Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1)
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How would
she get him into this cave? She’d deliberately chosen a place impossible for humans to access, but in his present form, he couldn’t access it either. She retraced her steps and watched him sleep. Out of options, she sat near the entrance to defend her mate.

Chapter 14


The sun set low in the sky when Hawke moved. Asia looked at
him over her shoulder and then refocused on the entrance. Two drunks had wandered near earlier but sobered quickly when she growled her displeasure. The men ran, tripped and rolled a good distance down the hillside.

“What happened?”
Hawke said, his voice deep and harsh.

turned; prepared to defend herself she stood and watched as he took stock of the surroundings.


The huskiness of his voice caressed her skin. She shook off the effect and continued staring at him.

Goddess, you are so beautiful.”

wolf whimpered at the awe in his voice, but she remained vigilant as he sat up and scooted back against the wall. He tilted his head in the same manner when he looked at her in the hall at the castle. “I’m in control,” he said with a puzzled look staring at her. “Did you do something?”

Still in wolf form
Asia stared, looked away and unable to stop looking at him, stared again.

frowned. “Something is different. The computer is muffled, like a hum.” A spark lit in his eyes, stealing her breath, and confusing her. “The chip’s not controlling any more, it’s there but not strong like before.”

wolf whined, pushing her toward him, urging for the connection between mates. Stepping out on a symbolic limb, she opened the link. “
Good, that’s good.”

eyebrows shot up. A moment later a smile appeared. “
Thank you, Asia. Thank you. Such a long time… so long since
…” his eyes closed and a rush of warm wind flowed through the link, brushing against her mind as if tasting and caressing every nuance of her essence. Asia’s body tingled beneath the onslaught. This mingling was unlike anything she’d ever experienced which made no sense, she’d been mated before.

A soft breeze carried the aroma of
his craving, filling places she never knew existed. Her wolf whined and stepped closer, taking in more of his scent, licking his hand and face.

You are so beautiful,” he whispered. The deep huskiness in his voice left her panting and defenseless. Resisting him never entered her mind. Warm tendrils of need arced between the links, binding and tying them together. Hot coils of desire wrapped tight around her as an embrace.

he whispered. “Let me see you.”

The raspy hunger in
his tone slid into a crevice of her mind she hadn’t known existed and filled the space with something akin to hope. Could she? Fear, the parasite in her mind, rose swift and strong, urging her not to trust this man, not to release everything, not to allow him access to her dark secrets and shame, not yet.

Hawke to see her wasn’t the same as giving in, plus her wolf would take matters into her own hand if she backed out of this mating dance.

shifted into her true form.

gaze softened as he pulled her forward and cupped her cheek. She touched the scar on the side of his face with the tip of her finger. His gaze roamed her face, as if imprinting her on his brain. “So damn beautiful.” The heat of his words brushed against her cheek. Unprepared to share everything her eyelids lowered beneath his steady gaze.

fisted her hair pulling her head back and kissed her hard. Her wolf purred. The noise slipped through her lips. His movements quickened as if the unchecked sounds were a fire accelerant, inflaming him further.

Long licks of his
tongue danced with hers. Intoxicated with pleasure, he tasted like a life-altering liqueur. She’d never thirsted to this degree and pressed into him for more.

growled, lifting her onto his lap. The length and width of his cock set off a happy dance with her wolf, they were both pleased. Hungry for him, she rocked against his hardness.

Lips parted, he
gasped. Images of them in a variety of positions crowded her link. Turned-on, she ground against him.

You’re wet, ready for me. Thank you Goddess, I cannot wait.”
Hawke flipped her onto her back, snatched the meager cloth covering her and thrust one finger inside her pussy. Tight muscles clasped onto his digit, greeting him properly.

groaned and shoved his pants down with the other hand. “
Goddess, I can’t take any more. Your scent is driving me crazy.
I can’t decide what to do first. Sample this delicious nectar
…” He removed the finger from her and sucked. He smacked his lips and smiled as he replaced the finger in her pussy. “
So sweet

moved beneath his talented fingers needing more.

