Sweet Discipline (10 page)

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Authors: Bonnie Hamre

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

BOOK: Sweet Discipline
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Her smile fell apart. How cold it sounded when he put it like that. Mind-numbing sex as pleasurable stimuli? Just the thought of how he’d made her come with just his finger on her clit made her nipples pop.

He circled one. Her nipple grew. Heat spread through her chest.

“You’ll enjoy your body much more when you respect it. Teach yourself discipline and enjoy the physical rewards.”

Familiar words, but it was hard to concentrate on anything but the tip of his warm finger against her skin. Heat on heat. She glanced up and saw that his gaze was fixed on her breast. She looked for a sign that he was affected by what he was doing. She saw none. “Do you get off doing that?”

He ignored her question, but not the sensations he was arousing in her. She looked closer, and could now tell by his intent gaze, the hardening of his muscles under his clothes, that he wasn’t as immune to physical reactions as he would have her believe.

His eyes barely open, his mouth thinned as his finger traced up her throat, to where her pulse hopped and skipped, then down to circle her breast and down past her belly to her mound.

Her breathing quickened. The nerves under her skin along his path jumped to attention. She took a deep breath, steadying herself, as she stood quietly under his exploring finger. He explored the curls of her mound, then down between her legs.


Bonnie Hamre

Their eyes locked together. She said nothing, could say nothing, as she waited for him to touch her clit. To penetrate her. Anything!

Instead he pulled back. She made a little sound of distress, then clamped her lips together.

“Go run a tub and get in it.”

She blinked. She’d just bathed.


She hurried into the bathroom. Once again she wished there were some bath salts or fragrant oils to dump into the water. When she’d registered for the spa, she’d expected all those luxuries, not spartan soap and shampoo, and she wanted them now, to be fragrant and soft for him.

She ran the water as hot as she could stand it, then climbed in, sinking to her chin in the steaming water. It felt so good to give herself up to the soothing heat. Her eyes drifted shut.

“Don’t go to sleep in there.”

She opened her eyes as Adrian entered the bathroom carrying a small black case.

She licked her lips, nervously wondering what was in the case, but she didn’t have long to wait.

He opened it and propped it on the edge of the tub. Inside, a gleaming straight razor, a shaving brush, a leather strop and a shaving cup with a bar of soap, nestled in individual compartments. She raised her eyes to his. “I shaved this morning.”

“Those disposable razors aren’t enough,” he murmured as he rolled up his sleeves, revealing muscled forearms. He dipped the shaving cup into the tub and scooped up a small amount of water. As she watched, fascinated and yet somehow fearful, he made up a lather then set the cup aside.

He stropped the razor and tested it with the edge of his thumb. Nodding, he set that aside, too. “Lift your arm.”

She lifted her arm and held it as he indicated. She watched as he lathered her armpit with the brush and flinched when he applied the razor. He had a firm, smooth touch, placing the sharp blade against her skin, then moving it down skillfully and quickly. That wasn’t so bad. He rinsed it, then repeated the action, shaving her without comment. Apparently without any interest other than making sure he left her skin smooth and uncut.

“Other arm.”

She had to turn around in the tub. While he waited for her, he stropped the razor again. Once she lifted her arm, he shaved her armpit with the same silent care.


She was used to the routine now, even if it did seem unnecessary. She could tell this was a closer, smoother shave, but why bother? She asked the question.

“I want you smooth,” was all he’d say. He shaved one calf, then the other.


Sweet Discipline

“Stand up.”

She did, splashing water on both of them. He gave her a warning look, then applied himself to his task. It wasn’t bad, she thought, having someone else do all the work. In fact, she could almost enjoy it, enjoy the way he touched her skin, holding her in place, then running his palm over it to check for any missed spots. She wound up facing away from him, bracing herself on the cool tiles above the tub.

He stropped the razor and made up more lather. “Spread your legs.”

Instinctively, she closed her thighs.

Without warning, she felt a stinging lash across her wet, bare bottom. She whirled, making waves in the water, and saw the strop in his hand. “You hit me!”

“Spread your legs.”

