Sweet Silver Blues (22 page)

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Authors: Glen Cook

BOOK: Sweet Silver Blues
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“It isn’t what you were, it’s what you are, Garrett. And that creature is the worst kind of night trader. The kind that sells your kind to


Zeck Zack circled the mess a few times, closing in, then he raised a javelin and beckoned, knowing I had the glass on him.

“Let’s go.”

It was grisly. The dogs were all dead. So were most of the unicorns and a dozen horses. But there was not a human cadaver to be seen.

“They went on,” the centaur said.

I told Morley, “For a Venageti he sure sticks tight to Karentine field doctrine. Challenge unicorns when you can. Carry away your dead. Poison the flesh of the animals you leave behind.” Every dead animal had been cut dozens of times. Each cut was stained a royal blue where crystalline poison had been rubbed into the wound.

No one was going to profit from dead army animals.

I counted eight slain unicorns. They had kept at it until the dominant female had been killed. The survivors would be in bad shape.

Unicorns in that part of the Cantard would seek easier prey for a while.

I raised the glass and searched the base of the butte. There they were, looking back at us.

“See them?” Morley asked.

“Yeah. Burying their dead. Can’t make out anybody special except Saucerhead.”

Zeck Zack took a cue from that and galloped off toward the butte shadow where the major was returning the earth’s children to her.

“Trying to ingratiate himself,” Morley said. “So you’ll be a little loose on the rein when the time comes.”

“When do you figure he’ll run?”

“When we start into the nest. We won’t dare waste time chasing him. And with us keeping them busy, his chance of making it would be good. This is his country and he can still pick them up and put them down when he wants.”

I watched Dojango for a minute. He was collecting souvenirs. He had cut the dew claws off a unicorn, had knocked out some of its razor teeth, and was trying to figure how to take its horn. That would bring fifty marks bounty in Full Harbor and more as a curio in TunFaire.

“What are you going to do about it?” Morley asked.

“Let him run. I won’t have any more use for him.”

Zeck Zack came prancing back. He reported that four soldiers and the major had survived, and four other men as well. I knew about Saucerhead. One of the others sounded like Vasco. The remaining two could have been anybody.

“Survived don’t mean unscathed, either,” the centaur said. “They got cut up pretty good.”

“What about the women?”

“Not much scathing there. A little frayed around the edges, as anyone would be after that.”

Morley muttered, “Bet we can thank that dope Saucerhead for that.”

Zeck Zack went right on. “One of them kept screaming at me to tell you she going to crack your eggs, fry them, and feed them to the unicorns. When the boss soldier tried to shut her up, she bit him and gave him a knee in

“My lovely little Rose. What a wonderful wife she’ll make some poor sod. Well. Let’s go.” I urged my mount to face east. Our unity had begun to unravel.

“She does bounce back, doesn’t she?” Morley said in a tone that sounded suspiciously like admiration. “You just going to ride off?”

“Yes. The major isn’t going to make prisoners of anybody again. That’s going to turn into a three-way marriage of convenience that’ll be as rowdy as those marriages get. But they’ll take care of each other. Do you think you could get Doris and Marsha to pull a wagon? We might have a use for it.”

The one wagon was not damaged, just overturned and lacking a team.

“It’s army. We wouldn’t want to get caught with it.”

“We won’t.”

He spoke to the grolls. They responded in what sounded like impolite terms. He told me, “They want to collect unicorn horns. Those could be more use than any wagon. Stick one of
in the heart with a horn and it’s all over, sure as silver. And they can’t smell horns coming.”

“Deal, then. Wagon for horns. Those people back there are going to be burying and bickering for a long time.”

The grolls took the deal.
Down went the wagon onto its wheels. The grolls scampered from unicorn to unicorn, perhaps dreaming of buying a brewery.

A pair of adolescent females, outraged by the trophy taking and not too badly injured, charged out of the wash. It was disconcerting, watching the absent-minded way the grolls clubbed them to death.





We didn’t try for the nest mesa that day. I wanted to go in early, when they had settled for the day, not late when they were about to awaken. Once they were soundly asleep, while the sun was high, it was almost impossible to wake them. Even the elder bloodslaves would have trouble responding.

