Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC (15 page)

BOOK: Taken by Lies: Rage Ryderz MC
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********Rage Ryderz********

I've had this funny feeling all day, I can’t figure where it's comin' from. I've learned to trust my instincts when they are callin’ out to me. All the Brothers are here, were making sure the clubhouse is ready for our sister clubs coming in to help us. I can't wait till the issues we have going on with the fuckwad Justin is taken care of. I know it’s not one of the Brothers', I talked to Riley a little while ago when she called for Wasp. Who's now on edge due to his Mom and her friend disappearin’ last night? They left on their own though, his Mom’s friend’s daughter went and checked, they packed bags and their purses and locked up. Wasp thinks they are on their way here since hearing about the girls and their Mom. She hasn’t seen Riley since she was little and never met Sadie. From what Wasp says she really cared for Ashton (man it’s hard to get used to that name). I still have this creepy feelin’ that I've never experienced before and it's making me edgy. Prez’s phone goes off, he gets a smile on his face, tellin’ me it's either Ma or Skylar. He loves to tease Ryder when Sky calls him instead of her man. He also always puts it on speaker and we never miss it so we all take our seat as dad posts the phone on speaker.


Hey princess, how'd girl’s day go? Do you need more money, is your man not giving you enough? I look over and Ryder is giving me the stink eye. I love riling these boys up. It's what I’m not hearin' that has my skin standin' on end.


(raspy, whisper voice) Daddy ... help me please daddy. We were hit out on Old Mills Dr. I tried to stop them, Daddy, please tell Kid and Tumbler and their parents I tried so hard. They shot me! I was trying to pull Sadie from one of their arms and I couldn’t get her. If I don’t make it daddy tell Ma, Ryder and brother how much I love them. I love you to daddy. If you don’t make it to me in time, I want you all to remember how much I have always loved you all. (Silence)


Skylar! Baby girl, princess, answer me! Damn it, answer me right now! I won't lose you! I refuse, you answer me right now damn it. I love you, I need you in my life. You're my princess! FUCK!!!!!


I needed nothing else said; I jumped from my chair and ran as hard as my legs would take me. I've never runs so fast in my life, I can’t believe this bullshit! In my territory, someone rammed my baby’s SUV and stole my Brothers’ Ol’ ladies! Mine and Skylar’s best friends. The six of us, it's supposed to be the six of us. First, I need to get Skylar to the hospital, my Brothers need to find our girls. They need to be home, I bet that fucking psycho has them. Other than hurting Wasp, I can’t figure out why he needs to take our girls, our family. Justin doesn’t realize it yet, but he just signed his death warrant again, but now it won’t be an easy death. Now Jed will make it as painful as he possibly can. You don't hurt his surrogate daughter and have a comfortable death. I might even ask if I can be there just to get one good solid blow before they kill him.


We all runs out of the clubhouse, get on our bikes and peel out of the driveway. I notice Wasp to my left and see Ashton riding bitch. I guess Wasp wasn’t taking any chances with the last woman left of his family. Can’t say I blame him, his brother won't breath another day once the three MC’s find him. If he has help, they will go down with him, don't give a fuck if they knew or not. First we get to the accident scene and get my baby sister taken care of. Then I’m going to check the accident site top to bottom and pray I find a clues to where the girls are. I just got her, I’m not losing her! I will find her, she is mine! I promised to protect her and look what the fuck happened. We knew there was danger and yet there was no prospect on them. We got lazy and comfortable thinking no one would cross us. If this isn't a fucking wake-up call, got it loud and mother fucking clear!


