Read Sweetest Mistake (Nolan Brothers #2) Online

Authors: Amy Olle

Tags: #wedding, #halloween, #humor, #pregnancy, #relationships, #cop hero, #beach

Sweetest Mistake (Nolan Brothers #2) (21 page)

BOOK: Sweetest Mistake (Nolan Brothers #2)
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His palm closed around her bare shoulder. His hand slid up the column of her throat, beneath Kate’s artful chignon. Emily protested, but his fingers tangled roughly through her hair and the heavy curtain fell over her shoulders.

“I want you back.” He kneaded her scalp. “The real you. Without the sparkles and the paint.” His lips brushed her shoulder. “Without the dress.”

He buried his hands in her tulle skirts and, slowly, inched the fabric up her thighs.

Through the walls drifted the muffled drone of music and partygoers. A snatch of someone’s laughter rose above the din. Her gaze darted to the large picture window behind the mahogany desk.

Then cool air kissed the skin of her thighs, and her bare bottom. Her thoughts scattered.

A soft curse slipped from Luke and his calloused palms smoothed over the smooth globes of her buttocks, left exposed by the thong underwear she wore.

Arousal spiraled through her to settle low in her belly.

He rubbed her lower back in slow, tight circles. Seeking stability, she pressed her palms to the smooth wood desktop.

One of his large shoe-clad feet pushed between her high heels and nudged, gently, until she stood with her feet shoulder-width apart.

She trembled in anticipation of his touch.

Beneath the tiny string of her thong, his hand stole lower, between her legs, until his fingers feathered along her slit. Her sharp gasp morphed into a needy moan.

He explored her, circling and massaging, but not touching, never touching, the place where she most ached.

She arched her back and wiggled her hips in a slow circle, chasing his touch while his hot mouth suckled the side of her neck. Her moans grew desperate and he soothed her by whispering soft nonsense into her ear.

Still, he evaded her swollen core.

His hardness pressed into her bottom and she wriggled to fit herself more snugly against him.

“I can’t,” he croaked. “I don’t have a condom.”

“I’m on the pill.” Relief rushed through her that she’d made the brash decision to ask the doctor for a prescription. “And I haven’t been w-with anyone else in a long time.”

Turning her, he cupped her face with both of his hands. Green eyes pierced her. “Neither have I.” His mouth brushed over hers in a soft, lingering kiss. “Thank you.”

A tangle of emotions surged and clogged in the back of her throat. In that moment, the thought came to her that she could love him forever.

Cool wood struck her bare bottom when he lifted her onto the desk.

He eased her down. Standing between her parted thighs, he watched her with suddenly hooded eyes as he gently pushed her skirts above her waist.

His palm pressed to the soft swell of her abdomen. With his other hand, he hooked a finger around the crotch of her panties and tugged them aside. The tip of his finger stroked her.

Sensation pulsated between her legs. She threw her head back. Color burst behind her eyes when the heavy slide of his fingers coaxed the first ripples of her orgasm.

She felt his hands between their bodies as he freed himself. His solid warmth brushed her opening and she whimpered with wonder. It was really going to happen. Luke Nolan was going to make love to her.

This time, he wouldn’t regret it.

Thoughts splintered when his shaft teased at her entrance. He dropped his head to her shoulder when he pushed inside her and her awareness narrowed to the slide of pleasure his body wrought from hers.

“Jesus, Em, you’re so tight.” He gripped her hips and pressed deeper.

Her body swallowed more of him, and his fingers stroked a sensitive spot. A cry tore from her throat.

Cast out to sea, she clutched at him while he pumped into her with long, languid strokes. In the quiet room, the sound of her slick wetness mingled with their labored breathing.

The world fell away. There were no people on the other side of the door. No large windows through which they might be discovered. No spiral notebook poking into her backside.

There was only Luke, and the exquisite, excruciating pleasure of his touch.

