Take What You Want (77 page)

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Authors: Ann Lister

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Home. It had a beautiful
ring to it.


Years Eve …

Alex made it to the wedding
ceremony for Dagger and Ryan with the help of Danni and Chase. They
had become his lifeline in more than one way. Danni had helped him
through weeks of Pilates instruction to get back his core strength;
agonizing at times, but he did it with a smile just to be near her.
The care and devotion she'd given showed him just how much the woman
had come to love him. He felt it every time the warmth of her eyes
connected with his and it amazed him.

He was also awed at the time
and attention Chase had given to adjusting the house to make the
rooms easier for him to navigate; even installing ramps in some
areas, so Alex didn't have to do too many stairs. In a few short
weeks, Chase and Jayson would begin the remodel job at Cooper's house
and Alex knew he'd miss Chase's daily presence around their home, but
he also knew Chase was anxious to get back to work.

Alex's arm had been
cast-free for two weeks and he was slowly getting the strength back
in that limb, too. He was also down to having a walking cast on his
leg. Soon that would be taken off and Alex hoped to resume a fairly
normal life, with jogging being part of it, once his bones were
completely healed.

So much had happened in the
last several months; leading the three of them to this very moment.
Alex smiled to himself as he remembered some of the events; having
Chase and Danni unexpectedly walk into his life, the pain of their
break-up, and his survival after being hit by a truck; which brought
Chase and Danni to his hospital bed and the rest was sweet history.
These events were life-changing for him; the highest of highs and the
lowest of lows, and he'd somehow managed to come out the other side
on top of all of it.

There was also the dirty
business of permanently cutting Adam from his life, resorting to
paying Adam a large sum of money as an incentive for him to stay the
hell away. Funny, how half a million dollars could sway some people
into doing the right thing. The money didn't matter to Alex. If it
were the last few dollars Alex had to his name, he still would have
written the check to get rid of Adam. The check came with an
agreement Adam would make no further contact with Alex, Chase or
Danni or he'd be liable to pay back the funds and face legal charges.
This signed agreement fully cleared the path for Alex to be with
Chase and Danni, without the worry of having to look over their
shoulders wondering when Adam would reappear to disrupt their
happiness. Again.

investment in their future happiness.

That's how Alex chose to
look at it, even though others called it bribe money. He really
didn't care what anyone thought. He was happy and that's all that
mattered to him. He wasn't sure he deserved this level of happiness,
but he was grateful for every second, every smile, kiss, and touch
that came his way from Chase and Danni. The love they had shown him
during his recovery gave him strength to fight through the pain of
rehab; knowing he had them with him at the end of each day. Every
corner of his heart was filled with love for them. With them by his
side, he knew they had a bright future ahead.

Alex adjusted the crutch
under his arm and leaned against the teak bar at the edge of Dagger
and Ryan's backyard patio area. With the wedding ceremony over;
leaving Dagger and Ryan legally wed, the area had been transformed
into a dance floor. Slow music now played from a five-piece band
enticing several couples to dance on the temporary parquet dance

Alex scanned the party area,
perfectly decorated in tiny white lights and fresh floral garlands
strung across the open, over-head expanse in arches. Lit candelabras
were positioned along the side of the patio area, and roses and
begonias in every shade imaginable sat in arrangements too numerous
to count displayed on everything from the guest tables to
shoulder-high floor pieces. The party planner had obviously gone all
out for this Rock Royalty wedding-of-the-year, keeping it elegant and
beautiful for the two-hundred-plus guests to enjoy themselves. A
professional photographer was also there to document every aspect of
the event, too.

Alex waved and nodded to
several people he knew, but his gaze kept falling back to Chase and
Danni. He watched Chase spin Danni around on the dance floor in a
tight embrace; Chase looking like a G.Q. model in his new tuxedo, and
Danni in the form-fitting, little black dress he'd bought for her a
few months ago. They both took his breath away. He smiled at the
vision of them, knowing he couldn't properly articulate the depth of
his love if he'd been asked to do so under oath.

Alex was a musician to the
bone. He expressed himself best through his music; putting his heart
out there in the intricate rhythms and lyrics to every one of his
songs. He glanced at his watch checking on the time. It was still
two hours before the stroke of midnight to ring in the new year, and
if Alex had his way, he'd have his cock buried inside Danni, while
Chase was balls deep in him, as they put this year behind them.

Dagger and Ryan walking up
to him jarred him from his fantasy. Both gorgeous men were smiling
from ear-to-ear as they stopped in front of him.

tell me you're thinking of cutting out already,” Dagger said,
glancing at Alex's watch. He leaned in to Alex and slid one arm
around his shoulders for a hug.

not yet,” Alex said. “I can't leave until I kiss both
the grooms.” Alex pressed his lips to Dagger's and Dagger
tipped his head, opening one eye at Alex.

try slipping me a tongue and I'll have to slap you,” Dagger
mumbled against Alex's lips.

saving the tongue action for your husband,” Alex laughed, and
pulled back from the embrace.

Ryan shook his head, then
stepped into Alex's outstretched arm. “I'll take a pass on
that, too,” Ryan said. “Dagger's the only man that gets
my tongue.”

