Sweet Persuasion (11 page)

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Authors: Maya Banks

BOOK: Sweet Persuasion
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Julie laughed. “That’s what you get for hauling me over there.”
“Me? Hell, it wasn’t my idea,” Serena sputtered. “It was your
friend over there.”
“Yeah, well, I’ll get her back as soon as I come up with a way,” Julie said as she threw Faith a dark glance.
“Well, he noticed your cleavage,” Faith said. “Though I’d think you’d want him to notice more than that.”
Julie rolled her eyes. “Oh boy, here we go. Faith’s going to give us the
he should want you for yourself, not your attributes
speech. Which is nice, but at the moment, I’ll take him noticing me any way it happens. I don’t want to marry the guy. I just want to wrap myself around him a couple of times.”
“She needs two drinks,” Serena said as she motioned for the bartender.
“One for each hand,” Julie said with a grin.
Faith turned around on her bar stool. “So why are we here again?”
“To get Julie drunk,” Serena replied.
“And laid,” Julie spoke up. “Don’t forget the most important part of the equation.”
Male laughter sounded behind them.
“Fuck me,” Julie muttered as she closed her eyes.
Serena turned around to see Gray Montgomery standing behind them, a wide grin on his face.
“Interesting conversation. Am I interrupting?”
“No,” Faith said.
“Yes!” Julie exclaimed.
Faith hopped off her bar stool and was immediately enfolded in Gray’s arms. Serena and Julie exchanged eye-rolling glances but they both knew they were being jealous bitches.
“I take it you’ll be here awhile,” Gray said, amusement still heavy in his voice.
Faith smiled. “Uh, yeah, we’re sorta plotting the demise of—”
Julie held up her hand to cut Faith off. “Don’t you dare say his name, Faith, or I swear to God I’ll choke you with your own hair.”
Gray chuckled. “I don’t know whether to envy the bastard or feel sorry for him.”
He leaned down to kiss Faith again. “I’ll leave you to your girl talk. I’m meeting Micah and Nathan for a drink. I’ll see you at home later.”
His hands slid possessively over Faith’s body as he captured one last kiss, and Serena watched unashamedly. The chemistry between those two was tangible.
“I think you’ll find Nathan otherwise occupied,” Julie said snidely.
“Oh, you mean his client meeting?” Gray asked. “He’s finished now.”
Julie frowned and then she glared at Faith. “Client? The blonde chick is a client? Why didn’t you know she was a client, Faith?”
Faith shrugged. “Contrary to popular belief, I do not know everything that goes on at Malone and Sons.”
“Are all your clients so . . . clingy?” Julie asked Gray.
Faith frowned at that and then looked up at Gray. “Yes, are they? You don’t have any business meetings with blonde bim bos, do you?”
Gray laughed and touched a strand of Faith’s long blonde hair. “You’re the only blonde I have eyes for, baby.” Then he leaned in for one more kiss. “I’ll see you later, okay?”
He drew away but then frowned at the drinks the bartender had set in front of the women. “Tell you what. I’ll hang around and drive you ladies home when you’re done.”
“Fine with me,” Julie said with a shrug. “I rode over with Serena.”
“I wasn’t planning on drinking anything,” Serena said as she smiled at Gray. “It was sweet of you to offer, but I can drive Julie home.”
“Yes, but now you can drink,” Faith said. “I’m sure Nathan and Micah wouldn’t mind helping to get our cars where they need to go.”
Serena almost laughed at how transparent Faith was being.
“Okay, sounds like a plan to me,” Serena said. “Drink up, girls.”
Several drinks later, the three women were laughing, though for the life of her, Serena couldn’t figure out what they were laughing about. Julie was doing an imitation of Nathan’s blonde chick offering to do his massage while Faith tried in vain to get her to lower her voice.
“Do you think they know we’re talking about them?” Julie asked as she leaned in and yanked a thumb over her shoulder to where Gray, Micah and Nathan sat several tables away.