You want me
?” He asked through the link. His hesitancy hid his insecurities and shame. He knew about his baggage but not hers. His woman hadn’t opened to him completely.

you want me,” she whispered.

crushed her against him, giving her another one of those mind-boggling kisses.

she were a better person, she’d tell him the type woman he’d take as a mate so he could make a quality decision. But the closeness of their bond worked its magic on her, watering dry places in her soul and filling an emptiness she never thought possible. Mating him without full disclosure was selfishness personified. She knew and didn’t care. This time she’d grab the brass ring and end the dusty road of loneliness she’d traveled far too long. Instead of confessing her past she held onto his broad shoulders as he moved between thighs and with one powerful thrust, initiated their mating.

Asia’s breath locked in
her throat. Thank the Goddess he moved. She feared he’d stop or worse, talk. Before she could voice her objections, he thrust back into her again, and again. Rain, no a torrential downpour fell inside her. What other explanation could there be for the wellspring of giddiness sprouting in the barren landscape of her heart? Pockets and crevices of a lifetime worth of debris were swept clean or replaced by the fire of their mating. She had no idea which and didn’t care as they spiraled higher together, consumed with each other’s heartbeat. First separate and with each thrust they synced, closer and closer together until one was indistinguishable from the other.

body tightened like a locked spring and then exploded into millions of pieces as they crested. The braided bond of their mating kept her grounded, a sense of security spread through her limbs and settled in her mind. Bit by bit, the shudders wracking her frame ceased. Her heart slowed to a normal pace and her limbs went limp. Air flowed through her nostrils assuring her she had survived the life changing moment.

palm cupped her cheek, and he placed a soft kiss near her mouth. It was such a simple thing, but the gesture touched her in ways she couldn’t explain. Rain, comprised of his gentle touches, soft words and even softer kisses watered every dry, dusty, dirty place in her being. Perhaps that explained her blurred vision when his lips brushed against hers, not seeking anything, but for the sole purpose of touching her.

“Amazing Asia, beautiful inside and out,”
he murmured.

snuggled closer, and sent a silent prayer to the Goddess he was right.

Chapter 15

The sunset marked the end of their quiet time. They’d spent hours exploring each other’s bodies, and easing the itch accompanying the mating.


“Asia. Everything okay?”

“Yes. Has La Patron decided anything
?” She didn’t want to rehash her disobedience, but she needed to know if La Patron planned to remove them now or later. She hadn’t mentioned anything to Hawke yet, and waited until she knew the plans for certain.

Yes, Silas is sending you to an old associate of Angus. Chacal. The man lives on the outskirts of Odessa and has arranged transportation.”
She gave Asia the co-ordinates to pick up the vehicle. Grateful for the solid plan she nodded at Hawke. He kissed her cheek, and earned a smile.

After you finish and verify the problem’s corrected, plan to catch a flight to London so we can bring the two of you home.”

.” Excited by the prospect of assisting Hawke and spending more time with him, Asia shut down the link with Jasmine without further thought.

Hawke squeezed her hand.

I’m going with you to take care of this problem. We have a vehicle waiting on the way and then we drive to a place where you can use a secure computer.” Embarrassed of her botched mission, she didn’t mention she had no choice in the matter or that his project became her assignment. The most important thing was to make the deadline and reset the switch. She refused to fail again.

nodded and looked around the cave. “It’s getting late, but I’d like to get as far as we can tonight and pick up the transportation. Maybe grab a change of clothes and alter my appearance a little.” He gazed down at her, taking in her smooth brown complexion. “Is this you? I mean, is this your true form? Not like Jerry or Tate? I’d like to know what my mate looks like.”

Whisky colored eyes stared up at
him. “Yes. This is my base form. I can’t discuss my ability to change forms, not yet. But this is who I am.” Asia found a pair of sunglasses and a cap in the cave and gave them to him.

he wrapped his arm around her small waist and pulled her close. Asia smelled natural, like the earth and all things good. Long, dark brown curly hair fell down her back. He loved her curves and full hips. Bending forward he brushed his lips across hers. “I don’t need to know anything other than this beautiful woman is my mate. Everything else is extra.” Her eyes widened and he read the uncertainty. In time he’d prove himself worthy of her and wipe that look from her gaze.

they walked down the hill headed to the forest to find and dispose of Greggor. Hawke wanted to find a computer but Jasmine hadn’t responded with a location yet.

