Tactical Strike (10 page)

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Authors: Kaylea Cross

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Suspense, #General

BOOK: Tactical Strike
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Gah, he was weakening her resolve to not fall for him with each
passing minute.

Not knowing what to do with the aching knot of emotion he’d
planted in her chest, she searched for a safe topic and cleared her throat.
“Have you seen Cam since this morning?”

He was close enough that every time the breeze stirred up, it
brought a whiff of his deliciously clean scent with it. “No, why?”

“Wondered if he’d talked to Dev since the attack. She’s got to
be worried sick.” Candace missed her like crazy. Maya was great, but it wasn’t
the same as having Dev to talk to. If there was ever a time she could’ve used
Dev’s opinion, it was now. Her growing attraction to Ryan confused the hell out
of her. She knew it was wrong, yet she couldn’t seem to stop herself.

“I’m sure he at least tried to contact her.”

“Yeah, I’m sure he must have.” Again, silence descended until
she couldn’t stand it. They had at least another few minutes of walking, if he
was determined to escort her right to the flight line. “Where’d you grow

“All over.”

Not much of an answer. It surprised her that he was so evasive
about something like that. “Okay, so where were you born?”

“Florida. You?” Their arms brushed for a second, sending a
shocking bolt of sensation through her body.

She quickly stepped away. “Virginia.” She was curious about
him. “Did you move around a lot as a kid or something?”

“Yeah. My old man was in the Army.”

“Oh.” Wow, they actually had something in common. Who’d have
thought? “My dad was Air Force.”

“So you must’ve moved around a lot too.”

“Some when I was little,” she admitted. “Not too much, though.”
He was so ruggedly handsome with that short beard. What would he look like
clean-shaven? Probably better that she didn’t know.

“Any siblings?”

“No. I’m an only child.”

“Ah. That explains your attitude.”

She jerked her head around to defend herself, but there was
only a teasing light in his eyes. A reluctant grin tugged at her lips. “Guess
so. Although you’re the only one who seems to bring that side out of me.” No
matter how she tried to ignore it, the man was a charmer. “Anyway, if I have
attitude because I’m an only child, what’s your excuse?”

A smile tipped a corner of his mouth. The memory of those firm
lips exploring hers sent a tendril of heat curling into her abdomen. “I’ve got a
younger sister, but she lives in San Diego.”

“I bet you annoyed the hell out of her.”

“I can’t argue that.” The caring in his gaze relaxed some of
the lingering worry in her gut. It finally felt like they understood each other.
When they approached one of the hangars at last, he stopped near the glass
double doors to look down into her eyes. The longing and admiration there struck
her speechless. An ache settled deep inside her, making it hurt to breathe.

“You know,” he began slowly, “the way I see it, you and I may
have certain obstacles in our way, but together we make a pretty deadly
combination. We already proved that.”

His wit dragged a chuckle out of her. “You mean, with me in the
cockpit and you on the ground with your radio?”

“Yeah, that too.” His eyes searched hers. Was this his way of
saying goodbye? As much as she needed to resist him, the thought of never seeing
him again was too awful to contemplate.

. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to control her
reaction if he did. She wanted to kiss him again, feel him close against her.
Let him know she cared and wanted him just as much.

He didn’t touch her. Just stood there looking down at her for a
long moment, his gaze gliding over her face like a lover’s caress. Hot.
Seductive. “So, if we were alone right now, would you kiss me?”

Her mouth went dry. She swore her knees weakened. Her befuddled
silence was apparently answer enough.

“That’s good to know.” A slow curving of his lips set her heart
pounding. “I’ll see you later, Captain.” The layered sensuality in his voice
made it an erotic promise. Or maybe even a threat.

Before she could utter a response he let the door close and
walked away. Heart tripping, Candace couldn’t help but stare after him. Damn,
the man looked just as good going as he did coming.


A vivid image flashed through her mind. Ryan poised above her,
his weight resting on his elbows as he surged in and out of her slick, hungry
core. His eyes blazed with a possessive light, all his muscles taut with strain
as he neared the peak.

. She mentally shook herself.

