Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3) (26 page)

BOOK: Sweet Affection (Truth Book 3)
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I watch her carefully out of the corner of my eye as she comes out the office, sighing with her shoulders slumped and watery eyes. I don’t think she realises just how much her face gives away how she’s feeling.

“Everything okay?” I ask tentatively and see the change in her immediately. She straightens and paints a fake smile on her face.

“Yep, all good. Thanks for that.” She turns her phone on silent and tosses it in the drawer where my bag is. “Let’s get this show on the road.” She walks over to the bar as a gaggle of women come pouring through the front door. With a bottle of Champagne in her hand she greets the Bride-to-be with so much enthusiasm, I stand back and admire her professionalism with a content smile.




“Huh.” I muse as I stand in the middle of the bedroom, statue-still, my eyes not leaving the phone in my hand.

“What’s up?” James asks as he strips off his t-shirt. My eyes lift to his chest, of course. But I’m that stumped that it does little to derail my train of thought. That was way too weird. Jess has been excited for the day of training I’ve got planned for her tomorrow, for weeks, and she never rings in sick.

“Jess won’t be in work tomorrow.” Even as I say it, I know how crazy it sounds. Everyone’s entitled to a sick day if they need it, but she just hasn’t been herself lately anyway, so this on top of all that and the phone call has got my mind thinking all sorts of crazy ideas.

“Oh, she’s sick?” He asks as he walks through to the bathroom and I hear the buzz of the electric toothbrush start up.

“I guess. I mean, that’s what she said.”

He appears in the doorway, leaning casually against the doorframe, and my mouth curves a little at the sight of him shirtless, looking hot as hell, but with a white frothy rim of toothpaste round his mouth as he brushes his teeth and speaks to me at the same time.

“You don’t believe her?” He tilts his head then walks back in and spits into the sink.

“No, yes, I don’t know. She’s just been a bit depressed lately. I haven’t really been able to talk to her much. She’s closed off. Doesn’t really talk to me about how she’s feeling.”

He wanders back out the bathroom and over to me, still motionless in the middle of the room. He bends his head and his lips meet mine slowly and thoroughly. I stand up on my tiptoes and run my hands through his hair to deepen the kiss. The fresh, cool mint taste of his tongue as he slips it gently over mine, gets the familiar, heated ball of need coiling low in my stomach. All too soon he pulls away and leaves me breathless and panting at the loss of his body pressed against me. He rests his forehead against mine, then pulls my body back towards him.

“Closed off. Doesn’t talk about how she’s feeling. Remind you of anyone?” He says light-heartedly, and I struggle to focus my mind again as his hands stroke my back softly.

“Hey,” I pout, “I’m an open book nowadays.”

He grins playfully. “Chick lit?”

“Nah, I don’t think so.” I take a slight step back and reach down to the hem of my top. My hands slowly lift it over my head and bare my black and red, lace and satin bra to his eager, lust-filled, starving eyes and he takes a determined step forward. I unzip my skirt, and slip my thumbs into the waist band, shimmying it down my thighs so it pools at my feet. My heart thumps when his attention moves quickly down to the black suspender belt and further over the hold-ups covering my legs.

“Fuck.” He breathes out quietly. “That, is X-rated erotica.

He twirls his finger in the air gesturing for me to turn for him, and I step out the skirt, flinging it across the room with the tip of my heels. His eyes roam impatiently, ravenously, over every inch of my body on show for him. I keep my eyes watching him and turn my back slowly, throwing a sultry smile over my shoulder as I pause to let his gaze take in my thong. I gently sway my hips, and when I hear his sharp intake of breath, it gives me the confidence to play a little more.

I turn back round and push against his chest so he falls down seated on the end of the bed, and run the tips of my fingers down his stubbled cheek.

“Has anyone ever danced for you before?” I whisper while my hands stroke down the side of his neck, and tease over his pecs. I bite my bottom lip and smile with satisfaction when his adam’s apple bobs up and down and he shakes his head.




