Take a Breath (Take 1) (18 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Take a Breath (Take 1)
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    I nod and smile and then he disappears down the stairs. 


walk over to the mirror and study myself.  I look tired despite
the sleep, with purple marks lying under my eyes.  My blonde locks
now seem to be a wavy mess.  What must I look like to Jake? 
I brush my teeth and splash some cold water onto my face to try and
wake it up a bit.  I run out into my room and grab a brush and a
band to tie my hair.  I’m combing through my knots as I walk back
towards Jake’s bedroom when I see Jake marching up the stairs with a
bottle of what looks like Moet and Chandon and two champagne
glasses.  I stop in my tracks as I’m pulling up my hair and tying
it back.  “You know, you didn’t need to go to all this
trouble.”  He smiles that devilish grin I love so much and my
knees nearly buckle from under me.  

   “If one is going to have the Jacuzzi experience, one must do it properly you know.”  

  I gasp as I realise he is mocking the British accent and I give
him a swift smack on the arm.  “Eh, don’t take the Michael!” 
He looks at me offended.            
   “What’s Michael got to do any of with this?  I’m
certainly building up my case for domestic violence now.  That’s
twice you’ve hit me, I’m seriously upset.”  

  I almost choke, “I think we have forgotten that one smacked ones
arse a little earlier and made ones bottom very sore and red.”  He
cocks his eyebrow at me.

   “Really, one is deeply sorry, here let me rub it better.”  

  He comes running up to me as I quickly sprint into the bedroom
giggling like an idiot.  I make my way into the bathroom where
there is nowhere else to hide and turn around.  Jake is standing
in the doorway drinking me in.  He sets the champagne and glasses
down by the Jacuzzi and slowly walks towards me.  My breath
hitches up a notch as I steady myself on the sink afraid my obvious
reaction to him is a dead giveaway.  He takes me into his arms and
kisses me.  I melt.  

  He traces his hands from around my waist and down to my bottom
and rubs it, “And what a nice bottom it is Miss Sinclair.”  He
gives it a light tap and I jerk.  He laughs and pulls away from
me, “We have a Jacuzzi to attend to; you have to stop these constant

    My mouth opens and he looks over to me. “Close your mouth Ana, before you catch a fly.”  

  He turns around and quickly unhooks the champagne before hearing
the great popping sound we all know and love fills the room.  He
pours two glasses and sets them down by the bath.  

   “Now we must undress you Ana, so you can enjoy your first Jacuzzi experience to its full.”  

  He slowly creeps towards me and I suddenly beat him to it. 
I slide my hands up to the little strands of my dress and pull them
down.  The dress very quickly slides off me and it is then he
realises I’m buck naked underneath.  He stops and catches himself
and the familiar eyebrow creeps up.  I give him a triumphant smile
as if to say, ‘My job here is done,’ and make my way to the bath. 
It does look so inviting.  Jake with a pained expression offers me
his hand so I can climb into the bath.  

   “You don’t know how hard this is for me right now.”  

  I giggle and set my foot into the bath.  It feels like
heaven.  I can feel the bubbles are massaging my foot, then my
other foot and then my legs and finally my whole body, as I sink myself
in.  I close my eyes and make a pleasing sound and when I finally
prize them open I find Jake still staring.  “I’m sure you can show
me just how hard this is for you Mr Bennett.”  I flutter my
eyelashes and laugh.  I then slowly bring my finger up to my lips
and lick it and trail the finger across my bottom lip.  I know
exactly what I’m doing, but I can’t help myself.  Jake growls and
throws his clothes off as quickly as I did mine.  He steps in
arousal obvious for anyone to see and grabs hold of me.  He places
me on top of him so I am straddling him, feeling his hardness pushing
into me.  

   “You’re a little sex kitten, do you know that?”  

  I sigh as the familiar throbbing sensation arises between my
legs.  Is my sudden fantasy yesterday about to be realised? 
I pictured it just like this.  Jake turns and grabs a glass and
places the champagne in my hand, we clink glasses together and I take a
sip.  The liquid runs all the way down my throat and can feel the
coldness slide down through my chest and into my stomach.  It
tastes and feels so good.  

