Take (Need #2) (21 page)

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Authors: K.I. Lynn,N. Isabelle Blanco

BOOK: Take (Need #2)
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Her cry echoes out into the night.

Cupping her breast, she brings it back to my mouth, rubbing her tight nipple along my lips. “Lick me.”

Fuck me, she’s the sexiest thing alive. I suck her into my mouth, groaning in the back of my throat.

My finger pushes past the tight ring of muscles, slowly easing in.

She’s so tight that I have to use more force than I want to in order to get my finger inside her. Her body clamps down tight, and a pained whimper leaves her.

I freeze. “Do you want me to stop?”

“Hell, no,” she grits out, taking deep breaths. “Just give me a second to adjust.”

More proof that she wants me in her ass as bad as I want.

Girl’s going to be the death of me.

It takes her a few seconds to relax for me again. Once she does, I pet her clit softly and suck her nipple again, waiting for the pleasure to take over.

“Oh my God, Brayden. My pussy hurts. I need to come.”

The cue I need.

I play with her clit a little harder, distracting her.

It takes one more thrust for my finger to slide all the way into her.

We both freeze, breathing harshly.

, Kira. I’m going to come as soon as I get my head in here.” No exaggeration. Her ass is a tight, perfect heaven. Even tighter than her pussy.

She jerks my face up, slamming our lips together. Her tongue slides erotically over mine, taking without permission. In an instant, the pliable Kira is gone, replaced by nothing but force. Her hips rock in my grip, sliding my cock and my finger in and out of her.

A scream gets caught in her throat.

My vision burns bright white.

There’s no thought of stopping her. Of trying to regain back the control.

Her pussy’s so tight like this, and it’s only my finger inside her ass. She goes frantic on me, thrusting back and forth, her body pounding hungrily.

I can’t fucking breathe. I rip my mouth away from her, gasping for air. It does nothing. The pleasure is too intense. My entire world’s spinning and Kira keeps riding me, her head thrown back.

She’s moaning too loud, bordering on screams. Someone’s going to hear her, and I don’t give a flying fuck.

“Kira, your- pussy feels amazing like this. Holy shit, you’re so tight.”

Her head falls back, her body lost to the pleasure.

“You want another finger, baby? Want to be even tighter for me?”

Yes, yes, yes

My balls draw up painfully. I thrust my finger in and out of her and stroke her deep with my cock. “How about I fuck you with a dildo in here one day while I fuck your pussy?”

A violent shudder goes through her. Her pussy, her clit, her ass, it all tenses up.

She wants me to take both her holes at the same time, pound her deep. It’s so fucking dirty, too fucking sexy. She mewls my name repeatedly, riding me faster.

“Co-coming. Oh . . .


“Kiss me,” I growl, thrusting up into her harder, loving her so fucking much right now that I can barely take it. “Kiss me, and I’ll pump this pussy full of my come.”

She takes my mouth over and over, slanting her lips. Greedy for my tongue. My cock. Everything I have to give.

A split, agonizing second. That’s all it takes for my dick to freeze up inside her, come pounding it’s way up the shaft.

Her pussy gushes around me. Her scream slides down my throat. The muscles around my finger tighten up. That orgasm explodes through every muscle, securing me to her, keeping me right where she needs me.

I bite down into her bottom lip, snarling, my hips pistoning. I fuck her until there’s nothing left in me, my dick giving empty jerks.

And then I fuck her some more, unable to stop, my erection still as hard as ever.

I have no idea when we eventually calm down, but Kira leans into me, her head on my shoulder, her panting breaths in my ear. Arms loose around her, I lean my head on her shoulder too, the world spinning.

“Shit, baby.” Chuckling, I kiss her shoulder. “I missed you too.”

One second, my arms are full of warm, delicious-smelling girl.

The next, she’s off me, reaching for her skirt and pulling it. I can’t clearly see her expression in the dark, but it seems to be calm. Collected.


Kira adjusts her dress and turns to leave without sparing me another glance.

