Take the Cake (49 page)

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Authors: Sandra Wright

BOOK: Take the Cake
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“Tom, it’s been a while. How the hell are you?” Michael smiled as he handed over the glasses.

Kate watched as both men fell into an easy conversation. She sometimes doubted that Michael and Tom would ever enjoy a true friendship; Thomas still got territorial from time to time in an “I was here first” kind of way, which Michael matched with an unspoken “finders keepers.” Fortunately, they were both able to recognize that their common bond was love and protectiveness for the woman that connected their lives.

“He was nervous, you know,” Stephan mentioned in an undertone to Kate as Paul greeted Tom with the kind of cheer that indicated a major headache would be forthcoming the following day.

“Really? Why?” Kate looked at Stephan in surprise. They hadn’t been talking for long, but Kate had taken to him immediately. Stephan was a furniture restorer, whose quiet, deliberate manner seemed to soften Tom’s edges and bring a measure of peace to her friend. Watching the two of them together, she could see that Tom was genuinely happy in a way that made him relax at long last. It seemed that everyone had found a measure of completion to his or her life that had already seemed happy and full.

“It still bothers him,” Stephan went on. “You know, the history with you and the way he came out.”

“I don’t see why. Things are fine now,” Kate said as she sipped at her drink and accepted another canapé from the circulating tray.

“They are,” Stephan agreed, “but now that he’s happy.” He gave a self-effacing laugh. “Sorry, I’m not trying to talk myself up here,” he explained.

“S’okay, go on.” Kate waved for him to continue as she chewed.

“Being happy now makes him realize how long he wasn’t. Happy, I mean. I think he worries that he took it out on you or held you back some.”

“I think it’s safe to say that things have moved on,” Kate answered, and at Stephan’s questioning look, held up her hand so that he could see the ring.

“Is that what I think it is?” Tom appeared at her side. “Paul just told me.” He wrapped his arms around Kate for another squeeze. “Sweet girl, I’m so happy for you,” he murmured into her ear.

“Thanks, babe,” Kate whispered as Stephan silently relieved her of her glass so that she could wrap her arms around Tom. She looked over his shoulder to see Stephan approach Michael and shake his hand as he offered his congratulations. “Looks like we all got our happy this year.” They released each other, and Tom stepped back and looked at his feet as he cleared his throat, and then called for another drink. “I’ve just got one problem,” Thomas announced as he accepted a glass.

“What’s that?” Kate looked at him with concern.

“The music,” Thomas sighed. “Let me guess. Bear?”

“Some of it,” Kate agreed. “Not up to your standards?”

Thomas gave her a pitying look. “Oh, honey, we can do so much better, which is why I came prepared.” He threw back his drink and went over to the small pile of discs Stephan had set down on one of the tables beside their keys and made for the stereo. The music was changed, the volume turned up, and then the evening just kept getting better.

Sometime later, Kate made her way over to where Brad and Emily were laughing and chatting with Bear. Christine had zeroed in on Wren as soon as she had discovered who had been behind the outfits Kate and Emily were wearing. Soon they were talking about the markets and their creative outlets.

“So, Brad,” Kate began, smiling when she felt Michael’s arm snake around her waist. They had been in constant contact with each other all night as their delight in each other seemed to grow. “Emily tells me that you knew about Michael here long before the rest of us.”

“Sure.” Brad nodded with a grin. He had been a little intimidated when first introduced to Michael, but the two men had talked about mutual authors of interest and Brad’s work in the store. When he had heard that Michael’s book was entering the production phase soon, he had scored a minor coup for his workplace with Michael agreeing to appear for a book signing and literary luncheon event.

“Brad, I think we might need to do something about this. Do you think she needs to know what she’s marrying?” Michael teased as he kissed Kate simply because he could.

“Maybe some reading material?” Brad guessed.

“Sounds good,” Kate replied as she grinned at Michael. “I guess I’ve got some catching up to do.”

“I’d better get in on that given he’s about to become family.” Paul appeared between them and put his arms around their shoulders. He gave a theatrical sigh. “It’s not often a new family member comes with study obligations.”

“Sorry to cause all the extra paperwork.” Michael laughed.

“I’ll live,” Paul sighed, and then he grinned at Kate as he released them both and reached for her hand. “Nice.” He gave a low whistle as he looked at the ring. “You know you’re giving Christine all sorts of ideas, right?”

“Christine?” Kate challenged him.

“Okay, me,” he conceded. “I was hoping he’d ask you soon. The suspense has been killing me.”

“You knew?” Kate looked in surprise at Michael, who nodded and took her glass to go get a refill. “Don’t tell me he asked you for my hand in marriage.”