A small group of six men and women met
them on their way to the forest.

“Seen anything suspicious round here?” the farmer leading the group asked.

Hawke’s grip tightened on her hand. “Suspicious? Like what? We’ve taken an early stroll and haven’t seen much of anything other than each other.” He gazed down at her upturned face and thanked the Goddess again for a sexy, strong, compassionate mate.

“A couple of gents said there are wolves in the mountains, said
the animals chased him down the hillside.” The farmer peered at Asia and then at Hawke. “Sure you haven’t seen or heard anything?”

Hawke removed the sprigs from Asia hair before answering. “No,
I didn’t hear anything.”

farmer smirked, a look of male understanding passed between them. The other men nodded. The faces of the two women reddened. Asia remained stoic and silent.

“Okay, be careful. There’s reports of wolf sightings.”

“There’s always wolf sightings,” Hawke scoffed. It was no secret wolf packs roamed the area.

“True, well good day to
you.” The group continued in the direction they’d left.

Hawke waited a second. “
Please tell me you were the one who scared the gents.”

Yes, I scared off two drunks.”

“Good, let’s grab a bite to eat and search for a computer.
Greggor has long gone; there is no scent of the creature.”

nodded. Holding hands, they walked in the opposite direction of the castle at a brisk pace.

The next few hours
they moved at a steady pace toward the small hamlet where the vehicle awaited. Hungry and tired after a long day, Hawke and Asia stopped on the outskirts of a town. Asia changed into an unassuming male and left to buy food and lodging.

A half hour later, Hawke pulled
his cap down and pushed his glasses up as he walked through the lobby of the hotel where Asia secured a room for the night. She opened the door before he knocked. Once inside they embraced and all the neediness from earlier returned full force.

I didn’t sense anything, did you?” she asked helping him take off the jacket they’d stolen.

“Just humans.”
Hawke looked at the table filled with food. “That looks good; did you order anything for you?”

she pushed his shoulder, grabbed a piece of meat and sat on the chair while he ate. During the meal, he kept sneaking peeks at her and the bed. Before the platter cleared, she stood and walked into the small bathroom. A few seconds later he heard the water and his imagination went into over-drive. Hawke tamped down his libido, finished the last of the meal and patted his lips.

Her name rang a bell the first time she mentioned it. Today as they traveled, more of his memories surfaced from the quagmire of the locked chip in his mind. Over a decade past, he remembered Lord Boris’ excitement over finding a test subject whose body didn’t reject metal implants. According to the reports he’d read, Asia was a walking miracle, a deadly assassin, brilliant spy and almost impossible to defeat. In retrospect, her test results sparked the renovation of his laboratory and the insertion of the metal in his legs and arms. Lord Boris didn’t want to use him as a test subject initially but after tests failed on so many other wolves, Hawke convinced him to use him.

The test worked better than everyone suspected. The computerized chip in
his brain took complete control of his arm and leg implants and in turn his actions, relegating his wolf to a single role as breeder. Hawke shook his head in disgust. He’d been their bitch, a willing bitch stepping up for every new test. Some worked, others didn’t. But he’d been insatiable for knowledge, and pushed the envelope until he reached Frankenstein status. After all he put his body through the true miracle was his wolf survived.

Asia walked out the bathroom drying
her hair. Hawke stopped thinking. Stopped breathing and stared at her perfection. He couldn’t reconcile the Goddess standing in front of him with the femme fatale in the reports he’d consumed through the years. She still held the record in the Liege organization with the highest kill count, and successful missions accomplished. Her exploits reached legendary status and over the years he’d lived vicariously through her exploits. 

she was his. His to love, protect and serve. Humbled by the Goddess’ gift, he rose on his knees, pulled her close and brushed his lips across hers, hungry for a small taste.

pushed against his shoulders. “You need a bath, go wash.”

laughed, laid his forehead on her breasts and rubbed them back and forth. She laughed, and he didn’t think he’d every tire of the sound, and pushed him away.

