiction
investigation) 28–9

Food Ingredients trade show 72–85

brand names 82–3
buyers 72
companies exhibiting 75–7
cost savings 77–8
food samples 73–4
ingredients companies 81–2
locations 72–3
unwitting consumption of its products 84–5
visual displays 74–5

Food Packaging Forum 242

food photography 155

food poisoning 30, 51, 54, 223–4

food processing factories

anonymity 41, 42, 54–5
assembly-line process 45–6, 53, 70
employees 43, 45, 46–9
equipment 46, 53
executives 49–50
extreme temperatures 47
hygiene and food safety 49–54
internal audits 49–50
lack of resemblance to a kitchen 44–5, 54
location 41
noise levels 46–7
number in UK 41
production rates 50, 70
specialisms 53
vocabulary 49

food processors 28

Food Safety Authority of Ireland 29

Food Standards Agency (FSA) 52, 54, 122, 155–6, 158, 169–70, 178, 242

Hygiene and Microbiology Division 224

Fortium 233–4

free radicals 220

French National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety 246

‘fresh’ food, definitions of 218–19

fresh-like foods 236

frozen food, buying in 30

fructose 4, 59, 91, 107, 113, 115, 160

see also
high fructose corn syrup

fruit 81

fibre in 200
frozen 32–3
and fructose 107
and juice 108
and pectinase 205–6
prolonging shelf life 84, 230–31, 250

‘functional flours’ 62

gallates 127

garlic 31, 181–2

gelatine 62

gelators 132

Generally Regarded as Safe (GRAS) status 216

genetic modification (GM) 150, 152–3, 210–211, 220, 232

glazes 35, 36, 37

globin 184, 207

glucono-delta-lactone 73

glucose 37, 104, 115

glucose-fructose syrup 91, 107

glutamate 69–70

glycosides 114, 115

Good Hearted Glasgow Diet Sheet 100

government action 14

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