Read Take It Like a Vamp Online
Authors: Candace Havens
Nick smiled but it wasn’t a happy grin. “Casey, I would have been in your bed long ago if I hadn’t thought it wouldn’t destroy you in the end.”
“Destroy?” She snorted. “Have you seen the losers I’ve dated? You met Clayton. You’re hot Nick, but do you think you could do worse than they did?”
He growled in frustration. “I want to rip their heads off for what they did to you.”
She smiled. “See, that’s why you could never really hurt me. You want to have sex. I want to have sex. I don’t understand the problem. Except…” It had to be said. “Why me? I don’t get it. I’ve seen the kind of women you date, and I’m nothing like them.”
He scooped her off the bed and into his lap, making sure the comforter stayed wrapped around her. “You are the most beautiful, amazing, and intelligent woman I’ve ever met. I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I’ve spent nights aching to touch you, to feel your skin next to mine.”
She lifted a hand to his chin. “This can’t be real,” she whispered.
Taking her hand, he placed it on his chest. The hard muscles certainly felt real.
His lips found hers and fire shot through her body. His tongue explored her teeth, her tongue and when she did the same to him, he groaned and deepened the kiss. His hand tangled in her hair.
A knock on the door interrupted them.
“Food’s here.” He sat her back on the bed. It was all she could do not to jump back into his warm embrace. He didn’t seem effected by their kiss at all.
“I’m not hungry,” she said, narrowing her eyes.
Nick chuckled. “You need to eat. Doctor’s orders.”
“Sir, sorry to interrupt.” Mason entered with a tray. He glanced at her, and then averted his eyes quickly.
Linc was right behind him. The handsome fashion designer looked from her to Nick and shook his head. “This should be interesting,” he said.
She had no idea what he meant by that, but Nick shot him an evil glare.
Taking the tray from Mason, the charcoal goodness of the steak assailed her senses. She thanked him and dug in. With the guys in there, they wouldn’t be finishing their sex conversation any time soon. Dammit. Why couldn’t he just use her like the rest of the men she dated had? At least with him, the sex would be awesome. If nothing else, seeing him naked would be enough to see her through her spinster years.
He was an attentive friend, always seeing to her needs. If he was half as diligent as a lover—oh hell. Her heart did double time and heat spread across her cheeks.
Food. Concentrate on the food. She closed her eyes and savored the first bite of steak. When she opened her eyes the men grew quiet as they stared at her.
“What? Are you guys hungry? There’s plenty here and I’m happy to share.” No one said anything. “Do I have something on my chin?” She used the linen napkin.
Mason cleared his throat. “There’s an urgent matter that needs your attention,” he said to Nick breaking the strange silence.
“Not tonight. I told you I didn’t want to be disturbed.”
“It’s urgent.”
“Fine. I’ll be back soon,” he promised her.
“I’ll keep Casey company.” Linc smiled at her and winked.
He missed the death glare Nick threw at him before he left. “So, I guess he finally told you,” Linc said as he sat down in the club chair and gave her a wicked smile.
“Told me what?”
“That you
“I guess. I still don’t get it.” And she never would. The look on Nick’s face when she’d wrapped her arms around him, told her that he was every bit as worried about her as she was him.
“Casey, your life is about to change in a big way,” Linc smiled. “One of the richest and most powerful men in the world wants you.”
She snorted. “Dude, he could have had me months ago. Have you seen the guy?”
Linc laughed. “This is going to be fun.”
At least until Nick tired of her, and then she’d be a pile of ash. Once she had Nick, she had a feeling no other man would ever compare.
So soak it up while you can, sister.
Chapter Fourteen
Nick didn’t get tired, but the last few days had been trying at best. He had to tell Casey the truth. In order to protect her, he had to mark her. He just wasn’t sure how to help her understand without her running away from him.
The universe obviously hated him, because Alvinia tried to gain access to the penthouse during the early morning hours. The last thing he needed Casey to see was the witch in his place. More than once he’d thought about going after her, but that would leave Casey unprotected. The Council had officially placed a death sentence on Alvinia’s head for waging war against him and striking out at Casey, who was under his protection. That was a plus at least. They were on high alert. If she tried to attack any of the Council members, she would be in for a surprise. Each one had an army of supernatural beings at his disposal.
Alvinia might have an army of demons, but Nick’s army was far more powerful and focused.
They had to make a move on her soon. But Nick wanted to make sure all the players were in place before that happened.
“Nick?” Casey’s sleepy voice interrupted his thoughts. “Are you okay?”
The face of an angel, and a voice that put his body at attention every time she spoke. Never in his life had another person had so much power over him.