I never in my life wanted to use my skills learned in the military on any civilian, the way I want to use them on my worthless brother. My daughters’ mother is holding onto me tightly and I can feel her cryin' for her girls. Other than my girls missing this sets me off more than anything. My woman should never have to know a day of crying, especially because her girls are missin'. I know that waste of human space had something to do with my daughters disappearin'. I’m going to find them, bring them home to their mother and me. I know Justin has always been jealous of me and I never understood why. He has always had a father in his life. Mine had died shortly after my birth, I only Momma but he had both parents. Whatever there's to be fuckin' jealous of I've never figured out. He had the same relationship with Momma that I had. She loved us fiercely and was involved in any activities we were doing at the time. My poor Momma, I know she loves Justin, but I can’t let this go! He'll have to pay the price for what he's done to my family, and now Prez's baby. The years he stole from me! I missed twenty years of Riley’s life and every day of Sadie’s. Honestly at this point I don’t give a fuck anyway. I love Momma, but if she doesn’t want anything to do with me, if she figures out I was involved in Justin's death, I could care less. I just want my family back. If my Brothers' stand in my way, I guess I'll have to pay the consequences. It'll be worth it knowing all my girls are safe.


I swear I’m fixing to start beating the fucking shit out of someone if they don't find my baby girl! I'll kill this entire country if I have to until I get her. One motherfucking night! I got to hold her in my arms, ONE! That is unacceptable. After all this time of waiting for her, waiting for the right opportunity, waiting for her to be ready, to get away from her dad’s thumb. And I get “
!” I’m going to tear this town to shreds and take it apart piece by piece until I find my baby girl and her sister. Rolling up to the accident site you can see the right side has been hit head-on by the van left abandoned next to Skylar’s Tahoe. Sky is laying on the ground and it's like she's just looking up into the sky, almost like she's praying. I see her mouth moving, nothing audible is coming out. I love that girl, this is tearing me apart. She looks half- dead, there's a puddle of blood under her and she's pale white. I start shaking when I see how bad she is. She's looking straight through us, she's praying for Sadie and Riley. God, I don’t talk to ya, don’t believe much in ya. If you're real, listen to Sky and bring those beautiful girls home to us safe and unharmed, keep Skylar alive and help heal her. Um…Thank you, Bless, you whatever it is I’m supposed to say you got it. Just this one time, be here for me.


King, Kid and I lean over Skylar, I grab her hand and King grabs the other. I look at her and she doesn’t even acknowledge that we're there, I look at King for some guidance he's our Prez and always knows what to do. He's just staring into her eyes with tears rolling down his cheeks. I look over his shoulder and see my dad with his hand on Kings’ shoulder, offering silent support. I can’t stand that no one's talking to her, letting her know we're here. She starts mumbling again, I lean in closer trying to hear her. I put my mouth next to her ear and my ear close to her mouth, if she’s trying to communicate I need to be hear for her. She's mumbling about trying to help Riley and Sadie and switches to how much she loves me and her family. I can’t take it, I start whispering in her ear the same chant until I’m pulled away. “Its Ryder baby, I love you more than anything in this world and so does your family. Don’t leave us, don’t leave me. We know you did everything you could for your girls, nobody blames you.” I hear Kid lean over her and he says loudly we all hear. “You're the best baby sister a man could ever ask for, don’t leave. I know you tried to save our girls, I couldn’t be prouder of you. I love you so much and so does Dad and Ma. We need you Sky, stay with us, come back and talk to us sissy. Come back and tell us everything you can about who took your best- friends.” I turn my head and give him a go to hell look. I know getting information on the girls is critical. But damn it can't he look at her and tell she needs help her damn self! “Sorry brother, I was hoping since she keeps saying their names it would draw her out of wherever her head is right now.” I give him a nod and give my attention back to my girl.