Her skin was alive with sensation like he’d stroked it with
those wide, long-fingered hands. She swallowed and exhaled a deep breath,
getting herself together. Holy shit.

For just that brief amount of time she’d spent in his arms he’d
made her feel wanted, safe and like she was the sexiest woman on earth. If
they’d been alone in a private room that locked and a bed nearby rather than the
waiting room, she admitted now that she’d probably have given him anything he
wanted. And something told her she’d have loved every single second of it, no
matter what her conscience would have thought about it afterward.

Candace pushed out a sigh and headed down the hall. Time to go
to work. She couldn’t afford to think about him at all right now, let alone like
that. She
couldn’t afford to be
distracted. And how the hell did he manage to find her everywhere, when he
should be spending most of his time over at the Spec Ops compound? Shaking her
head, she chuckled at herself. Apparently even a huge base like Bagram wasn’t
big enough for the both of them.

* * *

Khalid paused in repacking his gear to tip his head back
and study the slate gray afternoon sky as icy gusts of wind tugged at his
clothing. Up here among the high mountain valleys, the weather moved in fast and
was often more severe than at lower altitudes.

“Will there be a blizzard?” a voice asked in Pashto.

He paused to look over his shoulder at Mohammed, a
seventeen-year-old from Khalid’s birth village, who was putting together his
newly cleaned rifle. He’d almost perfected it now. Khalid bet he’d be able to do
it blindfolded soon. That was good, since he’d need to do it in complete
darkness once they started their offensive. The others were improving with their
weapons, though none had mastered it as much as Mohammed. “It will snow. The
question is, how much and how fast?” Moving the men in these conditions was bad
enough. If the weather deteriorated much more, they’d be forced to find shelter
and hunker down to avoid freezing to death.

The boy’s dark eyes glowed with the unwavering conviction of
the very young. “It doesn’t matter. After today the Americans are already
frightened of us.”

Khalid smiled at the boy’s innocence. “Not as much as they will

Killing three and wounding scores more in a rocket and gun
battle was no more than a pointed reminder to the occupiers that he and
thousands of others were waiting for them out here. His men had rejoiced at the
news of the attack, and Khalid hadn’t had the heart to tell them how little
effect it actually had on the large enemy base. He wasn’t stupid. Morale was
low; anything he could use to bolster it, he would. The Taliban were experts at
that, despite their corrupt ways, always twisting facts around to spin their
particular brand of propaganda. Something that worked extremely well on the
uneducated people it reached.

Khalid rose, nodded his approval as the boy finished putting
his weapon back together and offered a proud smile. He had once been that naïve
and untested, before he’d seen his true purpose in this struggle.

“Let’s go,” he said. The boys under his command were innocent
of the ways of war, and were it up to him, Khalid would keep them that way.
Unfortunately, they couldn’t spare any man for this fight. With Allah’s
guidance, he’d just have to do what he could to keep them from harm. He would
not lead them to slaughter like they were sheep rather than soldiers of God.
They deserved their commander’s guidance and protection. “Did you collect the
supplies as I asked you?” he asked Mohammed as they started up the trail.

“Of course. My friends and I packed them and divided them
amongst the men.” The boy’s eyes shone with an almost worshipful light, and
Khalid’s heart swelled with pride. His men already believed in his

“Good. We have many miles to cover tonight, and it will not be
easy travel to the next village.”

“The elders have said there are more men willing to join us
from that village. Are we going to collect them?”

“Yes.” As well as any food and weapons they could find. “We are
to meet up with the general by tomorrow at dawn. The enemy will not wait,
Mohammed. We must move quickly, anticipate their objectives to make the most of
our small numbers.”

Mohammed wrapped his rough woollen shawl tighter around his
shoulders and nodded, his eyes holding knowledge and memories of a much older
man. “We will follow you wherever you lead us, Khalid-jan. You need only to give
us the order.”

Those words set a match to the kindling in Khalid’s soul. His
whole life he’d wanted this responsibility, and already his soldiers were loyal
to him. Some of them would be sacrificed, but only as necessary. The fire spread
through his gut, coiled through his veins with a buzzing sensation. He
recognized what it was.


