Take What You Want (53 page)

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Authors: Ann Lister

BOOK: Take What You Want
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His fingers curled around
the back of her neck. He lightly griped her at the nape and pulled
her closer to him until their noses touched. “What about you
and Alex?” Chase asked. “Did you like being with him?”

lowered her eyes; her small hands fanned on Chase's pectoral muscles
and the soft dusting of hair. She watched her fingers touching his

he asked. “Please tell me you liked being with him and you
weren't just doing it for me.” She shook her head and Chase
saw the slight quiver in her bottom lip. “Baby. Talk to me,”
he said. “Please.”

was all good, if that's what you want to know,” she said.

why do you look like you're about to cry?” he asked, rubbing
circles on her lower back with his finger tips.

knew this would be a lot different than it was with Allison,”
she said. “And, it was. Alex is amazing. He obviously knows
what he's doing in bed, but it was more than that. It was the way he
kissed and touched that made it that much more intense.”

Chase said.

it was extremely intimate and that's what scared me.”

babe?” he asked.

Danni rolled onto her back
and Chase's hand settled on her stomach.

afraid to let myself feel it,” she said.

Chase bent over her and
brushed her lips with his. “Feeling the intimacy is the best
part,” he whispered. “I want you to let go and feel it;
completely, with Alex and me. The depth of our connection is why I
think the three of us would work in a three-way relationship. I know
how I react to his touch and I had a strong feeling you'd react the
same way with him. I know this sounds crazy, but I really feel we're
supposed to be with him like this.”

Danni stroked his face.
“None of this scares you?” she asked.

Chase swallowed hard and
nodded. “A couple of weeks ago, the new things I was
experiencing with Alex had me in knots. I didn't want to feel what I
did and I was scared shitless to face it. But, once I allowed myself
to feel it, I've felt nothing but calm. I can't explain it, Danni,
but I finally feel at peace with myself.” He propped himself
up on his elbow and held her gaze. “I really want to see where
things go with Alex, but I won't risk losing you to have that.”

Tiny tears began to seep
from the corners of Danni's eyes and Chase wiped them away.

you think you'd like to see where things take us with Alex?”
Chase asked.

is so surreal,” she said.

know, babe,” he said. “But isn't it awesome?”

Danni's smile was brilliant
and wide. “That, it is.”

you have any idea how much I love you?” he asked.

love you, too, Chase,” she said. “But, sometimes I wish
that could have been enough.”

you mean?” he asked, delicately stroking her cheek.

we fell in love it was just you and me,” she said. “Now,
Alex is in the picture, wanting to be with us. I know you're already
there emotionally with him, and maybe one day
real feelings for him, too, and if that does happen will you still be
okay with him being in our lives?”

I do have feelings for Alex,” he said, wrapping her up in his
arms. “I'm not sure exactly what they are, yet, because I'm
still sorting through it, but I would hope – and expect you to
fall for Alex. He's a great guy and, having him with us will only
strengthen the bond you and I have together.”

him, it'd be some other guy, right?” Danni said.

Chase was quiet, his eyes
holding hers. “I love being with Alex,” he said. “I
honestly don't think I'd feel the same connection with another guy.
If you're asking if I could go the rest of my life without ever
sleeping with another man, of course I could, but I'd always want it,
Danni. I'll always have the need.”

tipped her head back into the pillow and closed her eyes. “Wow,
thanks for the honesty.”

it's your love that makes me comfortable being who I am,” he
whispered against her temple. “And, I will always be honest
with you – about this and everything else, too. It's why we
work so well together.”

She held his face in her
hands. “Am I being a selfish bitch for wanting you all to

Chase shook his head. “No
babe, but being who I am, that's probably a bit unrealistic. I've
kept this part of myself hidden since junior high. I want to be
whole, Danni; with the love of both a man and a woman. Maybe to some
that makes me a freak, but to me that feels normal.”

A lone tear trickled down
her cheek. “And, if I fall for Alex, you'll be okay with
that?” she asked.

smiled at her. The pad of his thumb lightly brushed over her full
lips. “Babe, I don't think you'll be able to resist falling
for him. He's that special, but you'll soon realize it all on your

Danni exhaled loudly.

yourself to feel it and he'll soon be living in your soul,”
Chase said.

what happened to you?” she asked.

still happening,” Chase said. “It's been a journey; with
me really looking inside myself, but I'm really happy now –
especially now that you're home and with us.”

was quiet for a long moment, curled against his shoulder, breathing
in his scent. Her fingers toyed with his nipple. “His mouth
is lethal,” she said. “And, he kisses with his entire
body; every part of him is into it.”