“I’m sorry. I can’t wait—”

His muscles bunched beneath her hands and he thrust into her with fierce desperation. With his release, he groaned her name into the side of her neck. His teeth scraped over her hypersensitive skin. Her orgasm screamed through her, beautiful and dangerous, like a comet streaking across the night sky.

After, she listened to the sound of his pounding heart while faint tremors eddied through her body.

Rising up on his elbows, he peered down into her face. He brushed a strand of her hair off her temple. “You okay?”

She nodded.

“What are you thinking?”

Thoughts. She should have some, but as she gazed up into his flawless face, only a lone, inappropriate thought crystallized. “When can we do that again?”

A surprised, helpless laugh rattled in his chest and he pressed his forehead to hers. “The second I can go again.” His lips brushed hers. “I promise.”

Oh, my. She would definitely love him forever.

A soft knock sounded on the library door.

He pushed off her and she bolted upright. Still standing between her legs, he smoothed her skirt down over her thighs and fastened his tuxedo pants, but he didn’t retreat.

His hand slipped beneath her hair and he pulled her to him. His mouth met hers in a whisper-soft kiss. He dawdled, taking small nips at the corner of her mouth, as if no one waited on the other side of the door.

Finally, he left her and crossed the room. He opened the door a tiny fraction of a crack.

“Is Emily with you?” She recognized Noah’s voice.

“She is.” The possessive edge in Luke’s tone sent a shiver rippling through her.

“Now that she’s family, I have to ask—do I have any reason to kick your ass?”

Luke held his body rigid. “Not one.”

“Oh, good.” Noah’s tone lightened. “Then there’s someone here looking for a room. She says she has a reservation.”

Emily placed a hand on Luke’s elbow and he stepped back to allow her to pass.

Noah took one look at her and shot Luke an exasperated look. The color heightened on Luke’s cheeks, though his expression turned roguish rather than remorseful.

“All the rooms are reserved for the night with w-wedding guests.” Emily entered the hall. “Is she one of the guests?”

“She’s not one of the guests.” Noah motioned to the end of the hall, where a woman stood waiting in the foyer.

While Noah headed back to the ballroom, Emily moved toward her. Luke followed a step behind.

“M-may I help you?”

The woman wore her dark hair pulled back in an unruly ponytail and heavy horn-rimmed glasses obscured her dark eyes. “I hope so. I’m here to check in.” She had a subtle southern accent, as one who’d grown up in the Deep South but hadn’t returned home in many years.

“I’m sorry. I don’t have any rooms available tonight.”

The woman frowned. “Are you sure? Max Foley was supposed to book a room for me.”

Emily stepped aside as the Mayor of Thief Island passed through the foyer on his way to the front door.

“M-Max? Are you with the film crew?”

“That’s right. I’m Honey Breedlove.”

Drew slid to a stop and pivoted. His pale gaze lighted on Honey. “Excuse me, did you say Honey Breedlove?”

Honey eyed him.

“You aren’t supposed to be here for two days. M-Max said M-Monday.”

Drew took Honey’s hand and, lifting it to his mouth, pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles. “To what do we owe the honor of your presence on our little island?”

At her side, Emily sensed Luke’s rigid alertness.

“Well, aren’t you a sexy ass-kisser,” Honey cooed.

“I’ve been known to kiss women in all sorts of interesting places.”

Honey rolled her eyes and pulled her hand from Drew’s grasp. She turned back to Emily. “Is there any chance you can make room for me tonight? I’ll sleep on a couch or the floor. Anything’s better than my car.”

Emily hesitated. She couldn’t kick her out with no place to stay in a strange town. The last ferry had run for the night. “Of course. I’m sure I can find something….”

Honey’s smile was bright and warm. “Thanks. I owe you.” Then she turned on Drew, her gaze sliding over him with such heat Emily felt the blast of radiation. “I’m going to go grab my bag. You’ll be here when I get back?”

A slow smile curled Drew’s lips. “I’ll be here.”

Honey disappeared through the front door and Drew leaned into the doorjamb, watching her retreat.

