Sweet Surrender (64 page)

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Authors: Angel Steel

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Sweet Surrender
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“Jesus, I had no idea what you would look like under all that clothing that you wear. I thought my imagination was good, but, damn, Chan, it wasn’t even close to what I’m seeing in front of me now.”

Her whole body shivered at the revelation that he had pictured of her naked. It was sick to her. He was like a brother; she had never had any kind of thoughts towards him like the ones he was having, and obviously had, of her.

He stepped towards her; she was completely helpless where she was standing now. Her back hit the wall in the room, getting as far away from him as possible.

Grinning at her, he turned away and stood near the shower door, waiting for her to go in. Taking a deep, deep breath, she moved forward, not once looking in his direction, and hopped under the water. She sighed with relief as the water cascaded down her dirty, sore body.

“Don’t take too long, we can’t have you looking like a prune,” he said as he handed her a washer and soap.

She snatched it from him and used the small amount of soap he gave her to wash herself the best she could. He only gave her a short amount of time before he turned the water off. She stood there shivering from the cold breeze, until he handed her a towel, and watched as she dried herself off. She could feel his eyes everywhere over her body. She tried several times not to throw up in front of him, but the last time she tried to gulp it down, it kept coming up. Holding her hand over her mouth, she pushed past him and bent over the toilet, relieving her stomach.

“We can’t have you doing that when your surprise comes, can we?” He moved behind her to help her up off the floor, and he was close enough that she could feel his erection through his pants.  Her stomach regurgitated again. God, she hated throwing up; there was nothing worse than this. He grabbed her arm, pulling her up, obviously she was taking too much time, and pulled her back into the dreadful room while she tried to hold her towel in place.

Leaving her near the bed, he walked over towards the dresser and pulled out a small bag from the top draw. She flinched when he spun around facing her, as his hand handing the little bag to her. Looking at him then back to the bag, she had no idea what she was meant to do with it.

“Put this on,” he instructed.

Taking the bag from him, she opened the it, and gaped at him. Was he kidding? He really expected her to just wear what was in the bag?

“Um, where is the rest of it?”

“That’s all you’re wearing,” her replied.

She pulled out the smallest G-string and bra, if you could call it that. The triangles at the front would only cover her nipples; the straps were thin and would not offer any support.

“You expect me to wear this, now?”

“It isn’t just for me, your guest has asked for you to wear it, too. I think it’s perfect for what is planned for the evening,” he said, as he moved away from her.

She wasn’t going to wear this for him. No chance in hell that she was going to wear it for someone else, either. Stepping further away from him, she glanced at the door, trying to estimate the distance between her and an exit, but before she could even consider a plan, he was on her in a flash. He slammed her against the wall, one hand gripping her throat, and the other moved behind him.

“It would be best if you didn’t think about leaving. It won’t be too good if I, or our guest, had to chase you down. It won’t end up pleasant for you,” he growled. His other hand slid up and pulled the towel from her body, leaving her completely bare.

She tried backing away from him further but his grip around her throat tightened, making her whimper at the pain. She stood still while his hand slid ever so softly down her neck, to the top of her breast, tracing lightly along the curve, and down the side, coursing goose bumps to cover her body.

He laughed, the asshole laughed at her. As he was distracted drooling over her body, and touching, this was the perfect time for her second plan. She smiled the sweetest smile at him, and he stepped that little bit closer to her. When he was in the right position, her knee shot up and connected between his legs, hitting him straight in the balls. He dropped to the ground, holding himself while groaning in pain. Grabbing the towel off the ground, she covered the front of her and made a run for it towards the door. Bryan called her name, but she never turned around or answered him. She turned the handle of the door, it would not move, not even an inch. Pulling as hard as she could, the door never gave any leeway. It was still locked. How did he do that? She never took her eyes off of him when he entered the room. She screamed at the door, banging her fists against it, knowing nothing she did would make the door open.