Incredulous, she eyed the strop in one hand, the razor in the other. “You hit me,”

she repeated and rubbed her butt. A welt ran across both cheeks. “That’s abuse.”

“That’s discipline.” He looked at her squarely. “You gave your permission.”

He had her there. She might not have known to what extent access to her body meant when she signed the agreement, but she’d done it. “Don’t hit me again.”

“Do as you’re told, then.”

She opened her legs.

“Lift your foot.” He placed her foot on the edge of the tub, and applied the lathered brush to her mound. The soft bristles tickled and she couldn’t help contracting her muscles. He glanced up at her and she made herself stand still, even as she asked, “Why are you doing this?”

“You have a full bush. To some men, that may be a turn-on, but I need to see you.”


With care, he lathered her up and shaved her. She glanced down and saw her brown curls dropping into the water. All right, so that wasn’t so bad.

“Spread wider.”

Her eyes widened instead. He was going to use that razor on her pussy? She glanced up, saw his face implacable and stern.

Swallowing, she widened her stance. The brush was awful, teasing her and arousing her with each soft swirl. By the time he picked up the razor, she couldn’t stop a whimper.

“Be very still.”

The first touch of the steel against her tender pussy lips brought every bit of her focus on that tiny strip of skin. He took his time, using short strokes, ultra-careful, shaving every last hair. She held her breath when the blade circled her clit, then closed her eyes at the exquisite sensation of the blade slipping over her sensitized skin. Every glide of the steel awakened new nerve endings, promising pleasure. Her breathing grew short as she held herself still, all senses concentrating on his touch on newly bared 57

Bonnie Hamre

skin. Her pussy lips closed, then opened, inviting him in. She shivered when he ran his fingers over her flesh, checking his work.

At last, ages later, he rinsed the razor and dried it. She exhaled. He replaced each item of the shaving gear in the case, then looked at her. “You can rinse off now. When you’re finished, go to the training room.”

Oh no…

She did as she was told, washing away every bit of lather, every bit of arousal.

When she walked naked into the training room, he was seated in his armchair waiting for her.

He looked comfortable while she was a walking case of nerves. What did he have in mind for her now? He didn’t make her wait long after she dropped to her knees in front of him. “Time for exercise.”

Given her choice of exercising or a swat on the butt, she’d take the swat. Grumbling under her breath, she moved to the mat.

He led her through her stretches, then her exercises, seeming to delight in each groan and moan. When she’d stop at ten repetitions, he took her to twenty. When she flagged, he spurred her on.

After a break for water, he took her through another set. Even at her gym, with machines to do the work, she’d hated working out. Having to do it all herself was unendurable, but endure it she did, until at last, Adrian led her through her cool down routine. She collapsed, face down on the mat.

“Slightly better,” he said. “By the time your stay is over, this will be a breeze.”

Oh ha-ha.
She could only think it. Speaking was too much effort.

“Now that you’re rested, come over here.”

She pulled herself upright and saw what Adrian meant. She flinched. Not that table again! She dragged herself over to it and climbed up.

“On your belly.”

She rolled over. He pulled her arms over her head and placed them in restraints.

She shivered but didn’t protest, not even when he nudged her legs apart and secured her ankles to either side of the bench. He left the table. She waited, afraid to breathe, for his next move.

When it came, she all but groaned with delight. He poured a pool of warm, scented oil in the small of her back, then massaged her from head to toe, applying a firm, no-nonsense stroke that had her sore muscles screaming, first in pain, then in delight. The fragrance of almond drifted in the air around them. Drenched in pleasure, she sighed deeply. This was more like it.

He kneaded her butt cheeks. “Have you ever had anal sex?”

She tensed, remembering how a long-ago lover, sure she’d love his big cock rammed up her ass, had forced her to it. “It hurts.”

“Not if you’re prepared. Not if it’s done right.”


Sweet Discipline

“It’s dirty.”

“Not when you take precautions.”

“It doesn’t feel good,” she said at last, desperately.

