Read Sweet Sins Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Sweet Sins (5 page)

BOOK: Sweet Sins
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“Who? A lot of people want to talk to me, and a lot of people think they have something important to say.”


My blood was instantly brought to a boil. “What name did you just say?”

“Zander.” Judging the confusion on his face, he didn’t understand the significance.

I couldn’t believe this fucker had the nerve to come to my place of business. “Did he say what he wanted?”

“No. He just said he wanted to speak to you.”

I didn’t like this—at all. But why would he come to my office? What did he want to say to me? “Have security pat him down before they send him up. I want him searched—thoroughly.” It was unlikely that he wanted to pull something, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

“Of course.” He walked out.

My mind was spinning in a thousand thoughts. Maybe he wanted to see Cassandra. Good thing she didn’t work here anymore. What could he possibly have to say to me?

I called Sean.

“What?” he barked.

“Get your ass in my office.”


“Just do it.” I hung up.

Sean came in a second later.
“What the hell is the emergency? You just realized your dick is too small?”

“Shut up.” I didn’t bother rising to his level. “Cassandra’s ex-husband is on his way to my office right this second.”

He immediately dropped his annoyance. “What? Why?”

“I don’t fucking know.”

“Why did you let him up here?”

“I want to see what he wants. I ca
n’t think of any reason why he’d want to see me. The curiosity is killing me.”

“Call security and make sure he’s clean.”

“I did,” I said.

“Okay. Cassandra isn’t here, right?”

“She’s at home.”

“Okay.” He turned to the door, waiting for him to appear. “You want me to stay, right?”

“Yeah. I doubt he would try anything when it’s just him and I, but it’s even less likely with you added to the mix.”

Sean nodded then moved to the couch. “Got it.”

I sat behind my desk and waited. Sean had his eyes glued to the door, his fingers resting on his lips.

l opened the door and stepped aside.

Zander stepped in then locked his gaze with mine. He glanced at Sean on the couch then turned his look back to me.

“This better be good.”

His arms were by his sides as he approached my desk. He sat down in the chair.

“I never said you could sit.”

He stood up again. There was no fear in his eyes. He didn’t seem frightened of me or my brother. That was a mistake.

“What do you want?” I demanded. “Cassandra isn’t here, if that’s who you’re looking for.”

“I’m not.” His voice was clipped.

“Then out with it.”

He glanced at Sean again.

“He’s staying.”

Zander put his hands in his pockets then shifted his weight to one leg. He was lean and toned, similar to Flynn’s body type. I outweighed him by at least fifty pounds. No wonder why Cassandra was so hot for me all the time. I was a real man compared to this dweeb. “I need to talk to you about something.”

“Obviously,” I spat. “Now be quick about it.”

“I want a paternity test.” His eyes locked to mine, conveying his seriousness.

What the fuck did he just say?
“Excuse me?”

“I want to know if the baby is really yours.” His voice contained no emotion. “I’d ask Cassandra myself, but I don’t want
you to break any of my other fingers. I thought we’d settle this man to man.”

Sean stared at me, watching my reaction.

“There’s no need for a test. It’s mine.”

“How can you be sure?” Zander challenged.

“Because she hasn’t fucked you in years,” I snapped. “Or did you forget sex education?”

He didn’t flinch
. “She and I were together once when you were apart. I’m justified in asking for a test.”

The room started to spin. My heart was so loud in my ears I
could hardly think. It thudded in my ear drums, clouding out all other sound. Just the idea of her being with anyone but me had me in a rage, but him being the guy made it a million times worse. “You’re full of it.”

“No, I’m not.”

“She didn’t sleep with you. Drop the charade.”

“It happened one time.”

“When?” I demanded.

He shrugged.
“A few months ago, about three. She called me because she was upset and told me to come over. I stayed the night and left the next morning. That’s how I knew where her apartment was. I thought we were getting back together but then she stopped talking to me. After I found out she was pregnant, I tried to confront her about it but you cut me off at every turn. I’m not stalking her because I’m trying to hurt her or get her back. I just want to know if the baby is mine.”

This couldn’t be the truth. There was no way. Cassandra wouldn’t lie to me. I refused to believe that. “You’re full of shit.”

“I’m not,” he said simply.

dra told me she wasn’t with anyone.”

His eyes brightened slightly. “Probably because she didn’t want you to know. It’s pretty obvious how you feel toward me. And you have more money than I do. Makes more sense to go for you.”

I stood up, feeling the rage course through me. “She. Didn’t. Sleep. With. You.”

He held his ground. “I want a paternity test.”


Sean stood up then approached the desk. “Mike, calm down.”

“I should kill you and stuff your body parts into my drawers,” I threatened.

Sean came between us. “You should do the paternity test.”

I turned to him, murder in my eyes. He was supposed to be on my side. “No. I’m not doing it. Cassandra wouldn’t lie to me. He’s just pulling this shit because he knows we’re getting married soon. He’s trying to break us up.”

Sean didn’t look convinced. “You should get a test done anyway, right?”

“No.” I stared him down. “I trust her. I wouldn’t be marrying her if I didn’t.” I turned back to Zander. “Now get the fuck out.”

“Think it over,” Zander said.

“No.” I stepped toward him but Sean held me back.

Zander walked out and shut the door.

I was fuming, anger washing through me at a million miles an hour. I pushed Sean back. “How can you believe that guy?”

He held up his hands. “Look, I’m not accusing Cassandra of anything, but I think it’s pretty odd that Zander came here and asked for a paternity test. Why would he lie about that?”

