Sweet Talking Cowboy (16 page)

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Authors: M.B. Buckner

BOOK: Sweet Talking Cowboy
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When she woke up a little later, he was gently shaking her
shoulder.  “Hey, sleepy head, time to eat.”

She slipped off the bed and realized he’d brought lunch with
him.  They ate quickly and spent the afternoon switching saddles and horses
almost back to back for the different classes her mounts were entered in.  It
was a busy afternoon and she was amazed, a dozen times that she’d ever done
this by herself.

When she finished her last class, for the evening, it was
dark and she was tired.  It was a good tired, though.  The two horses she’d
shown had amassed a total of six firsts, two seconds and two thirds.  It had
been a long day.

Together she and Slade made the horses comfortable for the
night, and then as they walked toward his truck, she found herself mentally
preparing for another long tension filled night.  She felt her nerves
tightening, her defensive system kicking into gear and her brows knitted into a
frown that she wasn’t even aware of.  She slipped into the passenger seat and
huddled near the door.

Slade sensed her tension and would have liked to soothe it
over with some irrelevant conversation about the events of the day, but he knew
she wasn’t in any mood to talk.  The drive to the hotel was silent and when
they parked they exited the truck from opposite doors and walked through the
back door and to their room.  Once there, he opened the door and paused as she
entered.  He slipped the key into his pocket.

“I know you’re tired so why don’t I let you have some time
to yourself.  I’ll find something to do for a couple of hours.”  He offered.

She looked at him in surprise and nodded.  “That would be
nice.”  Then added, “but if you decide to get drunk again, don’t call me to
come get you.”  There was no humor in her voice and he figured she wasn’t

He sighed with great exaggeration.  “Not even married yet
and you’re already naggin’.”

She looked up at him.  “If that was an attempt at a joke, it
wasn’t funny.”

He shrugged.  “Well, at least I tried.”  Then he added. 
“Want me to bring you something to eat first?”

“I’ve got the salad I forgot to eat last night.  It’ll be
fine.”  She shook her head negatively and turned to gather the things she
wanted to carry into the bathroom with her.

“Okay.  Make sure you lock the door.  I’ll be back later.” 
He waited outside the room for a minute, silently wondering what lay ahead of
them, but then headed out to his pickup.

Briann was thankful for the privacy.  She’d really been
dreading the long hours in the room alone with him.  She drew a tub of water
and soaked for a while, then slipped into the oversized football jersey that
she brought along to sleep in, nibbled at the salad and then lay down across
the bed to watch television.  She didn’t figure Aunt Poog and Tris would be
home from Wild Adventures until much later, she decided she’d wait and call
them in the morning.

She found a reality show she’d been keeping up with, but the
first few minutes of it were all she saw.

The next thing she knew, Slade was shaking her shoulder
gently.  “Bri,” his voice was soft, near her ear and she could smell that he
had been drinking, even though he had just brushed his teeth.  She opened her
eyes quickly, bumping his nose as her head jerked up.

“It’s alright,” he continued, rubbing his nostrils gingerly. 
“I didn’t mean to scare you.  I just think you’ll sleep better if you get under
the sheet and put your head on the pillow.”  He was again wearing his low slung
pajama bottoms but no shirt and she knew he’d showered before disturbing her.

She hurriedly did as he suggested, fully aware that her
shirt didn’t cover much.  When she was comfortable, he turned the television
off and settled onto the other side of the bed once again lying on top of the

She almost smiled at his thoughtfulness, and then wanted to
kick herself.  It was his demanding, selfishness that was the cause of all this. 
She hoped he had a miserable night.

Morning again found them snuggled together.  At some point,
Slade had gotten cold and worked his way under the spread, but had tactfully
left the top sheet between them, although it did little to keep them from touching. 
When Briann awoke, she was in his arms and one of his long legs was resting
across her hips.

She began pushing at him, “Get off me,” she growled.

He opened his eyes and a smile deepened the slashes in each
cheek.  “Are you tryin’ to take advantage of me?”  He asked.

“I’m trying to get you off me!”  She declared angrily.

He laughed.  “Once again let me point out that you’re on my
side of the bed.”

She realized he was right and felt her face burn.  “Shut up,
and get off me.”

