Take Six Girls: The Lives of the Mitford Sisters (61 page)

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Authors: Laura Thompson

Tags: #Biography & Autobiography, #Historical

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Mitford, Jack (uncle) 33, 73

Mitford, Jessica 2, 341–3

abortion 201
appearance 180
appendicitis 38–9
birth 45–6
character in
Pursuit of Love
childhood and education 50–3, 59
children 198, 200–1, 257, 266, 306, 321
and David (father) 7, 41–2, 76, 325
death 343
and Deborah 4, 7–8, 50, 158, 180, 265
and Diana 62, 94, 155, 161, 186, 244–5, 249, 254–5, 259, 277–8, 305–6, 335, 342
and Esmond Romilly
death of 258–60, 278
elopement and marriage 2, 7–8, 41–2, 180, 182–90
in Rotherhithe 198–201
in the USA 255–6
and Inch Kenneth 284–5, 328, 332
marriage to Robert Treuhaft 261, 262–3
and the Mitford phenomenon 25, 26
and Nancy 157–8, 180, 181, 256–7, 321–2
politics 2, 7, 8, 87, 154–5, 177–81
in the USA 178, 262–3, 306, 318–22
society debut 166–7
and Swinbrook House 14–15, 79–80
and Sydney (mother) 7, 58, 59, 62, 63–4, 65, 260–2, 276–8, 306–7
and Tom (brother) 69, 70, 71
and Unity 4, 9, 49–50, 122, 123, 127–8, 154–5, 180–1
attempted suicide and return home 211
in the USA 211, 254–63
as a writer 263, 341–2
see also
Hons and Rebels
(Jessica Mitford)

Mitford, John, 1st Lord Redesdale (ancestor) 30

Mitford, Nancy 1–2, 244–54

appearance 97, 98–9, 241, 253
and Batsford House 47
BBC documentary about 157–8
biography of Madame de Pompadour 292, 324
character 98, 101–2, 107, 150–1, 249–50, 290–2
childhood 42, 44–5, 53
and David (father) 73–4
death 334–5
and Deborah 2–3
and Diana 11–12, 15, 25, 62, 98, 103, 137, 151–2, 242, 299, 300–8, 317–18, 338
betrayal and detention of 244–50
Diana’s marriage to Bryan Guinness 94, 112–13
on Esmond Romilly 183
and Evelyn Waugh 109
and France 80, 253–4
Frederick the Great
friends (Bright Young Things) 107–13
grave 13
and Hamish St-Clair Erskine 68, 70, 104–7, 150, 294
and Inch Kenneth 204
infertility 62–3, 250–1, 291, 301–2
and James Lees-Milne 67, 68
and Jessica 157–8, 180, 181, 256–7, 321–2
elopement and marriage 185, 186–8, 198
and marriage
failure to marry 99–102, 106–7
to Peter Rodd 148, 149–51, 202–3, 247–8, 251, 294
miscarriages 247
and the Mitford phenomenon 12, 15–19, 21–2, 23, 24–5
and Palewski 23, 289–96, 299, 300, 301, 303, 318, 334–5
and Pamela 25, 42, 48, 336
and Paris 80, 293–4
politics 6, 9, 148–9, 156, 178, 180
and publicity 10
society debut 5, 96–104
studies at the Slade School of Fine Art 100
Sun King
and Swinbrook House 78, 79
and Sydney (mother) 58–64, 91, 250
and Tom (brother) 69, 70, 71
and Unity 267, 268, 269–70
attempted suicide and return home 210–11
death of 310–11
post-suicide attempt 215–16
visit to Bayreuth 32
war work 9, 183, 211, 245–6
as a writer 10, 15–18, 36, 103–4, 121–2, 323–4
see also
under titles of individual works

Mitford, Pamela 1, 2, 19, 355–7

and the Biddesden farm 124–5
character 122, 124
childhood 48–9, 61
death 337
and Diana 241–2
divorce 314
engagement ring 99, 264–5
grave 13
and Hitler 9, 48
marriage to Derek Jackson 156–7
miscarriages 156, 266–7
and the Mosleys’ release 272–4
and Nancy 25, 42, 48, 336
and politics 9, 48
politics 245
and Sydney (mother) 65
war work 263–4

Mitford, Rosemary (cousin) 44

Mitford, Sir John de (ancestor) 30

Mitford, Sydney, Lady Redesdale (mother)

character 64, 242, 276
and Churchill 275
cruises with daughters 50–1, 175–6, 184
daughters’ relations with 58–66, 91, 330–1
and daughters’ society debuts 95–6, 122
and David’s death 327–8
death 61–2, 332
and Deborah 197–8, 266
and Diana 89, 136, 138
distrust of doctors 38–9
as father’s housekeeper 38
and food 38
and Helleu 90–1
and Hitler 14, 65, 175, 191, 192, 217
Hons and Rebels
52, 61
and Inch Kenneth 282, 285
and Jessica 7, 58, 59, 62, 63–4, 65, 260–2, 276–8, 306–7
elopement 184–5, 188–9
marriage to David Mitford 39–47
collapse of 217–18
and money 82
and Nancy 58–64, 91, 250, 266, 330, 331
Pursuit of Love
obituary 66–7
in Paris (1926) 80
portrayal in
Pursuit of Love
14, 22, 64, 84
and the Second World War 246, 276
pro-German feelings 224, 225, 226–7
and Tom’s death 282–3, 284, 329
and Unity 271–2, 277
attempted suicide and return home 210–12
death of 309–13