   “Are we enjoying that Miss Sinclair?”  

  I take another sip and place my glass down by the bath, “Oh yes
Mr Bennett, and I’m sure I will be enjoying myself much more in just a
minute.”  He smiles at me as I place my lips onto his.  I
push myself in closer to him and press his erection deeper into my
stomach and he growls that familiar sound I have come to love.  He
trails his fingers across my back and I arch towards him as my head
slides back.  I feel him licking and sucking my nipple and the
sensation of that along with the bubbles hitting all the right spots
sends me spiralling.  He places a finger down to my clit and
starts rubbing.  It is the most delicious feeling.  

   “The problem with being in this Jacuzzi is I just can’t tell how wet you are.”  

  I moan, “Believe me when I say I am always wet for you.” 
He rubs more and more and my breaths are coming away more
frequently.  I lift myself up and feel the nub of his cock sitting
at the entrance of my pussy.  It feels so good.  I hold onto
his head as he is trailing kisses from one breast and over the
next.  His incessant rubbing on my clit is sending the familiar
tingly waves building through me and it feels so good.  My body
starts to go rigid and with that Jake stops.      
 “You’re very close aren’t you Ana-Lucia?  Not quite just yet
I want to feel you come round my cock.  I love the feel of you
coming around me.”  

  He is still kissing at my breasts as I slip myself down on to
his still pulsating erection.  How strange a sensation it feels
having him inside me in the water.  I lower myself down further
and further and with each inch by inch our breaths are hitching up that
bit higher.  I finally set myself down as far as I can go and find
his lips.  Will the feeling of wanting him this much ever fade
away?  Even when we are together like this I am wondering when we
will have the chance again.  Will it last, are we destined, or
will my bad luck finally catch up with me and snap him away as quickly
as we have managed to finally find each other?  At this moment all
bad thoughts are pushed aside as I am riding him and the more I do the
more I want to go faster and faster, but the more the water is going
everywhere.  Jake doesn’t seem to care, I don’t care.  Jake
finds my clit again as he starts rubbing the sensation lost when he
stopped is soon back again with a vengeance.  I can feel myself
climbing and climbing.  Jake buries his head between my breasts
and gently bites on one as he moans into me.  His bite seems to be
the catalyst that starts the ferocious spiral and I start screaming his
name as my body goes rigid and jerks me through another beautiful
orgasm.  Jake roars at my screams and grabs my shoulders as he
yanks me down onto his cock, milking everything he has left.  I
collapse onto his shoulder and breathe deeply, still trying to come
down off the climax that still tingles through me.  I suddenly
feel so relaxed, I don’t want to move and Jake makes no attempt to
shake me off.  We are content. 


stay locked like this for a minute of two with Jake gently stroking my
back and sending goose bumps everywhere.  He starts laughing as I
shiver.  He always has that affect on me and he knows it.  I
bite his shoulder.

   “Ouch, you little minx.”  

  I start giggling as he starts to tickle me.  I go mad and
the water again goes all over the place, I’m flailing my arms and legs
everywhere and nearly slip in but Jake grabs me and hauls me back up in
time before I do.  “I surrender, I surrender,” I shout as he
places me back on his lap.  “You know I think it will look like a
Tsunami hit your bathroom when we get out.”  

  Jakes huffs, “I don’t give a fuck about the bathroom floor, not
if you’re going to make me come like that all the time.”  

  I gasp, “Now Jake, you watch your little potty mouth. 
You’re a very naughty boy and I think your mother should have spanked
you more often when you were a child, then maybe you would be more
respectful.”  I give him a teasing grin.  

   “Jake does not receive a spanking, Jake gives the spanking remember?”  

    He raises that eyebrow at me and I roll my eyes at him.  