“To. Piss. Me. Off.”

Sean didn’t seem convinced. “Just do the test. You really want to marry her then find out the kid isn’t even yours?”

“It is mine,” I snapped. “She wouldn’t lie to me. If I ask her to do this, that’s an omission of lack of faith. If I don’t trust her to tell the truth now, when can I? I know he’s just doing this to get between us, and I’m not going to let him.”

Sean sighed. “I think it’s smart to get it done anyway.”

“Then let’s have Scarlet take a test too.”

His face reddened. “Don’t bring my wife into this.” His hands were shaking.

“Then don’t accuse my fiancé of being a liar.”

“I’m not accusing her of anything! Mike, just be logical about this. If she loves
you, she’ll understand.”

“No. I’m not changing my mind.” I stood back then sat in my chair, my face in my hands. I closed my eyes and sighed. “I refuse to start our marriage like that. I love Cassandra and trust her more than anyone. I know you’re just looking out for me because you’re my brother, but this is something I’m certain about. This is Zander’s last attempt at breaking us up. If I ask her if she slept with Zander, she’ll be pissed and walk out on me. I’m not going to do
it.” I kept my eyes closed and breathed through the anger.

Hairs were suddenly ripped from my scalp.

“What the fuck?” I stood up, ready to punch him in the face.

“Sorry. There was a bug.” He put his hands in his pocket.

“A bug?” I asked incredulously. “Was it living inside my skull?”

“Just think about what I said. You don’t have much time.”

I glared at him. “I don’t need to think about anything. Now get the hell out of my office.”

He backed off and walked out, leaving me alone with my rage.



I told my secretary I was at a meeting just in case Mike wanted to talk. I drove back to Connecticut but didn’t stop at my house. Instead, I went a mile further and pulled into Mike’s driveway.

I made sure I was parked in front of the window so Cassandra would recognize my car. After I knocked, I waited for her to answer the door. I knew Mike would be pissed if he knew what I was doing, but I didn’t care.
He was my brother and I had his back until the end of time. He could hate me all he wanted.

She opened the door, surprise on her face. “Is Mike okay?”

“Yes,” I said immediately. “That’s not why I’m here.”

She breathed a sigh of relief and her hand went to her stomach. “Then what’s up?”

“Can I come in?”

“Sure.” She stepped aside. “So what do I owe the pleasure?”

There was no easy way to say this, so I was just going to get it over with. “Zander came to the office and told Mike he slept with you a few months ago.” I know Mike believed her, but I wasn’t as convinced. And I wasn’t going to let her marry my brother if she was lying to him, especially about something as big as this.

Cassandra stared at me blankly until she processed what I said. “He said that?”

“Yeah.” My hands were in my pockets. “He wants a paternity test because he claims it could be his.”

She gripped her skull and sighed. “That fucker.”

“I’m not here to argue with you or accuse you of anything, but I want you to take a paternity test.”

She fixed her hair then tried to calm down. She was clearly flustered. “No offense, but why am I not having this conversation with the father of my child?”

“Because he thinks Zander is lying.”

“Which he is,” she snapped.

“I can’t take the risk,” I said simply. “I need to know if that baby really belongs to my brother.”

Anger moved into her eyes. “If Mike trusts me, then it’s none of your business.”

“But it is,” I said. “You will do this.” I hated being so cold with her but I had to be.


“If you have nothing to hide, then what’s the problem?” I knew that backed her into a corner.

“It would be different if Mike wanted the results, but he doesn’t. That man loves me and trusts me.”

“Well, I don’t.” The words flew out of my mouth before I could stop them. “You broke his heart, and I know I saw men’s clothing in your apartment. Why would your brother take off his shoes, jacket, and wallet? I’m not buying it, and I’m not letting my brother be played again. You fucked up this relationship once and I’m not letting you ruin his life. Now take the test.”

Her eyes burned in flames. It reminded me of the look Scarlet gave me. “If Mike knew you were talking to me like this, he’d throw your face under water and let you drown.”

“Be that as it may.”

She crossed her arms over chest and sh
ook her head. “We can’t do the test without Mike’s cooperation anyway.”

“I have his DNA.” I took out the bag with his hairs. “We’re good. And I already have an appointment with the lab. Now we need to go.”

She still didn’t budge. “Since you’re Mike’s brother, I’m going to cut you some slack. Leave now and we’ll never speak of this again. I won’t tell Mike any of this. Now go.”

Her resilience made me more suspicious.
“Why won’t you just take the test?”

“Because I don’t need to prove anything.”

“I think you’re hiding something.” I was worried that this baby might not be my brother’s, but now I was certain it wasn’t. Her lack of cooperation and her vow of silence if I left made me realize she just wanted to get rid of me
. Not gonna happen.

“I’m not hiding anything,” she hissed. “You’re so selfish. I’m marrying your brother in a few days and you’re ruining that by subjecting me to this insult.”

“Let’s go.” I wasn’t going to argue with her anymore.


I couldn’t coerce her with force. If Mike touched Scarlet for any reason, I’d kill him. And I wasn’t stupid enough to touch her. “If you don’t do this, I will constantly doubt you every day of your marriage. I will distrust you and resent you. The fact you aren’t willing to do this just makes me distrust you even more. You’re clearly hiding something and you’re determined for me not to find out. And that makes me realize that my brother made a horrible decision proposing to you. We’re a very close family, and you’re risking that by protecting your pride or your lie. Now, what’s it going to be?”

BOOK: Sweet Sins
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