“They probably have a good idea,” Serena said dryly. “You aren’t exactly the poster child for discretion.”
Julie shrugged. “Oh well, fuck him.”
“You’re trying, remember?” Faith said as she stifled her laughter.
“Not anymore,” Julie announced as she drained the last of her drink. “If he doesn’t appreciate me and my massages, then I’ll find someone else who will.”
“Atta girl,” Serena said.
“Oh, Serena, don’t look now, but Damon just walked in,” Faith whispered.
Julie whirled around in her seat and promptly sucked in her breath. “That’s Mr. GQ? Damn, he’s . . . nice. Very nice, Serena. I think I might be rethinking my whole stance on submis sives and slaves.”
“Turn around and put your tongue back in your mouth,” Serena said. “You’re getting drool on my shirt.”
“He’s coming this way,” Julie reported as she swiveled in her chair.
Serena’s heart beat just a little faster, and she looked to Faith for confirmation. Faith nodded just before she turned and smiled.
“Damon, such a surprise to see you here,” Faith said as Damon approached.
Finally Serena turned calmly on her stool to see Damon standing a mere foot away. He was wearing jeans again and a T-shirt. Even casually dressed, though, he positively oozed raw sexuality. And confidence. He stood there like he belonged, as though there were no question that he would be welcomed.
“Quite a surprise,” Serena agreed. “Came to mingle with us barbarians?”
Damon chuckled. “Some of my favorite barbarians hang out here, but actually, I was looking for you. Your assistant said I might find you here.”
“And here I am.”
“Don’t mind us,” Julie muttered. “We can take our drunken carcasses elsewhere.”
“Not at all,” Damon said smoothly. “Can I buy you ladies your next drink? I didn’t realize I would be interrupting girls’ night out.”
Julie motioned for Faith to move down a bar stool and then Julie hopped up and took the seat that Faith vacated. “Have a seat,” she offered Damon. “If you’re buying drinks, the least you can do is get comfortable.”
“Damon, you’ve obviously met Faith, but this is our friend Julie Stanford. Julie, this is Damon Roche.”
Julie put her hand out, and Serena silently prayed that Julie would keep her mouth shut about auctions and slavery.
“Very nice to meet you, Damon. I’ve heard so much about you.”
“The pleasure is mine, Julie,” he said as he took her hand in his.
Then he turned to Serena. “Do you mind if I sit?”
“Not at all,” she said as she motioned to the stool. “Was there something you needed? Not that I mind you looking me up here,” she hurried to add, “but was there something in particular you wanted?”
“You,” he said simply.
Serena swallowed then swallowed again when the knot in her throat wouldn’t disappear.
“If you don’t already have dinner plans, I thought we could eat together and discuss . . .”
He went silent, but his meaning was clear.
Julie leaned forward. “Don’t hold back on our account, Se rena.”
“But you rode with me,” Serena protested. “I can’t leave you here.”
“I’d be happy to give your friend a ride home,” Damon said. “I’ll have someone take your car to your apartment, if that’s okay with you, and I’ll run you home later.”
Julie leaned back and stared at Damon with interest and then she returned her gaze to Serena. “Okay, forget everything I said about a take-charge man, because I’m finding it very attractive all of a sudden.”
Damon smiled, and Faith burst out laughing.
“Do you have a problem with Damon taking you home, Julie?” Serena asked. “Maybe I shouldn’t go. I hate to run out on you guys.”
“We can always have dinner another time,” Damon interjected. “Or Faith and Julie are welcome to join us, although I see Gray scowling over there, so I rather doubt he’s going to be thrilled with the idea of me walking out of here with not one, but three gorgeous women.”
“Oh, I like him,” Julie breathed. She blinked and seemed to snap out of her semi-drunken stupor. “You two go on ahead. Gray has promised to take care of getting me home.”
