Swept Away: The First Bloodline (27 page)

BOOK: Swept Away: The First Bloodline
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She reached out trying to grab ahold of him but of course she missed.  She watched his every movement as he sat up her tray, sliding it on a table with wheels towards her.

“Breakfast in bed?  What did I do to get this?”

He reached over picking up the rope on the floor swinging it from his fingers smiling bright at her.

Oh yeah, I remember that.  All of that.

              “Eat.”  He ordered. 

The coffee
was amazing, the eggs superb.  Even as she ate she continued to watch as he rolled the rope putting it back into its place.  He reached down at the foot of the bed and then pulled up…the flogger. 
Holy shit!  Hell no!

“That’s not what you were saying last night.”  He smiled devilishly at her almost as if he was rubbing it in.

“That’s what bit?” 

“That’s what bit and made you oh so ever sensitive as I remember correctly.”  She flushed with his words. 

She threw herself back, pulling the pillow over her eyes.

“Don’t get all bashful on me now.  Hard part’s over.  You like to play, I like to play.  Nothing wrong with that.  I’m actually really surprised and happy you liked it as much as you did.”  He tugged at her toe. 

“Have you ever played… like that with anyone before?” 

“Yes.  But then you knew that already.  Why does that bother you?”

“I don’t know.  I don’t know that it does.”  She wasn’t lying to him. 

“Don’t think about it.  Trust me, you never want to be anyone’s first anyways.  You want someone who has done it a few times.”

“Why?  You make it sound like first timers are bad.”

“It’s not bad for the Domme, but it can be for the sub.  Remember that little bite to your backside that was a little more than pleasurable?  Just imagine if I didn’t know how to control it.”

Her eyes widened.  There was no way she would take much more than what Damien had dished out.  Little pain, good, a lot of pain, hell no.

“Exactly.”  He smiled knowing she fully understood what he meant.

“So are we staying here all weekend…or something else?”  Her seductive hidden suggestion worked as his eyes darkened as he walked towards her.  Her inner Goddess started rejoicing. 
Definitely staying here.  Yes!

He grabbed the blanket, quickly jerking it away from her.  Her body tensed in surprise but settle down quickly.  She was lying there wearing nothing at all as he stared into her eyes.  His fingers reached gripping her ankles pulling her down and up over his shoulder.

“Put me down.  What are you doing?”  He laughed walking towards the bathroom.  Taylor playfully slapped his ass.

Smack.  “Ow!” She squirmed with the sudden hit to her ass.  He wasn’t so playful.  Her feet touched the floor and if pleasure, heat, arousal hadn’t been showing in his eyes, she would have slapped him back.  Her mouth opened to tell him how unfair he was but closed quickly when he reached down pulling off his shirt.

Her tongue licked her lips as she watched his fingers slide his jeans down.  His cock sprung free, fully erect. 

Before she could object he pulled her towards him thrusting his cock into her abdomen.  She followed the gentle pull of his hands to the shower unaware that she was doing so.

The water hit her hard. Cold at first stealing her breath away.  “Well that didn’t work out.”  Then the water’s temperature began to rise.  “Turn around.”  She did what she was told.  His hands on her shoulders.  He reached up and pulled the shower head down soaking her hair before returning it to the hanger.

The sweet aroma of the shampoo was immediately smelled and intoxicating as his fingers ran through her hair, messaging the scent into her scalp.  Taylor’s head leaned back into his hands and relished the glorious moment. 

A bittersweet feeling came over her when his long, strong fingers left her hair.  Again the hot water was running through her hair as he rinsed the soap, then just as before he messaged every nerve ending her scalp had with conditioner.

Just when she thought he had taken her to every level possible, he picked it up yet another notch.  After finishing her hair, he pulled it tight rolling it into a twist.  Taylor watched over her shoulder as he put some body gel in his palm and began working it into a lather.

His hands started with her neck working their way to her shoulders and if felt as if she were receiving a deep tissue massage.  Then down her arms continuing the same tight squeeze as he cleaned thoroughly, even under her arms.

His fingers worked her back as if he knew it better than Taylor did.  Hitting all the right spots and working out any tension she had there.

Damien slid around to her front resting his chin on her shoulder as he washed there now.  Slowly working his way to her breast.  Over and over he worked them.  Squeezing each nipple.  Her head fell back to rest on his shoulder as every ounce of strength was leaving her body. 

“Ow!”  She cried out as his thumb and forefinger squeezed each nipple.  Rolling them.  Her hands came to his, not to pull away but to loosen his grip.

He squeezed tightly making her wince and push back against him.  “Drop your hands.”  His voice was stern letting her know if she didn’t, there would be consequences.  Thank God, she thought the minute her hands reached her sides again, he released them.

Again he squeezed and again she pushed back to him.  She was ready to scream out when he released moving slowly down again.  He slowly dipped a finger into her navel then continued his journey south. 

His finger slid between her netherlips before coming back up and around to her puckered hole.  Again she was thankful because he didn’t stay long.  Everything that she had done with him, and yet she was embarrassed suddenly by the fact that he was literally washing her ass.

