Take The Star Road (The Maxwell Saga) (8 page)

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Authors: Peter Grant

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Adventure

BOOK: Take The Star Road (The Maxwell Saga)
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"I'll do that, Sir. I'll always be grateful to you for helping me get this start."

They shook hands firmly, then Louie turned and headed back to his waiting customers.

Maxine led Steve along a rear passageway and up a flight of stairs. The next level was carpeted, instead of being floored with the hard-wearing black plasrubber coating of a working area. Diodes were turned low in wall sconces to provide a soft, intimate light. Doors lined both sides of the corridor. As they passed one, a rhythmic, squeaking pounding increased in volume and tempo. A breathless voice urged greater speed and intensity, while another gasped and moaned. Steve blushed furiously.

Maxine noticed. "Does that bother you?" she asked curiously.

"Er... ah... "

Shocked realization dawned on her face as she stopped dead in her tracks.
Don't tell me you're a

"I... um... oh, hell!" He shook his head in chagrin. "In a boy's orphanage out in the country, particularly one run by the Church, it's kinda hard to meet girls. Since leaving there I've been living in a flophouse here on the Cargo Terminal. I've not had enough money to interest a girl, and no privacy to do anything about it even if one was interested!"

She stared at him. "That's terrible! You're almost nineteen years old, and you've never been with a woman? A good-looking kid like you?"

"Er... no, not yet."

She shook her head in dismay as they started walking again. "You poor thing!" A slow smile came to her lips. "Tell you what. The entertainers sound like they're busy tonight, so they'll be using the freshers a lot. We can't have you delay them from cleaning up before the next customer - that costs them money, and us too. You can use my shower."

"Gee, thanks, Maxine, but don't you live in Louie's apartment? Won't he mind?"

"Like Momma always said to Poppa, 'What you don't know won't hurt you'. I won't tell him if you won't. He'll be busy in the saloon for a long time yet. He doesn't get to bed until three or four."

"Er... OK, I guess."

They entered a sitting-room carpeted in a thick, lush pile, with a long low sofa and two reclining chairs. She led him across the room and through a door. It led to a lavishly-furnished chamber containing the biggest bed Steve had ever seen, about two meters on each side.

"The fresher's through that door. There are towels in the cupboard, and everything you need is in the racks. Louie pays extra for unlimited water, so use as much as you like."

"Gee, thanks! I've been having water-rationed showers ever since I got up here. My skin's forgotten what a real soaking feels like!"

The fresher proved to be as luxuriously equipped as the rest of the apartment. No cramped, spartan spacer facilities, these; they were spacious, clad in
marble paneling, with a plasglass enclosure around the shower and a real hot tub in the corner, big enough for two. Steve had to firmly rein in his imagination at the thought of Maxine and Louie using it together.

He closed his eyes, blissfully luxuriating in the unrestricted rush of hot water, switching the shower head to a pulsating massage that eased the tightness in his shoulders and spine. He stood beneath it for a couple of minutes before reaching for the shampoo. He'd just picked it up when the shower door clicked open behind him, and he heard Maxine's voice.

"Room for one more?"

His eyes flew open as he spun around, almost falling. She was completely nude, her firm breasts pointing her small, erect nipples at him, her tanned skin and the fine wisps of hair at her groin already speckled with the water droplets cascading from him.

"Ah... uh... I... W - what about Louie?"

She stepped inside, closing the door behind her, and pressed gently against him. "I'm just his latest squeeze. He'll get tired of me in another month or two, and send me away with a nice present, then find someone new. He always does that. He doesn't own me, if that's what's worrying you - and he'll never hear about us from me." Her fingertips traced through the sparse hair on his chest. "Besides, it's not fair to send you off into space without you knowing what you've been missing - at least,
don't think it is."

"Er... gahr?" The shampoo fell to the floor unheeded as he began to tremble.

