Take the Cake (27 page)

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Authors: Sandra Wright

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Kate leaned forward, plucked it off the coffee table, and handed it to him with a questioning look.

“You’ve probably seen this one, but I’m really hoping you don’t mind a re-run.”

Kate watched the screen as the opening credits began. “
The Fabulous Destiny of Amélie.
” She turned to Michael with a smile. “It’s one of my absolute favorites.”

“Are you sure you’re okay with this? I can change it,” he began, and was waved to silence.

“Don’t you dare.” Kate curled herself up against him, resting her head on his shoulder. Michael tipped his head to rest against the top of hers, taking a deep breath and inhaling her scent.

“By the way,” he asked after a moment, “what perfume do you wear?”

“Mmm?” Kate was distracted in part by the movie, but Michael proved to be a headier distraction: the warmth of his body, the rise and fall of his chest, the way his fingers traced absent-minded patterns against her arm.

“You always smell so beautiful. What is it that you wear?”

“Allure by Chanel,” Kate replied. “Although I’m surprised I don’t smell like the shop most of the time.”

Michael nudged at her neck with his nose,, and she obligingly tilted her head so that he could leave a trail of kisses. She shivered as he inhaled with obvious pleasure.

“You always smell like cake and sunshine to me,” he whispered. “It’s beautiful, just like you.”

“Careful there, mister. Them’s kissin’ words.” Kate smiled.

“Let me know what else I have to say, then,” Michael said, nipping at her earlobe and making her jump.

“I’ll keep you posted,” Kate replied with a drowsy smile.

They went back to watching the movie, entwined in each other’s arms. Saturday night ticked on, and neither of them had to go or be anywhere other than with each other. Kate was glad she wasn’t going home tonight.


“So I guess I’ll see you again soon?” David smiled down at her. They had lingered over dinner and a few more drinks before deciding to call it a night. Having caught a cab, Wren had insisted they get out and walk the final block because she wanted some fresh air, and had giggled up the steps to the front door of her building, aided by an amused David.

“How someone as small as you can drink so much I’ll never know,” he muttered.

“Years of practice,” she quipped.

“You didn’t answer my question, though. Can I see you again soon?” David gently trailed a finger through Wren’s bangs, getting her hair out of her eyes.

“Sure,” Wren said, offering him a dazzling smile that had been amplified by a few martinis.

“Okay, then, I’ll call you tomorrow.” David kissed her forehead, his lips lingering for a moment, before turning and heading down the steps.

Wren watched him go, twisting her keys in her hand. “Hey, David,” Wren called, making him stop and turn around with a smile.


“Can I ask you something?” She stood, uncertain at the top of the stairs. David climbed back up the stairs to stand in front of her.


Wren reached up to trace a finger around one of his shirt buttons, staring fixedly at his chest. “How come you haven’t made a move on me yet?”

“I thought I had been,” David replied. “We’re dating after all.”

“Yeah, but …” Wren tipped her head to look up at him. “Don’t you want more?”

David looked at her and swallowed hard. “Oh, I want,” he said, reaching up to cup her shoulders with his hands.

“Then why …” Her voice faltered. “I’m no angel, but I thought …”

“Wren,” David interrupted, “I’m an all or nothing kinda guy. When I kiss you and mean it, I’m going to keep wanting to kiss you. I’m going to want you in my life all the time, and I want to know that, before I start, you feel the same way too.”

Wren stared up at him, confused.

“I’ve been giving you space, Wren, because I don’t know what you want,” David said, his thumbs rubbing her arms where he held her. “Do you?”

“I’m not sure,” Wren admitted at last, “but I’m getting a better idea all the time.” She paused and then went up on tiptoe to press her lips against his.


The music swelled, the credits rolled.

“I love that movie.” Kate gave a contented yawn.

“It’s a keeper,” Michael agreed. “That director really does some trippy stuff. I can see why you like him now.”

Kate yawned again. “Sorry, I’m not much of a date tonight.”

“You’ve been working all day; I think you’re entitled to feel tired.” Michael smoothed back her hair and kissed her temple.

“So have you,” Kate said in a drowsy tone, and was jolted by his snort of laughter.