“Oh, hell, no.” Paul shook his head. “And besides, you’re not mine to give away. It’s your choice entirely. Michael just wanted to make sure I’d be okay with it.”

“Really?” Kate was looking puzzled now. David had been standing nearby and, hearing their conversation, stepped forward after seeing Michael had been collared by Wren and Christine.

“Think about it. He’s an only child of two academics. He didn’t want for love, but his whole social interactions were very different. He grew up on college campuses, surrounded by adults, and then fell into an introspective career,” David went on. “He’s never been one to go around with his heart on his sleeve, but you’ve loosened him up more than anyone has before.” David looked at his oldest friend and smiled. “I think you’ll find he surprises you with how he goes about some things, but never doubt his sincerity.”

“I don’t,” Kate vowed, her words brushing past David and flowing toward Michael who took a breath as he turned to her and smiled.

Michael looked at Kate enjoying herself, surrounded by people she loved. The walls of the bakery shimmered in the golden candlelight as laughter lilted around the room. Another bottle of champagne popped and was cheered by those nearby before it was poured into the waiting glasses. Words bubbled in the air, flowing from one person to the next, the argon tying them all irrevocably together for eternity. Words began whispering in the back of Michael’s mind, and he returned to Kate’s side to give her another kiss. The words were gathering momentum now, growing louder in his head, but they were tied to such a happy moment in his life that he knew he would be able to recall them with ease when the time came to begin writing again. He’d never felt more content.



Beginnings, Endings, and the Eternal Breath

Kate darted out of the kitchen to peer up at the wall clock in the store, and then returned to the kitchen with a sigh where she picked up her piping bag and got back to work.

“You okay, boss?” Kristyn paused in the doorway and looked at Kate with concern.

“I’m fine,” Kate assured her. “Just waiting for something.”

“Oh.” Kristyn half-turned back to the storefront before stopping and looking at Kate. “So long as you’re okay.”

“Sure.” Kate nodded at her again and poised the piping bag over the waiting cupcake. It was true; she felt perfectly okay although she wasn’t sure she could say the same about Michael.

The store phone rang, and Kate re-appeared from the kitchen to snatch up the receiver before Kristyn or Emily could react. They could tell from Kate’s smile that it was Michael on the line. The conversation was brief and ended with “I love you” before Kate hung up and turned to face them with a grimace.

“Tomorrow,” she sighed. “There’s been a hold up, and Michael will get his advance copy tomorrow.”

“What’s this?” Kristyn looked up from drying cups from the dishwasher and stacking them on top of the coffee machine.

“Michael’s book,” Emily explained.

“It’s out?” Kristyn looked excited at the news. “Fantastic. I’ll get a copy on the way home.” She beamed at Kate. “I love his books. I can’t believe you guys are married.” She shook her head at the memory, amazed that she had been there the night one of her favorite authors had announced his engagement at a private party she happened to be working at.

“Sorry, Kristyn, you’ll have to wait a few more days, but Michael gets a copy ahead of the stores.”

“Figures.” Kristyn shrugged. “He wrote it, after all. What do you think of his others?”

“Can you believe Kate hasn’t read any of his books yet?” Emily nodded toward Kate who glanced at the wall clock and then took down three cups to make them a mid-morning coffee. Kate’s reading habits—or lack thereof when it came to Michael’s body of work—had been a recurring joke over the last few months, but Kate had stuck to her guns.

“You haven’t?” Kristyn was amazed. “But what about the one with—”

“Nope.” Kate shook her head. “I figured I’d start with the latest one when it’s out, and then work my way backwards from there.”

“Oh, I see,” Kristyn replied, although she wasn’t sure she understood at all. Kate seemed easygoing about it all, but she was bound to have her reasons. “Well, I’m sure you’ll love it when it arrives.”

“It just better arrive soon, that’s all I’m sayin’,” Kate muttered as she got back to work.


The next day, Michael stood in the apartment doorway, signing for the special delivery package with a hand that was remarkably steady. Closing the door, he carried the parcel to the sofa and sat down to unwrap it. Discarding the wrapping paper, he sat turning the book over and over in his hands, and then after huffing out a long sigh, leaned back onto the cushions and began to read. Two chapters later, he remembered himself and snatched up his cell phone to send Kate a message.

It’s here. Reading now xM

He picked up the book again and looked back at his phone when it chirped a few minutes later.

Cant wait. See you 2nite. xK


Kate let herself into the apartment with a sigh of relief. After getting Michael’s message, the hours had crawled by. Emily had finally snapped during the late afternoon and told her to go home. Kicking off her shoes and leaving them by the door, she walked into the living room.

