TAKEN: Journey to a New Home (13 page)

BOOK: TAKEN: Journey to a New Home
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  It was then he noticed she had returned to biped form. He dropped to his knees in front of her and gave in to the urge to kiss the X over her naval. She shivered and her spots flushed dark so he did again this time swirling his tongue into her naval. She moaned. He stood, lifted her and went to the bed laying her out. 

  “Part of me knows it isn’t fair to demand so much of you when you have so little experience. The other of part of me doesn’t give a damn about propriety,” he told her fiercely looking possessively down at her. “Mine,” he demanded. She took his hand and pulled him down beside her.

  “Yours,” she returned softly with a smile. He needed no further invitation. He was on her as soon as the word was spoken. He claimed her mouth in a scorching kiss. His massive hands made her feel small and delicate. Something a woman who stood 6’2” didn’t feel very often. He growled deep as she slid her hands across his nape spots burying her hands in short black hair. He kissed his way down her neck shoulders till he reached her breasts. The nipples had drawn up tight and darkened to a green so dark they looked black. He couldn’t resist them and pulled one into his mouth while his calloused hand warmed the other. Her hands tightened in his hair as sensation rolled through her and she tugged it which enflamed him further. He followed the flow of spots to her naval with nipping little kisses. He swirled his tongue across her naval then followed the flow of spots up to the other breast. He sucked that nipple into his mouth and sucked hard. She arched up off the bed and his hands pushed her back down. He moved back up to claim her mouth with an urgent kiss. She could feel his hardened shaft pressing into her thigh. His tongue stroked into her mouth. His large hand cupped her and he slid one finger between her nether lips, stroking. Her hands were now petting his nape spots while her hips lifted and tried to hurry the finger stroking along. Although she couldn’t have said where she wanted it to go, she just knew she wanted. His middle finger dipped into her core slightly and he groaned when he felt the wet heat there. He dragged the moisture up and over her clit. She was the one growling now. He stroked the tiny pulsing button. Her hips bucked. Her fingers dug into his back. She whimpered and thrashed as he stroked her into a frenzy.

  He pulled away suddenly and she cried out over the loss. Then his mouth was on her core, his tongue dancing circles around the pulsing clit. She came up off the bed again and he used a large hand on her stomach to press her back down. His tongue slid along her cleft and penetrated her core. She felt his growl through her body more than she heard it. “You taste like Mossinec honey,” he told her. Her taste was sweet and spicy. He couldn’t get enough of her taste but his own body wanted more and was demanding it. He was hardened to a painful state. He pulled away, moved up and covered her body fully with his. Instinctively she wrapped her legs around his waist. The head of his cock bumped her opening.

  “Now,” she pleaded in a desperate whisper. Not one to deny her anything she asked he began to push into her. She was so tight he thought his head might explode. He paused as a thought found its ways past the lust cloud swirling in his mind.

  “Ashaa, have you ever done this before?”

  “Of course not. Dr. Westing would never have allowed it first and second I have never been interested or felt the need,” she told him in breathless pants. He swore in several languages and she laughed which drove his body further along the edge. “If you stop now I will maim you,” she whispered into his ear urging him on. He resumed his slow steady push into her tight channel. When he reached the barrier, he took a deep breath, asked the heavens for help and pushed in deep to the hilt. She gasped, bit his shoulder hard where his neck met and he held still giving her time to adjust to his girth and the intrusion. She was so tight around him it was like being gripped by a fist. He felt her relax and her breathing settled some. He pulled back and slowly pushed in again. Her moisture eased his movements. He started with a slow push and pull. He claimed her mouth again as she whimpered. He pulled her knee up further so he could go deeper. He ground against her and began thrusting harder and deeper. He thrust deep and circled his hips. The pressure against her clit set her off like a rocket. She wrenched her mouth from his and screamed out his name as her body stiffened. Her channel was contracting around him and he followed her over with roar of his own as he pulsed inside her. He collapsed against her. Holding her tightly as the greedy contraction of her channel slowed and eased along with the pulsing of his cock. He gathered her tightly against him and rolled on to his back, their bodies still joined. He wasn’t ready to leave her yet but he didn’t want to crush her. She wasn’t delicate like the humans but he was a big male. She lay draped across his body, limp, her breath slowing.