Mitford, Tom (brother) 3, 4, 48, 68–73, 89

character 69, 70–2
death 281, 282–4, 298
and Diana 120, 242
disguised as ‘Bruno Hat’ 71, 109
letters 72
memorial to 13
politics 157–60, 190–1
and the Second World War 246, 279–81
sexuality 68–9, 104

Mitford, Unity 2, 3, 19, 26, 31, 153–6, 267–72

appearance 123–4, 213–14
artistic talent 123
biography of 270–1, 311–12
birth 44
character 122–4, 127, 202
childhood 50–1, 53
and David (father) 76
death 309–13
and Deborah 122, 202, 221, 240, 271
and Diana 4–5, 94, 154, 164–5, 168–9, 220, 271, 272
and Germany 33
grave 13
and Hitler 8, 45, 99, 160–2, 164–71, 174–5, 186, 192, 193–5
attempted suicide 204–6
and Jessica 4, 9, 49–50, 122, 123, 127–8, 154–5, 180–1, 187
and Nancy 267, 268, 269–70
parliamentary questions on 214–15, 221
politics/Nazism 7, 8, 9, 87, 153–6, 160–71
and the BUF 163–4
publicity and public opinion on 212–14, 216–18, 219–22
sexuality 164–4
society debut 117, 119, 122–4, 127–8
suicide attempt 204–6, 209–10
return to Britain after 209–18
and Swinbrook House 79–80, 176
and Sydney (mother) 66
and Tom (brother) 71
and Wagner 32

Moran, Caitlin 19

Moreton-in-Marsh 33–4

Morris, William 83–4

Morrison, Herbert 133, 214–15, 249, 273, 274

and Unity Mitford 214–15, 219–20, 221–2

Mosley, Alexander (Diana’s son) 176, 229, 241, 247, 302, 305

Mosley, Cynthia (Cimmie) 88, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 135

death 144–5

Mosley, Lady
Mitford, Diana

Mosley, Max (Diana’s son) 237, 241, 247, 298, 317, 326

Mosley, Nicholas (Diana’s stepson) 112, 141, 226, 233, 339

Mosley, Sir Oswald 2, 117, 128–42, 325–7

appearance 130, 132–3, 177
character 129–31
death 338
and Deborah’s marriage 197
and Diana in the postwar years 297–300, 305
and Diana’s imprisonment 239
transfer to married accommodation 242–4
Diana’s love for 9, 11, 135–42, 243–4
Diana’s marriage to 176–8
and Hitler 171, 173, 205, 226, 227
internment 225–7, 244
release under house arrest 248–9, 272–6
Memorandum 133, 134
My Life
politics 37, 119, 131–4, 298–9, 325–7
the BUF 6, 37, 134, 139–40, 146–9, 177
New Party 6, 37, 133, 134, 146
Union Movement 325–6
and the Second World War 222–7
sexuality 130–1, 139
and Thomas Bowles 37
and Tom Mitford 158–9, 284
and Unity Mitford 153, 154

Moyne, Lord (Walter Guinness) 93, 136, 137, 228–30, 244

Munich agreement 194, 204

Mussolini, Benito 6, 134, 139, 169, 172, 220, 226

National Government 133–4


the ‘Black Book’ 147–8
and Mosley 225
and Tom Mitford 159
and Unity 7, 8, 9, 160–71

nicknames 2, 3, 17, 49, 129, 134, 149

Nicolson, Harold 134

Novello, Ivor 21

Ogilvie-Grant, Mark 108–9, 110, 111, 244, 247, 278

Oglivy, Lady Clementine (grandmother) 34, 46, 106

Oglivy, Lady Helen 44, 45

Orloff, Serge 125

Ormsby-Gore, Mary 154, 163, 221, 270, 311

Orwell, George 179

Palewski, Gaston 23, 289–96, 299, 300, 301, 303, 318, 324, 333, 334–5


Diana in 89–91
Nancy’s love of 80, 253–4

Pigeon Pie
(Nancy Mitford) 223, 245, 251–3, 264, 291, 304

Pride and Prejudice
(Austen) 25

Pryce-Jones, Erich 164

Pursuit of Love
(Nancy Mitford) 36, 41, 59, 68, 304–5, 308, 313, 330

and Asthall Manor 13–14
and Esmond Romilly 183, 184
the ‘Hons Cupboard’ in 55
Hons and Rebels
and Jessica Mitford 171, 189–90
on marriage 203
and the Mitford’s childhood 55–6, 57–8
and the Mitford phenomenon 2, 10, 12, 15–16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 25
narrator 270
and Palewski 290, 295–6, 299
and politics 87, 152
portrayal of Sydney in 14, 22, 64
society debuts in 96, 101

Rattenbury, Alma 69–70

Raubal, Geli 167

Ravensdale, Irene, Lady 88, 130, 144, 145, 146, 166, 225

Ribbentrop, Joachim von 6, 169–70, 191

Rodd, Peter 62–3, 180, 183, 188, 191, 195, 251, 252, 279, 313

character 149–50
death 333
marriage to Nancy Mitford 148, 149–51, 294
and Nancy’s affair with Palewski 290, 291–2
Nancy’s divorce from 324

Röhm, Ernst 165–6

Romilly, Constancia 257, 258, 259, 321, 336, 342

Romilly, Esmond 182–90, 215, 262


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