“Hey,” she greeted Michael who was sprawled on the couch with a book on his chest. “Is that it?”

“Sure is.” Michael gave her a tired smile.

“Have you been reading it?” Kate crossed the room toward him and gave him an inquiring smile.

“All day,” Michael admitted. “I finished it about half an hour ago.”

“But I thought you already knew what it was all about,” Kate commented as she nudged his legs on the sofa so that he could make room for her to sit down. She sat and picked up the book, running her fingertips over the embossed jacket.

“It wasn’t a book when it left me.” Michael shrugged as he sat up and scissored his legs around her waist to anchor her against him as he nuzzled at her neck, making her squirm as his stubble rasped against her skin.

“So what’s your verdict of the finished product?” Kate asked as she gently set the book down on the coffee table in front of them and wriggled around so that she was curled up in his lap.

“I think I like it,” Michael admitted, “but I’ll feel better after you’ve read it.”

“I’ll start it tonight,” she promised. “Can’t have you suffering any longer.”

“I’m relieved and terrified all at once,” Michael admitted, and then gave a short bark of laughter. “And all these years I thought hearing back from Alistair was the hardest part.”

“I’ll be gentle,” Kate assured him.

“You always are.” He smiled back and ran his hands up her neck and into her hair. “Hey, wife.”

“Hey, husband.” Kate smiled before dipping in for a kiss.

True to her word, Kate read late into the night.


Michael rolled over onto his side and buried his head in the pillow, blinking against the light that was flooding into the bedroom. He lifted his head and peered over Kate’s shoulder toward the bedside clock, blinking until the displayed time could register.

“Baby.” He gave Kate’s shoulder a gentle shake. “Kate,” he said a little louder this time. “You’re going to be late.”

“Not gonna,” Kate mumbled as she rolled over and buried her head against his chest, frowning as she tried not to wake up.

“Yeah, you will.” Michael swallowed a laugh as Kate shook her head again and curled herself tightly around him.

“Day off,” Kate mumbled. She was waking up now, and rubbed her cheek against his bare chest as she began to rub her instep up and down his calf.

“Really?” Michael glanced at the clock and then down at his wife. Well, that just changed everything. “What for?”

“Emily told me that I had some reading to do, but I can think of a few things we could do first,” Kate replied as she began to dust kisses across Michael’s chest, swirling her tongue on his skin and nipping in a way that made him give an involuntary squirm. She offered him an impish smile as she began to wriggle around in the bed, working her way downward with her hands and lips and smiling at Michael as his face lit up with a delighted smile of understanding.

“If that’s the way you feel,” Michael murmured, his words ending in a soft gasp as Kate’s hands and tongue swirled lower still.

“Oh, I’m feeling quite a few things,” Kate said with a muffled laugh as her head disappeared beneath the sheets. Soon she was quite incapable of speech, but then again so was Michael, so it all worked out rather well.

An hour later, Kate was freshly showered and dressed. She walked out into the living room in time to see Michael padding toward her with a cup in his hand.

“What’s this?” she asked as Michael handed her the cup and gave her a kiss.

“The start of breakfast,” Michael said as he turned to go back to the kitchen. “Where do you want it?”

“Uh, I’ll have it in the kitchen.” Kate blinked at his departing back, and then sipped at the coffee. She followed him slowly and arrived to see him scooping the last pancake onto the short stack he’d made before spooning mixed berries and powdered sugar over the lot.

“Wow.” Kate was impressed. “What brought this on?”

Michael looked up with a slight smile. “Can’t a guy make breakfast for his wife?”

“Every morning as far as I’m concerned,” Kate agreed and then waved a hand at the small feast he had created. “But this looks pretty special.”

“I figured you need your strength for all the reading you’ve got ahead of you today.” Michael rounded the island and guided Kate to her seat. Kate sank into the chair and picked up the small jug of maple syrup Michael had set beside the plate. A moment later, she looked up at Michael with round eyes as she chewed, giving him an enthusiastic thumbs up.

“Good?” Michael smiled and leaned down. It was meant to be a short kiss, but the sweetness of her answering smile and the maple syrup on her lips rapidly turned it into something more. “Whoa,” he replied and stepped back licking his lips.

“Oh, I don’t know about that, c’mere.” Kate reached toward him with a gleam, but Michael stepped back, neatly evading her grab at his shirt.

“Breakfast, then reading,” he admonished.

“Spoilsport,” Kate grumbled, but she was smiling again as she returned her attention to her pancakes. She looked up in surprise minutes later when Michael reappeared wearing his running gear. “You’re going out?”