Something life changing was about to happen. When the time came
at last, he would embrace it eagerly.

Chapter Six

After a long and frustratingly unproductive night in
the air without firing a single round during their armed reconnaissance sorties,
even a three-minute combat shower was something Candace had been looking forward
to since returning to base. The strong spray of the hot water felt so good on
her tight shoulders and the back of her neck that she couldn’t hold back a groan
of sheer relief. The seconds were slipping past far too fast.

After quickly rinsing the conditioner from her hair, she
allowed herself a minute of bliss just standing under the stream of water, but
then voices outside the stall reminded her she wasn’t the only one who liked hot
showers. Sighing, she shut it off and grabbed the large towel from the peg. She
dried off and dressed in a rush before hurrying back to her B-hut through the
chilly morning air. Already shivering by the time she got changed into her
T-shirt and sleep shorts, her hands shook when she grabbed her blow-dryer and
plugged it in. The blast of warm air chased away some of the chill as she bent
over and ran her fingers through her damp hair. She made sure it was almost
completely dry before turning off the dryer, but she missed the heat

As she reached down for the brush she’d left on her bunk, a
strong hand clamped over her mouth and a steely arm locked around her ribs. She
jerked and let out a strangled yell as she grabbed at the restraining hands, but
they held her fast. A heartbeat later a hard male body pressed up tight against
her spine, and hot breath washed against her ear.

“Shh. It’s just me.”

Candace froze in surprise, her heart pounding sickeningly
against her chest wall.
? What the hell? She
tried to jerk her head away from his hand, but he didn’t release her.

“Don’t scream.”

She’d damn well scream if she wanted to after that scare. Anger
crashed through her system, right on the heels of the flood of adrenaline he’d
caused. She barely withheld the urge to bite him, but slammed her elbow back
into his chest. He didn’t so much as grunt and his grip never lessened.

“I’ll let go, but only if you don’t scream.”

Setting her jaw, she gave a tight nod of acquiescence. The
instant his broad palm eased away from her mouth, she twisted her upper body
around to glare at him with narrowed eyes. “What the hell are you doing?” she
demanded in a furious whisper. “You scared the shit out of me!” Her heart was
still galloping. Now that she knew she wasn’t about to be attacked, her muscles
began to quiver in relief.

“Sorry.” His expression wasn’t the least bit repentant,
however. “Had to keep you quiet.”

Someone could walk in at any moment. She shoved her hands
against his hard chest, but he didn’t budge. “Why the hell are you even in here?
Let me go.”

He didn’t. Instead he brought his other arm around her ribs and
turned her away from him again, held her tighter against his body. She gasped
when she felt the unmistakable ridge of his erection pressed tight against her
bottom. “Can’t do that.”

Overbearing, arrogant asshole! “I said, let—”

The breath whooshed out of her when he lowered his head and
brushed his lips against the side of her neck. The soft bristle of his beard
abraded her sensitive skin, but his lips felt like velvet. His warm breath sent
pleasurable chills radiating all over her body. “I want you,” he whispered. “So
much I can’t breathe.”

The stark, unapologetic need in his tone left her speechless.
No one had ever told her that before. And coming from a magnificent, masculine
specimen like him...

Before she could utter a single protest, he pressed his knees
against the back of hers and sent her to all fours on the mattress. The bed
frame squeaked in protest when her hands landed, but she’d barely caught her
weight when he climbed on behind her, his grip on her body firm yet gentle. It
shook her. He completely overwhelmed her, but he was doing it in a way that
awoke the sleeping sex goddess inside her. That neglected sensual being in her
smiled and stretched in delicious anticipation when his hands traveled up to
wind in her hair and tilt her head back. She didn’t even think to resist.

He kissed the side of her neck and inhaled deeply before
nuzzling her there. Goose bumps broke out across her skin. Her splayed hands
clenched around the blankets as her eyelids drooped in helpless response.

“Yes or no?” His low, seductive murmur rasped across her newly
awakened nerve endings.

