Taken By The Pack

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Taken By The Pack


By Cheryl Dragon

Resplendence Publishing, LLC


Resplendence Publishing, LLC

2665 S Atlantic Avenue, #349

Daytona Beach, FL 32176

Taken by the Pack

Copyright © 2011, Cheryl Dragon

Edited by Michele Paulin and Juli Simonson

Cover art by Les Byerley

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-231-0

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this

copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement

without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years

in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic release: January, 2010

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of

the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places

or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

Chapter One

Danny hated hunting. For a long time, he’d actually believed he hated his native Alaska.

But looking up at the moon over Fairbanks, the full Wolf Moon, glowing at four in the afternoon.

He felt as if he were ten years old again and full of wonder at the magical place few people would experience.

The loss of sunshine bothered many, but with enough activities and happy lights, they

made it through. Hiking through the snow with his oldest brother Frank, Danny missed his college days in the lower forty-eight. There, he could be himself fully. Moving back to Alaska had been very hard, but there had been no choice when his dad had gotten sick. His family was close and they needed him.

Sometimes, he felt his family was too close. Fairbanks was a large city but also tight-knit.

His being gay would shock his family and send ripples through the circles in which they ran. He was the one they all turned to when things went wrong. He was the good one. The youngest who was always there when needed.

“Where the hell are you, Danny?” His brother snapped his fingers. “Damn. A juicy kill

could walk right out in front of you and you’d miss it.”

“Hunting isn’t my thing,” Danny said.

“You do great at target practice. Always have. Good thing you’re a pilot and not a

hunter.” He looked around. “Fine. I don’t smell anything. No luck today. I’m heading home.

Think about the business idea I mentioned. With your helicopter skills and my hunting skills, we’d be a hell of a team.”

Danny sighed. “Okay, I’ll think on it. See you Sunday.” His sister-in-law had taken over the Sunday dinners with Mom busy looking after Dad. Even with Dad recovering, more things changed. As much as Danny loved his family, he felt alone in a crowd. They didn’t know the real him. Maybe he’d never get up the courage. Not that they’d believe him anyway. All the men in his family were the same. They charmed women and hunted animals with big muscles and

macho attitude. Danny looked the part, but he didn’t go after animals or women.

After hiking over a mile or so, Danny arrived back at his house on the edge of the woods.

The exercise felt good, but his big brother’s idea left him flat. Aerial hunting? It was big business but hardly sporting. Where was the challenge? It would be like those lavish wildlife hunting grounds where they fed the animals so they trusted people then trotted them out for rich guys to hunt. No tracking or skill involved. Wolf hunting, what his brother meant to do from the air, wasn’t even for food. Feeding a family was one thing; hunting only to kill was another.

Luckily, Danny had skills and an education. Pilots were always in demand—especially in

Alaska. Bush pilots were good. He could fly small planes, but helicopters were his specialty. He was the pilot on the medical crew for Fairbanks Medical Centers. Getting in and out of

impossible places to rescue people and get them to the hospital was a challenge. The adrenaline rush kept him going but offered no personal life.

Flying was his love. But now his brother wanted him to use that skill to make money off

hunting and tourists. Danny wasn’t interested, but it was family.

Frank would be doing the hunting part. Danny just had to fly. His brother had been out of work for over a year and struggled to make ends meet. The whole family helped as much as they could. A mortgage, two kids and no work was hard to deal with. If they didn’t have a freezer full of Caribou meat from a recent, flash-frozen road kill, Danny would feel even more pressure to help.

He paused and surveyed the back of his property. Normally, there were plenty of animals

around. Even when he hiked, he’d see a moose, jack rabbits, a fox, a wolf or two. He didn’t bother them, and they generally ignored the human. Now, there was nothing.

Danny knew that meant something more dangerous was around. He looked around more

carefully. The snow on the ridge didn’t look avalanche prone. He didn’t smell any fire in the air.

Possibly a bear had moved through and flushed all the other animals away. He shrugged it off.

He was only yards from his back door. A nice cozy fire, a little gay porn and he’d feel a lot better.

The gay scene in Fairbanks was decent enough, if you dared to be “out”. But there was

no going back. Once you entered, word got around and everyone knew.

Danny was ashamed to be in the closet. It felt so complicated. He hated living in fear of his family finding out he was gay. He could hear his brothers now. “How could you do that? And with Dad sick? Mom doesn’t need this stress. You need to get over this phase and get yourself a girlfriend!”

As the youngest, Danny felt as if he had to go along with the majority to keep the peace.

Illness and joblessness plagued members of his family. He was healthy and employed. He had no right to complain or burden his family further. Maybe, someday, the time would be right. If only his sister-in-law would stop trying to set him up with women. A good wife and mother, Christy tried to arrange Danny’s life since he was the single one left. His brother needed her type of pushing to keep him in line and his life in order.

Danny didn’t. He just got lost in dreams of his past, being back in college where he was at ease with himself and free to date men. Now, he hid away in his house and lost himself in fantasies of being sandwiched between two hard men. Nicknamed the lumberjack because he

was from Alaska, Danny had been very popular in college. A very manly man with a big axe.

Currently, the only one admiring his tool was Danny himself.

Kicking the snow off his boots, he heard a rustling in the trees. Maybe the animals were returning? He wasn’t a hunter, but on a quiet evening, he could sit on the back porch on his house and watch the wilderness for hours. Nature proved very soothing when it was calm. Those periods were rare and things could turned dangerous is seconds.

