Switched: Flirt New Adult Romance (10 page)

BOOK: Switched: Flirt New Adult Romance
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Reagan was all, “Yeah! He’s super cute, Kayla. Is it totally bad for me to think my boyfriend’s best friend is kind of hot?”

Then I
went overboard on Wesley. Like it’s okay to think he’s hot because he
. I kept going on and on about his hair and his eyes and his callused fingers and the jacket he wears and how he wears it. Along with other stuff like his guitar playing (which, hello, I’ve made fun
of way more than I’ve admired, but Reagan likes it), the fact he works so hard all the time, how he’s always laughing, and how when he gets hurt, he pretends to pull his heart out. I turned everything annoying about him into something irresistible! Maybe theater can be my major.

Only bad thing about having a Wesley conversation before bed? Now I’m picturing his face and not Talon’s. Boo. Maybe I’ll pull out my phone and stare at the beautiful boy, all red and snow-covered, till I fall asleep.

Step 11:
Ignore the Guilt You Feel When You Touch Him

(Or when he touches you.)

“So, you like the jacket I wear, huh?”

I’m going to kill Reagan. “You know I said all of that for your benefit.”

Wesley snorts. “Well, now she thinks you have a thing for me.”


“Hey, if my friend talked to me for an hour about how my jacket fits—what was it she said? Oh, that it ‘fits him so well, you want to slip your hands underneath it to make sure he’s real’—I’d start thinking that too.”

“You’re such an ass. When are you guys getting here so I can kick your butt in person?”

“Can’t wait to see me in my jacket?”

“Wesley …”

He laughs into the phone, and I pull it away so he doesn’t burst my eardrum. “We’ll be there probably around five or six. We’re about to get back on the road.”

Six hours left before Reagan gets here. Time to pull out the big guns. I’ve had a very successful few days alone with Talon, but we’re still in the same spot. Talon’s a hard guy to read. He gets real close and then pulls away like nothing happened. At first I thought it was in my head, but no. It happens
all the time
. What does that mean? Is he just one of those people who likes to talk at close range, or does he want to be close to me?

“You should take your time,” I say through a smile, then yank on my pink cowl-neck sweater, maneuvering my phone through the sleeve hole. “Talon and I are shopping for your presents today.”

“And you want to drag that out?”

“I don’t want to rush it. And if you guys get here too soon, I’ll end up getting you a crappy gift. So it’s in your best interest to make a lot of pit stops.”

“It takes you six hours to shop?”

“Today it will.”

“You know Talon hates shopping.”

“Well, I’m providing food too.”

“You’re going to need more than that.”

“Are you suggesting anything?”

“Speed-shop, then do something that’s not boring as hell.”


“Just trying to help out.”

Yeah, right. If anything, he’s making me more nervous. Like he doesn’t think I’m doing anything right. They need a punch feature in the iPhone.

“What do you want, by the way?”


“For Christmas. I have no idea what to get you.”

He pauses, and I think he’s eating or something, because his voice comes out kind of funny. “You’re buying me a present?”

“Didn’t you hear me before? I don’t want to get you something crappy.”

“I thought you meant Talon was getting something for me, not you.”

Why is he making this a big deal? He’s my friend too. “Will you just tell me?”

He pauses again. “I—I’ll have to think about it.”

“Well, you’re almost out of time. If you don’t text me in an hour, you’re going to have to deal with whatever I find at the mall.”

“Yeah, okay.” He lets out a sigh. “Um, Kayla?”

“Wesley?” I tease.

“Please don’t spend a lot on mine, okay?”

My wallet will appreciate that. But I did save up for gifts this year. Last year was tight since my parents were still dealing with hospital bills and I was working my ass off to get into Berkeley after Talon and Reagan both got accepted. So the only friend I got a gift for was Reagan. Anyway, it’s not like I knew the guys that well. But this year, yeah, they both need a gift. I wonder what Wesley thinks is a lot. I swing my purse over my shoulder and tuck a pack of gum in my back pocket. “I wasn’t planning on it.”

