Sweet Alibi (50 page)

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Authors: Adriane Leigh

BOOK: Sweet Alibi
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“Fuck, God, Tristan,” I panted and moaned before lightning sparks exploded behind my eyes and shivers raced through my body. My toes clenched, and my blood pumped through every vein I had as I pulsed around his fingers.

“God, you’re fucking beautiful when you come all over my hand,” he growled as he eased his fingers out of me and thrust one into his mouth. My eyes widened in surprise as he licked it clean. “Your fucking taste . . . I could never live without it.”

My eyes flashed with desire. He cocked his beautiful head to one side, a soft lock of golden-blond hair falling across his forehead. He arched an eyebrow before sliding his palm over my collarbone, up my neck, cupping my cheek, and thrusting one finger, drenched with my juices, into my mouth. I closed my lips around his finger and sucked, never breaking eye contact with him.

“Jesus Christ,” he breathed as his eyes watched my lips, wrapped around his finger. “You drive me fucking insane.” He pulled his finger from my mouth and pulled my lips to his, crushing me in a passionate kiss. I thrust my hips into him, riding his erection through the denim of his jeans.

“Babe, you’re going to be late,” he groaned as he slid both hands into the back of my jeans and panties and palmed the cheeks of my ass roughly.

“I can make time,” I whispered before nipping at the lobe of his ear.


“Mmm,” I hummed at his ear. I loved when he lost control during sex and the dirty words started falling from his mouth. I kissed his lips before standing and peeling my jeans down my thighs, my panties falling to the ground with them. He worked the zipper down on his pants and pulled his cock out in his hands. My heart skipped a few beats and another wave of pleasure rushed between my thighs. I crawled back on top of him and pressed myself against his length, sliding it back and forth between my swollen lips.

“Christ, Georgia. I can’t fucking wait anymore.”

“Patience brings sweet rewards.” I worked myself over him, the head of his cock hitting my clit and sending sparks of lust through my body.

“You’re a vixen. The devil in disguise,” he groaned as his hips worked in deliciously slow circles. He passed across my entrance and tried to thrust into me, but I lifted my hips out of his reach. “Jesus, baby,” he growled before throwing his head against the chair, exposing his throat to me. I lowered back down and continued to tease, not letting him inside me as my hands worked their way up his beautiful throat, the stubble along his jaw, and entwined in his hair. My lips kissed along the cords of his neck and over his Adam's apple. I licked and flicked my tongue along the sharp lines of his jaw, enjoying his taste.

“You’re so beautiful,” I breathed into his ear as my teeth scraped along the shell of it.

“You're such a tease.” His hands held my hips firmly in place as he tried to angle himself into me.

“I take pleasure in watching you come undone,” I murmured.

“Sadist.” His fingers dug into my ass as he tried to impale himself on me. I lifted and then teased the head of his cock at my entrance. “Jesus, Georgia. I’m going to fucking come before I’m even inside you.”

“Sounds like you should see a doctor about that,” I murmured before his hand swiftly came down on my ass, causing a sting and, I'm sure, leaving a fiery handprint.

“Ow. Fuck.”

His eyes held mine, blazing with lust before he thrust into me, hard and fast and unforgiving. A groan passed my lips as my head arched in pleasure. “Fuck, that’s a beautiful face. The way you look when I’m buried inside you.” He thrust up into me as I rode him in his office chair. His hands held my hips firmly as he worked himself in and out of me. “I need you deeper, baby.” He lifted me, his dick still buried between my thighs, and laid me out across his desk. He pushed paperwork to one side and pounded between my thighs, working in and out of me, his beautiful face tense with pleasure.

“This is us, right here. You and me and no one else. Just this.” His hand circled around my clit and I could feel another orgasm building. The small bud swelled and burned with release. “You like when I’m buried inside you, baby? When I fuck you over my desk?”