I know it, babe,” Dagger chuckled. He slipped his hand behind
Ryan's neck and pulled him in for a kiss that did, indeed, include
lots of tongue.

Get a room, already,” Alex said with a smile.

will, later,” Dagger said. His eyes came back to Alex. “Can
you believe I'm a married man now?” he asked, flashing Alex the
new platinum and diamond wedding band sparkling on his ring finger.

Alex shook his head. “Nope,
I can't, but I couldn't be happier for you both. It was a long road,
and I'm really glad I was able to be here to see the happy-ending.”

Dagger gripped Alex's
shoulder. “We're thrilled you were physically able to be here
for this, too,” Dagger said. “It wouldn't have been the
same without you.”

Alex nodded, feeling emotion
starting to bite at his eyes. “Hell and back, some would call

you're back,” Dagger said. “And, that's all that

soon enough you'll be taking the same plunge into happily-ever-after.
Am I right?” Ryan asked.

Danni's laughter pulled
Alex's eyes away from Ryan. He watched Chase dip Danni backward as
the song ended and press his lips to her throat. The sight made Alex
grin and his cock flex in his tuxedo pants.

next Fall on the beach,” Alex said. “Right in front of
the estate I stayed in last year. That's the plan. I only wish it
were sooner, but I want to be able to dance with Danni and Chase
after the commitment ceremony and I can't do that wearing a cast.”

you know we'll be there,” Dagger said. “And, after that,
I hear you're heading out on tour again?”

depends on my recovery, but we're optimistic we can make it happen,”
Alex said. “I never thought I'd miss touring, but I do.”

I hear you,” Dagger said.

a love-hate relationship,” Ryan said.

Alex rubbed at his chin.
“Looks like the band is going on break,” Alex said. “Are
you still okay with what we talked about earlier?”

course,” Dagger said. “We'll help you over there.”

Alex walked wedged between
Dagger and Ryan over to the stage area set-up in one corner of the
patio. Along the way, they grabbed Wheland by the elbow and led him
to the stage, too. Dagger handed Alex a microphone and settled him
against a stool near the edge of the platform. Then, he approached
the microphone positioned at the center of the stage. Wheland took
the bass guitar from the stand and adjusted the strap to fit him.

you sure you want to do this?” Dagger asked Alex, giving him
one final out if he'd changed his mind.

as I've ever been,” Alex said.

Dagger gave a nod to Alex
and Wheland, then turned to face his guests, sliding the microphone
stand up to be level with his mouth and cleared his throat. “Good
evening, everyone,” Dagger said. He waited until the crowd
quieted and smiled at Chase and Danni, as their stunned expressions
found Alex and Wheland on stage. He nodded at them, as if to
reassure them Alex was in good hands.

I'd like to thank all of you for being here tonight,” Dagger
said. “You witnessing our wedding means a lot, and Ryan and I
couldn't be happier to feel all the love in this room right now.
We'll carry it with us for years to come.”

Dagger turned his head and
saw Ryan standing off to the side of the stage beside a blooming
hibiscus. His eyes softened and his smile grew wide. “You all
know what Ryan has done for me. I am truly a better man because of
him. He is my lifemate on so many levels, and being able to legally
marry him today and make him mine fills me with great pride.”

blew Ryan a kiss and winked. “We've already been through so
much to get here today, but I know this is the first day of our
forever. I love you, babe.”

cheering and whistles echoed around the patio space. The clapping
continued for a while, as Dagger helped Alex move closer to the
center stage. Dagger draped an acoustic guitar over his shoulder and
hooked it up to an amp. He turned to Wheland, making sure he was
ready, then he leaned in to the microphone.

have a little surprise for you tonight,” Dagger said. “As
much as this night is about me and Ryan and our love story, there is
another love story about to take their relationship to the next
level.” Dagger stretched out his arm and touched Alex on the
back. “Zander Metcalf and his partners; Danni and Chase are
committing themselves to each other in a ceremony next Fall.”

Another round of applause
rang out and Chase pulled Danni against his side.

is Alex doing?” Danni asked Chase.

have no clue,” Chase said.

A moment later, Alex
steadied himself on the stool, then lifted the microphone to his
lips. “Happy New Year, everyone,” Alex said and waved.
“I wrote this song over the summer and wanted to share it with
you; along with the beautiful woman that inspired it.” Alex
pressed his fingers to his lips and blew Danni a kiss. “Baby,
I love you. Thanks for finally letting me into your heart,” he
said. “And, Chase … damn, baby. You know how much I
love you. This is for both of you. It's called: Imperfect.”

Dagger began the guitar
intro to the song and Wheland came in on cue with the bass line; no
drum accompaniment, since Cooper had been M.I.A. for the last hour.
Alex started humming the notes; slowing moving into the beautiful
ballad. A breath later, Alex's unique smooth tenor came through the
sound system.

You sing to me through

I see it dancing in your

Pieces of you fall onto

Like raindrops from the

I am imperfect.

So many broken pieces.

My scars run deep.

Take what you want.

I am all that you need.

I am imperfect.

me open. Watch me bleed.

Tears for you.

I am imperfect.

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