 “Now, Miss Sinclair, you didn’t just roll your eyes at me then
did you, because if you did then I may have to start my tickle fingers

  I jerk back, “Tickle fingers?  No, no of course not
Jake.  I would never roll my eyes at you.”  He studies me a

 “I thought not, now turn around, I’m going to sponge your
back.”  I do as I ask, but firm arms are gripping me and helping
me round anyway.  I feel his jerky movements as he is reaching for
a sponge and grabs the soap.  

   “I have a feeling I’m going to enjoy this.”  

  I laugh, “And I’m the one on the receiving end.  I guess
we’ll both be happy.  No one has ever bathed me

   “You must have been bathed as a child.”  

  I can feel the sponge now as the liquid oozes over me and it
feels so relaxing.  “Well, yes, that goes without saying but not
with this level of intimacy.”  I roll my head back, “This feels so
good,” I sigh out.  

 “Don’t Ana, you’ll get me hard again and I want to take my time
with you, instead of you thinking I just want you on my cock every
fucking five minutes.  I just can’t help myself round you.  I
know I keep saying it, but it’s true.  Let’s talk about something
other than us having sex, cos I can feel myself twitching.”  

  I slide myself down a bit and find that he is telling the
truth.  “Little fella wants to come out and play

   “Fuck Ana, stop.  Hey, what do you mean, ‘little’ fella?”  

  I start laughing hard.  Typical male ego.  “You’re
impossible Jake Bennett but I lo…”  Oh shit, don’t say it, I
nearly said.  I can’t say it and spoil everything.  “I love
spending time with you.”  Phew, nicely saved there I think, but as
I have my back to him it is hard to gage his reaction.  I sit in
silence as I wait for him to say something and I’m consciously aware
I’ve stopped breathing for a moment.  The silence is killing me so
I blurt out, “Tom thought I was gay.”  What I didn’t realise is
that Jake was sipping some champagne at the time and now it has just
gone squirting all over my back.  

   “Shit, sorry Ana, he said what?”  

  He washes the sprays off my back and then hands me my glass so I
can have a sip.  Oh dear, now what?  “Oh shit…”  

   “Mouth,” he grunts. 

  I sigh, “Oh for fuck's sake.”  I couldn’t help that one, it
just slipped out.  I feel him go rigid as he grabs my arms and
pulls me down onto him, holding me on for dear life.  My breath is
forced out of me as my adrenaline spikes.  What is he going to
do?  I can feel he is still semi erect and it gets the fire
between my legs going.  Again.  

 “I’m going to let that one slide as I am more intrigued about why
Tom thought you were gay, but if you ever swear like that to me again,
I will put you over my knee and spank your bottom so hard you won’t be
able to sit on it for the rest of the day.  Do I make myself

  His hot breath is close to my ear and my chest is heaving. 
My breasts suddenly become very swollen and my nipples erect just on
his barrage of words.  I moan out a yes.  He lets go of my
arms but I am lying against him still.  I don’t want to
move.  He brings the sponge forward, dips it in the water and
starts caressing my breasts with the sponge.  I cry out. 
God, I want him all over again.  When is enough,

   “Now, you’re going to tell me now what Tom said to you.”  

  I moan again, “Can’t we just…”  He moves the sponge down to
my sex and starts rubbing it there.  I cry out, “Can’t we just, oh
god, Jake please.”  

    He stops rubbing, “No, not until you tell me.”  

  He moves back to my breasts and my throbbing pussy is feeling
the absence of his touch.  I can feel just how aroused he is also,
but he seems to holding on to some relevance of control, whether as I
just want to grab him and push his beating cock inside of me all over
again.  “Because, agghhh,” I yell.  

   “Because what Ana, tell me?”  

  His vice like grip is strong, he knows I can’t move and he knows
he has the control.  “Because I’ve never had a, a, agghhh
relationship and I, oh yes.”  I feel the sponge down on my sex
again.  “Jake please, you’re going to stop, I know you
will.”  He stops again.  This man is so

   “Carry on please Miss Sinclair.”  

  He starts his delicious onslaught again being as slow and as
gently as possible, so he knows to prolong the agony further.  “I
was, was never interested in anyone.”  Jake stops again.  I
cry out and almost elbow him.  

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