“That’s where you’re wrong. Did you know the anus is ringed with sensitive nerve endings?” He rimmed her with a lubricated fingertip as he spoke. “Feel that? Hundreds of them.”


“See? When your partner takes the time to prepare you, you might enjoy it.” He paused, while she tried to imagine that. “We are going to find out.”

He slipped the tip of his finger in her. “The skin here is soft, like satin, and hot.”

She squirmed, tensing against the pain she knew was coming. His finger withdrew.

She heard him move away. She looked over her shoulder at him, and saw he’d opened the spa’s bag. She knew what was in there. Those dildos…

He brought the set of three to the table and held them where she could see them.

“These are anal dildos. Probes. Some people call them butt plugs. They come in many sizes and shapes, but we’ll begin with these three. The smallest,” he said as he pulled it from the case, “is the one we’ll start with. We’ll work up to the larger sizes.”

She swallowed, once, twice. He sounded so prosaic, so ordinary, as if this was no different than brushing his teeth. “I’m not sure I’m ready for this.”

“Who is in charge here?”

“You are,” she said without hesitation. But could she trust him not to hurt her?

As if answering her unspoken doubts, he said, “The object is not to inflict pain, but to widen you gradually.” As he spoke, he uncapped a tube of lubricant and spread it liberally over the small probe. Then he took more and applied it to her ass, between the cheeks and into her anus. “That should do it.”

He patted her butt cheek. Norris took comfort from it. Then with one hand, Adrian spread her crack wider and slipped the tip of the dildo in. She tensed. “Just relax, Norris. This isn’t any bigger than my finger and you took that.”

She swallowed the knot in her throat and unclenched her muscles.

“There. That’s the way. Good girl.”

The unexpected compliment sent warmth flooding through her. She relaxed, feeling eased and pleased, and without her aware of it, he’d inserted the dildo in as far as it could go.

“See, no problem. Now,” he flicked the switch and the tiny dildo buzzed. “What do you feel?”

“Ooh,” was all she could say.

He kept the dildo in her butt, turning it, edging it in and out while she closed her eyes and let him give her pleasure.

Abruptly, the buzzing stopped. He pulled the dildo out. She moaned in protest.


Bonnie Hamre


She glanced over her shoulder at him and saw that he was lubricating the middle-sized dildo. Her eyes widened as she realized how much wider and longer it was than the first one. Instinctively, she made a small noise of protest.

He smacked her rump. “Control, Norris.” He applied more lubricant to her ass and inserted the tip of the dildo. She felt the pressure as her inner walls were pushed apart.

She whimpered but he continued inexorably. Her breathing quickened. It wasn’t pain she felt, just a newness, an unaccustomed sensation that had her heart racing and her pulse jumping.

When he turned the dildo on, the vibrations shuddered up her spine, down her arms, around to her breasts and shot unerringly to her pussy. She cried out, not in pain, but in arousal.

His hand delved under her. His fingers found her clit, pulled it. She gasped at the touch of his finger on her denuded pussy and felt her inner muscles clench. With the dildo in her ass and his fingers busy beneath her, she concentrated on the pleasure spreading through her body. It rushed through her veins, heating them, pooled in her abdomen, making her juices flow freely, then trickled through down to her toes, making them curl.

“When I get to one, you may come,” he instructed, his voice uneven. “Ten.”

She panted.


She tried to close her legs against the sensations flooding her.


Heat shot through her, scalding every inch of her. The vibrations buzzed in her head, in her bones. She tossed her head from side to side, as if that would release the pressure escalating within her.


Her fists clenched. “Oh, please, let me…”

“Six. Focus!”

Her butt was on fire. Her pussy screamed for something to fill it.


Her orgasm hit her like a blast furnace. She came in a great gust of scorching heat.

Her body shook with it, her inner muscles clenching and clasping. She yelled with the pleasure pain of her muscles clamping on the dildo in her ass.

Adrian turned it off and pulled it out. In the sudden silence, she could hear him breathing. Harsh and hurried, as though he too was close to climax. Though she was face down and couldn’t see him, she felt him close to her, felt his heat enveloping her, almost as though he cradled her in a lover’s embrace.

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