So legend went.

We got out of sight of our pursuers, then went to work hiding our trail and laying false scents. Zeck Zack worked hard making himself useful. He knew all the tricks. He even had the grolls hand-carry the wagon two miles off to leave false wheel marks.

We set up for the night atop the corpse of a small butte not more than two miles from the face of the nest mesa. My head throbbed with the nearness of Kayean. From that vantage I could see most of the scrap facing the mesa and our back-trail.

“No fire tonight,” Zeck Zack said as I crouched behind the spy glass trying to tell what kind of luck the major was having. “Also scatter a little and stay near the stones that got the hottest during the day. That is how they find their prey from a distance. Through their warmth. It would be wise, too, to keep too much metal from accumulating in one place.”

“You wouldn’t give them a holler, would you? To score a few points?”

“I’ve never been known for an inclination toward suicide. I am known to be quick-tempered, rash, foolish, sometimes even stupid. But not suicidal. I enjoy the good things in life too much.” Wearing a distant look, he echoed himself, “Too much.”

“You might remember that the major wants you as much as he wants me. Your blackmailing priest was a buddy of his and you know it,” I added.

“He has to get out of the Cantard before he can cause me any grief. He has to get through tonight. Last night he was too strong for them. Tonight he won’t be. Especially if they haven’t fed for a while. And they have not. The two who came to Full Harbor could not restrain themselves, though their attacks put them at great risk.”

“Why would they spot him more quickly than us?”

“Eleven humans are easier to find than one.”

“Oh.” The day was getting on toward failing. Those who were tracking us were having no luck and seemed now to be more interested in settling for the night.

“There.” The centaur pointed. A darkness was rising from the mesa face.

I shifted the glass. “Bats. A billion bats.” And coming up from a point right on the line through my head, my mystical connection with Kayean.

Morley came in from scouting around. For a city boy he caught on fast. I repeated the centaur’s advice. He gave Zeck Zack the fish eye, then nodded curtly. “Makes sense. Don’t sleep too soundly tonight, Garrett.”

Right. With us here on the lip of it, I’d be lucky to get the old forty winks. You never admit it to the guys you’re with, but you get scared. Damned scared. And this time there might be a bigger stake than just death. I could be dead and have to keep walking.

If you ask me, the difference between a hero and a coward is that a hero finds some damnfool way to con himself into going ahead instead of doing the sensible thing.

They never did give me much credit for sense.

I did sleep, because a hand shaking my shoulder woke me up. Morley.

I heard it before he told me. A hell of a row over by the foot of the mesa. Gods, how I had wanted to run over and warn them when they had chosen to camp less than a mile from the gate to the nest. But, like Zeck Zack, I am not renowned for my suicidal tendencies.

As Morley said, the women were at little risk, and they were the only ones we had to give a damn about. Still, I had a soft spot for Saucerhead Tharpe. Saucerhead was implausibly romantic. He deserved preservation as the last of a knightly breed.

I got up where I could see just as the last of two campfires yonder died. Not two minutes after that the screaming and banging stopped. And about two minutes after that somebody finally said something. Dojango: “Guess we don’t have to worry about the army anymore.”

No. I guess not.

Nobody got any more sleep. I stared at the stars and wondered about the size of certain mouths, and about how much Rose, Vasco, and the major had yakked it up among themselves. Between them they had enough to work out what I meant to do. Did they have guts enough to stay buttoned up on the chance I might get them out?

“Going to have to be careful work over there tomorrow,” Morley said sometime in the wee hours. He didn’t have to ask if I was awake. He knew. Just as I knew that he and the others were awake and hanging onto something silver.





We started the crossing two hours later than I’d originally planned. That gave the sun two more hours to get up and glare at the gate to the nest. Two more hours for the night people to sink more deeply into slumber. Two more hours for us to prepare and two more hours for us to get crazier with fear. Every instinct screamed, “Get out of there!”

