Sweet Inspiration (5 page)

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Authors: Penny Watson

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Lucy stared at Nicholas in astonishment. "Have you really been to all of those places? France, Vermont, Switzerland...?"

"Oh yes, of course. Traveling around the world and tasting culinary treasures from different regions is my favorite hobby.

It's very inspirational for me as a chef."

Lucy shook her head and looked down into her lap. "I'm embarrassed to say I've never left New York State. I've gone to the city a few times, but I felt so intimidated that I didn't stay long. Someday I would love to travel, to taste exotic foods from every country."


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

"You'll really enjoy it, Lucy. It will open your eyes to a whole new world." Nicholas tilted up her chin with his fingers and lightly brushed his lips across hers. "So those travel posters in your office are fantasy adventures?"

Lucy nodded. "...hopefully someday. My employees make fun of me for dreaming about my 'world travels', when the truth is I seem to be having a hard time leaving Eston."

"Well, it's something to look forward to, n'est-ce pas?"

Nicholas gestured to the table. "Ready to eat?" he asked softly.

"Yes, please. Everything looks delicious."

Nicholas lifted the champagne flute to her lips, and she took a swallow, enjoying the fizzy bubbles of the sparkling wine. He winked at her, then began to carve the chicken with a professional looking carving knife. "What would you like to try first?"

"Everything! I want all of it...you're joining me, right?"

"Of course, I have a hearty chef's appetite after preparing this feast. Let's dig in."

The next hour was bliss. Nicholas continued to heap Lucy's plate with all of his decadent dishes. The green beans were crisp and vibrant, tossed with a fruity olive oil and sherry vinegar. The rice had a lovely nutty flavor. He served her rich hot chocolate with a dollop of vanilla-infused whipped cream, playfully licking some off her lips after he spooned it into her mouth. He hand fed her pieces of the fragrant bread, and then brushed imaginary crumbs from her face. Every subtle touch had her shivering and impatient for more.


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

During the meal, Lucy peppered him with questions about his cooking techniques, unusual ingredients, and his travels around the world. She realized that she probably sounded like a provincial star-struck groupie, but Nicholas' travel stories were marvelous and fed her thirst for adventure.

"Oh, I almost forgot. I have a little something for you."

Nicholas leaned down and pulled a covered basket out from under the table. "I'll think you'll like it."

Lucy blinked as she stared at the container. "You got me a gift? Really?"

Nicholas laughed at her surprise. "Don't you ever get gifts, Lucy Anne?"

"Not very often." She looked down at the table to hide her teary eyes. "Thank you."

Nicholas leaned close to her and gently brushed an errant curl from her cheek. "Why don't you open it up and see what it is?"

Lucy nodded and carefully removed the checkered tea towel from the top of the basket. The sweet aroma of vanilla was released as soon as she lifted the fabric.

"Those are the Mexican vanilla beans I was telling you about. I like to make an infusion with vodka. Of course, you can use them however you'd like."

Lucy's eyes filled with tears. "This is perfect. Thank you."

She leaned forward and brushed her lips across his, so softly they barely touched. Nicholas' gaze was riveted on her mouth. Lucy had the distinct impression that he wanted to gobble her up for dessert. When he finally gazed into her eyes, his look was so intense, Lucy blushed.


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

Nicholas cleared his throat. "Are you ready for dessert, Lucy Anne?"

She nodded. "Absolutely. It looks wonderful," she answered quietly.

As Nicholas served her a perfect poached pear, Lucy smiled and patted her stomach. "I don't think I'm going to fit in my baker's pants anymore. This meal is more than I've eaten all week. Your family must be thrilled to have such an incredible chef to feed them."

Nicholas drizzled some of the wine sauce over the pear.

"Actually, my father is somewhat annoyed with my 'little hobby' as he likes to call it. I know he appreciates my cooking skills, but he thinks my energy should be focused elsewhere."

"Really? You're so talented. How can he not be proud of your accomplishments?"