Fuck. She’s gonna dance for me. I thought this just happened in movies, or strip clubs. I never imagined she’d actually wanna do it. Sure I might have thought about it, dreamed about it even, but now it’s really here, I think I’m gonna come in ten seconds flat if she rubs herself against me. The black and red push up bra she’s wearing does amazing things to her perfect, round tits showing just enough to get me salivating, needing to see more. The suspenders are sexy as hell, I want to snap them off with my teeth, and the thong is something I can’t even talk about right now. Speechless doesn’t sit well with me. I’ve always got something to say. But fuck me, if I can’t think of one damn thing that’ll make sense when the most beautiful body is about to bring me to my knees.

The music pulls my mind out of the gutter long enough to recognise the song,
J. Holiday, Bed
. Old-skool, that song was out in the clubs when I was at uni. But the beat and Laurel’s body loosening up in front of me, focuses my mind back to what’s about to happen. That CD wasn’t in there earlier, which means she put it in. But not just now because she hasn’t left my sight. Which means…Shit, it means she planned this. She’s been here, thinking about dancing for me.

She steps back a few paces until she’s nearly against the wall. If I wanted, I could still reach out and touch her, but I won’t. I manage to keep my hands fisted in the covers, on either side of my thighs. My eyes desperately follow her hands as they roam over her tits, then down her sides and over her stomach while she sways her whole body. My jeans tighten over me and I immediately wish I’d taken them off to be more comfortable. Her right hand comes up above her head to the wall behind her, and she gradually lowers herself down to the floor. God, I can’t look away from her eyes as she does it.

They tell me everything I need to know.

There’s excitement and lust and pride and confidence shining in them, and a coy smile gracing that beautiful mouth.

The mouth I desperately need locked against mine.

I want to tell her how sexy this is. But once again I’ve lost all ability to form a coherent sentence.

She walks over to me, fucking struts actually, and my heart pumps out a million beats a minute.

She runs her hands through her hair whilst she sways her ass in front of me, then bends right over to touch the floor and I swear my eyes nearly bust out my head. The hands I’m now sitting on come straight out to palm the soft round globes level with my face. A resounding slap across one cheek makes her squeal and lift her head, eyes looking at me round her shoulder. She bites her lip as she waggles her butt, and I slap again, this time the hands don’t leave and they move over her hips, and pull her down against me. She lowers her butt into my lap and I have to put my fist in my mouth to keep from touching her again as she rubs her ass teasingly up and down my dick. Her head falls back to my shoulder and she pulls my slightly unsteady hands round her front, first on her stomach as she continues to roll her hips, then her soft firm tits.

“I need to be inside you, babe.” I whisper in her ear. I’m not one for delayed gratification, and my achingly hard cock needs to find its release soon.

“Yes.” She gasps when I quickly unzip my jeans, then move her thong to the side and sink inside her incredible warmth. She moves up and down torturously slowly, my hips and hands cradling her ass, taking us both spiralling off into the atmosphere. As we come crashing down hard around each other, a long, comforting wave of satiated bliss flows right through me and I pull her close, knowing nothing will ever be better than this.




“I’ll stop by Jess’ house now. I’m seeing a client on her side of town so I’ll just check in on her and makes sure she doesn’t need anything.” Jess doesn’t have any family round here and as of a year ago, when I first met her, I’ve taken on the role of her protector. She’s a feisty, determined but slightly naïve little thing that needs someone to look out for her. Laurel’s not just been a boss, she’s been a friend and sister to her at the same time. But there’s things I’m good for too, like the big brother act. I push thoughts of Tyler to the back of my mind. I haven’t seen much of him lately. I get the feeling he’s staying away to give Laurel and I time together again, and I find that notion irritatingly noble.

I rinse out my mug and kiss Laurel on the cheek before texting Jess to let her know I’m coming round. Just as I’m putting my phone back in my pocket and walking out the door, it starts buzzing incessantly.

“Calm down, I’m coming soon.” I chuckle into the speaker.

“Um, that’s why I’m ringing. I’m way too sick for visitors, J. But you don’t need to worry, I’ll be fine soon.” She coughs awkwardly down the phone line. “I just need to rest.”

“Okay, well I’ll just stop by and leave some food with you. I bet you haven’t even been shopping, you still live like a student.”

“No, don’t. I, um, I don’t want you to catch anything. I’ll be fine.”