Her fingers began to wander lower. "And I know just how to soap you... and I'll teach you how to soap me... all over... and then you can find out what you don't have to go on missing." Her fingers tightened. "What d'you say?"








Chapter 5: January 25th, 2837 GSC, morning


The lights of the passageway were transitioning from evening dim to morning bright as Steve eased his way out of the recessed, inconspicuous staff door next to the Horseshoe Saloon, carryall in hand. The powered trunk base followed the signal from the tracking unit clipped to his belt, the stack of luggage on top of it rocking gently as it crossed the low ledge of the threshold. Steve closed the door behind him, hearing its automatic lock click. He turned to see the Bosun approaching, carrying an overnight bag, looking a little hungover.

"Morning, Maxwell. Ready?"

"Yes - I mean, aye aye, Bosun."

The older man looked him over. Steve was now wearing black shoes, socks and uniform trousers, and a lightweight white polo-neck jumper beneath a double-breasted black jacket like the Bosun's, with a bright silver-steel name-tag on his right chest, but no badges of rank on the left sleeve. His face was freshly depilated, but his neck... The Bosun peered, then guffawed.

I see someone gave you a spacer's farewell! You'll need to pull your collar a bit higher to hide that hickey."

Steve blushed scarlet. "Er... thanks for the heads-up." He hurriedly adjusted the neck of his jumper.

Still grinning, Cardle reassured him, "Don't worry, we've all been caught that way before. Apart from that, you look smart enough."

Steve relaxed, devoutly grateful he hadn't been asked the name of his girlfriend. For two hours Maxine had introduced him to delights he'd only dreamed of before, affectionately tolerating his inexperience, guiding his fumbles. He knew he'd always remember her with amazed, befuddled affection. He'd helped her re-make the bed with fresh linens before sneaking out after two that morning, to get far too little sleep before having to be on his feet again.

"Louie tells me the Dragon Tong made good on their promise," the Bosun remarked. "I'll fix it for you to store the reward in the ship's strongroom. It's common enough - most of us keep our cash stash there."

"Thanks, Bosun. I appreciate that."

As they spoke, another spacer came out of a nearby cross-passage and turned towards them. He wore the same uniform as themselves, with a pair of crossed anchors on his left sleeve but no wreath around them. A pair of silver wings was pinned to the left chest of his jacket.

The Bosun noticed him. "Ah, good! Here's Tomkins."

"Morning, Bosun," the man said as he came up to them. "Have a good time?"

"Yeah, I let off some steam - among other things!" The two spacers laughed. "This is our new apprentice, Steve Maxwell. Maxwell, this is Bosun's Mate Second Class Dale Tomkins. You'll be in his accommodation unit, and he'll be in charge of training you. I asked him to meet us here and come back with us today so he can get you settled in before the rest of the crew arrives."

"Morning, Maxwell," the new arrival said with a smile, extending his hand. "Welcome to the legion of the lost! What makes you want to be a merchant spacer?"

"The Bosun made me an offer I couldn't refuse," Steve rejoined as he shook hands.

"Couldn't refuse, or couldn't understand?"

"Probably a bit of both!" All three laughed. "I'm sorry to have interrupted your liberty like this."

"It's not a problem. I want to try for promotion to First Class next year, but one of the pre-reqs is experience as an instructor. There haven't been opportunities to do much of that aboard
, because we mostly hire trained spacers. I'd arranged to teach at the pilot school of a merchant spacer academy during our next maintenance period, in part fulfilment of that requirement, but I needed something more. The Bosun says if I train you well, the Captain will accept that as the balance of the instructor requirement; so, you see, you'll be helping me career-wise as much as I help you."

"I'm glad to hear it. I guess I'm going to keep you very busy for the next few months."

"That's all right. The Bosun vouches for you, so I'm sure you'll learn fast."

"May I start by asking a question right away? What's a Bosun's Mate Second Class do? Does that mean you work directly for the Bosun?"