“Yeah, right, sitting on my butt at a computer isn’t quite the same.”

“It’s still work,” Kate said. “But in the meantime, how about we take this conversation elsewhere?” She uncoiled herself from Michael’s side and sat waiting. Michael took her hand and together they walked to the bedroom.

“You know,” Michael began as he flicked on the bedside light, “this feels kinda weird.”

“Why’s that?” Kate said, taking off her watch and putting it on the bedside table.

“Well, I guess I’ve always tended to stay at your place. Don’t get me wrong,” he went on hastily. “I love having you here. It just feels different to be settling in for the night at my place instead of yours.”

“Only because you haven’t finished making this place a home yet,” Kate replied, “but you’re getting there.” Kate had explored the apartment after dinner, exclaiming over the comic book collection that Michael had set out on one of the bookshelves, the Spider-Man action figure, and a few framed photos here and there.

“True.” Michael hesitated, watching as Kate kicked off her shoes, and then unzipped her jeans and stepped out of them, standing there utterly unselfconscious in her boy-short underwear and T-shirt before she pulled back the blankets and got into bed. “Uh,” he said.

“Michael, it’s okay.” She smiled to reassure him. “For what it’s worth, it feels a tiny bit weird to me too, but that’s only because we’re not used to it. So tell me, Michael, what’s your normal bedtime routine?”

He thought for a moment before he spoke. “I brush my teeth, get changed into something to sleep in and then get into bed.” It sounded so simple, so dull. And yet now there was Kate, and that made everything different.

She nodded. “Well, I’ll tell you what. You go ahead and do that, and I’ll be right here when you get back.”

He gave her a sly grin before moving off into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and pulled off his jeans, leaving them in a pile on the floor. His sleep pants were hanging on a hook on the back of the bathroom door, and he pulled them on. He never bothered with a shirt. When he got into bed, his heart was in his throat, and he turned to face Kate.

“Hi,” she said with a quiet smile.

“Hey,” he replied, reaching out with one hand to pull her flush against him. With his other hand, he framed her face as he dipped his head and kissed her. What began as a languid exploration of each other’s mouths became something more urgent.

“So,” Kate breathed when they separated, “still feeling weird?”

“Hell, no,” Michael replied, kissing her neck, trailing a path of kisses down her chest between her breasts. “Feeling pretty good actually.”

“So I see,” Kate replied, throwing her arm over her eyes as she moved against him. His hands caught her by the hips to hold her still as he moved lower.

“Michael,” she groaned.

But he was incapable of speech.


Wren woke up and rolled over to stare wordlessly at the empty space in the bed beside her. She bit her lip and hugged her pillow tightly, wondering if he’d left a note, and tried to ignore the burning in her eyes. She sniffed and rolled onto her back, scrubbing at her eyes with the heels of her hands.

It didn’t matter. She’d be fine. She was always fine.

Her head jerked as she heard the toilet flush. David appeared, scratching his stomach above the waistband of his gray boxer briefs.

“Hey,” he said, his voice husky with sleep. He padded across to the bed and crawled over the mattress onto his side. Settling his head on his pillow, he reached out and hauled Wren over to him. Rolling onto his side, he pulled her into his chest and slung a muscled leg over her thighs, pinning her against him. He snuffled a little into her hair, making her giggle, before she felt his lips ghost against her skin. Wren gave an experimental wriggle of her hips against his and felt his immediate reaction. David’s fingers tickled her sides, making her give a breathless laugh.

“Need more sleep,” he whispered, “and then we’ll take up from where we finished off last night.”

Wren closed her eyes and went back to sleep, feeling content.


Michael woke up and glanced at the bedside clock; they’d both slept late. Rolling onto his side, he looked at Kate who was curled up beside him. She shifted as he stirred beside her and moved her hips slightly, her eyelashes fluttering.

Michael inched closer, running his hand up her thigh, caressing her, enjoying the feel of her skin beneath his hand. Kate’s eyes fluttered again as his hand slid higher, dipping and exploring. She wondered if he knew she was awake; but he knew for certain when he shifted away to prepare, and then returned to move her thigh higher and slide into her. She sucked in a breath and arched her back against his chest, her head back, eyes closed as she savored the feeling of having him inside her again. For a moment they lay joined together, neither saying a word, and then Kate very gently rocked back against him.