“Ugh. Go shower before all the hot water’s gone.”

The thought of a cold shower galvanized him into action. He sprung from the bed and headed into the small room. “Don’t get dressed,” he said stripping off his clothes. “I’ll be right back.”

Arms outstretched, Asia flopped on bed, scanned the area out of habit and settled.
They’d made great time and should reach the vehicle by noon tomorrow if they left first thing in the morning.

listened to the shower in anticipation. Yesterday in the cave she’d seen lust, passion and admiration in his gaze. He hadn’t faked it either she seen enough to know the difference. Hard as she tried she couldn’t remember if the first time she mated came close to now, but doubted the possibility. Her blood rushed through her veins at his nearness. Despite what she’d told him, every part of him smelled delicious and right. All day she touched and brushed against him. Inside she burned to get as close as physically possible and then she’d want more. She sensed the same fire burned in him, especially when he didn’t balk at spending the night in a hotel rather than far from everyone.

weren’t safe, not by a long shot. Not as long as the computer chip remained lodged inside his brain. She’d listened to the sound on and off all day.

Wait. On and

Asia sat up to think. Had
she stopped listening or had the chip blinked on and off? She wasn’t sure. Excitement coursed up her spine. She had to be sure. The water stopped. Inching back in the bed, she pulled both pillows behind her as props.

Naked, Hawke stepped into the room drying
his hair. Need to be one with him gut punched her. Without thought her hand rose beckoning him to her. His gaze widened and then drooped to a sexy, slumberous half-mast. Hawke took her hand, placed a kiss in the middle of her palm and then licked that same spot.

trembled as fire licked the nerve endings in her hand, raced up her arm and settled in her core. “Hawke,” she murmured on a shaky breath.

looked up at her and crawled forward. “I’ve wanted to do this all day.” He leaned forward, and placed kisses all over her mound. His fingertips pulled her lips apart, his tongue slid up and down and then wiggled inside her opening.

Asia’s head fell back as
he worked magic with his tongue.  She tangled her fingers in his thick black hair and pulled sharply moving him where she needed him. He pressed his lips to her clit and sucked the tiny bundle of nerves into his mouth, alternating with rough lashing with his tongue.

“Oh God,”
she screamed as she humped his face to a beat in her mind, lost in desperation to cum again. He caught her clit with his teeth and bit down on it. She tugged his hair pulling him closer, telling him her enjoyment without words, and begging for more. He scraped her clit over and over again.

Yessss,” Asia said moaning, and rocking against him. Close… her body lifted higher and higher. Her legs locked around his back and she erupted in orgasmic bliss. Her body shook beneath the force of her release. Floating back to reality, she pulled his head back, bit her bottom lip and winked at him.

he whispered sliding up her body, his hot flesh scorching her as he brushed against it. His hardness landed between her thighs, superbly positioned for entrance. He stared down at her. An inner light burned in his gaze as he studied her. Uneasy, she lowered her lids to protect her secrets. She wasn’t ready for him to know the real woman he’d mated; it was nice being accepted for the moment.

placed a finger beneath her chin and lifted her face. “You are beautiful mate.”

heart tugged at the sincerity of his gaze and the ring of truth in his words. His mouth pressed against hers, his tongue swept across her lips and pressed for entrance. She moaned in pleasure as he deepened the kiss.

Caught up in
his taste, his masculine wood scent, his sudden thrust into her caused her to buck upright and gasp with pleasure.

Mmmm, so tight, so wet for me. You have no idea how that makes me feel,” he murmured while thrusting steadily with deep strokes. The sound of slapping flesh filled the air, peppered with their grunts and moans.

slapped his ass and widened her legs, urging him deeper. He quickened his movements, the music of their coupling took on a rock and roll tempo, lifting her higher. She growled in pleasure at his primal taking.

Her body was on fire as he pounded into her relentlessly. Waves of pleasure rippled through her as she splintered in bliss a second time. He thickened inside her. His cock pulsed as he slammed into her again and again. He stiffened, shuddered and released a low growl into the pillow next to her head as he spilled his seed deep inside her body.



BOOK: Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1)
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