“I need to run off some steam,” he explained. He had been full of nervous energy ever since the book had arrived. The manuscript had been a ghost in their lives throughout their relationship. Now that it was published, its potential impact on their lives had become all the more real. He couldn’t wait for Kate to read it, but that didn’t mean he wanted to be there when she did.

“Okay.” Kate sipped her coffee and nodded. “You go have fun; I’ll see you when you get back.”

“See you soon.” Michael walked up behind her to kiss her neck before snatching up his keys and walking toward the door.

Kate watched him go with resigned amusement and then returned her attention to breakfast.


Michael paused in the foyer downstairs to do some quick stretches, and then broke into a light jog as soon as he hit the pavement. He started by counting his steps, the number of pedestrians he had to jog around as he steadily increased his pace, and then settled for counting his breaths. By the time he got to Washington Square Park and saw David pacing in a slow circle, he was warmed up and ready to go.

“Hey,” Michael greeted him as he caught up and they set off.

“Dude.” David nodded. “So she has a copy?”

“Yup, got it yesterday.” Michael nodded.

They jogged on in a companionable silence for a while.

“You okay?” David ventured.

Michael shot him a sidelong look. “Fine. She was just about to start reading again when I left.”

“Ah.” David gave a sage nod. “So that’s why you wanted to get out this morning.”

“I figured it’d be better for her if I wasn’t pacing the apartment all day, watching her turn the pages.”

“Good call.” David nodded. He studied Michael as they jogged, noting with amusement that he hadn’t seen Michael this nervous since his and Kate’s wedding day. The day had been kept as low-key as humanly possible, and still, Michael had been a roiling mass of nerves until he had seen Kate enter the room laughing with Susan. Over the past six months, David had watched his friend reach a level of peace and contentment in his life that he had never known before. David hoped it would be the same for him, which was something he looked forward to discovering in the very near future.

“What time do you have to get to work?” Michael grunted as they rounded another curve of the trail.

“Late,” David replied. “Juggled my schedule with one of the faculty so I could keep you company for a while.”

“Yeah?” Michael looked surprised.

“Yeah, and get over it, Forrester.” David jogged closer so that he could nudge Michael hard enough to send him staggering off the path. “We all know what you’re like at times like this. I’m just doing my bit for misery control.”

They jogged on in silence while Michael processed David’s words.

“Thanks, man,” he said at last.

“No charge,” David replied with a placid smile.


“… and there’s your change.” Kristyn smiled at her customer as she handed over some coins and a takeout coffee cup before turning to Emily. “Do you think Kate will come in today?”

“Doubt it,” Wren commented on her way past. “Michael’s books are
so if she can read his latest in a day, I’ll be surprised.”

Emily had called an emergency summit meeting of the troops when she had discovered the publication date of Michael’s book. She, Wren, and Kristyn had banded together to tell Kate her services would not be required on the coming Wednesday—a decision Kate received with mild shock.

“But what about the store?”

“Hello?” Wren chimed in. “Have we burned it down on any other day that you haven’t been here?”

“Well, no, but things are so busy lately,” Kate began, stopping when Emily waved her down. The store had been reviewed again, this time by the
New York Times
, and trade continued to increase as a result.

“Enough,” Emily said. “The three of us will be fine, and I have a cunning plan.”

“How cunning?” Kate regarded her with a slight smile, touched at the girls’ concern for her.

“So cunning you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel,” Emily deadpanned before continuing. “The lovely Kristyn here has a barista friend who can come help out at short notice.” She indicated Kristyn, who bobbed a quick curtsey. Kristyn and Wren had the same slight build and, it seemed, the same hummingbird energy level. “We’ll be fine, which is why you need to stay at home and read.”

Emily leaned against the workbench and surveyed the store. Business was going well, and she was delighted to see that her cupcakes for the day had been well received by the customers.

“Hey, Kristyn,” Emily said, “how about you call your friend and ask if she can work here for a few days. I think Kate’s going to be busy for longer than she thinks.”

“Will do.” Kristyn nodded and went into the kitchen to get her cell phone out of her bag.


Michael fished his cell phone out of his pocket and checked the screen again. No calls. He sighed and put it away as he kept walking aimlessly. It was now Friday afternoon, and Kate had nearly finished the book. By unspoken agreement there had been no discussion about what Kate had read so far; they both wanted to wait until she had completed it so that they could discuss the story in full, but the nervous anticipation was killing him. Hours later, he was reaching a breaking point, walking out of yet another store after realizing he was doing little but staring sightlessly at the merchandise. He snatched at his pocket as he felt his phone begin to vibrate.

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