He slid his palm, fingers splayed, over her stomach, holding her against him. Kate moved to place her hand over his, catching her breath as he moved into her deeper still. The familiar heat began to build between them, and they went with it. There was no sense of urgency, just unhurried loving that neither of them wanted to rush. Michael propped himself on one elbow behind her, leaning close so that he could nuzzle the curve of her throat. Kate reached up blindly behind her, threading her fingers through his hair to hold his face close. He picked up their rhythm and held her tight, her back against his chest as her body clenched tightly around him, pulling him along with her release.

Afterward, Kate lay enjoying the feeling of Michael’s body against hers, and then shifted a little as Michael made a reluctant groan and began to move away. The bed felt cold the moment he moved away from her and walked toward the bathroom to clean up. She must have fallen into a light doze, because she jolted awake again when Michael climbed back into bed beside her.

“Hey.” His breath tickled her ear. “Want some breakfast?”

“Well, I guess you’ve worked up an appetite,” Kate agreed, turning her head for a kiss.

Michael chuffed with laughter and kissed her thoroughly, cupping a breast that he stroked into responsiveness until she broke away with a laugh.

“You know, now that you’ve said it, I’m getting hungry.”

“Me and my big mouth,” Michael groaned.

“Mmm.” Kate kissed him, nibbling on his lower lip. “And all those lovely things you can do with it. I think I want pancakes.”

“We’ll have to go out. I didn’t get much beyond the fixings for dinner,” Michael said in an apologetic tone.

“Fine by me. I need coffee too,” Kate agreed. “You get the shower going.”

“You don’t want to come with?”

“Oh, I do, but then I’d miss the view of watching you walk butt nekkid into the bathroom.”

“Ah.” Michael nodded. “I see your point.” He got out of bed and stretched, his bed hair curled every which way. He looked glorious. Kate lay back in bed and admired.

“I’ll be there in a minute,” she said, yawning.

Michael headed into the bathroom and turned on the shower taps. He had just stepped under the spray when he heard his phone ring. “Son of a …” he cursed, and heard Kate laugh.

“You want me to get it?” she called out as she glanced at the call display. “It’s someone called Alistair.”

Michael hesitated. “He’s my editor, but he’s usually smart enough not to call me on the weekend. Tell him I’ll give him a call back,” he said. “Are you going to join me in here sometime soon?”

“Give me a second,” Kate called, and then clicked to answer the call. “Hello?”

There was a startled pause. “Uh, is this Michael’s phone?”

“Sorry, yes, it is. He can’t get to the phone at the moment, but he said for me to tell you that he’d call you back,” Kate supplied, rolling onto her back and giving a full body stretch.

“Who have I got here?”

“Kate,” she replied, sitting up. She could hear a lot of splashing from the shower, and wanted to get in there.

“Kate,” Alistair said, his voice brightening as he made the connection. “You’re Cupcake Kate, the inspiration Michael mentioned?”

“That’s me,” she replied, plucking at the bed sheet, “and you’re Michael’s editor, right?”

“Right. I must say it’s nice to talk to the person I’ve been reading so much about,” Alistair went on. “Has Michael shown you what he’s been working on? I think we’re going to have another hit on our hands.”

Kate stilled. “Excuse me?”

“The book he’s working on. He’s not sure about it, but between you and me, it’s his best work yet.”

“Really?” Kate said in a faint voice. “And what’s it about?”

Alistair paused, aware that the conversation seemed to be stalling. “Uh, well, maybe Michael should be the one to—”

“Alistair,” Kate interrupted him in a calm voice, “I’m not angry. Just give me a snapshot of what it’s about.”

“Kate,” Alistair tried to regroup, “I’m the one that’s shot my mouth off here. I think we both know that Michael doesn’t like to talk about his work very much, so he’s not going to be very impressed with me if I’m the one who tells you that he’s writing about—”

“Me,” Kate answered.