Strong arms wrapped around her from behind, pulling her against his body. She wasn’t staying in here any longer. He picked her up, her arms and legs thrashed against him, as the towel dropped from her hands. Tears streamed down her cheeks. She didn’t want to be here, not with him, or when the so-called guest arrived.

Bryan spun her around, and threw her onto the bed; she bounced once, twice and jumped off the bed before his body landed on hers. She ran for the door again, but he tackled her from behind and both of them hit the floor hard. With the weight of him covering her, she lost her all the breath from her lungs. Her forehead slammed against the floor with a loud thud. She groaned at the pain, as he gripped her ankle and dragged her away from the door.

“No!” she screamed. She hated that he was doing this to her, he was part of the family, a brother that she never had, a close friend. Why did he have to do this to her? He had a wife and kids. If he wasn’t married, he could get anyone he wanted. All he had to do was smile, and all the girls swooned over him. He was a bit like Dominic in a way.

Her tears fell harder when she thought of Dominic. The one person she wanted most to walk through those doors and rescue her from this nightmare, wasn’t going to. Why would he after the way she treated him?

Further and further, she moved from the door. She clawed the floor, trying to grab onto anything she could to stop him from doing whatever he had planned. He didn’t head towards the bed, but as they were passing it, she gripped onto the base of it and held on as tight as she could. Both of her arms wrapped around the leg, linking her arms around it. He tugged on her leg, her grip stayed. She whimpered at the pain shooting up her leg, as he placed both of his hands around her ankle, growling, as he pulled harder.

“You’re really pissing me off, Chantal. Let go or I’ll make you,” he growled again.

“No!” she yelled.

The grip on her leg loosened, and then there was nothing. She didn’t let go of the bed, but she opened her eyes to see what had happened. As she turned, the only thing she saw was Bryan’s foot coming for her. She squeezed her eyes closed as hard as she could, as he kicked her repeatedly in the stomach, legs...wherever he could. After the first kick to her stomach, she let go of the bed and curled into a ball, holding her stomach, protecting herself the best she could from any more kicks. Damn, the pain was excruciating. She was afraid to move the smallest inch, knowing it would send more pain through her body.

“I told you, Chantal. But of course, you don’t want to fucking listen. You will learn to listen to what I have to say. I know you can follow orders, I’ve seen you do exactly that, at the club. If you can do it for that wannabe, you can do it for me!” he screamed at her. He lifted her up, and walked towards the bathroom. Ignoring the pain, she slapped, kicked, scratched, bit, and anything she could do. The only reaction she got was more growling, and then lifted her further up, slammed her back against the wall closest to the bathroom, and pushed his lower body into hers. Feeling his erection, made her sick.

Lifting both of her legs around his waist, he rubbed his cock against her pussy. This was wrong. She fought against him, trying to move her legs from around him, but it only resulted in him pushing her harder into the wall. His hands were all over her. She slapped his hands away, as they moved down over her breasts and between her legs. Her hand shot up and slapped him; it only had him doing the same back to her. Her head spun on her shoulders. Being so close, you would think it wouldn’t hurt as much or he wouldn’t be able to do it right, but she was wrong, so wrong.

Lightheaded, she tasted blood when she licked her lips, and she felt where it had split from him hitting her. He ripped both of her hands above her head, bent down towards her ear, and whispered, “There is one thing you don’t know about me, Chantal. I love it rough, the rougher the better. If you want it like I do, I have absolutely no problem in giving it to you just like that. I know for a fact that Dominic never gave it to you like I plan on. Just thinking of the ways I can make you cry out at the pain, has my cock so fucking hard to be in this body of yours. But, I’m going to wait. I want to taste you, and then fuck you so hard to get rid of Dominic’s claim on you. Then, I can really hurt you the way I want.”

“You will never have the chance to do that, Bryan. I will fight you with everything I have,” she screamed at him.

His hand slapped over her mouth, gripping the side of her cheeks, squeezing hard. She knew it was going to bruise. His head came close to hers, forcing her to look straight at him. “I was hoping you would fight me, Chantal. I love how feisty you are. And trust me, I will have this body, and it will belong to
by the end of the night.”