Morley spent that time rechecking every damned thing we would carry: flares, fire bombs, spears, crossbows, swords, knives, unicorn horns—the list was endless. I watched the gate through the spyglass, looked for secondary outlets, and helped the triplets polish off the last few kegs of beer. Zeck Zack mapped a convoluted route across that would be out of sight of spying eyes. The grolls, once the beer was gone, amused themselves by bringing enough water to do the horses for a couple of days. Dojango rigged up hitches they could pull if we didn’t come back. Not much was said. The few lame jokes that were told got roll-on-the-ground laughs. Anything to ease the tension.

Morley distributed the lethal instruments and flares and rehearsed everyone on using them. We packed it all up, filled canteens, drank too much water, and finally the sun was high enough to suit me. “Let’s go.”

Morley muttered, “Wish I knew if they knew we were coming. Then we might not have to leave all the metal hardware. Especially the silver.”

He was talking to no one but himself. My own contribution to nonconversation was, “I haven’t been so loaded down with junk since we landed on Malgar Island.” I’d been scared witless that day, too. Now those Venageti looked like friendly puppies.

The centaur’s route took us to the wasted camp. He knew we wanted to know.

We had an idea, of course. We’d watched the vultures circle for hours.

We heard them squabbling first. Then we heard the flies. Out on the Cantard those sidefliers of death get so thick they sound like swarms of bees.

Then we pushed between boulders and saw it.

I guess it was no more gruesome than any other massacre. But the bodies were so badly torn by attackers, vultures, wild dogs, and whatnot, that we had to count heads to find out that only four of the major’s party had been left for the carrion eaters. Two pasty-skinned, black-clad bloodslaves had been left too, but they remained untouched. Even the flies and ants shunned them.

Nobody said anything. None of the dead could be identified; there was nothing to say. We went on, fear perhaps tempered by the rage that makes men hunt down the maneater, be it wolf, rogue tiger, or one of

Nearer the gate we spread out, Morley and I flanking the hole and doing a cautious scout for surprises. Nothing seemed untoward. We assembled closer to the cave. Bat reek rolled over us. There was no sign of vampires, but I had a bit of red hair twisted around my finger. It had come off a thorn bush nearby.

Morley and I went in first, each with a sword and unicorn horn. Dojango followed with flares and fire bombs. The grolls backed him with spears and crossbows. Zeck Zack was rear guard because we expected him to turn ghost on us anyway. He wouldn’t have to stumble over anybody when he decided to leave.

We would change up on weapons and tactics if we reached the nest proper.

I gave a signal. We all closed our eyes, excepting the centaur. He counted a hundred silently, snake-hissed. Eyes barely cracked, we mouse-footed into the mouth of hell.

We advanced a few steps, stopped, listened. Morley and I knelt to let the triplets have more freedom to support us. We continued in that fashion. The deeper we sank into the darkness, the more frequently we paused.

By right of better eyes Dojango should have been in my place. But Morley feared his nerves weren’t up to it. I agreed. Dojango had buckled down and tightened up a lot, but he wasn’t ready for the front line.

Gods, the stench in that hole!

The first hundred feet weren’t too bad. The floor was level and clean. The ceiling was high. There was daylight at our backs. And there was no sign that anyone was waiting for us.

Then the floor dropped and turned right. The ceiling lowered until the grolls had to duck-walk. The darkness tightened and filled with the rustle and flutter of bats disturbed. Within a few yards we were saturated with the filth that was the source of the stench. The air grew chill.

Zeck Zack hissed.

We stopped. I was amazed that he could move so quietly on hooved feet. I’d assumed he was hell-bent for wherever already.

The hiss was the only sound. The centaur handed something forward. It gleamed through Dojango’s fingers as he passed it.

It was the lucifer stone Morley had given the centaur before shutting him in that tomb.

An iron chill dragged its claws up my back. By the stone’s light I saw Morley entertaining the same question: was the centaur announcing payback time? Burying us here would solve several of his problems.

I watched Morley struggle with the urge to kill Zeck Zack. He put it down. Barely. He gave me the stone because I had poorer eyes. I folded it into my right hand, under my fingers, against the grip of my wooden sword. I could lift a finger or two and leak light when I needed it.

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