It scared the hell out of him.
“Everything’s fine,” he said as he pushed a curl out of her eyes. “Go back to sleep.”
She blinked. “You look tired. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you tired. Come here,” she scooted back and opened the blankets to him. She was naked beneath them.
He sucked in a breath.
The woman was killing him.
“Nothing would give me more pleasure, but before we move forward, there are things we need to talk about. We should take it slow—”
Casey put her finger on his lips. “No sex, just comfort.” She yawned.
Yeah right.
Leaning forward, he kissed her forehead. “There are things you need to know about me, and I’m worried if I climb in that bed right now, I won’t be able to stop myself.”
She gave him a lazy smile. “That’s not such a bad thing, is it?”
“No, it would probably be the best thing that ever happened to me. But I want to take this slow, and to be honest I
tired. When we do this, I want us to be at our best. And I mean it, I want you to know the truth about everything before we go any further.”
She sighed. “I don’t care, Nick. Drug lord, mafia hit man or alien—it doesn’t matter. You’re Nick. I need you,” she said simply.
Nick groaned. “Casey, please. I only have so much control where you are concerned.”
His body insisted he take her up on the offer. His jeans tightened around his crotch painfully.
“Fine, if you won’t make love to me, I want to go back to my apartment.” She sat up and put her legs over the side of the bed. The blanket and sheet fell away, and her lusciously full breasts were at eye level.
“Casey, you’re confused and you aren’t making any sense. Don’t be mad. More than anything I want to shove myself in you so deep you can’t think about anything else. I want to see your eyes when you come. I’ve dreamed of it, over and over. Making love to you has been the only thing I’ve thought about for a very long time.”
Before he realized what was happening, she wrapped herself around him, her knees on the sides of his thighs, her bare breasts against his chest.
Placing her hand on either side of his face, she gave him a quick peck. He tried to deepen it, but she pulled back.
“You have a choice,” she said matter of factly. “Make love to me now, or I’m going downstairs and doing it with someone else. Someone who never talks back,” she moaned lightly, “and he can do it over and over again. No complaints, whenever I want it—he’s there for me.”
“Who the hell would that be?” She’d been having sex and he hadn’t known? He had no choice. He’d have to kill the bastard. No other man would ever touch her. She was his.
She giggled.
“It’s not funny. Explain,” he demanded. Was she delirious?
“Mr. Nick is my vibrator.” She smirked. “I can’t believe you’re jealous. Though, he has brought me many, many, many nights of pleasure. He’s going to be a very
act to follow,” she teased.
The image of her pleasuring herself was more than he could take.
“Temptress.” He devoured her lips, and then trailed kisses down her chin and neck. She groaned and rubbed herself against his erection. “Now,” she said reaching for his belt.
“No.” Nick sat her back on the bed. In the dark, he could see the deep purple circles under her eyes. He’d have to be strong enough for both of them.
“Tomorrow,” he said. “I promise tomorrow I will make you mine. Tonight we rest. We’re going to need it.” His voice was low.
“I’m too tired to fight,” she said defeated. “At least climb in and hold me. I need you, Nick.”
That feeling was mutual. If he didn’t need her so much he would be strong enough to set her free, but that was no longer a possibility.
There was only one coherent thought left in his brain as she snuggled against him.
Chapter Fifteen
The woman of his dreams was draped on top of him, sleeping so sweetly it took all of his control to keep from waking her up and making love to her. The sexy temptress had the face of an angel when she slept. Dark shadows still haunted her eyes. He could not deny her anything that she wanted. But it was his job to protect her, and today he would do exactly that.
He’d have to learn to control his possessive tendencies where she was concerned. If he could, he’d lock her up in the condo to keep her safe from the rest of the world. But reality closed in.
Once she discovered the truth about him, would she leave?
So innocent and sweet, he didn’t want his life tainting hers, but if she stayed…. He’d have to mark her soon or her life would be in more danger. Well, it would always be in danger, but his protection should be enough to keep most of his enemies at bay.
Except for Alvinia. She might risk execution just to cause him pain by taking away the one thing he most treasured.
As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Casey was exactly that. She was so precious to him that the very thought of her gone was enough to send a stabbing pain through his chest.
Frowning, he pulled the covers a little higher over Casey’s shoulders. Her mouth opened sweetly as she sighed. Those lips sent a message straight to his groin. He’d never get enough of her. Not in an eternity. Keeping her safe was his number one priority, but he would have to tell her the truth in order to do that.
Did she care enough to bind herself to a monster?
If she wanted to leave, he would let her go. It would kill him, but he’d do it. And he would take every precaution to make certain she lived a long and healthy life.