“I will never belong to you,” she growled.

“We will see about that.” He pulled her away from the wall, and turned. They weren’t going into the bathroom anymore, they were heading towards the cross—the cross that she was tied to when she woke up. She didn’t want to be tied up. She wanted to fight him more, but the pain in her head and stomach stopped her from doing just that. She was slowly giving up. What was the point in fighting him, when she was only going to get hurt more? She would. She would fight until her last breath. There was no way on this earth that he was getting what he wanted from her, no way in hell.

Carrying her to the cross, he held onto both of her hands. Her legs just dangled there. She didn’t want to move just yet. Stopping in front of the cross, he awkwardly restrained her hands while pinning her legs between him and the cross. She fidgeted, but stopped quickly once his hand moved to her throat.

“You’re learning. I’m going to tie your legs now, if you try anything, and I mean anything, it’s going to hurt more than what I have done to you so far.”

She stood still as a statue. Well, more hanging like one, since her feet couldn’t reach the ground. Once he bound her hands tightly, he slid down her body and did the same to her ankles. She needed all her strength, if she wanted to get out of here alive. She needed to think this all through a lot better than what she had. It was a natural reaction to act when someone hurt you, but she had to stop. The time would come when she would get out of here; hopefully she was alive and able to move when that time came.

Once her ankles were tied, his hands slowly moved up the inside of her legs, stopping only inches from her exposed pussy. She pulled her legs together, stopping him from going any further, but with the restraints, she could only close so far. His reaction was to grip her thighs with such force she screamed as his fingers dug deep into her skin and spread her legs as far apart as they could go. He picked something up from behind the cross, and placed it between her legs at her ankles. She didn’t want to cry again in front of him, but it was a little hard to avoid when his fingers dug into her.

She heard something latching to metal. Glancing down, there was a metal bar, stretching her legs apart, attaching to the cuffs at her ankles. She wiggled her legs, seeing if she could move them together, but to no avail. The bar was stopping the movement. She couldn’t even move them with the length of chain she had, due to it being attached in the centre to the bottom of the cross through a D-ring.

“What is that for?” She actually had the nerve to ask.

“That is called a spreader bar. It’s to keep you in place and not move so I can do what I want to you.”

He stood up and leaned into her, sniffing along her neck, and then his mouth was on her, sucking, nipping. It felt disgusting. If he thought this was all supposed to turn her on, he had another thing coming. She was far from feeling that, but she couldn’t pull herself away from him. She had to stay the way she was and deal with what he was doing.

When he moved towards her mouth, she pulled her head away. It was the only part that she could actually move. His hand came up and held her in place as he shoved his tongue into her mouth, while holding it open. She wanted to bite his tongue, but couldn’t bring herself to do it, not wanting his blood in her mouth.

Pulling away from her, he panted, “You taste sweet. Wonder if you taste as sweet everywhere else?”.

“You make me sick, Bryan. And that is not happening again.”

He laughed. “You enjoyed it as much as I did, Chantal.”

“Not on your life,” she growled.

“Let’s see if I can make you then, ha?”

He moved back towards her mouth again, and she smashed her head forward, smacking into his. She heard his nose break, and watched as blood gushed from his nose and he fell back from the force. 

“You fucking bitch. You are going to pay for that!” he yelled.

He shot forward, and she closed her eyes, waiting for whatever he was going to do to her, but froze when she heard another voice.

“Stop! I never said that you could actually beat the shit out of her, Bryan. Jesus Christ. Haven’t I taught you anything? You do it through the tools I showed you with.”

She didn’t want to open her eyes. The voice sounded familiar to her and that was why she kept her eyes closed.

“She broke my fucking nose. I’ll do more than beat the shit out of her,” Bryan growled.

“You will not fucking touch her again, understood? You do it the right way, or leave.”

“I’m not fucking leaving, this is my entire plan! You only have a small part in this, and that was to show me how to use the tools.”

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