He frowned.  “What’s the rush?  The classes don’t start
until one o’clock.”

“The horses still have to be fed and the stalls cleaned.  I
want to get everything packed that I don’t need so that as soon as the last
class ends, I can load the horses and start home.”  She didn’t want him to know
that although she’d planned to stay over another night, her plans had changed
due to his being there.

He shook his head.  “No way.  Your last class won’t be over
before seven and that would make you around two in the mornin’ gettin’ home. 
We’ll just stay again tonight and drive home tomorrow.”

Briann hopped out of the bed and turned to face him, not
even remembering that the shirt she’d slept in barely came down below her
panties.  “Let’s get one thing straight, Mr. Butler.  I guess I don’t have much
choice but to go along with this marriage thing, but don’t start thinking that
you’re my lord and master.  I didn’t invite you here and I will leave when I
decide to leave, not when you allow me to leave.  You got that?”

His eyes were taking advantage of the pleasant view she was
providing and his smile deepened.  “This marriage just might get to be fun.  I
might even learn to enjoy our fights.  Especially if we fight while you’re
dressed like you are now.”

She snatched up the pillow she’d used and swung it at him.

Slade grabbed it as it slammed down onto his chest and
tugged on it forcefully and before she could catch herself, Briann found
herself falling across him.

He caught her in his arms, her hands spread on his chest to
break her fall, their faces so close she couldn’t see his eyes.  Her eyes were
focused on his lips and she knew he was going to kiss her.  She shook her head
negatively, unable to voice a protest, but felt one of his hands in the back of
her hair, not forcing her movement, but gently guiding her face to his.

It was a gentle kiss, his lips warm and alive, hers starting
out hard and unresponsive, but slowly melting, flowing into his with warmth and
the beginning of a reawaking passion.

He wanted to hold her, wanted to let that passion surge into
life and consume them both, but he knew a lot depended on how this ended. 
Reluctantly he broke the kiss, but continued to hold her in his arms for a
minute, allowing both of their breathing to return to normal.

When she moved, he released her and watched as she quickly
slipped off the bed to disappear into the bathroom.  After a couple of minutes
she returned having realized there was little need for modesty, found the
clothes she wanted and returned to the bathroom to get dressed.  She hated that
she’d allowed her anger to overrule her judgment, hated that she’d allowed her
actions to put her into a compromising position, hated that she had not been
able to remain impassive when he’d kissed her, hated that all he had to do was
touch her and she lost all sense of self, hated that his one gentle kiss was
enough to melt her bones.

When she came out of the bathroom, he was dressed and
sitting on the side of the bed pulling his boots on.  She moved around the room
carefully avoiding eye contact with him, but feeling his eyes following her
movements.  She found her boots and put them on and when she turned around he
was standing at the door waiting for her.

“Ready?”  He asked.

She walked through the door without answering, resisting the
urge to elbow him in the stomach.  He acted as if the kiss hadn’t happened
while her heart was lurching crazily just from having to walk that close to
him.  At the exit door of the hotel, she felt one of his hands settle between
her shoulder blades as he followed her to his truck.  It was amazing how warm
his hand was and how that heat radiated into her entire body.

They worked quietly, feeding the two horses, then tying them
out while they cleaned the stalls.  Once the animals were again settled in
clean stalls munching on their hay, Slade caught her attention.

“Can we go have breakfast now?”

“You can.  I think I’ll just hang around here.  I’m not
really hungry right now.”

Slade nodded.  “I won’t be long.  Can I bring you

“No, I’m good.”

He seemed to hesitate, but then walked away.

Once she saw his truck leave, she walked to her trailer and
drug out a folding chair.  She opened it up and sat down after she got her cell
phone.  She punched in Aunt Poog’s number and waited for it to be answered.

She had almost decided they weren’t home, when she heard Poog’s
voice.  “Hello?”

“Good morning, Aunt Poog.  How’re you two doing?”  Briann
wanted to sound as normal as possible.

“We’re fine, how’re things there?”

“It’s great!  I’ve got six blues, two reds and two yellows. 
We’ve placed in every class and the competition is hard.  There are horses here
that are already qualified for the World Show.”