“You’re thinking too much,” she said.
How long had she been awake? His fingers caressed her cheek. “We have to talk,” he said.
“No,” she said. “I have to brush my teeth and take a shower. Then I want pancakes. If we’re going to have sex at some point, that’s considered exercise. Which means I can start eating carbs again.”
“Casey, you do know you are absolutely perfect, right?” he asked seriously. He’d never understood why she had such low esteem when it came to her body. “I worship this body, and I want you to be kind to it. The curvier, the better, as far as I’m concerned.”
A blush spread across her cheeks. “Then I definitely want pancakes for breakfast, with lots of syrup.” She sat up. “First, I have to brush my teeth.”
He reached for her, but she wiggled free and stood. “God, you’re beautiful,” he said reverently.
She started to say something but stopped herself. “Go make my pancakes,” she ordered. “And I want blueberries. Lots of them.”
She gave him a saucy wink and strutted into the bathroom.
Dear God, she really was going to kill him.
Casey turned the shower on, needing the hot water to ease her body’s aches. Twisting so she could see her back in the mirror, she noticed there was a faded pink line going up her back. What kind of wasp caused a line like that?
Whatever Nick gave her in the car had taken care of the pain, but she wondered if she’d have a scar. Then it dawned on her. What the hell was a wasp doing in her building? Insects didn’t make scurrying sounds like that. The wasp might have come from the garden, but Nick had been worried about a very real threat. And she had a feeling it wasn’t some flying insect.
She shivered as she climbed under the warm spray. If she stayed with Nick, threats like this would be a regular thing. That scared the hell out of her, but he was worth it.
There had been such tenderness in his eyes the night before. But there had been something that looked like fear, too. Unless she’d misread, it almost looked like he feared she would reject him.
As if.
And he wouldn’t make love to her because he wanted it to be special. So he said. He also had some secret to tell her. Well, there was nothing he could tell her that would change the way she felt about him. At least, nothing she could imagine.
The warm water worked its magic on her aches and pains. It was time for her to get the truth from Nick. Whatever he had to tell her, she would take it in stride.
And then she was going to attack him with her body so there was no doubt in his mind how much she wanted him.
A half hour later they sat at the kitchen bar eating pancakes. Casey’s expression was serious as she chewed her food.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s all too perfect,” she said. “I don’t get to be this happy.”
Placing a hand on her shoulder, he twisted the chair so that she faced him. “Yes, you do. You deserve everything, Casey, and I want to give it to you.”
She chewed on her lip. “I—it’s just intense.”
“Intense can be a good thing.”
Her eyebrows went up. “Yes, with you I guess
would be intense. Though, I still haven’t tried out the goods.” She gave him a sexy grin.
“Trust me, I can’t wait.” He kissed her lightly on the lips. “I think we should start all our mornings this way.”
She placed her hands against his chest and smiled. “Most definitely.” She looked at something behind him and frowned. “Crap, it’s 10 a.m., I have to get to work.” She stepped out of his embrace.
“No, you don’t,” he said as he reached for her, but she was already heading for the door.
“Casey, where are you going? I told you that you don’t have to go to work. I called your boss Justin last night to tell him what happened at the office. He shut down for the weekend so they can beef up security.” That had been Nick’s doing. He’d sent some of his best men to put up cameras and alarms. If she insisted on working there, he’d also post guards to watch her. Though, he probably wouldn’t tell her that.
“Oh.” Her eyebrows drew together. “You called my boss?”
He nodded. “It’s his business. You were hurt last night. Seemed like the right thing to do. You can call him if you want. He wants you to take some time off, a week, at least. He was really upset that you were almost hurt.” In fact, Nick had to control his jealousy when Justin revealed just how much he cared about his employee.
Nick, in a not so subtle way, made it quite clear Casey was taken. The other man received the message loud and clear.
“So I get to play hooky today?” She still had a frown on her face.
Nick’s conscience poked at him. “Yes, but first I’d like to discuss something with you.”
“If I’m playing hooky, I need some fun too.”
An idea flashed through his mind. “We’ll do both. I have a surprise for you.”
“I love surprises. Give me a hint.”
He would do this for her. More than once he’d heard her mention the one place she’d always wanted to go. He could give her that. Then he would tell her the truth.
“You’ll just have to wait and see.” Heart twisting, he only hoped she wouldn’t hate him.
Casey stopped at the steps leading to Nick’s private jet. “I didn’t pack a bag,” she said as he ushered her up into the plane.
