Read Sweet Harmonies Online

Authors: Melanie Shawn

Tags: #heartwarming, #love story, #hometown romance, #tender romance, #contemporary romance, #womens fiction

Sweet Harmonies (17 page)

BOOK: Sweet Harmonies
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She, in that moment, was completely and
utterly wrapped up in her own world, a world which only had room
for herself and one other person.

Karina Blackstone, who had only ever had eyes
for the cheering crowd, at this moment only had eyes for Ryan

Chapter 11

Ryan was flushed with excitement, and energy,
and didn't feel as if he'd ever come down. Performing with Karina
tonight was a high the likes of which he had never felt. Mind,
body, and soul – all of these felt completely wrapped up in this
new and thrilling sensation.

He hadn't been able to stop talking to Karina
about it. All night long, first backstage, then at the after-party
that Henry had put on at the community center, and even now as they
unlocked his office door in the back of the cafe to lock up the
money collected from the show.

He realized that he must sound like a
yammering broken record, but he really could not help himself. He
was so hyped up on adrenaline and new experience he just couldn't
shut up about it. Luckily, she didn't seem to be tiring of hearing
him re-hash the experience, in fact, she seemed nearly as excited
as he was.

Finally, he took a break from talking and
laughed at himself.

Man, to someone as experienced with
performing as you are, I must sound like a total idiot,” he said

No you don’t! It was fantastic! It
felt almost as new for me as it felt for you, I swear!” she
exclaimed sincerely.

He turned the dial of the safe combination,
opened the door, and put the cash box inside.

When he turned around to start talking to
Karina again, his eyes widened in surprise at what he saw. She
stood in front of him in only her bra, panties, and mile-high
stilettos. A lock of her lustrous black hair fell over her
shoulder, brushing the curving mound of her magnificent breast on
that side. For some reason, his vision locked there.

Although the entire picture of a near-naked
Karina before him was spectacular, for some reason he could not
tear his gaze from the place where that shiny, soft curl just
barely touched the top of her firm, round breast.

His breath caught in his throat and he felt
himself starting to get hard. His brain seemed to short circuit,
and he was left to the mercy of his sensory input. As if in a
trance, he reached out and brushed that small curl away from her
delicate cleavage, which was now heaving as her breath

His fingertips traced the side of that
gorgeous fleshy mound, now encased only in flimsy black lace, and
he felt her quiver under his light touch. He liked that. He liked
that he had the power to make her shiver, to play her like he
played his guitar, to have the flesh of her body respond to his
slightest touch in the same way that the strings of that instrument

When his fingertips reached the bottom of her
lacy bra, he brought his palm up and cupped the underside of her
breast, taking her nipple – still encased in its lace binding –
between his thumb and forefinger and manipulating it until it stood
at attention.

He heard Karina moan, and the sound brought
him back to himself, suddenly, in a snap.

This wasn't part of the plan. No matter how
connected they felt, sleeping with her only a few weeks after
meeting her held no part of a traditional courtship, in his
opinion. It wasn't how he operated, and it wasn't respectful.

He caught his shuddering breath.

No,” he whispered, “Not here. Not now.
Not like this.”

Ryan tried to slip past her out of the
office, but she moved quickly so that her body was blocking his

Oh, yes,” she whispered seductively,
pressing her body up against his, “I think this is going to happen
right here...”

With that she reached behind her and
unfastened her bra, letting it slip from her shoulders, giving him
a complete, breathtaking view of her magnificent, full breasts.
They were smooth and caramel colored, just like the rest of her
glowing skin, and they were tipped with hard, dime-sized, chocolate
brown nipples.

...I think this is going to happen
right now...” she continued softly.

With that statement, she took both of his
hands in hers and placed them on her heaving mounds, molding his
fingers to cup them, and arching her back to grind her nipples into
his palms.

...and I think this is going to happen
exactly like this,” she concluded huskily.

With that final statement, she undid his fly
in one swift movement, and slid her hand inside his boxers. With a
firm, confident grip, she took hold of his shaft and began slowly
stroking it, in rhythm with the way she was grinding her breasts
against his palms.

His whole body shuddered, and he passed the
point of no return. He forgot about trying to avoid this situation.
She wanted him to make love to her, and he was going to do exactly

Karina had spoken, and his body had voiced
its agreement. Ryan’s conscience had been out voted two-to-one. So
he gave himself over to the opinion of the majority, and decided
since this was going to happen, he would surrender himself to it
with everything he had.

He gripped her wrist firmly and pulled her
hand out of his pants. He could see by the disappointment that
flashed in her eyes that she thought he was going to put a stop to
the whole thing, but he was so far past thinking about stopping
that he barely remembered ever wanting to.

Rather, he raised her hand up and, looking
directly into her eyes the entire time, he slipped her fingers
inside his mouth one by one, swirling his tongue around each one in
turn, and suckling them. Then he licked her palm, getting plenty of
moisture onto it.

Never letting go of her wrist, he used his
other hand to swiftly push his jeans and boxers down around his
knees, at which point he slipped off his shoes and stepped out of
them, as well as his pants and undershorts.

Without breaking eye contact still, and
without loosening his grip on her wrist, he moved her hand back
down to his now fully erect penis, wrapping her slick fingers
around it.

He leaned his head in close to hers, until
their foreheads were touching and they were looking into each
other's eyes from only the tiniest of distance, and then he
intensely and softly barked out just one word, and it was clear it
was an order.


Her breath had been completely suspended
throughout this entire ritual, but when she heard him say this, it
rushed out of her in a gasp of pleasure. She began stroking him up
and down, pausing only every four or five strokes to run her wet
palm over the head and change the angle of her grip.