She says it too quickly.

I’m perceptive, and she’s lying.

“Right well if you’re sure? You know Laurel’s worried about you.”

“I know.” She sighs quietly. I carry on to the garage and get in the car. I’m going over there. Something’s up.

“I better go. And J? Tell her I’ll be fine, yeah? I don’t want her worrying for no reason.”

“Right. Ring us if you need anything.”

“I will. See you soon.”

Sooner than you think. I shouldn’t bother her. She might genuinely just be sick but I can’t stop myself as I put the car into gear and back out the driveway. I won’t be able to concentrate if I don’t anyway.


After five minutes of wondering whether I’m doing the right thing just showing up, I turn onto her road and thank God immediately I’m a nosy, stubborn asshole. In the distance I see her block of flats and standing outside shouting into the intercom on the wall is a tall, lanky dude with his fists clenched and a huge fucking scowl on his face. He’s waving his hands in the air and kicking the brick wall in front of him.

I get out and walk closer and he’s yelling at someone to let him in. This is not the kind of company I want her around. She needs to move flats. The guy’s swearing and ranting and then I hear a soft voice muffled through the speaker.


Wait, is that Jess?

Shit, I can’t be sure.

“What the fuck are you looking at?” The prick has the balls to say to me.

“You. Move along. They obviously don’t wanna let you in.”

If that’s Jess he’s going to be in big trouble.

“Why don’t you fuck off, man? This is between me and my girlfriend.”

“Well your
obviously doesn’t want you here.” I step forward ready to take this further if he needs me to drive the message home. He levels his stare on me and looks me up and down before I see the resignation glare in his eyes. He knows he’s not going to get anywhere.

“No pussy is worth this shit.” He mumbles, then kicks the door hard. “You’re not worth this shit.” He directs into the speaker, and stalks back to his car. I stand and watch the gravel fly from under the tyres as he speeds away, and turn my body toward the door. The intercom crackles. Whoever it was, is still there. I can hear her breathing.

“Jess?” I ask softly and hold my breath. With each silent second that passes, disappointment filters through my veins until the broken, defeated voice chokes out my name. This has got to be bad.

“Buzz me in. Now.”

My hand’s pushing the door as soon as it clicks and I take the stairs three at a time to get to the fourth floor as quick as possible.

I don’t bother knocking. I burst through her front door and scan the room as fast as my eyes will move. It opens straight up into the lounge, and her body’s huddled in the corner. She’s sitting on the floor, and her head’s in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. Shit, he must have scared the fuck out of her; threatened her. It’s way more than an argument.

“Jess? What happened?” I walk slowly over to her. She doesn’t answer, but then she wouldn’t be able to the way her body’s heaving anyway.

I place my hand on her shoulder, and she flinches. Her head’s still in her hands and she shakes it vigorously. “I can’t.” She says roughly in between the ragged breaths her lungs are trying to pull in quickly.

I crouch down in front of her and reach my hands out to hers, tugging on them and moving the hair that’s fallen forward, behind her ear.

She slowly lifts her head and when I look past the wet, red, blotchy skin on her cheeks to the black and purple swollen eye that she can’t even fucking open, fire rages through every muscle in my body.

“He did this?” I bite out through gritted teeth.

She nods uncertainly, and it takes every ounce of willpower not to punch the wall, but that would only scare her again.


“Last night. We were just watching T.V, but I was cooking dinner at the same time. Well trying to at least. I got so involved in the programme I forgot there was something in the oven. And it got really burnt. The whole room started getting all smoky, then the fire alarm started going. And I couldn’t reach it. It wouldn’t stop. I tried opening the windows, but it took ages. He just flipped. Told me I was a crap girlfriend. Started yelling. Saying all he wanted was peace and quiet for one night.” She looks down and fiddles with her hands in her lap. “I started yelling back. It didn’t even cross my mind he might hit me. I know I shouldn’t have provoked him, I was pretty bitchy, but I never thought he’d hit me. He gets angry real quickly, but to hurt me?” She sniffs and wipes her eyes with the heel of her hands. “I should have just agreed with him. My mouth just runs away with me sometimes.”

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