"It's not that he's not proud of me. By the time I was sixteen I had already surpassed his master baker. Everyday I presented my parents with some new cookie creation, and they were my biggest supporters. It's just that he expects his oldest son to take over the family business, and I'm not interested. My passion is cooking. My father is not getting any younger, and it's only a matter of time before I have to sacrifice my work in the kitchen and fulfill the Klaus family tradition." Nicholas sighed with resignation.

"Do any of your brothers show an interest in the business?

Maybe one of them could be his apprentice?"

Nicholas looked surprised at the question. "I have no idea.

It is a long-standing tradition that the eldest son takes over 46

Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

the business. My brothers all seem content with their positions in the village."

"Well, I hope you don't give up your passion, Nicholas. It would be a shame. You have a real talent for the culinary arts." Lucy took a bite of the tender pear. "This is wonderful.

But I think I have too much tryptophan in my system. I can't keep my eyes open."

Nicholas stood and pulled out her chair with a flourish. "I'm so pleased you liked the meal. I think it's time to get you back to your lumpy sofa."

Lucy giggled as Nicholas lifted her into his arms.

"Hmm, you seem a bit heavier than last time." He staggered down the hall, moaning and groaning for effect.

"It's not nice to comment on a woman's weight, you know."

"You barely weigh a hundred pounds, Lucy Anne. I think I need to fatten you up with a few more calorie-rich meals."

"I certainly wouldn't mind. That was truly the most delicious meal of my life."

Nicholas beamed at her as he gently laid her on the sofa.

When he attempted to stand up, Lucy reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Please don't leave. I...I want you to stay."

Nicholas grinned down at her. "You have no idea how much I've been waiting to hear that from you, sweetheart.

But you are simply too exhausted for company tonight, I'm afraid."

Lucy shook her head and tugged on Nicholas' hand, pulling him down onto the sofa with her.


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

"You promised we would finish that kiss. I'm not usually this forward with men, honestly. But I enjoyed tonight so much, especially the dinner. And I've never felt the way I did when you kissed me earlier. It was wonderful and intoxicating. Just for once, I want...I want..."

"What do you want, Lucy Anne?"

Tell him, Lucy, tell him what you really want...

"I want you, Nicholas. I'm tired of spending hours in the kitchen toiling away while everyone else has a life, and lovers, and...intoxicating kisses. I want you to make love to me. Please."

"As you wish, my sweet. A Klaus never reneges on a promise."

[Back to Table of Contents]


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

Chapter Six

Finally, Miss Lucy Anne Brewster was in his arms.

Sated by his decadent meal, she looked drowsy and delicious. My God, he wanted to taste every square inch of her luscious little body. Nicholas carefully removed his spectacles and placed them on a table next to the sofa. He felt like a child in a candy store, with so many tempting choices it was difficult to know where to begin.

Breathing deeply, he buried his face in Lucy's neck, inhaling her unique scent, a heady combination of vanilla, citrus and woman. He ran his tongue along her collarbone, up her graceful neck and made his way to her lips. Soft, full, and sweet as honey.

Lucy's lips were plump and wet, and Nicholas took his precious time tasting, teasing and nipping. She was hesitant at first, especially as his tongue began to explore her sweet mouth. But soon she was stroking his face and devouring his lips enthusiastically. Lucy suddenly giggled and Nicholas pulled back, searching her face.

"What is so funny, Miss Brewster?"

"Your beard. It tickles." Lucy rubbed her cheek along the side of his face, clearly savoring the feel of it. "I like it."

She smiled gloriously at him, and Nicholas could swear he could feel the rapid thumping of his heart in his chest.
likes my beard. Hallelujah!
Nicholas used to be embarrassed by his thick beard. It was a family curse, and all of the Klaus men were either forced to shave three or more times a day, 49

Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

or give in and look like a lumberjack. Nicholas vowed he would never shave again.

As Nicholas began to press small kisses along Lucy's neck, he could feel her body tremble beneath him. Her little moans of pleasure were igniting his lust. An erection of epic proportions was pressing happily down onto Lucy's pelvis, and he almost laughed out loud as she arched up against his massive frame, grinding against him.

