Sweet Seduction Sacrifice (47 page)

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Authors: Nicola Claire

BOOK: Sweet Seduction Sacrifice
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Jason sighed and ran a hand through his hair, an imitation of Dominic if ever there was one. Gen was in love with a guy just like her brother. She could do worse.

"Not now, Kels," Jason said, his voice sounding as pained as he looked.

"Why are the cops here?" I asked, not to be so easily put off.

"Young lady," army greens said, making both Jason and me snort in reply. The army lawyer just blinked at us for a second then added, "You're not doing him any favours by pressing this."

I started tapping my foot on the floor. The two cops watched from their perches, old handsome and sandy haired, and handsome and dark curls, but neither made comment. Just flicked their gazes over me and sat back to watch the show.

"Go talk to Nick or Ben," Jason offered giving me a look I'd seen before. The one we shared when we were kids and needed to talk out of earshot of the 'rents. I nodded, letting him know I understood and turned back to take in the rest of the room.

Nick looked nervy, something I hadn't seen the guy look like before. He always came across as cool and collected. Mr Dangerous and Dedicated, not someone who wished he was somewhere else. Or that he hadn't gotten out of bed at all. I decided he wasn't a good bet, so walked straight up to Ben, the Maori dude with the awesome tribal tat on his upper right arm. He was leaning against the wall in the corner, Adam that other ASI dude standing next to him. Both watched me approach with impassive gazes.

"Well?" I said, thinking I didn't really need to waste any words.

"Well what?" Ben answered, shifting to an upright position and crossing that gorgeous tattooed arm over his muscular chest.

"What happened?" I decided to humour him, he didn't know what the Kelly Quayle stare down actually meant.

His gaze flicked to Jason and the cops, then immediately to Nick. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nick nod his head, giving permission I guess. These guys worked a tight ship.

"Come on, Blondie," Ben said pushing himself forward toward the door, "walk with me a bit."

He didn't say anything until we were outside the building. It took a good five minutes, getting to the lift, going down and stopping on every friggin' floor to let people on and off, and then heading out the hallways and through the front doors. The further away from Gen I got the more antsy I felt. I was practically jumping on the balls of my feet by the time he stopped in the middle of the drop-off zone for taxis.

"Why here?" I demanded, flicking my gaze around the bustling spot.

"No eavesdroppers," he offered with a shrug. "I'll make this quick, so we can get back in there.  Brett used Dominic's ex-girlfriend to get to them, lurin' Dominic, in particular, out to Maraetai to exact revenge. Elliott turned up unexpectedly and they exchanged words. Jason and the rest of us were in position, the cops waitin' outside the perimeter we'd set, but Elliott went for his gun. Gen knew it was happenin', she jumped between Elliott and Dominic. Took his bullet before Jason could drop him. Jason fired two shots. One in the leg to disable, but Elliott got the shot off anyway, forcin' Jason to fire again."

Holy fucking shit.

"Yeah," Ben said, noting the look of horror on my face. Jason was going to be torturing himself, that the first shot didn't stop Brett from shooting Gen.

"Jason's a trained killer," Ben added. "His second shot was automatic. He'd tempered his initial shot on Nick's orders. We don't shoot to kill. Jason is SAS. They do. He reacted the way he'd been trained."

"Brett's dead," I surmised.

"Yeah. Good riddance, I say."

I couldn't argue with him, but this could mean Jason's career, if not his freedom. The cops were there, but also the army's lawyer. This was fucked up and the only person who should be suffering was Brett Fucking Elliott, the loser, thief and jerk.

And here was Gen in theatre, a bullet to her groin. Femoral artery knick, they'd said.

"What about the ex?" I asked, wondering if Gen would have that situation to contend with, if she made it out of this alive. A sick feeling rolled through my gut on those last thoughts.

"Caroline's back in secured care, gettin' the aid she needs. From what I saw of her, I think it actually helped. Seein' the way Dominic feels about Gen, and vice versa."