As she did this, Ryan slipped his t-shirt
over his head and then roughly pulled her panties down her legs to
her knees, where she followed his lead and stepped out of them.

He straightened, and she could see by his
facial expression, as well as the sweat building on his forehead,
that he was greatly enjoying her ministrations.

He reached out and took her nipples in
between each thumb and index finger, rolling them back and forth,
teasing them to the very height of their potential. She was
absolutely sure that her nipples had never been bigger, or harder,
or experienced as much sheer pleasure as they were right now, under
the titillating care of Ryan's fingers.

Their foreheads were pressed together, and
they still stared into each other’s eyes as they gave each other
pleasure. Karina didn't think she'd ever felt such an intense
connection with a human being.

Ryan covered her mouth with his, his tongue
slipping past her lips exploring her mouth like she was a precious
treasure. As soon as his tongue met hers a desire rose up in her
like she had never known before. Karina wanted more, more kissing,
more touching, more Ryan.

Sensing Karina’s urgency Ryan slid one hand
firmly down her belly, coaxing her thighs apart when he reached the
apex between her legs. As she moved her legs further apart, she
started to step out of her heels, but Ryan broke their kiss and
commanded, softly but in a voice that brooked no argument, “No.
Leave them on.”

Karina slipped her foot back into her
high-heeled shoe, and her entire body thrilled at being controlled,
being ordered, being told precisely what to do.

If it had come from anyone but Ryan – a man
that she trusted so completely and that she knew respected her,
mind, body and soul – there was no telling how she would have taken
it. This was a first for Karina; she had always been in complete
control of all of her sexual encounters.

But coming from Ryan? It aroused her more
than she could remember ever having been aroused in her life.

Ryan slid his hands between her legs, running
his fingers lightly up and down the wet folds of her core.

I see you like this,” he said, a
wicked smile on his face.

Karina nodded furiously, unable to speak.

Tell me,” he ordered.

I like it…I…I love it...” Karina
managed to squeak out weakly.

With that, he plunged his finger inside of
her, and she cried out in pleasure, her body contracting against
his fingers, and her knees buckling. She had to bring up her free
arm quickly and hook it around the back of his neck to keep from
falling to the ground.

Mmmmm....” he murmured, “I think maybe
you need a little support.”

She gasped, her throat clenched, unable to

Can't hear you,” he teased in a
whisper, “Does that mean that you're still capable of

With that, he used his thumb to tweak her
sensitive nub a few times, causing waves of pleasure to rush
through her that were so intense, and made her so lightheaded, that
she lost her grip on his shaft and started to melt toward the

That's what I thought,” he teased,
catching her around the waist with one arm and clearing off his
desk in one quick swipe with the other.

He lifted her up gently but firmly, placing
her on his desk. She leaned back and rested on her elbows.

Condom!” she managed to gasp, “In my

He stopped, a bit taken aback.

Do you just carry condoms around with
you?” he asked breathlessly.

She looked up at him through her long ink
black eyelashes and smiled a wicked smile, “I was pretty certain
this was going to happen tonight.”

He shook his head and laughed, “Well, I guess
you were right about that.”

He fumbled through her purse until he found
the package of condoms and put one on.

He stepped up between her legs nudging her
thighs farther apart as he did. He ran his hands from her knees up
her thighs sending waves of pleasure jolting through her like

Feeling Ryan’s work roughened hands against
the soft, sensitive skin of her inner thighs was unlike anything
Karina had ever experienced before, and she loved it. She felt her
legs begin to quiver and shake from the erotic sensation of his
hands and fingers caressing her. Never had she been so affected by
a touch.

Ryan took in the sight before him, Karina
spread out on his desk, her body laid open for his taking. “My God,
you are beautiful” he breathed as he continued his sensual massage
up and down her gorgeous thighs.

Please Ryan, I need…I need you inside
me now” She pleaded.

Sweetheart, all you had to do was
ask.” He said as he took his erection in his hand and guided it up
and down her wet seam until she was shaking in anticipation. When
Ryan could not resist the sweet temptation that Karina presented
before him, he finally gave into what they wanted - needed and slid
inside her, filling her completely. He felt her body contracting
around him, squeezing him tightly as he pushed slowly in and out of

Ryan held Karina’s hips firmly, guiding her
body as they found a rhythm that was so perfect, so natural it felt
like their bodies were created for this, to be one with each other.
Ryan felt the pressure in her body building quickly; he knew they
were both close to going over the edge.

He leaned over her, pushing her hair away
from her ear and pressed his lips against it, whispering,
demanding, “Don’t come. Not yet.”

Just the sound of those firm words, so strong
and commanding, were almost enough to bring her to climax right

She whimpered, “Oh, Ryan…yes, OK.” she cried,
her whole body shivering with the pleasure of giving up

That’s right,” he said, slowing down
the pace as he lowered her back down onto the desk cradling her
head in his hands as he kissed her forehead, her temples, the tip
of her nose, her chin and then brushed his lips across her

The walls that Karina had spent a lifetime
building up inside herself for self-preservation were crumbling
down with every caress, every kiss, and every thrust of their
bodies coming together. She knew that she should be scared at being
so exposed emotionally, but she was so overwhelmed with pleasure
that there was no room for fear or doubt.

Her hands were roaming up and down Ryan’s
back, relishing the feeling of his muscles twitching beneath her
fingers as she explored his body. She felt so safe, so protected
with his body over her, around her and inside of her.

She slid her hands down his body and gripped
his hips as she pulled him deeper, faster inside of her. Her
breathing was growing more rapid, the pleasure building to an
intensity Karina had never experienced.

BOOK: Sweet Harmonies
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