"Only when I don't see him coming in time to get out of his way!" Both spacers laughed. "Basically, to use a military analogy, I'm a junior NCO to his senior - although he's actually more like a warrant officer. He's in charge of day-to-day crew organization and discipline. I'd like to have his job someday. I've got my own specialization aboard ship - I'm a small craft pilot," and he reached up to touch the wings on his left chest, "but I also supervise work parties, and look after one of the accommodation units, and do anything else the Bosun or one of the mates sends my way - like training you, for example."

"That's about the size of it," the Bosun agreed. "Now, before we do anything else, I need coffee. Maxwell, can we find the good stuff around here at this hour of the morning?"

"There's a breakfast cart two blocks down. I've eaten there before - it's not bad. I could use some coffee, too. I didn't get much sleep last night."

"Yeah, I noticed!" Another chuckle as Steve blushed again. "I'll treat both of you - I did real well trading with Louie this trip, so I'm flush. Lead on!"

They stood beside the cart in preoccupied silence for a few minutes, each with a large insulated carry cup of coffee in one hand and an outsize toasted bacon and egg sandwich in the other. It was orbital food, of course, produced synthetically rather than naturally, but the artificial flavors and textures adequately imitated the originals.

Finally the Bosun gulped down the last of his breakfast and took a slug of coffee.
That hit the spot!" He glanced at Steve. "Thanks, Maxwell. I'm not fully human until I've got something inside me in the mornings."

Steve decided to risk it. "Yeah, I noticed, Bosun."

"Cheeky bugger!" His grin belied his words. "I see you got a buzz-cut."

"Yes. You specified an enhanced PIA with a cranial headnet in your list of gear, so I figured I'd need really short hair to use it; and I remembered how short you cut your hair."

"You're right. A standard PIA is far too limited to cope with all the tasks and duties we have aboard ship."

"That's for sure," Tomkins agreed. "You'll have to wear the cranial headnet for a couple of days to let it identify your brain patterns, then we'll authorize your new PIA to access the ship's training systems. You won't be able to use our hypno-study facilities without it - and that's just the beginning."

The Bosun glanced at the tower of Steve's luggage. "By the way, don't trust that belt tracking unit alone. If a thief aims a more powerful signal at your baggage on the same frequency through a directional antenna, it'll turn away from you and go to him instead. If you don't notice, it can be gone in five or ten seconds."

"Oh!" Steve lowered his cup, his face a picture of dismay. "Thanks for warning me. I've never owned much worth stealing before. How can I prevent that?"

"Hold the base unit's towing strap in your hand, or attach it to your belt. The trunk will still follow the tracking unit, so the strap won't hold you back; but if your baggage gets diverted by another signal, you'll feel the strap tug at you."

"I get it."

Steve fastened his carryall to the top of the baggage tower and pulled the long strap from its reel in the base trunk. They set off, coffee cups in hand. Steve felt the strap's inertia reel tugging occasionally at his hand as his baggage followed dog-like behind him.

"You marked all your belongings the way I told you?"

"Aye aye, Bosun. I engraved or etched my name on all the tools, work gear and baggage, and bought a roll of heat-seal name-tags for the clothing."

"Good. Our crew is pretty honest, but if something's unmarked and lying around it tends to be regarded as 'finders keepers'."

They paused to let a robotic cleaning cart roll across an intersection with another passageway, its speaker warning of its approach by playing a noisy tune over the rumble and hiss of its water jets, brushes and suction heads. The Bosun raised his voice to be heard above it. "See that robot? It never complains about having to work hard - it just gets on with the job. You need to learn from that. You're bound to make a beginner's usual mistakes, and we understand that; but the one thing you've got to show your shipmates, right from the start, is that you're prepared to work as hard as they do. That's what binds us together as a crew - the knowledge that we can count on one another. Anyone who shirks his duties doesn't last long. You'll have to prove you've got the right attitude by your actions, far more than your words."

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