Chapter 16

Confessions and Revelations

Kate finished the conversation with an apologetic Alistair and then disconnected the call. Moving with deliberate slowness, she set the phone back down on the bedside table and drew her knees up to her chest, sitting quietly in thought. The splashing from the shower paused and Michael’s voice floated out to her.

“Kate? Are you joining me?”

“In a minute,” she called back, wondering whom the voice belonged to: it didn’t sound like her. She took a deep breath and got out of bed, walking toward the bathroom and peeling off her T-shirt. Pausing beside the shower, she shimmied out of her underwear and shot a quick look at the mirror, relieved to see that she looked calmer than she felt.

A muffled thud drew her attention to the shower door, and she smiled to see that Michael had wiped a panel to peer through at her, the flash of his smile making her heart give an unsteady thump. She opened the shower door and stepped into Michael’s embrace. Looking over his shoulder, she saw that the panel he had cleared was beginning to fog up again, but she could still see through to the other side. Reaching around behind his shoulder, she wiped the patch clear again.

“What are you doing?” Michael said, nuzzling against her neck as he lathered the soap before rubbing his frothy hands up and down her sides.

“Seeing clearly,” Kate replied simply, and then turned her face toward his for a kiss.

After making love, they toweled each other dry, stopping for kisses often. Michael paused while patting the water off Kate’s legs to look up at her.

“You’re very quiet,” he observed, and then went back to his ministrations.

“What would you like me to say?” Kate replied.

“Dunno.” He shrugged, and then stopped as a thought struck him. “What did Alistair want?”

Kate stilled.

“He wants you to call him later,” she said at last. “He sounds happy with what you’re working on.”

“Mmph,” Michael snorted, more interested in the progress he was making up Kate’s thighs. He paused as he planted a soft kiss at the apex of her legs before continuing with the towel up the soft, flat plane of her belly. “Right now, I don’t much care what he thinks. He’s in trouble, I know that much. He never calls on the weekend, so I don’t know what’s prompted him to start now.”

“I guess he was just excited,” Kate said in a soft voice, reaching down to comb his wet hair with her fingers. “He said he’d been reading.”

“Ah,” Michael said, getting up from his knees to stand in front of her, dropping a kiss on each breast as he continued.

“He thinks it’s your best work yet,” Kate continued, watching his reflection in the mirror. Michael nodded, reaching out to brush the strands of her wet hair off her shoulders, moving the towel across her back in gentle arcs. “Michael, can I ask you something?” Kate said in a quiet voice.

“Mmm?” he said, brushing the towel down her back.

“Will you tell me more about your story?”

“I’ve already told you a bit about it,” he said, discarding the towel now that she was dry and wrapping his arms around her, pulling her against him. He rested his chin on her shoulder and looked at their reflection. “What did you want to know?”

“I don’t know,” Kate admitted, and then hesitated. The phone call had left her feeling exposed enough already without her having to revisit it standing there naked. “Nothing that can’t wait, but right now how about we chase up some breakfast?”

“Pancakes coming up. I know just the place,” Michael said, giving her a tight hug and then steering her toward the bedroom where she had left her bag of clothes. He grinned at her as she reached for her bag and pulled on some clean underwear while he got a pair of boxer briefs from his dresser and pulled them on. “There’s a great diner not far from here.”

“Sounds good,” Kate replied as she tugged up her jeans and reached for her bra. As she fumbled with the clasp, she looked up to see Michael watching her as he tugged on his T-shirt. “What?”

“Nothing,” Michael replied. “I just like watching you.”

Kate looked at him with a faint smile. “It’s a boob thing, isn’t it?” she said after a pause. “You like watching my boobs while I get dressed.”

“Maybe,” Michael conceded after a diplomatic pause.

“You’re such a guy,” Kate said reaching for her T-shirt. “Tom’s just as bad.”

“Tom?” Michael stopped in the act of reaching for his shoes. “Who’s Tom?”

“He’s an old friend,” Kate replied, glancing at him as she gathered her damp hair into a ponytail before giving up and leaving it loose.

“An old friend who has a thing for your boobs?” Michael took a step closer and put his hands on her hips. “This sounds interesting.”

“Tom’s my …” Kate reached up and gave Michael a quick kiss. “Well, let’s just say it’s complicated.”