“Are you sure?” Serena asked.
“It’s no trouble to take you home,” Damon assured.
Julie smiled. “I appreciate the offer, but I’m sure you two have plenty of stuff to talk about. You know, like auctions, slave collars, chains . . .”
Serena closed her eyes and prayed for deliverance, but Damon just laughed.
“Let’s go,” Serena muttered. “Before I kill her.”
erena stepped into the parking lot with Damon’s hand lightly at the small of her back. She purposely kept stride with him so his hand wouldn’t slide away.
Dusk had fallen, and a faint evening breeze blew through her hair. It was less humid than usual tonight, and the sounds of the city surrounded them.
After Damon settled Serena into his car, he walked around and got into the driver’s seat. Instead of keying the ignition, he pulled out his cell phone, and she listened as he directed his driver to meet them at the restaurant to collect her car keys.
“Sam will drive your car to your apartment tonight after I’ve dropped you back home so that he can give the keys to you. I’ll make sure he phones ahead so you’re expecting him.”
Serena laid a hand on Damon’s wrist as he went to insert the key in the ignition. “You didn’t have to do this, Damon. You could always just drop me back by here to get my car after we’ve eaten.”
He started the car and then reached out to touch her cheek. “It’s no trouble at all, Serena. Better get used to me taking care of you, because I assure you, while you are mine, I’ll be seeing to your every need.”
Her throat seized, and a thousand butterflies took wing in her stomach. He made it sound so enticing, so beautiful. Not at all like the stark image that the word
“I think I’m going to like it,” she said softly.
“I intend that you will.”
As he drove out of the parking lot, he reached over and slid his hand over hers. His thumb rubbed lightly up and down one of her fingers as he maneuvered the busy streets.
“I like touching you,” he said as he saw her staring at his hand. “You have infinitely touchable skin.”
“I don’t mind,” she said huskily. “Your hands are strong. I like them against my skin.”
His eyes flickered in the glow cast back by numerous headlights. “Soon you will feel me on every part of your body, Serena. Are you prepared for that? Do you lie awake at night and think of me touching your breasts? Your lips? Between your thighs?”
Her senses came alive as if he commanded them. An exotic tingle scurried from her pelvis to her breasts, squeezing her nipples into taut points.
“Yes,” she whispered.
“I find myself impatient to own you,” he murmured. “It’s why I sought you out tonight. I wanted to tell you that the arrangements for the auction have been made.”
She trembled, and he tightened his grip on her hand as if to soothe her.
“We need to talk about what happens afterward,” she said.
“Yes, we do. I’d like a week where I have you completely and wholly to myself. You mentioned a month’s time frame for your fantasy, and I realize you can’t take the entire month away from your business, but can you arrange to have a week off directly after the auction?”
She licked her lips and found herself clutching at his hand. “I’m sure I can. What happens after that week, though? When I go back to work?”
He smiled. “You go to work just like any other day. But at the end of your work day, you return to me and surrender to my care and keeping.”
“And when I have obligations outside work?”
“You will, of course, keep them. I’m not a monster, Serena. All I ask is that when you’re with me, your time is mine.”
She nodded. “Okay. I can agree to your terms.”
“They’re your terms,” he said calmly. “I’m only fulfilling your deepest desires.”
“Yes, I know. And thank you. I think.”
She smiled as her voice came out all quivery. He smiled back and squeezed her hand reassuringly. “Give me a chance to make you happy, Serena.”
She cocked her head sideways to look at him. “You know, somehow I can’t imagine not being happy with you.”
He raised her hand and brushed his lips across her knuckles. “It is my goal for you to enjoy our every moment together.”
She leaned back in her seat, hazy with contentment. Damon did that to her. Relaxed her and made her feel at ease. Like she could trust him. Which was absurd when she thought about it. She’d known him such a short period of time, but he got her. Without question, without reservation. He didn’t judge her. He accepted her.

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