“God, yes,” I whimpered as he thrust into me at a punishing pace. My hands flew to my breasts and I kneaded and pinched at the nipples, causing fire to race through my body. “I’m going to come.”

“Wait. Wait for me beautiful,” he ground through a clenched jaw. I reached a hand between us and wrapped my fingers around the base of him where our bodies met as he pounded in and out of me. “Jesus, baby.” His thrusts sped up, his eyes trained on mine, lust pouring off him, causing my skin to tingle and prickle. “Georgia.” He said my name and my body shuddered around him, coming undone for him because only he did this to me. Only ever him. He knew my body—could read it as well as his own—and had me convulsing in pleasure around his cock as he pounded into me, seeking his own release, before his hands clenched into my flesh and his body shuddered against mine.

He throbbed as my body milked every ounce he had to give. His eyes fluttered closed and his head fell down on my chest. Golden hair tickled my breasts as gasps wracked his body. I held him tight to me, so tight I could never let him go. He gave me everything he had each time we were together, and I felt it. He was always with me. It was unlike anything I'd ever experienced before.

I lifted my hand, the weight of the ring he'd given me alerting me to its presence. The diamond glittered in the sunlight and tears pricked beneath my eyelids. I was so happy. So full when we were together. I wanted for absolutely nothing as long as he was in my arms.

I weaved my fingers into his sexy bed-head hair and held onto him for dear life. If he ever left, it would destroy me. There was no one else for me but him, and after all I’d gone through with Kyle, I was only sad it’d taken me so long to see it. Tristan and I had gone through hell and back together, and my body calmed at the notion we would only get better. Things could only go up for us.

“I love you so fucking much,” Tristan murmured as his hands skimmed up either side of my torso, his elbows propped on the desk beside me. He lifted his upper body off me and looked in my eyes. “I made you late,” he murmured against my lips.

“No better reason to be late than having a fuck on your desk.” A smile tipped my lips.

“Jesus, Georgia.” He nipped at my lips, a beautiful grin breaking out across his face. “I want to keep you here all day. Chain you to my desk and make you my sex slave.” He arched a flirty eyebrow.

“Didn’t know you were so kinky.” I grinned and clenched my core around him.

He sucked in a sharp breath as he slowly began to pull out of me. The slow drag of his cock against my hypersensitive nerves made a small moan escape my throat. “I can do kinky, baby. I can do whatever you need me to do as long as I get to bury myself between your beautiful thighs.” He flashed me a heart-stopping grin.

I locked my legs around his waist before he could fully pull out of me. “Not yet,” I murmured and pulled him back to me. I wrapped my arms around his sweat-slicked body and traced my nails up and down his back. A shiver ran through him as he tucked his nose beneath my ear and ran one hand into my messy hair.

“You’re going to be late,” he muttered.

“I want to stay here with you,” I whispered into his hair, his intoxicating fresh scent taking over my senses.

“You’ve been waiting for this appointment for a long time.” He traced a thumb over my eyebrow, across my lips, over my cheekbone.

“I don’t want to go.” I pouted.

“I don’t want you to go either, but you have to, baby,” he whispered as he slowly pulled out of me. I shut my eyes tight and held my breath, enjoying the last sensations that ran through me as he pulled out. I sucked my lip between my teeth and shut my eyes tight. He was still hard. Jesus, I couldn’t get enough of him.

“Baby, don’t make that face,” he muttered once he was disconnected from me.

“What?” My eyes flashed open in confusion.

“Like you want me again.”

“I do.”

“You’re a horny girl. Insatiable,” he muttered before kissing my lips and then pulling away to tuck himself back into his jeans. My lips turned down in a pout.

“Up and at ’em.” He slapped my bare thigh playfully.

“I just want to stay here.” I stretched my arms up over my head, feeling my muscles pulling taut. A groan escaped Tristan’s throat before I looked up at him. His eyes darted across my body, landing on my pebbled nipples.