A shocking burst of lust exploded in her belly as his
intentions became all too clear. He wanted her right here and now. Her mouth
went dry. Good God. She couldn’t think. Could barely breathe for the feel of
him, so warm and solid against her back. He smelled like soap and a hint of
delicious dark spices.

“Ace.” He said it softly, but there was no mistaking the demand
behind it. He wanted an answer.

She swallowed past the sudden restriction in her throat, aware
of every muscled inch of him behind her. A million thoughts collided in her
brain. This was so wrong in so many ways, and yet...part of her wondered what it
would be like to have sex with him. To go for it and give up control for once.
The thought sent a wicked thrill through her. She knew he’d be dominant,
confident, completely in charge. And from the way he’d already affected her, she
had no doubt he knew
how to please a woman.
Still, she struggled to respond to his blunt proposition. “Wh-what?”

“You heard me.” His grip relaxed enough to let his hands coast
over her ribs and around to her belly. His long fingers splayed there, setting
off a delicious curl of sensation deep inside. She wanted to sigh and stretch
under the exquisite heat of his palms radiating through her thin T-shirt.

No, she thought with a mental shake. She couldn’t do this.
Wouldn’t. There was too much at stake, and she had others to consider as well.
She licked her lips, getting ready to tell him off. But the words wouldn’t come.
Caged in his arms, a dark ripple of forbidden hunger unfurled in her system.

, a naughty voice in her head purred.

Oh, she was tempted. “What...what about the others?”

“They won’t be back for hours. I made sure.” He stroked gently
over her stomach. Slow, firm circles that made her want to rotate her hips in
time with his rhythm. Her mind was still fighting it.

He’d made sure? What did that mean, and how could he know? “You
can’t be sure—”

“I’m sure. I’m good at recon and planning missions.”

So this wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment thing? He’d planned this
all out ahead of time? She remembered his last words to her, about whether she’d
kiss him again if they were alone. Well, they were certainly alone now.

Her brain argued with her body. She should be throwing him out
on his overconfident ass. Why was she even hesitating?

Ryan’s lips trailed down the side of her neck to the curve
where it met her shoulder, then his tongue stroked over a spot so sensitive she
gasped and arched against him. His voice dropped to a velvet murmur. “I want to
make you come.”

Something illicit awoke inside her. The thought of being the
sole focus of his attention, him seeing to her pleasure, was almost too much.
Her heart pounded so hard he must have felt it against his forearm. She’d never
done anything like this in her life. She’d never been the bad girl before. Ryan
made her want to try it. To see if sex with him was even half as good as she
imagined it might be. Yet her face heated at the thought of having to say it
aloud. This boldness was all new to her, and she wasn’t sure she could go
through with it. She couldn’t answer him so matter-of-factly.

His sinful mouth pressed hot, tender kisses across her nape,
where he paused to let his teeth scrape gently. Barely leashed hunger tempered
with devastating tenderness. Goose bumps erupted across her skin. Her body
clamored for more of the swirling lust and exquisite pleasures she sensed
awaiting her.


Part of her suspected that even once with this man was too
dangerous. Her fingers tightened on the covers. “I...”

She felt his slow smile form against her neck. Could hear it in
his low voice when he spoke again. “Need some coaxing, sweetheart?”

. The erotic promise in his tone and the way he murmured the
endearment made her go weak. A shudder raced through her body.

He hummed and licked the sensitive spot under her ear lobe. “I
can do that. I’d love to make you melt for me.”

A shocking burst of heat flooded between her legs. She jerked
when his hands slid slowly up her ribs to graze the undersides of her breasts.
They felt even bigger now. Heavy and swollen, the nipples puckered and ached for
his touch. Strained toward his palms.

His voice was low and rough, almost a growl. “I can’t wait to
feel you go all soft and relaxed in my arms.”

She’d never done that either, since she didn’t like giving up
control in or out of the bedroom, but she was pretty sure Ryan would be able to
make her.

His long fingers slid into her hair and gripped a handful,
tipping her head back to expose more of her throat. Making her even more
vulnerable but holding her so carefully she didn’t even care. He nuzzled the
side of her neck, and she noticed his breathing was a bit unsteady. It turned
her on even more to know he was just as hot for her as she was for him. “Would
you like that, Ace?”