"Uh, Lucy, I'm trying to go slow, darling, but..."

"Fast," Lucy panted against his mouth, "hurry, please..."

His control snapped as she rubbed more vigorously against him, and he scrambled to remove her T-shirt, tugging it over her head and flinging it onto the floor.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Underneath her plain white T-shirt was a delightful surprise. A sheer pink demi-bra, with lacy straps and rosebuds along the seams. All of the blood in Nicholas' body seemed to rush to his groin and left him feeling rather light-headed. He cupped her beautiful breasts and reveled in the sight of two burgundy nipples screaming for his attention.

"What a nice surprise, Lucy Anne. It's like discovering a hidden treasure."

Shyly, Lucy whispered, "I like pretty lingerie."

Nicholas smiled when her breathing grew labored as he brushed his mouth over the tips of her breasts. "Lucky me.

Oh, yes, this is what I want. Dark as merlot and hard as berries."

He suckled fiercely through the bra and Lucy gasped while her hips continued to buck against him. Nicholas trembled as 50

Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

he slid the bra straps down her shoulders, and forced himself to take a deep breath and slow down.
Don't embarrass
yourself, Nick. You've been waiting for this a long time, now
relax and savor every moment.
Constellations of freckles were scattered along her slender shoulders and arms, and Nicholas found himself kissing each one, delighting in the sweet-salty taste of her skin.

He managed to unhook her sexy bra, and groaned out loud at the sight of her lovely teardrop breasts. His tongue traced a path on the sensitive skin underneath each one, slowly heading toward the aroused crests. When he finally closed his mouth over the plump tips, he shook from the sensation.

"God, they're perfect." His lips and teeth were grazing over her pale skin, teasing her with little licks and kisses.

"They're not very big. Do you really think they're perfect?"

Lucy was looking at Nicholas with a worried expression as he continued to feast.

He lifted his eyes to her in surprise. "Lucy, they are exquisite. Sensitive and sweet, just like you. Any man who thinks otherwise is mistaken. Or gay."

Lucy giggled, and then moaned again as he pinched the hard buds between his fingers.

Nicholas quickly unbuttoned her baker's pants and slipped the pants along with a lacy pair of panties down her shapely legs. He found an interesting array of freckles along her silky smooth hips, which he felt compelled to kiss, of course, and then some more along her knees. When he removed her clogs and snowman socks, he was shocked to discover bright red toenails. He raised an eyebrow at the discovery.


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

Lucy whispered "They're Pepperberry Red, for the holidays."

Nicholas could not resist kissing each red-tipped toe, and then Lucy was spread out before him like a naked banquet.

What a sight. Her body was slight, but toned and curvy in all the right places. Strands of red curls rippled over the sofa cushions and he was delighted to find the same silky curls between her legs. She was a vision of loveliness.

He turned Lucy onto her side and pulled her back against his fully-clothed body. The feel of her naked skin against his clothes was disarmingly erotic, and she clearly liked it as well, because she began to rub her gorgeous bottom against his trousers. Lucy arched back against him, purring with pleasure, and then reached up to wind her arms around his neck.

"What about your clothes, Nicholas? I want to undress you, too. And touch your skin. And..."

Nicholas' breathing was choppy. "Not yet, sweet. The first course is just for you. I want to watch you come, Lucy Anne."

Lucy sighed her consent as his fingers began to glide over her skin. He skimmed his callused fingers along her arms, over her rounded shoulders and teasingly over the tip of each breast. Then they journeyed down her taut belly, smooth hips and thighs. When they found their way to the tangle of copper curls between her legs, Lucy was shivering all over.

Nicholas' fingers trembled as they slipped into the lush curls on her mound. Gently he stroked, exploring every inch of her secret place.


Sweet Inspiration

by Penny Watson

She was already hot and creamy, and he was dying to taste her. The warm musky scent of her arousal was killing him. Lucy's head tipped back so she could gaze into his face as he touched her, and the look of innocent wonder in her eyes held him spell-bound. He was sure that she had never known pleasure like this before, and it made him feel ridiculously good that
was the one to initiate her.

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