“Is Slade still there?”  Poog cut right to the heart of the

Briann frowned.  She’d been hoping to forget him for a few minutes,
but since Aunt Poog brought him up, she might just as well know the truth. 
“Yes, he’s here and he’s threatened to sue for custody of Tris.”

She heard the quick in-take of breath from the older woman
on the other end of the conversation.  “Oh, my!”

“The only thing I can do to prevent that, is marry him,” Bri
said softly.  “So I guess that’s what I’m going to do.”

There was silence for a minute.  Then Poog said, “Well, I
suppose it could be worse.  To tell you the truth, I think Mike was hoping
things might work out like that.”

“Well I wasn’t!”  Briann’s voice was edged with anger.  “If
I knew I’d win against him in court, I’d fight this, but I can’t take a risk of
losing Tris!”

“Slade is a good man, Briann.  He wouldn’t do it if he
didn’t think it was the right thing to do.”

“Right for who, Aunt Poog?  Slade Butler?”  Briann knew she
wasn’t being objective, but right now, she wasn’t feeling objective.  She
resented that Aunt Poog was defending him.  “Look, I don’t want to argue.  Is
Tris awake?”

“No,” Poog said.  “We got back so late last night and I was
letting her sleep in.  Do you want me to wake her up?”

“No,” the disappointment was heavy in her voice, but she
knew the child needed her rest.  “Just let her call me when she gets up.”

When she put her phone away, Briann was at a loss for
anything to do, so she just wondered through the barn, looking at the other
horses and speaking to the few people who were there tending them.  Finally she
ended up back at her trailer.  She opened the door and went in to relax for a

She pulled her show saddle out and brushed it down good,
spraying a little leather conditioner on it, then cleaned the bridle and
matching breast collar.  She wanted them looking their best for the performance
classes later.  She had just finished replacing the bag she covered it with
when she heard a tap on the door, then Slade pulled it open.

From the grin on his face, she knew he was up to something. 
She faced him, her defenses in place.  “What have you done?”

He handed her a small box.  “For you.”

She took it and opened it so she could look inside.  She was
cautious as she peeked in.  Then she gasped.  “How did you do this?  There
aren’t any stores open this early.”  The ring was beautiful.  A modest diamond
set in gold with small diamond chips encircling it.  She just held the box,
looking from the ring to him, then back again.

“I wanted you to have an engagement ring.”  He said.

She shook her head negatively, and pushed it back toward
him.  “I…it…”

He took the box, removed the ring, caught her left hand and
slipped it on her finger.  “I know this arrangement is not what you want, but
I’d like to try to make the best of it, Bri.  If you give me a chance, I’ll
make you happy.  We can be a real family.”

She dropped into the chair, her eyes frozen on the ring on
her finger.  It was so beautiful.  She couldn’t imagine finding one she’d like
any better, but it was the symbol of a marriage she was being forced in to. 
She didn’t want it.  “If you want to make me happy you know what to do.  Just
leave me and my daughter alone.”

His eyes dropped and she knew she’d hurt his feelings but then
he looked at her again and she saw the smoldering anger.  “Not your daughter,
Briann.  Our daughter.  And it’s because you can’t seem to think of her that
way, I have to do what I’m doin’.”  He looked at the ring on her finger and
then his eyes bored into hers.  “If you don’t want it, throw it in the damn trash. 
But my plans aren’t changin’.”  He turned and left the dressing room.

Well, she looked at the ring again.  She certainly hadn’t
handled that very tactfully, she thought.  She hadn’t wanted to hurt Slade’s
feelings but, he didn’t seem overly concerned with her point of view.  Still,
they were getting married and it was a beautiful ring.  She sighed deeply and
pulled it to the end of her finger, almost off, then hesitated before pushing
it back in place.  Maybe wearing it would show him she was willing to make some
concessions, as long as they weren’t too dramatic.  There was still some time
to kill before she needed to get ready for her classes.  She stepped to the
door and pushed it open.  Her eyes quickly scanned the area, not sure if she
was hoping to spot Slade’s frame in the growing number of contestants beginning
to arrive, or not.  But she did.  He was standing not far from the nose of the
trailer, deep in conversation with two young women.

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