The spacious interior was done in soft caramel and grey tones. Leather seats and couches were situated throughout the cabin. “Carmen packed a bag for you, and we’ll buy anything you need when we get there,” Nick said.
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” She sat in a leather seat with a wooden table in front of it. He sat across from her.
“When we get in the air, I’ll tell you,” he said mysteriously.
In the condo lobby, he and Mason had picked up several wrapped packages. They were varying sizes, all wrapped in Tiffany blue with white ribbons. Cody, Mason and Hugh climbed the stairs with more packages in hand and carried them into a side room she hadn’t noticed before.
“Are we taking gifts to someone?”
“Those are yours.”
She frowned. “I told you I didn’t need gifts. I’m not one of those Barbies you normally date. And—”
A smile crept across his face. “No, you’re much more beautiful than the
. I explained earlier that buying things for you gives me great pleasure. I’ll make a deal with you. Anything you don’t like, we’ll take back. But if you like it, you have to keep it no matter what happens.”
No matter what happens. That sounded ominous. “I’m not going to win this one, am I?”
He smirked.
“Fine. But I want it duly noted that you don’t have to buy me things.”
“Noted.” He gave her one of his devastating smiles.
“I’m serious,” she swatted at his hands on the table.
“Casey, I want to give you the world. These are only a few gifts. I’ve been waiting a while to do things like this for you. Let me have my fun.”
“You’re a little too good at this guilt thing.”
“I’ve had years and years of practice,” he said.
“Sir, we’re about to take off,” a male flight attendant said. “Please buckle up.”
“Thanks, Henry.”
He then went into the safety instructions, and took a seat near the galley kitchen.
Once they were in the air and the okay was given to walk about the cabin, Nick stood. “Come, I want to show you something.”
Mason sat on one of the couches with his laptop. Hugh and Cody played cards at a table near the galley kitchen. There was a small bathroom to their right. Then down a short hallway, through another door, was a bedroom. The king size bed was piled with the blue and white packages. She’d noticed the door when they’d gone to Cali, but she thought it was storage or a conference room.
Her smile widened. She didn’t care about the packages. No, her excitement was directed at joining the mile-high club.
He watched her carefully. “Is that all you think about?” he smirked.
“What?” She batted her eyelashes at him and pretended she had no idea what he meant. “How do you know that’s what I’m thinking?”
“That isn’t why we’re here. Sit down.” He motioned to the right side of the bed. He sat down on the left. He pushed a button on a remote and Joss Stone’s voice flooded the cabin.
“Present number one.” He handed her a square box that was about six inches tall and twelve inches wide. Why was he doing this? It was crazy, but there was a small part of her that couldn’t wait to tear into the packages to see what this was all about.
Carefully, she opened the first one. When she lifted the lid, she had to hide her disappointment.
“A bikini,” he said proudly.
“Um, it’s cute,” she said carefully, not sure exactly what to say. She wouldn’t be caught dead in something like this. Her hips were too full and her belly too round.
“That gift is for me,” he said. “I want you to wear it where we are going. You may not like your body, but I love it. And we’ll have privacy. It will only be you and me.”
She scrunched her face. “I don’t know about that. We’ll see.” She leaned across the pillows and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He handed her the next package.
In it she found a crocheted cover-up to go over the suit.
better. The next five packages held a black cocktail dress with a belt made from crystals, a pair of white walking shorts and lacy top that matched, silvery thong sandals with rhinestones on the t-strap, and five sets of the most delicate bras and panties she’d ever seen. The silk brushed against her skin, and she couldn’t wait to try them on. She could drive him mad with these. Another box held a silk robe in a cornflower blue. A larger box had expensive makeup and toiletries. There were more tops and shorts, two sundresses. Wherever they were going, it was warm.
“This is too much,” she said as she stared at the gifts he’d given her.
“No, it isn’t. You’ve given me so much, Casey. This is nothing.” He picked up one of the final three packages. One was smaller than the others.
Inside was a beautiful pair of platinum hoop earrings with a diamond solitaire hanging off of each one. Her eyes widened as she realized the diamonds were at least a carat each.
“Um, you have to stop. This is—you spent too much.”
Shoving her loot to the edge of the bed, he pulled her into his lap. “Do you know that every time you give me that shy smile of yours, it makes me painfully hard?”
She squirmed on his lap. He sucked in a breath. “You aren’t helping,” he said huskily.
“Oh, but I could—help that is.” She reached for his belt. He sat her back on the bed.
“You’re trying to distract me. Open your other gifts.”
Lord, were they ever going to have sex?
She stuck out her tongue.
“So mature, I think I might have to teach you a lesson about the proper use of a tongue,” he warned playfully.