Total lie, because I have no idea what I was planning for him.


“I’m heading out. See you later tonight.”

“Yup. And remember what I said. Don’t spend six hours shopping.”

“Yeah, yeah. Later.”

Reagan is the hardest person in the world to shop for. Because she’s either going to love, love, love what you get her or hate it so much she’ll wonder if you even know anything about her.

This coming from the girl who bought me G-strings last year. She’s a walking contradiction, but I think that’s part of the reason guys are so attracted to her. Standing next to Reagan, I may as well apply for a substitute for white paint, I’m that thrilling.

Hmm … maybe that’s how I get Talon to notice me. Be super outgoing.

“Maybe I’ll buy her those hooker boots. But I doubt even those would embarrass her.”

Talon laughs, cringing a little at the bright red thigh-high boots with stiletto heels. “She’ll probably strap them on and go to the nearest corner, just to embarrass

“No boots, then.” I set the streetwalker boot down and sigh. “I wish gift cards or cash was acceptable as a best-friend present.”

“Ditto on that one.” He pokes at a strappy wedge with a few spikes on it, shaking his head. “Tell you what. You can get me cash or a gift card, and I’ll think you actually care more about me.”


“Hell, yeah. Cash is way better than something I may never use again.”


“So, settled? You don’t go out of your way for me, okay?”

Isn’t he the best dream guy ever? No worrying over whether my gift says too much or not enough or whatever. That makes one present finished, and we’ve been here for an hour already. We step out of the shoe store and stand with our arms over the balcony edge. One look at all the stores below and I say, “Settled.”

Except now I’m wondering how much to put on that gift card, and where to get it from.

The question must be painted all over my face because Talon gives me his heartwarming smile and says, “Twenty bucks tops. Go to Sports Authority or something.” He tugs on his worn Redskins sports shirt. “I could use another jersey.”

A whoosh of air goes out my lips, exaggerating my relief in my oh-so-fabulous attempt at being funny. “Thank you. Easiest present ever.”

“Now back to Reagan and Wesley.” He glances around the mall, a small look of terror in his eyes. “If we can get through this crowd before Christmas.”

I motion to the jewelry store across the balcony, on the top floor of the mall. “Feel like getting your girl some diamonds?”

He chuckles. “Not diamonds, but yeah. I better look in there for something. One-year anniversary and Christmas all in one gift. I won’t have to buy two presents, but the one I do get better be big.”

“And you’re lucky. Jewelry is my area of expertise.”


“I’ve been watching Reagan get stuff like that for years. Come on.” I reach for his hand but stop in midair. It shouldn’t be such a big deal to touch him. It’s seriously an innocent tug I was going for, but it still feels weird. And wrong.

So I go for a lame wave instead.

And as much as I just freaked out about touching someone I know, it’s sort of funny that I touch about a hundred strangers on our way to the store. During Christmas, you knock into so many people the apologies kind of get lost, so I stop saying sorry by the time we’re halfway there.

“Next time let’s do all our shopping online,” Talon says, slamming into my back when we finally reach the necklace display case. I think I mutter something to agree with him, but my mind is going,
Oh my gosh! Talon says there will be a next time. And his hard chest is touching me

He slides to my side so he can eye the jewelry while I shake off the semi-orgasms I just had. And the following guilt for having them.

“Okay, expert. What does she want that doesn’t cost a million dollars?”

“Hmm …” I tap the glass with my nail and get a stop-that look from the guy behind the counter. “She won’t want a necklace. She doesn’t wear those often, and she’ll probably want to wear whatever you give her
the time.” Well, I would if Talon gave me jewelry.

“I’m not doing a ring. She’ll get the wrong idea.”

That makes me sad and happy all at once. I think the mix of emotions equals guilt. I can’t seem to get rid of that.