I let the guys know I called Detective Maddox on our way. He's sending help our way, it isn’t long after were begging her to stay with us that we hear several sirens. Knowing they are close, I start rounding up the Brothers that were goin' over the crash scene to see if they could find anything before LEO showed up. (Law Enforcement Officer) Unfortunately for us all we could see was paint damage to the Tahoe the Van left behind upon impact. I know we've missed something that could lead us to our girls. Detective Maddox exits his car, I walk up to him so none of these pigs with him can hear our conversation. “I know there's something here to help us find the girls. Unfortunately, you showed up too soon, even though I’m grateful for Sky’s sake that you did. I didn’t have time to find anything. I’m  goin' to let you know right now that anything you find better makes its way to me, nobody will like me or this clubs if not. We have two daughters and potential Ol’ ladies missing. We don't take that lightly and we won't take it as good faith on your part if we miss any information.” His eyes bug out at me, he's known me a very long time and I've never spoken to him like this. Good, at least he knows I mean business and I’m not bullshitting him. He shakes his head okay to me and walks over to check on Skylar for himself. The mousse has just left the cage and the cat is out to play and kill that motherfucker. Guess who the goddamn cat is?


Sniper (VP):
I’m trying to support my Prez and my son, they're in pain. I’m hurtin’ as well, Skylar's had a piece of my heart since the day she was born. She's been full of spunk and you couldn’t help but smile when she'd smile at you. Always gettin' herself out of trouble with us by givin' that smile and look at us with her innocent eyes. This entire club will fall to pieces if something happens to her. Everyone one of us love Skylar in our own way, rather it's in a daughterly or sisterly way. She's even friends with the Brothers'. She's brought the guys back who came to us broken and lifeless. Don’t ask me how the girl does it, but she has a way of gettin' into your heart. My son, my god I don’t know what will happen to him if she doesn’t make it. When he was seven years old, he came up to me and told me to start saving lots of money. When I asked him what for he said “cause Daddy when I marry Skylar you have to send us away on a moon.” Which he meant a honeymoon, his teacher at school had just gotten hitched, told the class she would miss school so she could go on her honeymoon with her new husband. That was the day I started watching Ryder with Sky. It's also the day her father and I started saving for a wedding and honeymoon, we both had that feeling they were meant to be. How do we tell her Ma and Ryder’s Ma? They will take it as hard as all of us! My woman loves that girl just like she's her own. She was at our house as much as our Kids were along with Kid. I don’t know what to do, I’m not use to being in situations where I can’t fix it, and this isn't something I can fix. I'm gonna have to make the call to Sky's Mom now and have her meet us at the hospital. There's no way I'm tellin' her what happened to her girl over the phone. I will just have to say it and hang up.


Detective Maddox:
I walk over to see how Skylar is doing and see Sniper walking off with the phone to his ear. The detective in me wants to know who he's calling, I finally make it to Skylar.  Her eyes are vacant looking. That can’t be good, whoever did this will be lucky to come out alive, I can’t say I blame the boys. If this was my family, I would react the same way. Even being a cop wouldn’t stop me from revenging my girls. I called in the CSUS team especially for checking this scene. I’m not leaving this one to mistakes, I want this scene thoroughly checked. We have two young ladies missing whose father/step-father was just in my office claiming his family was Kidnapped. Then as soon as I offer to go over and ask the women some questions without letting him ride along, he no longer wants me involved. This spells trouble to me, and for some reason the MC doesn’t seem to be the target. This seems to be personal, I look around and see the man in questions wife holding on to another man crying her eyes out. Her entire body is shaking with her sobs. He doesn’t look any better which gets my curiosity going. I’m a detective after all, so I can’t help but walk up to Elizabeth to ask some questions. I know I need to be gentle with feelings since her daughters missing, plus this guy looks like he could lay me out with one finger and the Rage Ryderz would back him up. I’m walking over toward the couple, I’m stopped by Ghost and Justice, who then begin telling me a story that sounds straight out of daytime television.


I can’t believe the story I’m hearing. We both turn as we hear raised voices, EMT’s telling Ryder that they need the extra room his body would take up to work on Skylar. Eventually, he gives in even though he looks extremely unhappy about it. He the Prez, VP, and several club members follow behind. I look and watch Kid look at the ambulance and back at the scene. I raise my eyebrows at Ghost, not understanding when I’m informed one of the girls missing is his girlfriend. I will be damned, this gets better and better the more I hear. If I don’t find these girls, my head may be on the chopping block, and I like it where it is.

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