Sweet Revenge (11 page)

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Authors: Katherine Allred

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Sweet Revenge
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“Tomorrow night,” she agreed, arching into the hand that still teased her. “Oh, God, Chase…”

“Dad?” A my’s voice rang across the yards and Chase groaned.

“Coming,” he yelled over his shoulder. One more time he kissed her, his tongue stroking hers. “Tomorrow.” He whispered the promise into her mouth, then he was gone.

Jessie stayed where she was, not at all sure her legs would work yet. Chase’s voice drifted across to her as he told A my he was going to carry the garbage cans around to the front, and Jess smiled. A pparently it still wasn’t safe for him to go in.

Her smile faded as she slipped through the back door. When she sat down at the table, Bubbles climbed up her leg and onto her lap.

A bsently, she stroked his soft fur.

“Oh, Bubbles. What am I going to do?” she murmured. Every day she loved him more. A nd as her love grew, so did her fear. He wanted her. There was no doubt of that. But after six years of abstinence, his body had probably gone into overdrive and she just happened to be the first female he’d fixated on.

He’d made his views on marriage clear. He considered it a trap. One to be avoided at all costs. So where did that leave her? Doomed to spend the rest of her life merely dating the man she loved, sneaking around trying to steal a few minutes alone?

Tiredly, she rubbed her eyes. That wasn’t what she wanted. What she wanted was to shout from the rooftops that she loved Chase and he loved her back. She wanted to spend the rest of her life curled in his bed every night while he held her. A nd when he made love to her she wanted to know it was love, not just need.

Didn’t he realize she couldn’t respond to him the way she did if she weren’t in love with him? That thought scared her even more. Surely he didn’t think she was that way with everyone. But if he knew she was in love with him, he’d probably knock half the population down fleeing the city.

Yet he’d told her the truth about A my. Would he have done that if he didn’t care about her on some level other than sexual? A nd there had been several times when she’d seen a tenderness in his eyes that was at odds with the desire that flared between them.

In spite of her reservations about being with him while A my was in the house, she desperately needed the time alone with him. Maybe when their minds weren’t clouded by their mutual need, she could get a hint of how he really felt about her.

A prodigious yawn stretched her features and she headed upstairs, taking Bubbles with her. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this sleepy, this early in the evening. By the time she’d changed into her nightshirt and crawled into bed, her eyelids were drooping. She drifted into sleep with Bubbles’ chainsaw rumble in her ear and Chase’s image in her mind.

Chapter Eleven

Chase threw the potatoes into the oven, checked the temperature, then went into the living room. A my was curled up in a chair, a book in her lap and the TV going. Bubbles was already ensconced beside her. Jessie had brought the kitten over this morning to keep him out of Tom’s way.

“How can you read and watch TV at the same time?”

She glanced up at him. “I read during the commercials.”

“Think you can add keeping an eye on the oven to that list? I want to head over to the studio and walk Jessie home.”


He nodded. “I just put the potatoes on so you shouldn’t have to do anything to them.” He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Be back in a few minutes.”

The sun was beginning to set when he left the house, a huge red ball that cast golden highlights across the rooftops. It made him feel a little silly to be so eager to walk Jess home, but he wanted to spend every possible second with her.

It amazed him how fast she’d gotten under his skin. In no time at all he’d gone from wanting her to feeling like his insides had been ripped out when she wasn’t around. It was an emotion he had never felt before and it was scaring the hell out of him.

He turned left at the corner, then right onto Main Street at the next intersection. The lights from the studio spilled out onto the sidewalk and his pace slowed while he tried to analyze these strange feelings that seemed to be consuming him lately.

The truth was, he had reached a point where he could no longer imagine his life without Jessie in it. A nd yet, he couldn’t bring himself to even contemplate the “M” word. Not after Becky. Just the thought gave him chills. He knew Jessie was nothing like his ex-wife, but that didn’t alter his gut level reaction to the idea of marrying again.

Pushing the studio door open, he went in and leaned one shoulder against the wall, watching as Jessie worked with the teenage girl that was her current pupil. Classical music filled the room while the girl went through a series of twirls and pirouettes.

In the mirror, Jessie smiled at him then went back to concentrating on the girl. “One and two and… That’s it, Candy, but let’s see a little more arm. Remember, graceful and fluid. Okay, let’s try it one more time, then you can go for the night.” Chase kept his gaze on Jessie. She was so beautiful, so vibrant and alive. Did he have the right to tie her to him when he might never be able to offer her anything but what they had now? She deserved so much more.

A sigh escaped him. He couldn’t let her go, even if it was for her own sake. He needed her too much, and if that was selfish on his part, then he’d just have to be selfish. It wasn’t something he liked, but there was nothing he could do about it. Jessie had become the air that filled his lungs, the food that kept his body going. Without her, he’d die.

“Great job, Candy. We’ll have you ready for those auditions in next to no time.” Jessie shut off the music then turned back to her student.

“Now remember, at least an hour of practice every day and I’ll see you Monday at the same time.”

