Sweet Land of Liberty

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Authors: Callista Gingrich

BOOK: Sweet Land of Liberty
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Thank you to the remarkable group of dedicated people who made this book possible.

I especially want to thank the talented Susan Arciero, whose illustrations have brought Ellis the Elephant to life.

The team at Regnery Publishing has made writing and publishing
Sweet Land of Liberty
a real joy. Special thanks to Marji Ross, Jeff Carneal, Amanda Larsen, Kathleen Sweetapple, and Eleanor Reed for their insightful and creative contributions. Regnery has been remarkable in turning this book into a reality.

My deepest gratitude goes to our staff, including, Michelle Selesky, Christina Maruna, Alicia Melvin, Anna Haberlein, Bess Kelly, Ross Worthington, Caitlin Laverdiere, Vince Haley, and Kathy Lubbers whose assistance in this project has been invaluable.

Finally, I'd like to thank my husband, Newt. His enthusiasm for Ellis the Elephant and
Sweet Land of Liberty
has been my true inspiration.

Text copyright © 2011 by Callista Gingrich

Jacket art and interior illustrations copyright © 2011 by Susan Arciero

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer who wishes to quote brief passages in connection with a review written for inclusion in a magazine, newspaper, or broadcast.

First ebook edition ©2011

eISBN: 978-1-59698-297-0

The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:

Gingrich, Callista.

Sweet land of liberty / by Callista Gingrich; illustrated by Susan Arciero.

p. cm.

ISBN 978-1-59698-292-5

1. United States—History—Juvenile literature. I. Arciero, Susan,

ill. II. Title.

E178.3.G534 2011



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To American Patriots,
young and old,
who make America
a special nation.

Ellis the Elephant was a smart little guy,

with a curly grey trunk, and a twinkling eye.

He liked asking questions, he was eager to see

how America became the land of the free!

Ellis went to the library, an amazing place,

and looked at the books with a grin on his face.

“These books hold the secret, I'm sure it is true,

why America is special, full of red, white, and blue.”

In his first book he read how America began.

Brave pilgrims came here to find a new land.

With the help of God, they survived cold and beast,

and celebrated together with a Thanksgiving feast.

As the years went on, more and more settlers came.

They formed thirteen colonies, none quite the same.

But on one sure thing they would all agree:

The King would not rule them — they would be free.

But the King didn't listen, and passed a tax on tea.

The colonists said, “We won't pay a fee!”

They jumped on the ships and caused a real commotion.

Then they threw the English tea right into the ocean.

“All men are created equal,” the people did say.

“We have rights from God that can't be taken away.”

Together in Philadelphia, our Founding Fathers in attendance,

the colonies declared, “We must have independence!”

That independence was not so easily won.

It would take years of fighting and fighting's not fun.

But there was a great man who helped lead the way.

George Washington, the Father of our Country, we say.

Across the Delaware he led the troops in freezing rain and snow.

Throughout the Revolution much bravery did he show!

After winning the war, Washington would not become a king.

He became our first president, and that's a better thing.

Ellis found another book, with more presidents reflected,

all chosen by the people, every one of them elected!

Abraham Lincoln was a president who did a lot of reading

to be well prepared for the country he'd be leading.

Ellis learned that Lincoln was called “Honest Abe,”

he became a great hero for freeing the slaves.

Throughout the Civil War, President Lincoln stood tall.

His leadership was admired by one and by all.

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