Yeah, nothing said I love you like throwing yourself in front of a bullet for your man. This Caroline chick would have to finally understand what that meant.

Just then Katie walked up to us, having obviously only just found out and come straight here. In all the mayhem we'd forgotten to phone her. Maybe Nick did, because Dominic sure as hell wasn't in the right frame of mind to do it.

"How is she?" she asked, pale as ghost. Ben wrapped his arm around her shoulder, like you would a kid sister. It was familiar and comforting and looked like he'd done it a million times before.

"Still in theatre," I said numbly, my mind making a spaghetti mess out of my head. "Let's get back in there."

"Yeah," Ben agreed on what was obviously his favourite word. "Dom needs you, Kat."

I sighed leading the way. We needed a fucking miracle, not a woman who called everyone darling and who wore designer clothes.

It's not that I don't like or get Katie, I do. She's cool. But right now if she said "darling" even once, I don't know what I'd do.

Surprisingly when we arrived back in the waiting room, noting everyone was in exactly the same positions with exactly the same worn expressions, she didn't say it. She nodded to the ASI guys, she gave Gen's parents both silent kisses on their cheeks. She hugged Nick and then walked directly up to Dominic. Her eyes running over Jason who watched her like a hawk, but neither seemed to acknowledge the other openly.

"Dom," she said softly, not reaching for him like she did Nick. No darling, no smile, no quip about clothing or anything else. Just Dom. And it was firm, it was commanding, and it made him stop pacing and look up from the floor to meet her eyes. She didn't say anything else, no platitudes, no false hopes, but after several seconds he reached for her and wrapped his arms around her slight frame.

Whatever support she offered it was silent and because of that it seemed to mean so much more.

I stood inside the room feeling useless. My best friend could die. Her brother, whom I consider my brother too, could be put away for shooting her killer. I wanted to cry, but I do not do tears.

I didn't realise my fists were clenched tight at my sides, I didn't realise I was grinding my teeth. I wanted to hit something, to shout and scream at God, to say this wasn't fair. But I'm not a gambler, I don't bargain with deities, plead for their help in exchange for my good behaviour. One, I'm never good and never will be, but I figure God accepts me just the way I am, so two, I accept if Gen is meant to survive this, then pleading with God, or Buddha, or whoever, would change jack shit.

They know where I stand and I know where they stand and at the end of the day that's just the way it is.

I flicked a glance over the people who were here for Gen. Jane, Karla and Lucas sat in a huddle in one corner, the Sweet Seduction gang. Nick, Adam and Ben, all of ASI, in another. Jason, Detectives Stone and Pierce and the army greens lawyer in a third corner. Gen's lawyer, Finn Drake and another guy I didn't know - but judging by the tens-of-thousands dollar suit he was wearing, he had to be part of ADK - standing silently beside the door. Mr and Mrs Cain, holding hands and both crying silent tears on chairs beneath the window. Wayne and Edward, Gen's neighbours, in another group of chairs, off to the side. Katie holding a distraught Dominic in the centre of the room, the rest of us trying not to watch his decline into despair.

Then me, all alone, because without Gen, what am I? She is the sun that shines on my path, chasing away any shadows. She is the laughter that fills up the gaping holes, without which I would be a basket case. She is the reason why I love my job. The best part of my day is drinking a coffee, eating a chocolate treat and listening to great music, while sitting with Genevieve Cain. She appreciates life, she grasps it and makes it what she wants. Sure, she's hit a few bumps recently, what with her loser ex, but Gen's a survivor. And not just any survivor, she's a survivor with dignity and pride.

She's who I want be like when I grow up.

I looked at all the people in this room who would gladly lay down their lives for this girl and then I looked at Dominic, the man who had quite clearly stolen her heart and who had given his to her as well. His eyes met mine over the top of his sister's shoulder, an understanding flashed between us in that instant.

If she survived this, we would do everything in our power to give her the world.

I nodded my head slowly to him. He nodded back in agreement. We'd just made a pact.