My dick twitches on my thigh. In a daze, I look down on it. Now that she’s not in front of me, there’s enough light to bounce off the shiny surface of my cock.

Still wet. Drenched. From her.

She came so hard I’m pretty sure there’s a wet spot on my jeans.

And she’s leaving.

Wait. What the fuck? She’s

I shoot to my feet, blood rushing back to my head. Calling out her name, I hurry to tuck myself in and take off after her.

She’s inside the bar already. I open the door and go inside, looking for her.

Lost. The crowd’s too thick. I took too long. There’s no sight of her.

This girl just gave me the best sex of my life. Considering every time with her has been the best so far, that’s fucking saying something.

She came. She fucked. She conquered.

And she left.

Goddamn it, I asked her to use me, but seriously? Come the fuck on.

The nerve of this fucking sexy chick.

Heart racing, I push through the throng, looking for her. She’s not leaving me after what just happened between us. She doesn’t get to ignore me again, not when both her ass and pussy are dying for more of this dick.

I pass the table where Ryan and Dana are at, but don’t spare them a glance. Don’t know if they saw me pass by, nor do I care. Something tells me Kira’s either at the entrance or already through it, and I need to catch her.

I’m halfway across the bar when I see her. I was right. She’s heading for the door.

Speeding up, I open my mouth to call her name over the noise.

Motherfucking Austin.

Fury unleashes as I watch him seemingly appear out of nowhere and follow Kira out the door.

I didn’t even know that dick was here.

He won’t stop showing around. Won’t stop chasing after her. Doesn’t matter that I made it clear I’m willing to fuck up my entire life by killing him, he won’t. Fucking. Stop.

I make it to the door and rush outside.


They’re both gone.

I jog out to the parking lot, searching them out.

What has to be at least ten minutes later, I’m smack in the middle of the parking lot, my mind in tatters.

She didn’t leave with him. She couldn’t have.

I refuse to believe it.

Calling her phone is useless. She doesn’t pick up.

Running my hand down my face, I try to calm my breathing and sift through the mental turmoil.


I stare off into the night, knowing that I have to track Kira down, find her. That I have no choice.

But I can’t bring myself to move as the possibility that she just fucked me and is now with Austin drills through my thoughts.

I stand here and for the first time ever it occurs to me:

How much fucking more of this can I humanly take?











July 8th, 2015





I’m a mess. A complete and utter freaking mess. The summer is half over, and I’m miles closer to the loony bin than I was when it began. I don’t know if I’ll know my own name in six weeks when I move to Columbus.

Sex with Brayden has changed me. I’ve become a succubus. Insatiable for him.

Every single time I see him, my pussy becomes a whore on the prowl for his cock.

Anywhere, anyhow.

Who am I anymore? Not even sure I know the answer.

What I do know is that I can’t stop. The fact that I don’t want to is what scares me the most.

I’ve been on a Netflix binge all day, packing in one- and two-star scary movies. Anything to keep my mind off Brayden and the memories of hunting him down last week, or our time in the shower yesterday, or any time with him in the last month.

My choice of preoccupation is why I jump out of my skin when the front door slams. I grab hold of my chest and turn to find Mom.

“Jesus, Mom!”

Her eyebrow quirks, and she looks from me to the freeze frame of a demon ghost on the screen.

“Scaredy cat.”

“It’s your fault. Why didn’t you come through the garage?”

Yeah, pussy’s disappointed. Only me, Ryan, and Brayden use the front door.

She sighs as she sets her purse down and toes off her shoes. “The damn garage door is acting up again.” She falls down onto the sofa chair, sinking down into it. “I’ve asked Steven countless times to fix it. Guess I’ll be doing it again.”

“Why don’t you just call someone to fix it?”

“Because he doesn’t want to spend the money on it. He says he can do it.”

My lips form a thin line. “Men are infuriating creatures.”

She lets out a laugh. “When did my daughter get so wise to the idiocy of men?”

I freeze for a moment, not wanting to mention Brayden, then give a shrug and a laugh to play it off. “Well, I did grow up glued to two idiot boys.”