Danny never wanted to hunt but felt naked without a rifle in the woods. One couldn’t

underestimate Mother Nature. Not here and not with that big full moon looming over the day.

He turned the doorknob and heard a growl. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted two

wolves staring him down. Big ones. The pair were both large males. One nearly black and one a lighter gray.

Instantly, Danny froze. Warning shot or dart inside? It was a close call. The wolves could lunge the distance and attack before he got inside. But turning to shoot left him vulnerable, and with his hands occupied, one could get to him. He couldn’t shoot them both. They watched his every move, so going slow would only provoke them.

Yanking open the door, he darted inside. The thud on his back was a wolf knocking him

to the ground. Danny felt the adrenaline kick in. Its front paws held his shoulders as the canine bit at the back padding of Danny’s jacket.

Danny was reaching for the knife on his ankle when the other wolf pounced on him.

Claws pressed to his lower back. Wolves tore their prey apart, living or dead. He’d be dead in seconds.

With all his muscle, Danny managed to turn over and made a last grab for the gun. But

the wolves jumped on him. The animals were dominant, but this wasn’t normal behavior. They should be tearing him to shreds by now.

The wolves were a blur of black and gray fur then he was dragged into the house. He

blinked as they kept going until he was on his bed. The house looked normal, but the wolves were changing before his eyes. Now, the pair were naked men. Hot, naked men and Danny knew them.

If he’d been drinking, he would’ve sworn his brother had made a bad batch of Alaskan

moonshine. But they never drank while hunting. Danny was totally sober. It felt like a dream with two men lying on him, but it wasn’t. He knew them, Brandon and Justin. They’d been in his dreams, but he’d never fanaticized about wolves. It’d been so long, he wanted to just give in and enjoy the hallucination.

One of them got up, slammed the door closed and looked around. “We need to talk,”

Justin said.

The other guy pressed to Danny and grinned. “Relax, Danny, we’re going to be here a


“I think he remembers us.” Brandon tugged open Danny’s shirt.

Justin checked all the doors and windows then returned to the bedroom. He didn’t relish

going to extremes, but sometimes there was no alternative. From the erection tenting Danny’s jeans, Justin believed they’d all enjoy his plan. But he knew Danny was stubborn. All this time back home and he was still in the closet.

“He remembers us,” Justin confirmed and untied Danny’s shoelaces. “I think he wants to

be naked with us.”

Brandon yanked the coat and shirt off Danny as Justin removed the boots. But when

Brandon reached for Danny’s fly, Danny pushed back.

“Wait! What the hell?” Danny sat up. “What just happened? I got attacked by wolves not


Justin smiled. “You weren’t attacked. Not a scratch on you. You’ve been kidnapped.”

“In my own house?” Danny rubbed his eyes. “Maybe I hit my head on the porch. It’s just

a dream. I passed out or something.”

“I bet you’ve been dreaming about us since freshmen year of high school.” Brandon

rubbed Danny’s cock.

Danny shoved Brandon off the bed.

“No, no. Play nice, or you’ll have a lot less fun than we planned. We don’t want to tie

you up. Unless you like it that way.” Justin grabbed Danny by the arm and twisted.

Danny grimaced in pain. “Okay. So it’s not a dream.”

“Glad we’re clear on that point.” Justin released him. “You didn’t hit your head. You’re not hallucinating. We’re shifters. Wolf shifters.”

Danny laughed. “Please. This is a joke. Or a trick. You trained some wolves or


Sitting back on the bed, Brandon leaned over and kissed Danny’s chest. Then he shifted

to wolf form.

Danny shook his head and rubbed his eyes as he stared at the wolf on his chest. The

claws dug. The panic in Danny’s eyes turned to wonder. When Danny reached out to pet

Brandon, Justin knew the shock was over.

Shifting back to human, Brandon lunged and kissed Danny’s lips before he could avoid

it. One hand was on Danny’s straining erection as their mouths fused.

Justin’s cock reacted to the view. He’d wanted Danny since high school, but there had

been no chance then. Danny’s stubbornness and loyalty ran him to denial. Apparently, he’d accepted himself while away at college.

“What the hell?” Danny pulled away. “I thought you two were a couple. You dated in

high school.”

“We are a couple. That doesn’t mean we don’t like fresh meat now and then. We’ve got a

thing for humans.” Brandon winked at Justin.

“So you’re going to rape me then eat me?” Danny started to look for an escape.

Justin and Brandon laughed.

“Rape?” Justin pulled open Danny’s fly. “With your cock begging for attention? You

wanted us in high school. I don’t think we’ll have to force you to do anything.”

“But we will for fun.” Brandon walked across the room to Danny’s big television and

DVD player. He looked through the drawers.

“Stop it. What are you doing?” Danny protested.

“Relax. We aren’t going to eat you. We rarely need to consume food in wolf form. Then

it’s usually just small game for the blood and the chase. You’ll live through this.” Justin opened Danny’s belt and freed the button, then he took off Danny’s jeans completely.

“Found it.” Brandon returned to the bed with a stack of DVDs, all man-on-man porn. He

opened the nightstand. “Lube, magazines and a toy.”

“I don’t get it. This is a forced outing?” Fear filled Danny’s eyes. “You can’t. My family.

They won’t understand. They can’t handle it now.”

Justin tugged the warm wool socks off Danny’s feet. “We’re not outing you, so long as

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