“Bracelet it is!” I throw my hand in the air like we’re on some sort of quest. I feel like an idiot for two seconds until he laughs, and then I feel like a comedian.

The guy points us in the right direction. This display case isn’t as big, but it’s got a nice selection.

“Uh, what about that one?” Talon asks, pointing at a sapphire-covered bangle. It’s gorgeous, and so
style, but not Reagan’s.

I wrinkle my nose and shake my head, twirling my tongue in between my teeth. “Think more elaborate than that.”

“What? That one is fancy.”

“Yes, to us normal girls. But Reagan fancy is much different.”

“Point taken.”

He runs his sexy hand over the glass, leaning toward it with the most adorable thinking face I’ve ever seen. Do all guys look like this when they shop for jewelry? One quick glance around the packed room says yes. Fidgety guys, and guys who are pasty white as the salespeople
pull out different selections—it’s so cute I have to bite back my smile. Talon is definitely the best-looking one.

“Okay, this one?” he asks, pointing to a triple-banded, heart-shaped ruby bracelet with a hopeful look on his face. It’s totally Reagan.

“Fast learner.” I smile and start to wave a salesperson over. “She’ll love it.”

“Wait.” He grabs my hand and pulls it down before I get anybody’s attention. “I’m not sure … I don’t know if I want to get her something like that.”

“Why not?”

He shrugs. “Just doesn’t feel right. Too impersonal.”

Sweet. He’s wrong. But it’s sweet. “Okay. What about earrings?”

He does his shrug thing again.

“We should at least look.”

He nods and starts to weave his way to the other side of the room. I’m about to follow, but one of the bracelets makes me do a double take. It’s simple, a single band with pink sapphires and diamonds. There’s one charm that dangles off, in the shape of a starburst. I’ve seen this bracelet before. Many times, actually.

Dad had me pick it up for her after the engraving was done. I can’t remember what it said exactly. Something about him always being with her, even if she’s in the stars. It was the most romantic thing I’ve ever seen, and one of those times I look at my parents and hope with all my heart I find something like that. She said she’d give it to me when she flew to the stars, but luckily for all of us, the treatments worked, and the bracelet has been dangling from her wrist every day since Dad put it on.

“Did I lose ya?” Talon asks by my ear.

I shake my head. “Sorry. Got distracted.”

Instead of leading me to the earrings like I expect him to, he leans over me and looks down at the counter, eyes skimming over all the bracelets again. “What are you looking at?”

I point to the pink starburst. “Looks like my mom’s cancer bracelet.” Whoops. Popped that out there again. I refuse to let him get uncomfortable on this shopping spree, so I try to wiggle away, but he puts his other arm against the counter, trapping me between it and him.

“I like it.”

My teeth dig into my bottom lip to stop a wide grin from spreading. “Me too.”

We sit for a minute and stare, until someone shuffles us aside since we’re not exactly buying anything at the moment. Talon grabs my hand and leads me to the earrings, his eyes pleading for help. I keep my hand in his, despite the blaring warnings:
Kayla, this is your best friend’s boyfriend!
But with all the tingles shooting through my arms and legs, I’m claiming that this shopping day isn’t a total bust, like Wesley thought it would be.

Step 12:
Keep Your Accomplice Focused

(And refuse to take only one-word answers!)

Wesley pulls up in his van and does the same exact thing I did when I first got here.

“Snow! Oh, how I’ve missed you!”

I laugh as he flops in the pile that used to be Mr. Drippy. He dropped Reagan off at Talon’s, and instead of unpacking at his house, he called and asked if he could hang out with me and my fam. I guess he saw boyfriend number twentysomething’s car parked out front, and he didn’t want his reunion with his mom to be all tense and stuff. I offered to go with him, but he joked it off and headed here. I would’ve pushed it if I thought it was best for him, but I get it. Sometimes you just need someplace to go till you’re ready to deal.

Scooping up a handful, I pound the snow into a ball and stand over his head so I’m sure not to miss.

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