“Thanks, Ms. James.” The teenager gathered up her things. “Goodnight, Sheriff Martin.” Chase smiled at her when she went by. “Night, Candy. Tell your folks I said hello.”

“I will.”

Jessie waited until the girl was gone, then walked toward him. “Hi. I didn’t expect to see you here.” He cupped her cheek, letting his fingers tangle in her hair. “I couldn’t wait another second to see you.” She stood on tiptoe and kissed him softly. “I missed you too. Just give me a second to change and we can leave.”

“Need some help?”

A grin dimpled her cheeks. “We both know that if you help we won’t get out of here for hours.”

“I know. But those mirrors and that exercise bar sure do put ideas into my head.” This time she laughed. “Maybe one of these days, Sheriff. But for now, why don’t you start turning out the lights? I’ll be right back.” He cast a longing look at the mirrors then flipped off the main lights. He was in the office looking over her music collection when she reappeared wearing the same jeans and blouse she’d had on this morning.


“Ready.” A s soon as they were outside, he put his arm around her shoulders and tucked her into his side. “I hope you like steak. It’s about the only thing I’m any good at cooking.”

“I love steak. A nd I’m hungry enough to eat an entire cow. Have been all day. If I don’t watch it I won’t be able to fit through the door.

Why didn’t A my come with you?”

“She’s guarding the baked potatoes.” He reached over and brushed a lock of hair from her cheek just so he could touch her. “How’s she doing with her lessons?”

“She hasn’t told you?”

“A ll I get when I ask is an ‘Okay’.”

“Typical.” Jess smiled. “She’s really pretty good. She has an innate sense of rhythm and she learns fast. Considering we’ve only been working a week, she’s way ahead of my other beginners.”

He studied her face as she talked, the ache inside him deepening to almost unbearable levels. Did she feel this same need to get closer, to merge until they couldn’t tell where one started and the other ended? That he didn’t know scared him almost as much as the empty feeling when he wasn’t with her.

She certainly hadn’t been shy about letting him know she wanted him. But he knew sex was one thing, and her emotions were something all together different. He’d just barely skimmed the surface of the real Jessie, the one she kept protectively hidden from the world. It made him want to stop right there on the sidewalk, take her in his arms, and hold her. Make her show him the real Jessie, and then kiss her fears away, protect her so nothing ever hurt her again. A nd he really had to get a grip, here, before he turned into a blithering lunatic.

He cleared his throat and tried to force his mind onto other subjects. “What made you decided to become a choreographer? That’s a big ambition for a small-town Texas girl.”

Jessie’s shoulder lifted under his hand. “I don’t think I had a lot of choice. When I was thirteen, I watched Gene Kelly in Singin’ in the Rain. I loved it. Not only could I do every step after watching it once, but I could see the patterns of the dance in my head. It was like this big map with every move drawn in black. It’s always been like that for me. I hear a piece of music and I just know what dance steps will go with it.”

“A nd you make up your own steps?”

“Sometimes. Sometimes I’d take a few new moves that I picked up on the streets or in clubs and sort of combine them, twist them a little to give them a new edge.”

“I can see why you were so successful,” he murmured. They had reached his house and he curved his arm under her chin to pull her closer, then dropped a kiss on her forehead. “I know part of you must miss the excitement, but I’m really glad you came home, Jess.”

“Me too.” She smiled up at him just as her stomach rumbled.

Reluctantly, he released her and reached for the door. “Let’s see about getting you fed before you pass out on the porch from hunger.”

* * * * *

“A straight!” Chortling with glee, A my spread her cards faceup.

Jessie tossed her pair on the table and eyed her dwindling pile of beans with disgust. “See if I ever teach you how to play poker again. A t the rate you’re going, you could clean them out in Vegas.”

“I can’t believe you’re teaching my daughter how to gamble. A nd doing it right under my nose.”

“Oh, stop sounding like a dad.” Jessie grinned at him. “It never hurts to have a few tricks to fall back on. For instance,” she gathered all the cards into a stack then removed the jacks. Spreading them in her hand, she let A my and Chase see them. “We’re going to pretend these jacks are bank robbers.” She closed the spread and turned them facedown.

“They were counting their loot on the roof of a building when they heard a noise. ‘Cheese it!’ the first one says. ‘It’s the cops! Split up and we’ll meet back here after they leave.’”

She slid the top card off and stuck it on the bottom of the deck. “The first crook ran to the basement.” Checking their reactions, she took the second card and inserted it a little higher in the deck. “The second crook hid on the ground floor.” The next card went in closer to the top. “The third crook went to the top floor. But the last crook, being a little on the slow side, stayed right where he was.” She put the final card on top of the deck. “A nd sure enough, when they decided the coast was clear, all four of them met back on the roof.” Casually, she turned over the top four cards one at a time until all the jacks were revealed.

A my’s mouth dropped open and Chase was squinting at her in speculation. Jessie grinned innocently.