“More please,” Michael said, smiling as Kate gave him another kiss. “So,” he ventured when they came up for air, “how complicated?”

complicated,” Kate said, putting her arms around Michael’s waist and hugging him. “It’s in the past, but he’s still in my life.”

“Uh-huh,” Michael said looking puzzled. “Well, I have to say this sounds like new territory.”

“No big.” Kate shrugged. “I’ll tell you later.”

“I’ll make a note of that,” Michael joked, watching as Kate’s face clouded before she took a breath and gave him a bright smile.

“I’m sure you will,” was all she said, stepping back from him and looking around for her shoes.

When she was dressed, Kate got to her feet and smiled. “Come on, Forrester. I need coffee or I won’t be held responsible for my actions.”

“Better not keep my girl waiting,” Michael said, grabbing his keys and taking Kate by the hand.

The two of them had walked for a block before Michael realized he was the one carrying the conversation while Kate contributed here and there. He tightened his arm to draw her closer to his side, and she glanced up at him with a quick smile as they kept walking.

“Kate, is everything okay?”

“Mmm?” She pulled her gaze away from the buildings they were passing and looked at Michael. “I’m okay, why?”

“You just seem a little quiet,” Michael pressed. Something was wrong; she wasn’t behaving like his Kate.

“Sometimes I wake up ready to seize the day, and sometimes it takes me a bit longer to get going,” Kate said. The conversation with Alistair was starting to eat away at her. She was going to have to raise the subject with Michael soon, but she didn’t know how. She had been about to ask him back at his apartment, but knew that the conversation was one that had to be held on neutral ground. She feared having to ask him questions, worried about what the answers might be. She sighed, feeling sad that what had promised to be a relaxing Sunday now had the potential to become something else entirely. She didn’t like confrontation, but it was something that was going to have to happen sooner or later.

Michael kissed her temple as they kept walking. “You’ve had a hard week, so I’m not surprised you’re still feeling tired.”

Kate nodded. Perhaps that was it; she was just tired and over-reacting. Still, Alistair’s slip on the phone before he had realized Kate was unaware of the direction of Michael’s latest work was cause for concern. She had nothing to hide, and yet the thought of her life being laid bare on the page was disconcerting to say the least. And then there was the fact that Michael had chosen her as the subject. It made her wonder about the nature of their relationship, and it raised even more questions that led her back to her only frame of reference: Thomas.

She yawned, covering her mouth with her hand and resting her head against Michael’s chest as he rubbed her shoulder.

“Poor baby,” he said. “We’re nearly there so you’ll have a coffee soon.”

“I’m going to need it,” she said with feeling.

They reached the diner and were lucky enough to find a small booth available. Kate poured over the menu with perhaps more attention than it warranted, grateful for the diversion as she tried to collect her thoughts. Their order was placed and, much to her relief, promptly delivered. Kate wrapped her hands around the cup of coffee and took a slow sip.

“Good?” Michael said when she put the cup down and began on her pancake stack.

“Not bad,” Kate said carelessly. “They use a different coffee blend here, but at this time of day, I’m beyond caring. It’s all about the caffeine as far as I’m concerned.”

Michael smiled, his eyes crinkling as he watched her pour a generous drizzle of maple syrup over her short stack. He forked some of his own pancakes and glanced out the diner window as he chewed. It looked like it was going to be a nice day: the weather was mild, and the streets were filling with people out to make the most of their Sunday. And here he was with his girl, having breakfast. He felt happier than he had in a long time.

“Michael, I’ve got to ask you something, and I don’t know what you’re going to think,” Kate said, putting down her cup and leaning forward over her elbows.

Michael nodded and scooped up another mouthful of pancakes. “I’m listening.”

Kate traced a finger along the handle of the small jug that held the maple syrup. “Are you writing about me?”

Michael’s chewing slowed down and he swallowed with effort before putting down his knife and fork. He looked up to meet Kate’s eyes and saw that she was looking at the jug. He reached over and gently took her hand, watching as she met his gaze with some trepidation.

“What makes you ask that?”

“Alistair.” She gave him a steady look. “He was talking about your story and then let slip something about feeling like he knew me already.”

Michael nodded slowly.