“Don’t be embarrassed.  This is for my pleasure.  It pleasures me to do this.”  His voice was deep but she could hear the arousal as he knelt behind her and tapped her calf for her to pick up her foot.  She lay her hands flat against the shower wall for balance while picking up her foot.  He washed every inch of it then repeated on the other side.

He stood pulling the shower head free again as he began rinsing her body.  Starting from her neck then moving down, until all of her was rinsed.  She felt fresh, clean, and now ready to get messy again.

He turned her back towards him and knelt in front of her, still holding the shower head, he smiled.  She had no idea what he was up to but she didn’t really care.  For his pleasure she kept telling herself.  But somehow she couldn’t help but to think this was her pleasure as well.  She had went from embarrassment to pleasure seeking and enjoying the feel of his hands.

He bent one leg so that his foot was flat on the floor, while reaching down grabbing her right ankle pulling her foot up, then sitting it down on his knee.  She watched as he adjusted the shower head spray to more forceful.  She grew nervous, wondering what he had in store for her.

Do I move my leg?  Do I ask him not to?  What the hell am I supposed to do?

              “Relax Sweet.  That’s what you do.  Close your eyes.”  She hesitated.  She didn’t mean to but she did.  He cocked his head to the side before shaking his head no.  The movement of his head only made her hesitate even further.

A slap to her wet ass stinging like a mother fucker only pissed her off.  She looked down at him then tightly closed her eyes shaking her head no. 


His fingers touched her clit, rubbing in circular motions over and over again.  She was finding it very difficult to remain mad at him, no matter how hard she wanted to for him slapping her.  The sudden force of water to her clit while he pushed two fingers into her at all once, caused her to damn near hit the floor.

The constant pressure on her clit and him thrusting in and out of her vagina rubbing that ‘oh so ever sweet spot’ quickly sent her over the edge and thankfully his superman speed and strength caught her, keeping her from hitting the cold tile below.

She lay in his arms as the last quiver rushed through her body, taking her anger as it left. 

How can I stay mad at you when you do something totally unexpected and unbelievable as you just did?

She listened to his laugh, knowing it was her thought that he found amusing and she couldn’t help but to join in as she thought about it.

Why do I even bother thinking anything around you?

“It wouldn’t matter if your around me or not Sweet.”  He stood with her still in his arms and gently allowed her feet to touch again.  Her legs felt as though they had become nothing more than pudding swaying with her weight.

“Easy Sweet.”  He grinned. 

When her balance and strength had returned, he turned grabbing the shampoo and commenced to washing his hair.  She couldn’t help but to take this opportunity to return the favor.

She grabbed the soap washing him as he did her.  Repeating the entire process that he had done to her.  The moan slipping from his throat caused Taylor to feel an excitement in her, that had been sleeping for a long time.  She dropped to her knees taking him into her mouth all at once.

He stiffened at her sudden assault.  She sucked harder up and down enjoying the feel of his cock against her tongue, the back of her throat.  She was excited to taste his pleasure again.  Arousal hit her harder as her act continued waiting for the delicious taste she wanted.

She pulled him from her mouth dragging her tongue from the base of his shaft up and across the very tip then back down.  She massaged his balls in her hand taking first one then the other in her mouth.  Again she felt his muscles tighten.  Her inner Goddess began to sing when she heard his moan last as it escaped from his throat.

Pushing his limits further she took both into her mouth sucking hard rolling her tongue over and around while her hand moved up and down his shaft quickly.

He moaned again, then again as she took his cock back into her mouth just in time to feel his warm thick present grace her tongue so delightfully so.  She licked across making sure to take in all that had to offer her, loving every last drop.

His strong hands gripped her shoulders tightly pulling her to her feet.  He stared deep into her eyes.  Taylor could only see excitement there.  His hands gripped her ass rough pulling her up to him, she threw her legs around his waist curling her feet together.

“Just so you know, even though I hear your thoughts, you still find a way to completely and utterly surprise the hell out of me.”  And his mouth crushed down over hers.  Their tongues battled each others.  He fought to take control of her mouth, while her tongue fought to savior his taste.

Her back slammed into the shower wall.  Taylor welcomed every last bit of pressure his body put on hers.  He lined his cock with her entrance pushing quickly and hard touching her deep.  She moaned out from the sweet intrusion.

She kissed his jaw, down his neck.  Nipped down on the sweet little muscle of his shoulder and neck.  He moaned out biting down on that same sensitive area on her.

“Mmm!” It was more of an ouch and do it again plea combined.

His hips continued to thrust his cock in and out of her, taking turns with the in, out, then a circular grind into her motion that rubbed across her clit so wonderfully.

Reaching her climax she stiffened against his chest.  She felt him following behind her emptying his see inside of her.  Her breathing was heavy against him before calming back down.

He set her feet down tenderly and again they washed and rinsed their bodies.

She grabbed a towel and began drying when his hands gripped her hips.

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