Chase chuckled. “I
know. I've never felt anything like it,” he said. He pushed a
wisp of her hair behind her ear.

we decide to do this, Chase, how do we tell our family and friends?”
she asked.

not sure everyone needs to know,” Chase said. “Maybe
those we're closest to, but that's it.”

think we should wait to tell anyone,” Danni said. “That'll
give us a chance to get used to what it is we're doing.”

Chase smiled and rolled over
onto her. “I really love what we're doing,” he said. He
took her mouth in a hungry kiss; his tongue overloading her sensory
systems. “Watching Alex fucking you was so hot,” he
said, nipping at her lips. “I almost came just from watching
him thrusting into you.”

couldn't stop the moan from slipping from her mouth. The visual
Chase had stirred in her head stole her breath and she closed her

me fucking Alex, while he was inside you … it was too much; by
far the most intense experience I've ever had,” he whispered.

look on your face was breathtaking,” Danni said. “So
concentrated and into the moment.”

you were watching me so intently pushed me over the edge,” he

pushed Alex over, too,” she said.

him come around my cock and knowing he was releasing inside you …”
Chase said. “It was unbelievable.”

arched up into him needing more contact. His hands went to the hem
of her tank top to lift and suddenly Danni froze.

wrong,” Chase asked.

Danni sat up on the bed.
“We shouldn't be doing this without Alex.”

Chase looked at her in

just agreed with him to only be intimate when all three of us could
be together,” she said. “And, we're already about to
break that one rule.”

Chase smiled slowly.
“You're absolutely right,” he said, and pulled her down
against him. He nudged his nose to hers, breathing her in. He
kissed her forehead and said, “So, what do you think we should
do about Alex tonight?”

Danni stroked his face. “I
could tell he was sad when we left,” she said. “I think
we should go back and surprise him. What do you think of that idea?”

baby, I love the way your beautiful mind works,” he said.
“But, he could already be asleep.”

if he is … think of the fun we'll have waking him up,”
she said, rolling off the bed. “Grab your toothbrush, Chase.
You're gonna need it.”


Chase came home from work
the next day and followed the sounds of laughter coming from inside
Alex's kitchen. He climbed the few stairs to the open French doors
and stood; leaning against the door frame. Across the kitchen, Danni
was stirring something in a pot on the stove, while Alex stood behind
her doing his absolute best to distract her from the task by using
his body, arms, and his lips pressed to a variety of exposed pieces
of flesh. Each touch or brush of his lips had her laughing and
squirming in the cradle of his arms.

on, Alex!” she said with a laugh, and pushed his face from the
bend of her neck. “If this sauce burns it'll be your fault!”

baby, I wanna play,” he growled against her nape.

without Chase,” she said.

Alex began grinding his
erection into her butt; his arms tightened around her, his lips still
doing crazy things to her neck, earlobes, and jaw.

playing with fire,” Danni said.

know, but I love your heat,” Alex said. “Every snug,
slick inch of it and I bet you're
slick right now.”

love that heat, too,” Chase said from the doorway.

Danni jumped at the sound of
Chase's voice. She quickly separated herself from Alex and stepped
away. She walked over to Chase and threw her arms around his neck,
pulling his forehead to hers. “I'm sorry, Chase, but he is

laughed at her remark, then kissed the tip of her nose. “He's

not mad?” she asked.

Chase covered her mouth with
his and rubbed his erection into the notch between her legs. “Does
it feel like I'm mad?” he asked. “Baby, I get so hard
watching you two together.”

Alex came up behind Danni
and pressed himself to her backside, then stretched around her
shoulders to kiss Chase. “How was your day, sexy?” he
asked Chase, squeezing the tight muscle at the back of Chase's neck.

day was okay, but it looks like its about to get a whole lot better,”
Chase said.

Danni turned toward the
stove when she heard the water for the pasta beginning to boil over.
She charged toward the pot and turned down the burner, then added the
penne pasta to the bubbling water. She gave the pot a quick stir,
then looked back at Chase and Alex. Their lips were locked and Alex
was lifting the hem of Chase's t-shirt. A moment later, both men
were shirtless and pressing their chests together and Alex leaned in
for another steamy kiss.

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