“So it’s true then?” Kate said after a brief silence.

“In part,” Michael admitted, “although I wish you hadn’t found out like this.” He rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, and looked at Kate with concern.

“Michael,” Kate began in a gentle voice, “I’m not mad. I’m just …” She broke off and stared around the diner before looking back at him. “I don’t really know what I feel right now. I haven’t been in this kind of situation before.”

That got Michael’s attention. He moved his plate to the side and reached over to enfold Kate’s hand in both of his. “What sort of situation do you think this is?” His mouth was going dry. Of all the reactions he thought he might get when Kate eventually found out about the book, he never dreamed she would be this uncomfortable.

Kate squirmed under the intensity of Michael’s gaze. “Michael, I don’t talk myself up, and for the most part, I like to think that I make my way through life pretty much invisible.”

“Kate, you’ve never been invisible to me—” Michael began, but Kate opened her mouth to speak again and he stopped.

“I don’t know what it is exactly that you’re working on, but if it’s as good as Alistair thinks it is then I’m really pleased for you, truly. But I’m just thinking that maybe you could’ve said something to me before now.” Kate’s gaze dropped back to the tabletop as she considered her own words, and then looked back up at him with an apologetic shrug.

“I …” Michael began and then stopped, clearing his throat before continuing. “I’m sorry, I …” He grimaced. “God, this is awkward.”

“You think?” Kate offered a wry grin.

“I don’t quite know how to explain myself,” Michael said, rubbing his thumb over Kate’s hand, although he wasn’t sure who the gesture was meant to reassure. “As a writer, I’m used to writing from life, so everything around me becomes inspiration, that is …” he paused, “… when I’m able to write, in any case.”

“I can understand that,” Kate replied.

“I’m not sure you do. Before I met you, I hadn’t written anything for months,” Michael went on slowly, his forehead creasing as he thought before speaking; he wanted no room for any misinterpretation. “And then you somehow triggered the words inside me, I don’t know how—I don’t know if I even want to know—but when you appeared in my life all of a sudden, it was easy.” He began speaking faster now, words bubbling at the back of his throat.

“You’re saying I did that?” Kate gazed at him in disbelief.

“I’d like to think so,” Michael replied with feeling. “So when you say you feel invisible, to me nothing could be further from the truth.”

Kate’s face warmed under the spotlight of his gaze as the pair of them sat silent.

“Do you want to read it?” Michael said suddenly. “If you want to, it’s yours.”

“You know,” Kate said at last, “I don’t think I do.” Now it was Michael’s turn to be surprised. “It’s not that I’m worried; I’ve got nothing to hide,” she went on. “But I don’t think I’m ready to read it yet.”

“If you’re sure,” Michael said, cautious now.

“Maybe later, just not right now is all,” she said in a gentle voice.

“And you’re really okay?” Michael lifted her wrist to his lips to brush a kiss over it.

“I think so,” she conceded, “but it was a bit of a shock this morning.”

“I’ll bet,” Michael agreed. “Which reminds me that Alistair and I are going to have to have a conversation about that.”

“Is he in trouble?” A smile tugged at Kate’s lips, a real one this time.

“Just a bit,” Michael said in a soft growl, nibbling at Kate’s wrist, making her jump.

“I’m sure it was an honest mistake. He sounded very sorry.”

“Oh, I’ll make him sorry,” Michael replied, angling his hand so that he could kiss the soft pad of her thumb. “He upset my girl.”

“Hmm, well, don’t be too hard on him; it was going to come out sooner or later,” Kate remonstrated. “And let’s not forget your part in all this.”

“True.” Michael broke away from kissing her hand to consider this. “Kate, would it help if I said I was sorry?”

“Are you?” Kate raised an eyebrow.

“Of course,” he said, stung by her doubt. He met her gaze, measure for measure, and sighed. “Well, maybe in part. How does that make me sound?”

“It depends on how you back it up,” Kate replied, nodding for him to keep talking.

“Am I sorry that I’m writing about you? No, I’m not. You gave me words again, and for that, I’m grateful. Am I sorry I didn’t tell you about more about my work? Yes.” He dipped his head, looking up at her through his lashes in contrition. “I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”

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