That makes her laugh more and nod in agreement. “Very true.” She stands up and stretches. “I’m going to go change, then work on dinner.”

I wave at her and pick up the remote to restart my horror fest, but she turns back around.

“Oh, do you still have my earrings? I can’t find them.”

Oh, yeah, I wore her diamond earrings to prom. “Probably.”

“Can you get them?” She gives me an almost sad smile. “Your dad gave them to me.”

I nod, popping up from the couch and make my way up to my room, not wasting any time. The few things we have left from my dad are precious, especially to my mom. I know she still loves him and misses him, despite remarrying.

Steve can’t compare.

Mom’s earrings are somewhere in my jewelry box. I took them off after prom, but forgot to give them back to her. I flip the wooden lid open and stare down. Sometime soon, I really need to go through this chaos. It’s a tangled mess of shiny.

Every piece of jewelry I’ve ever owned is in here, and somewhere is my dad’s ID bracelet. Ryan still wears his watch and keeps his money clip, with the same initials, somewhere safe.

It’s been a long time since I’ve thought about him, my dad. I was so young when he died. The memories I have are faded, and some I’m not sure are even real or if they’re made up by a little girl who was desperate to cling to her daddy. His photo sits on my dresser, and another with the whole family is on my desk.

Mom says Ryan’s personality is a lot like Dad’s.

She wore his wedding band on a chain for years. It was such a staple in her wardrobe, but I don’t remember when she stopped.

Under a pile of knotted chains are the two white dots I’ve been searching for. I pluck them up, and sitting right beside them is my dad’s bracelet.

I pull it out and rub my thumb over the letters, slowly covering and exposing his name

Robert Roth. Mom bought it for him for his birthday when they were still dating. He wore it every day.

Pictures and a few tokens

that’s all we have left of him. And since moving to Ohio, we rarely get to see his side of the family.

Something else catches my eye in the box. Small pink beads and sequins. A flower-like shape.

A ring.

It was one of those cheap rings from a quarter toy dispenser.

It throws me back almost a decade. Me, Ryan, and Brayden rode our bikes down to the store. The boys were given a few bucks to pick up some snacks.

I was nine, and they were my whole world.

On our way out, I stopped to look at the machines. I didn’t have any money, and I remember begging Ryan for some.

That’s when Brayden came up behind me. He put a quarter into one of them and turned the knob. Out popped a plastic bubble case. He pulled it out and opened it up, taking the ring out.

I still remember how he smiled at me. The way he reached for my hand and slipped it onto my ring finger.

“Another pretty for the mermaid chest.”

I smiled at him. “You mean another pretty for the kraken to steal from me, jerk.”

He shrugged. “Krakens like pretty things.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” He nodded with certainty.

I eyed him. “Am I pretty?”

“I like you, don’t I?”


“Do I like you most of all?”

“You like Ryan most of all.”

He chuckled. “Well, he’s a guy, and they aren’t pretty.”

“Okay . . .”

“So, if I like you most of all, you must be prettiest of all.”

I could feel my cheeks heating up, and I ducked my head before swatting him in the stomach. “Suckup.”

It felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. Is it any wonder I fell in love with him?

I set it back down, then pick up the earrings and head out into the hall. A couple of steps in toward their room, I stop dead in my tracks.

“You’re going out?”

“Yes. I’m meeting the guys to watch the Reds game,” Steven says.

“Do you have to?” There’s a sort of defeat in her voice that I don’t like hearing.

“Is there a reason not to?”

“The garage door is still acting up. I was hoping you could fix it tonight.” Defeat quickly turns to annoyance.

I don’t know why I’m not moving, why I’m still standing feet outside their door.

“I told you I’d get to it.”

“You’ve been saying that for weeks! I’m tired of not being able to use the garage.”

“I’ve been busy, Sonia.” Steven’s voice rises, an edge to it.

“You’ve been busy for weeks! Every time I ask you to do something, I have to ask you again over and over and over for days for something that would take you five minutes if you would just do it!”

She’s repeating words and talking fast

Mom’s sign for

“Then why don’t you do it?”

