Sweet Dreams (31 page)

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Authors: Aaron Patterson

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Mystery & Detective, #Suspense, #Thrillers, #Mystery & Thrillers, #Espionage

BOOK: Sweet Dreams
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"Yes, and hopefully make the WJA think that we have given up on trying finding them. We need them to think they've won."

Kirk rubbed his chin as he looked through the last of the file. "So what can I do?"

"You hit on something that they didn't like, enough so that they took you out of play for a whole year. We need your help tracking them down. You can continue your investigation with the full help of our task force."

"The first thing we need to find is this mole you've got. We find him, and then we find the WJA! Trying to track them the usual way won't work; they know every scheme, every




trail we will bark up. We need to get into their trust. We need to get close and take them down from the inside."

"So you'll join us?"

"Only if you let me do it my way, and stay out of my business!"

"Done, and by the way my name is Charles Goodwin, or Agent Goodwin."

Kirk stuck out his hand and shook his new boss's hand. It was going to be interesting working for the other side, but hey; maybe he could catch this mole and make him squirm a little, that would bring joy to his heart to see an FBI agent in the hot seat for a change.




Chapter Twenty


is, as usual, well, uh--unusual!" Mark stood at the door to Maria's apartment. She wore a dark brown dress that showed off her complexion and olive skin. She had a messy bun off to one side of her head with two stick-like things crossing through it like swordsmen fighting to the death. She smiled and grabbed her coat before taking Mark's arm. "Well, I like to mess around with it, and never mind about my hair. It is good to see you, and all in one piece!"

"Yeah, I'm here, sorry again for disappearing on you. I just couldn't get away."

"It's okay, you're here now, and that's all that matters."

Maria held on to Mark's arm tightly. She tried not to show how much she cared for him; she knew it might be years before they could have a real relationship and she wanted to be prepared for that.



"I have something to show you." Mark said with a glimmer of youth in his eyes. Mark hit the button on his keychain, and a silver Ascari KZ1's lights flashed in the dark parking garage. The sleek sports car sat waiting for Mark to take the wheel like a racehorse waiting impatiently for the big race. Maria looked at the car, then back at Mark. Her jaw dropped, and she started to speak, but could not.

Mark laughed. "Well, get in before you fall down,"

Opening the passenger door, he helped Maria get in without falling over. The half million dollar car was everything that it was supposed to be, and worth every penny that Mark spent, or that his new boss spent!

Maria tried to ask him how he got the car, but Mark hushed her, telling her that one day he would tell her the whole story, but for now, to enjoy the ride.

Le Cirque
was an elegant restaurant in the heart of everything that New York had to offer. It had a fine selection of French food and a great view. As Mark drove, Maria looked around the car, playing with every button, and light she could find, she giggled when she found the flip-up monitor for the DVD player.

"You're having way too much fun with that," Mark joked.

"Well, it's not every day I get to ride in a high-priced sports car!"

Mark had on a dark black suit with silver pin striping that hid just under the top layer of woven fabric. His tie matched, with silver and black making a pattern that could make anyone look good, but between the car and the suit Mark looked like he was ready for the red carpet on Oscar night. He pulled up to the front door and was met by the valet, who took his keys




and smiled. The thin valet was glad he was working tonight and took the keys with greedy hands.

Mark escorted Maria up the stairs and into the restaurant. The waiter showed them to their table, which overlooked the city. Crystal and the sounds of glasses tinkling made an unmistakable ring in the air that almost made Mark shiver. The skyline lights sparkled in the evening air taking away the dirt and grime of the city and transforming it into a beautiful gem like Cinderella in her ball gown. Nevertheless, like the storybook story at the stroke of midnight, the spell would fall away and the ugly pumpkin would emerge, so New York in the morning would be back to its true self. Dark corners and dirty evils lurked waiting to kill and destroy.

"So tell me what you did for the last few days." Maria leaned on her elbows and looked at Mark with interest in her eyes.

"Well, to sum it up, I went out and finally dealt with my past and with the death of my family. It is something that I can now put behind me and move on with my life."

Maria seemed surprised and relieved. "Wow, with how you were the other night, I was wondering if you were going to go crazy or go off and do something stupid. I'm glad you could get away and think."

Mark smiled. "You're a great friend, Maria," Mark looked down at the table. "Well more then a friend, I don't think I could've gotten through this last year without you." Mark felt his face flush and wondered if he really was ready to move on and if he could really fall in love again.

Mark could tell he was making Maria all emotional and decided to lighten the mood. "So what do you think of the 286 AARON



"Well, it is a little small for my liking, but if you like it, I guess..."

"Whatever, you like it! Man, it is hard to impress you."

Mark laughed.

"So do you have anything you need to tell me?" Maria questioned, trying to get Mark to open up and spill his news.

"Will you promise you won't get mad?"


"Okay, I got a new job," Mark could see the disappointment on Maria's face. "Don't worry; I think it's a good thing. If I'm going to be seeing you, then it will be better that we don't work in the same office."

"Seeing me, huh? Well, if you put it like that." Maria smiled, making her eyes glow green and yellow. "So tell me about this job, I see it has good perks." Nodding toward the front where the car was parked.

Mark was relieved to see the water coming. He wasn't sure how to break the news that he was going to be an assassin or a hit man. It was too much for anyone, even himself, to take in all at once. He did not even believe it himself. Maybe he wasn't cut out for this, and he was just kidding himself thinking he was stronger than he really was.

After they ordered, Mark sipped on his scotch and soda, hoping that Maria would forget about the question.

"Well, mister? Do tell, you've got me all curious over here."