Then he regarded Emily with glinting light eyes. “So tell me, why is a porn star staying at your inn?”

Chapter Sixteen

strenuous swallow worked Emily’s throat, but just then, the ballroom door banged open, depriving Luke of her reply.

Mina and Noah tripped down the hall toward them.

“That’s it, we’re done.” Mina leaned into Noah’s side. “I’m dead on my feet.”

“We’re leaving you to deal with the rabble-rousers back there,” Noah said. “You throw a hell of a party.”

Honey returned with her suitcase in tow. “I’m ready for my couch.”

Emily’s hand touched the pendant around her neck. “M-Max said y-y-you’re filming a horror movie…?” Her question hung in the air.

“That’s our agreement.” A hint of defiance slid through Honey’s tone.

Not the ringing endorsement Luke was hoping to hear. “The script didn’t convince you?”

“I’m still waiting to read the script,” Honey said. “Max hasn’t sent it to me yet.”

Drew sidled close to Honey. “How exciting. A slice of Hollywood here on our little island.”

Emily twisted her hands in front of her. “I’ll find you a room. Can you give me just a minute?”

Drew stuck out his elbow. “I’ll be glad to show Ms. Breedlove around while she waits.”

Honey slipped her hand under his arm. “What are you going to show me?”

“I’ll show you anything you want to see,” Drew said as he led Honey toward the ballroom. “And probably a few things you don’t want to see.”

“Trust me, I’ve already seen it all,” Honey said.

“That sounds like a challenge.”

“Who is that?” Noah whispered.

“A famous actress,” Luke whispered back. “She’s here for the film.”

“Two days early.” Emily’s hushed tone managed to ring with panic.

“Aren’t all the rooms taken with wedding guests?” Mina hissed. “Where are you going to put her?”

Emily lifted her shoulders. “I’ll put her in my room.”

“Where will you sleep?”

“Why are we still whispering?” Luke slid a hand to the small of Emily’s back. “She’s staying at my place.”

Mina’s eyes grew wide and Emily turned an unnatural shade of pink.

“We wouldn’t want to put you out,” Noah said smoothly.

“It’s no hardship.” Luke tugged Emily back toward the library. “Enjoy your wedding night.”

When he’d closed the door behind them, she whirled on him. “Was that really necessary?”

He didn’t know if it was necessary, but it was unavoidable.

He’d tried to stay away from her, but that was no longer an option. Having blown past the point of no return, his priority now was to find a way back to the hot, secret place between her thighs.

He lowered his voice to a conspiratorial, intimate purr. “I’m ready.”

A fiery blush blotted her peaches-and-cream skin. He wanted to lick every inch of it.

Now that he’d made his intentions clear to her, there was nothing holding him back. It was just sex. Fulfillment of a biological need. Release.

With no fear of hurting her, and no chance of suffering a fate like the one that ruined his dad, his desire for her rushed forward to consume him.

“I want you in my bed, Emily. I don’t want to wait.”

“I can’t leave.” A flash of disappointment flitted across her face. “I have a houseful of people.”

“I’ll have you back first thing in the morning.”

She wavered and her hand motioned to the couch. “This couch has a pull-out bed. We could, uh, sleep here.”

The ferocity of his desire for her unsettled him. “What do we have to do to get rid of all these people?”

They devised a quick and dirty plan, which had Luke pulling Matt aside while Emily talked with the DJ. Soon the flow of alcohol slowed to a trickle and the parade of upbeat pop songs downshifted into ballads with slow, melancholy tempos.

It was another hour, however, before the last guests wandered up to their rooms for the night and they closed the doors on Mina and Noah’s wedding party.

Emily, her arms loaded down with bed linens and pillows, slipped into the library and he swung the heavy wooden doors closed behind her.

The puffy expanse of her skirt sprang up and he shoved it down to avoid catching the delicate fabric in the door.

BOOK: Sweetest Mistake (Nolan Brothers #2)
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