“How did you do that?” A my had taken the cards and was shuffling through them, looking for extra jacks.


“My rear,” Chase commented. “Who taught you card tricks?”

“A street magician named Jumbo. But he swore me to secrecy before he’d show me how.”

“Do it again.” He took the cards away from A my and pushed them toward her.

Jessie laughed. “Sorry. One show a night.”

“I will find out, you know.”

“You can try.” She followed his gaze as he checked the clock yet again. Both of them had been on edge all evening, trying to will the hands to move faster.

Now he stretched nonchalantly. “Boy, would you look at that. It’s almost ten. We better hit the sack. Got a long day ahead of us tomorrow.”

A my stood, lifting Bubbles with her. “I put your overnight bag in the guest room, Jessie. I’ll show you where it is.”

“Thanks, Sweetie.”

Behind them, Chase turned out lights and checked doors as they climbed the stairs.

“Right here.” A my opened a door and then trailed Jessie inside. “I put your bag in the closet. The bathroom is right across the hall.” She hesitated. “I’m glad you’re going with us tomorrow. It’s going to be a lot more fun with you there.”

“It’s going to be fun for me too. I’ve never bought a car before, and I’m always ready to buy clothes.” Jessie took her bag out and removed her nightshirt and robe. She’d really wanted to bring a sexy little number she’d been saving for a special occasion, but she’d been afraid A my would decide to unpack for her.

A my watched her for a second. “Can Bubbles sleep with me tonight?”

“I think he’d enjoy that.” Jessie smiled at her.

“Okay. Night, Jess.”

“Night, Sweetie. Sleep tight.”

“You too.”

Carrying her nightclothes, Jessie went into the bathroom and closed the door. She’d barely stripped when she heard Chase coming up the stairs. A ccompanied by the low murmur of voices from A my’s room, she took a fast shower. Eagerness dictated her speed as she dried, pulled the gown over her head, and then donned the robe.

She left the bathroom just as he emerged from A my’s room. His gaze skimmed her body before moving back to her eyes, and the eager anticipation she saw there had her stomach clenched in a knot of desire. Wryly, his lips lifted.

“Night, Jess. See you in the morning. If you need anything, just yell.”

“You.” She mouthed the word, and he leaned down to kiss her softly.

“Wait for me,” he whispered.

She nodded. “Goodnight, Chase.” Feeling like a naughty teenager ready to sneak out a window, she went into the guest room. A cross the hall, Chase’s door closed.

The bed was already turned back, so she removed her robe and tossed it onto the chair before flipping the light switch off. A fter a brief hesitation, she pulled her gown back over her head and climbed between the sheets nude. Then she settled in to wait.

It felt strange to be in his home, to know he was right across the hall wanting her as much as she did him. The house was so silent she could hear a clock somewhere ticking away the minutes. Hours seemed to pass before her door opened. There was only the tiniest of clicks as he locked it behind him.

Without a whisper of sound, Chase moved to the bed. In the dim light from the window, she could see he wore only jeans, and even as she watched he slid out of those.

Invitingly, she lifted a corner of the sheets and he crawled into the bed, stretching out full length before he reached for her. There was a sudden hiss of in-drawn breath when his hand encountered bare flesh, then she was wrapped in his arms, held tightly against his body.

“You don’t know how many times I’ve imagined holding you like this,” he murmured. “I can’t believe you’re really here. It feels like I’m still dreaming.”

“You aren’t dreaming. A nd we have all night to prove it.” She threaded her fingers through his thick hair and drew his mouth to hers. The kiss was long, slow and tender, and by the time it ended she was buried in sensation.

The taste of his lips, warm and firm on hers, set a spiral of desire uncurling inside her. His scent, a combination of soap and male, filled her senses until she was dizzy with it. Their bodies pressed together, skin against skin, was both erotic and comforting. Unable to resist, she moved sensually against him, sliding her leg up his until her knee rested on his hip.

A low groan escaped his lips before they claimed hers again, this time ravenously. Gently, he pushed her onto her back, then tossed the blanket aside. Rising up on an elbow, he let his gaze drift down her body.

“You are so beautiful,” he whispered. “So perfect. I’ve never wanted anything in my life the way I want you.” Tentatively, almost reverently, his fingers traced the column of her neck, down until they circled her breast. “It’s like touching satin.” Her nipples peaked when he skimmed them, and she released a low murmur of pleasure. Obligingly, he leaned over and flicked first one then the other with his tongue, going back to spend more attention on each until her head was tossing in ecstasy. By the time he pulled one into his mouth and suckled, the ache between her legs was a steady, throbbing hunger.

Reflexively, she bent one knee and used her foot as leverage to arch toward him, her muscles tightening with need. Without releasing her breast, he flattened his hand on her stomach and moved it down to the inside of her thigh, pausing to caress the skin there until she was out of her mind with anticipation.

She was shaking when he finally rested his hand on her mound of curls. Her hands fisted desperately in his hair as she tried to muffle her cries when he parted her gently and explored her body thoroughly with his fingers.

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