Mark sighed. "This is the hard part, Maria, I don't want to lie to you; I want to always be open and honest with you."

"Yes, that is expected."




"That poses a problem with my new job. I--uh, you see..." Mark took Maria's hand and looked deep into her dark brown eyes. "Look, do you trust me?"

"Of course I do--why?" She sounded worried and her forehead wrinkled.

"I can't tell you what I do or will be doing, but trust me; I'm not doing anything unfaithful or evil. I just need to protect you."


"I know it doesn't make any sense, but this is who I am and what I will be. I just want you to know up front what kind of relationship you are getting into."

Maria looked into Mark's eyes, and he could tell that she was thinking about everything that he had just told her. His heart raced as he waited to hear her response.

"You know, you could've lied and made up some job that doesn't exist. If you are willing to risk losing me over the truth, then that is good enough for me. I only ask one thing,"

"What's that?"

"Please be careful."

"I promise!"


GEOFF SAT OUT IN the waiting area while Kirk talked with the agent in charge. He wasn't surprised that he was taken out of the loop, being a reporter and all. He took out his cell phone and opened it up. He could see he had a text message, so he opened it and read it. His pulse jumped as he read the massage. His boss wanted something, and he wasn't even close to being ready. He sent a message back and then closed 288 AARON


the phone.

He looked around at everything that was going on. The offices were busy, with some people on the phone and others running around like an anthill that had just been kicked. Geoff took out his laptop from his shoulder bag, and logged on to the FBI website. He wanted to look up the director and get any information he could.

The director was Shaun M. Nichols. He opened up a search on Captain Jacobson, trying to see what agency he worked for. He must have been in another department or something.

Geoff stopped a man who looked like he might know what was going on and asked if he knew Jacobson.

"Captain? Yeah, he is in charge of the Operation Justice Task force. No one knows what it involves, other than that; it has been running for a few years now. I don't even know any agents who are involved other than him--it is all very hushhush."

"Thank you. Is he here somewhere?"

"Yeah, his office is on the fifth floor. Just ask for him at the front desk."


Geoff put away his laptop and slid his bag over his head; he walked toward the elevator, where he hit the up arrow. He thought he should try to get an interview and do something useful.

The fifth floor was open, with closed-off offices around the outside of the building and a center area filled with cubicles. The woman at the front counter asked him what she could help him with and he held his voice firm in spite of his




nerves that were running scared like a turkey on the day before thanksgiving.

"My name is Geoff, and I'm with World Magazine International. I want to speak with Captain Jacobson, if I could."

The middle-aged woman wore her hair up and in a conservative bun. She looked up at him and pulled off her glasses, which hung on a small chain around her neck. "Do you have an appointment, son?" She didn't wait for him to answer.

"No, I didn't think so, tell you what--you leave me your card, and I'll have him call you, okay?"

Geoff could tell he was not getting any farther, so he took out a business card and handed it to her.

"Can you tell him it is about his special task force?"

She nodded, put on her glasses, and went back to typing on her keyboard. Geoff took the elevator back down to the main floor and waited for Kirk to finish his meeting. ________________________________________

AFTER GOING OVER JUST about everything about the operation that they could, Kirk got up, shook agent Goodwin's hand and started to leave.

"Oh, what's the story with your reporter friend?"

"He's cool, he knows almost everything about the case involving the prison, and I left out some parts about my kidnapping, since they were a bit unbelievable."

"Just be careful, don't let him in on too much. The last thing we need is for this to get out to the media."

"No problem. He knows that I'll kill him if he tries to cross me."

The agent laughed, but Kirk looked at him with a--
I'm se-
rious look on his face.
"Okay, then, uh, you need anything, 290 AARON


just ask."

"I got one question, what can you tell me about Captain Jacobson?"

"He is the lead man on this task force and handles all the sensitive matters as far as the cover-ups go. He is the one who started the operation ten years ago."

"I'm just curious why he was given the file from Jenkins, and then after we talked to Jenkins, he ends up dead."

"We are looking into it, but I can assure you that he had nothing to do with Jenkins' death. The file was doctored to try to preserve the operation and keep a low profile."

Kirk thanked him and walked out into the waiting area to find Geoff. He found him sitting just outside of the door half asleep with boredom. "Hey, how'd it go?" Geoff asked.

"Good, I got new information that changes everything, but first I want to go out to Jenkins' place and see what's up."

The second agent that had brought them in was walking by when he heard Kirk talking about going over to the crime seen.

"I'm going out there now; you two can ride along if you like."

"Great, it will save us a taxi."


MARIA WAVED FROM HER two-story window as Mark

drove away. He looked back for a brief moment and smiled. She was a wonderful person and friend. He just hoped he could keep her in his life. At this point, he wasn't sure of anything let alone what was going to happen next week or even tomorrow.

He made his way to the smoke shop and pulled up to the curb in front of the store. This side of town was dingy, and if




you didn't have your wits, then you would be a prime target for a mugging or worse.

As Mark opened the door and the tiny bell bumped against the glass. The place was dim, almost dark and filled with choking smoke.

One person was milling about looking at different cigars. The shop owner stood behind an old-style till and had a short, fat stogie hanging out of the side of his mouth.

"Can I help you?" he grunted, as if it he was a bit annoyed that Mark had come in to stink up the place.

"Yeah, I'm here to meet someone. Uh, I was told to be here at eleven." Mark looked at his watch and noticed it was eleven, right on the nose.

"You Mark?"


"Take your car around the side, in the alley, and Mario will tell you where to go." He puffed a thick cloud of smoke and turned to look at a small TV that sat behind the counter. He breathed in deep as if trying to get more smoke because it would be a waste to let it go unattended.

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