Then the double swing doors opened and a very tired and worn looking doctor in his fifties, silver grey hair cut in a flattering look, walked into the room.

Everyone stilled. No one breathed. I said a silent prayer to God, and damn any understandings we'd had before.

Then he walked up to Mr and Mrs Cain - ignoring Dominic who'd released his sister and shadowed him like a wraith - and said in a tired and even voice...

"She's going to be OK."

Three Months Later

"So, is the answer yes?"

"You are crazy, you know that right?"

"I think we've already established that, sweetheart. Stop avoiding the question. Yes or no?"

I bit my bottom lip and glared at him. Dominic just made that cough-which-could-have-been-a-laugh sound and leaned forward, his hot breath washing against my face, and freed my lip with his teeth gently, then followed the action up with a brush of his lips across mine in a kiss.

"Yes or no?" he semi-repeated in a sexy purr.

I looked down at the stunning two carat diamond set in white gold ring, he had just presented me with. It had been a whirlwind three months. The threat of losing my dream; Sweet Seduction and then all the hassles Brett had put me through. Kidnappings, broken bones, gunshots - missed and connected - hospital stays - plural - recovery times, missed work, legal papers, private investigators and security personnel. And the man before me.

And you know what? I'd go through it all again, just for this moment. Just for the look of hope and anticipation in Dominic's blue-blue eyes.

I woke up to them in the hospital this last time, after theatre and the removal of a bullet. The first month was torturous, but Dominic barely left my side and made sure I had everything I needed at my beck and call. The second month was given over to rehabilitation, but thankfully I didn't need much, because I was damn sure I'd get up out of bed within a few days of the operation, and refused to give in when I tired.

Now the third month had passed and I was back at work, Sweet Seduction busier than ever, new plans and exciting prospects for expansion - or at least variety in the shop - on the cards. A new lease on life, because that's what happens when you face death. You wake up and grasp life.

Dominic and Kelly said I was always like that, but I don't know. It seems to me that life is so much more exciting now, so much more worth the effort to seize the day. Of course, that could have something to do with Dominic, god-like, dream-like, sexiest smile and name, Anscombe. He was now officially my world too.

And that no longer scared me, because no matter how much I felt for him, no matter how all-consuming and blind-siding this love I have for him is, I know he feels it too. And it's not all we are.

Dominic and Kelly have strangely developed this intimate relationship too, where a look between them seems to say so much. I don't feel in the slightest threatened, if anything I feel blessed. Kelly is my best friend, has been since kindergarten, and now Dominic has befriended her too.

Wayne and Edward have visited at least twice a week while I was recuperating, freshening the house and bringing their own special kind of cheer. Dominic even manages to laugh - and I mean laugh not that cough-which-could-have-been-a-laugh sound which I actually adore - when they come around. The ASI guys all traipse in like they own the place, or rent a room, and quite frankly there's enough rooms in this place to allow for a few house guests. But Dominic assures me he has plans for those. I didn't ask. Because he wanted me to and with my run-away mouth I was sure he expected it as well - gotta keep him on his toes somehow. I left him hanging, the rooms could wait.

Sweet Seduction was in good hands while I was away, Kelly managed the everyday behind the scenes things I usually do, and Katie helped out when things started to get busy as winter began. For some reason people flock to Sweet Seduction in the winter months more than summer. It must be the need for something bright and seductive in their wintry grey days. And it does help that a certain investigation and security firm, as well a local lawyer's firm, all have their afternoon meetings in the shop. The hotties of the hot rush bunch have expanded to include ASI and ADK, much to my bank balance's and regular customer's delight.

Katie has been here every day with the plans for Dominic's interior make-over. At first I refused to be involved, it isn't my house. But one month into my recovery Dominic turned up with my cat. Whisper took to the big white house with ease. So many nooks and crannies to hide in, so many beds to lie out on in the sun. I didn't say a thing when he placed my Russian Blue on my lap, as I sat resting after a particular tiring day. I just reached out and started stroking him and that was that.

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