“Because I’m not your maid, I’m your wife! And I expect that you care enough and respect me enough to help out around here.”

He lets out a harsh laugh. “Who pays all the bills around here? I do. Which means the house is yours to take care of.”

What. The. Fuck?

My fingers curl up into my palm, nails digging in. I’m two seconds from bursting through their bedroom door and punching my stepdad.

How could he?

“Are you kidding me?
were the one who wanted to do that. Said you wanted to take away some of my stress. I had
no problem
taking care of my children and paying my bills before you came along.”

“What is really going on, Sonia?” he asks with a huff.

“You aren’t taking me out anymore, are you taking someone else out? Are you
another woman?”

“Don’t be ridiculous!”

“Don’t be? Something’s changed, Steven, and don’t forget, you cheated on your last wife with me. I know the signs.”

“This conversation is absurd.” Steven’s voice grows louder, like he’s closer to the door. “I’m going out with Tim and John. I’ll be back later. Enough of these bullshit accusations, Sonia.”

The door pops open, and so do my eyes. He stomps out and glances my way, jumping a bit.

“Shit.” He looks back to the door where I can hear my mother trying to stifle her cries, then eyes me up and down. “What?”

I say nothing, do nothing, though I want to. We’ve never gotten much past pleasantries, even after living in his house for three years.

He gives a little huff and makes his way down the stairs.

Halfway down, I step to the edge and yell, “I get it now.”

He stops and turns back, looking up at me. “Get what?”

I stick my chin out and glare down at him. “Why he hates you so much.”

“You know, Kira, I used to think you were a good girl,” he pauses, lip twisting up to a sneer, “but you’re just another girl competing for his attention, aren’t you?”

I let out a gasp, then freeze.

“You said you were going, so leave, Steven!” Mom yells from behind me. I jump, unaware she’s there.

He looks between us, then finishes his descent.

“I’m sorry, sweetie,” Mom says, wrapping her arms around me.

“Why are you with that asshole?” I ask.

She pulls back, her lips set in a straight line, brow knitted together. It’s her “I don’t know look.”

I slip the earrings into her palm and head back to my room, leaning on the door as it closes.

Once upon a time, Steve was right

I was a girl vying for Brayden. Now?

The beaded ring is still sitting on my dresser, looking at me. Times were easier then, and I almost wish I could go back to that innocence.

I’ve got my phone in my hand and I’m texting before I even realize it.

How did you live with the fighting?

It’s a question I’ve wondered for years, and an answer I partially know. But it’s also a question I don’t notice I’ve actually texted to
until he responds.

I had no choice.

No choice.

It’s true. For him, it started when he was young, too young to understand.

But I remember when he was fourteen, when we ran away one night. He’d lived with it for years, the fighting, and I watched it beat him down and tear him apart. Shaped him, hardened him.

I remember, but I’d forgotten and I never, ever went through it until today.

Hot tears slide down my cheeks as I wonder what it was like for a little boy to go through that and worse.

I’m so sorry, baby. You shouldn’t have to go through that. Ever.

No one should.

You did.

His response leaves me cold inside.
I’ll kill him if he keeps putting you through that.

He’s always threatening to kill people because of me. Anyone else would be scared. I find it sweet, actually, despite the fact that I worry what would happen to him if he went through with it.

I guess that just shows how off we both are. We’re slightly twisted. I think we both always have been in a way. We’re not normal. Not by a long shot.

Fuck, that connection between us.

There’s no denying it

it’s still here. The broken pieces of us that bonded and brought us together aren’t going anywhere.

I miss my best friend. I always, always miss him.

And I can’t have him back. Because I won’t allow myself to.

Brayden sends me another text.
Promise me you’ll call me if it gets too bad over there.

My heart breaks.

I won’t promise him that. There’s no going back for me. I can’t return to that place of soul-sick dependence. Not after all the times he brutally left me hanging. I text him back, feeling nauseous. I know he’s offering his help and that it’s coming from a good place, but I still have to shoot him down.

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