Her throat bobbed as she swallowed again. Even the way he used
her call sign was hot. He felt huge behind her, his sheer size making her feel
small and delicate. Much as it startled and shamed her to admit it, she liked
the feeling of being helpless in his arms. Something about being in the
confident, experienced hold of this man who so obviously knew his way around a
woman’s body made her want to surrender.

His teeth grazed her skin. “Say yes. I swear you won’t regret

God help her, she wanted to. But she still couldn’t say the
words. Gathering her courage, she tilted her head and rubbed her cheek against
his stubbled jaw in a silent plea. Part nod, part caress.

His answering growl vibrated over her skin as he released her
hair and slid both arms around her waist, bringing her close in a firm hug. Oh,
the feel of those strong muscles against her, his body cuddling her so securely.
Ryan slipped his hands beneath her T-shirt, exploring the soft curve of her
abdomen with searching fingers. As if sensing her tension, he lowered his head
and nuzzled the top of her shoulder in reassurance. “Relax and shut that brain
off for a while. You don’t need to do a thing but enjoy what I do to you.”

She couldn’t relax. Her body was already screaming for more,
but the uncertainty remained. This was such a bad idea. What if one of her
roommates came back early? What if someone had seen him come in here?

She sank her teeth into her lower lip to stifle a moan when the
pads of his fingers drifted up to lightly trace the sides of her breasts. The
stiffened peaks tightened even further, aching for the feel of his hands. Jesus,
she was so turned on already, and he’d barely touched her.

She held her breath as his fingers caressed the curves of the
full mounds, waking every nerve ending, circling the taut centers, making her
wait. A soft cry escaped when he finally brushed over the straining nipples. She
turned her head into him, and he brought one hand up to grip her nape, tilting
her face up to meet his lips. He feathered a kiss over the corner of her mouth
at the same time his fingers closed around her right nipple in a light

“Oh,” she gasped against his lips as a shiver raced through
her, straight to her dampening sex.

“Mmm,” he agreed, teasing her mouth as he repeated the caress,
rolling her nipple. “You’re sensitive there.”

With him, yeah. Her whole body threatened to go up in flames if
he kept going.

“Guess I’ll have to be real gentle with you,” he murmured.

, she thought in protest.

This time she leaned up and kissed him, ending his teasing. He
easily controlled her head with his grip on her hair, opening his mouth for her
when she licked the seam of his lips. He smelled so good and tasted faintly of
toothpaste. Clean and masculine, and sexy enough to make her tremble. He shifted
on the bed, bringing his hips tight against the back of hers, and the rigid
outline of his erection made her moan into his mouth. She couldn’t wait to feel
it pushing into her body.

His tongue met hers, teasing and feathering until she squirmed
in his grip. With a low chuckle he held her tighter and delved deeper. Each
velvet caress shot straight to her aching sex. She twisted around until she dug
her fingers into his shoulders and pressed her breasts harder into his

He trailed one hand slowly down the center of her body,
spreading fire in its wake as it paused to dip into her navel. Her hips moved
all on their own, pushing toward him. Needing him to relieve the ache he’d
created between her thighs.

He took his time moving lower, the heat of that wide palm
burning through the material of her sleep shorts. Over her thigh, up the inside
before moving to the other leg. When he finally cupped her sex through the
material, Ryan pulled back and lightly nipped her lower lip. She gasped and hung
there, waiting. Wanting. She was so wet. He had to know it. God, she could
barely breathe.

“Need more, sweetheart?” His deep voice brushed over her like
silk as the fingers rolling her nipple tightened.

She couldn’t move, couldn’t answer, so she sighed softly in
response and kissed him harder. He slipped his other hand into the waistband of
her shorts and gently petted her mound. Just that light caress with his
fingertips made every nerve ending sizzle. The tight throb inside her body grew
to a sharp ache. She needed him inside her, filling her. Needed him to stroke
the swelling bud at the top of her sex. Damn, he had her so hot for him already,
she might come in a matter of seconds. And wasn’t that an incredible

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