Table for Two (40 page)

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Authors: Dara Girard

BOOK: Table for Two
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"You once said the world was full of rogues, but you forgot about heroes."

He abruptly laid the saucer down. "Gather some of your stuff, you're staying with me permanently."

"Well, I—"

"Don't argue, just do it."

"I wasn't going to arg—"

"Why aren't you packing?"

Cassie quickly gathered her things, no longer feeling indulgent. "You know, you can be such a bully sometimes—stubborn, unyielding. I'm afraid I may have to revoke your hero status."

He took her bags. "That's okay. I'm not a hero, or a gentleman, or a rogue."

She grabbed his umbrella from the corner and opened the door. "Then what are you?"

He began to smile. "A man who loves you."

"Drake!" She threw her arms around him, her heart overflowing with joy.

Door 712 opened. "Is everything all right?" Mr. Gianolo asked.

Cassie sighed, her eyes fixed on the man she loved. "Yes. Everything's perfect."

* * *

They walked to his car with the fresh scent of cold in the air and the promise of holiday festivities engaging the city. Miniature white lights draped trees; menorahs, wreaths, and candy canes vied for space in shop windows, and people loaded with packages rushed past. Cassie remembered another night similar to this when wizardry seemed to course through the air and she'd kissed a man with abandon during a warm summer rain. She thought of how she had tried to push him away in an effort to remain free, but in time he’d taught her how to be free of her thoughts and her fears. She felt something cold and wet drop on her nose. She glanced up and saw that it was snowing.

Drake held out his hand and let a snowflake melt in his palm. "Do you love snow as much as rain?"

She grabbed his face and kissed him among a few shouts and whistles of a passing Gothic crowd and odd stares of others trying to figure out the odd pair. She didn't care. "No. I only love you. And the answer is yes."

Drake frowned. "Yes?"

"Yes, I will marry you."

He abruptly dropped her bags and spun her around until she pleaded for him to stop. "You'll hurt your back," she scolded.

He didn't hear her. The happiness he felt was almost terrifying. At last, she would belong to him and he to her. He had succeeded. "My middle name is Marcus," he confessed, lifting her bags.

She stared at him. "What? You told me you didn't have a middle name."

He grinned wickedly. "I know."

She narrowed her eyes. "How many more secrets do you have?"

Her beloved sorcerer just laughed and together they walked toward a bright and exciting future.






"I can't believe my mother is paying for the entire wedding," Cassie said as she, Drake, Clay, Jackie, and Adriana ate lunch at the Golden Diner.

"She's trying to make up for a lot of years," Adriana said, picking through her chicken salad, too excited to eat.

"And she can afford it," Clay grumbled.

Drake stole a grilled shrimp from Cassie's plate and popped it in his mouth.

"Stop eating my food," she warned.

"Then stop worrying and eat it yourself," he argued.

Cassie made a face and took a bite.

He patted her on the head. "Good girl, and don't forget your vegetables."

She swatted his hand away. "I can't believe how eager she is for me to marry you after what you said."

Clay and Drake shared a quick glance. Neither would mention the little chat they had at the Graham house that resulted in Angela's Graham sudden enthusiasm.

"I told you that your parents love you."

"I know that, but clothes shopping is a different matter. I don't want to end up looking like a walking marshmallow. "

"But I like marshmallows." Drake took another shrimp before she could slap his hand away. "Whatever you wear, you're going to look beautiful."

Cassie moved the dish out of his reach. "Thank you."

Adriana watched the exchange and sighed happily. "I'm so glad you two worked everything out." She rested her chin in her hand. "If I didn't love you, Cassie, I'd be jealous." She looked at Drake. "You don't happen to have any brothers, do you?"

Jackie and Clay turned away to hide their smiles. While behind her, Drake and Cassie watched Eric enter the diner, flash a wicked grin at a harried waitress, and point in their direction. They shared a look, then turned to Adriana.

"Well, as a matter of fact..."


The End

Award-winning, multi-published author Dara Girard, began her writing career at the age of six with a ball point pen and her mother's diary. Fortunately, her mother loved the story so much her daughter escaped punishment. Writing on the walls, however, got her grounded. Dara loves to travel, eat French pastries and hear from readers.

to contact the author and find out more about her current and upcoming books.











Table of Contents


A Letter from Dara Girard

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17


Meet Dara Girard

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