“So fucking hot.” He skimmed a hand up my stomach and between my breasts. My nerves reawakened and my nipples hardened painfully. “Oh no, you have to go.” He gave my nipple a rough pinch before picking up my jeans and panties and tossing them in my direction. My eyes clouded with lust as he turned to pick up the paperwork from the floor that had fallen when he’d thrown me on the desk.

“Insatiable.” He shook his head when he caught the look in my eyes. I grinned before peeling myself off his desk and pulling my panties and jeans up my thighs.

“Do I look thoroughly fucked?” I grinned.

“You’ve got a potty mouth, Miss Montgomery.” He wrapped a hand into my hair and kissed my lips. “Now get to your appointment.” He swatted me on the ass before I turned. I gave my hips a seductive shake and threw him a grin over my shoulder, leaving his office and heading to my first therapy appointment.



At the end of May, we got a call that had us rushing down to Jacksonville. Drew was in labor, more than a week late, and Georgia wasn’t willing to miss it for the world. She’d hired a caretaker for the house and a maid to come in, between guests. I'd come to realize it might be difficult for her to live right next door and I wondered if buying the tiny beach cottage next to the beach rental had been a good idea. It seemed to add an extra layer of stress, but so far, whenever I mentioned moving or buying something else, she wouldn’t hear of it. I hoped that the stress would ease with time and, other than taking care of the big things, she could put the rental out of her mind.

We took the Jeep down to Jacksonville, Charlie in the back, and stayed for a week after little Bennett was welcomed into the world. Georgia attended labor and delivery with Drew and Gavin. Drew, through a haze of blissful tears, asked Georgia to be the little guy’s godmother. She happily accepted. Regardless of the title, I knew she would be like a second mom to him. She had presents stacked in the back of the Jeep on the drive down, bought more when we were there, and helped out with feedings and diaper changes all through the night.

When we left a week later, the sad look on Georgia's face nearly broke my heart. She was leaving a piece of her heart with that squirmy little shit and it softened my heart to her and our future together all the more.

Another month passed, and we were in full summer swing. The beach house was booked through September and we were getting off-season calls for October. Turned out owning a rental on the North Carolina beach was a great investment, one that would more than pay the bills with little effort. All it took was some upkeep inbetween rentals, which we, for the most part, hired out when needed. Georgia had started writing in her free time; her new therapist had explained it was a form of therapy. A way to release the pain and fear she'd held onto for so long. She enjoyed it, and I loved watching her in the morning on the deck, laptop across her legs as she typed away. I didn't know what she was writing down and I didn't ask. I just knew that a sense of calm seemed to radiate out from her when she finally put it down for the day.

Georgia also received a letter from the parole board stating parole had been denied. I held her in my arms as she sobbed; her reaction surprised me at first. Wasn't this what she wanted? What she hoped for? Until she explained it was a cleansing of sorts. Happy tears and sad tears together: happy because she didn't want him released after serving just sixteen years for the brutal murder of her parents, but also sadness because he had a family he'd left abandoned—a wife without her husband and a son without a father. I didn't agree with this line of thinking at all; for all we knew, they were much better off without him, but I kept my mouth shut and let her cry. It was the least I could do.

We were also starting to talk about wedding plans. I was on her ass to set a date. I wasn’t willing to let her slip through my fingers or give her a chance to wise up and dump my ass. I knew I had it good; I knew with my past, she could easily choose to be wary. She was old hat at relationships but I was a newbie. The old me would have been scared. The notions of a family and wife were new to me—something I hadn't given much thought to before—but now it was here, I wasn’t worried in the slightest.

I was pushing for a fall wedding, but Georgia rolled her eyes every time I tried to convince her. She wanted something well-thought-out and planned. She argued she’d moved in with me on impulse and said yes on impulse, but she was not willing to get married on impulse. After weeks of working on her, I finally got her nailed down for spring. She wanted a small wedding on the beach, right here at our home, just our closest friends and family. It sounded perfect.

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