  “Mine,” he declared fiercely.

  “Yours,” she admitted. Her breath became even and deep. He gently lifted her hips letting his cock slide free from the warm haven of her body. He settled her back down loving the way she felt draped across him. He pulled the covers over them and allowed sleep to overtake him. He smiled as he slept.



  When Taylor, Samantha and Jasmine exited the kitchen after getting it set to rights with the help of the crew who had volunteered for cleanup, they found Moz waiting in the clean dining room. He was working on a tablet but stood as they approached and reached for Taylor’s hand.  Samantha and Jasmine exchanged a smile as he bent down and kissed Taylor’s lips momentarily. It was obvious that Moz was completely besotted by the pretty Navajo despite the fact that they had only known each other about thirty six hours.

  “Ladies, I’ve come to escort you to quarters,” he said with teasing wink.

  “Sam, do we need an escort?” Jasmine gave him hard look.

  “No, absolutely not,” Samantha said with a straight face.

  “Fine,” he admitted with a slight pout, “I came to steal my girl back from you kitchen slavers,” he stuck his dark green tongue out at them. All of them laughed. “Is this everyone?” he checked.

  “Yes, I sent Holly on to bed a little while ago; she was starting to look a little wilted. She protested that I was staying so Taylor and Jasmine made me sit on stool for the last bit,” Samantha answered. Samantha didn’t tell the others that she hadn’t wanted to be alone. It gave her too much time to think which made her want to cry and she had cried enough she thought. They entered the lift and exited on Eighteen going to their respective quarters. Moz and Taylor entered hers and he spun her to face him. His lips were on hers and he had her pressed up against a wall the moment the door closed. His mouth demanded. Hers made demands of her own. His hands slid under the shirt she wore. Her skin came alive with electric sensations she would always equate with him forevermore. They were both panting when he broke the kiss to nibble his way across her jaw to the sensitive spot below her ear. She moaned softly kneading his shoulders. He trailed open-mouth kisses down to the spot where her neck and shoulder met. He bit down gently and sucked. Taylor whispered his name running her fingers into his short silky hair. With her other hand she stroked the spots at his nape and felt him harden as his hips pressed her against the wall. “Mine,” he growled fiercely.

  “Yes,” she whispered in agreement. He lifted her into his arms and took her to the bed. Laying her down gently, he looked down at her with deep dark bronze eyes and his spots so dark green they were nearly black like his hair. She noticed something else about his eyes, close to the slit-pupil the bronze had begun to glow.

  “Mine,” he growled fiercely once more. His hands lifted the hem of her shirt. Drawing it over her head he tossed it away. A soft piece of silk covered her breasts but he could see her dark nipples through the fabric.  He leaned down and took one in his mouth. He sucked the nipple into his hot mouth on another growl and pressed his wet tongue against the fabric covering the now straining hard nipple. Taylor pulled at his shirt until he was forced to momentarily relinquish his hold on the nipple as the shirt came over his head. She needed to feel his skin against hers. Needed to see all of his spots and the pattern they made. Needed to feel all of the heat that was Moz against her. He claimed the other nipple sucking hard while his hand kept its mate from feeling neglected. She trailed her hands down his spine. Feeling him go still, his breath and mouth pausing, she realized from the slight difference in texture of his skin that the spots ran all the way down his spine and disappeared into his trousers. She slid her hands under the waist band and followed the spots down and caressed his taut buttocks. He growled again as she traced them over and over. He buried his face between her breasts as he if he were overcome with the sensation of it.

  Suddenly, he pulled back and stood across the room, chest heaving. She was shocked and confused. He stood there for a few moments before turning back to her. His eyes were blazing like metal she’d seen smelted once as a child watching jewelry being made, liquid and glowing.

  “What’s wrong?” she was almost afraid of the answer.

  “There’s something I need to share with you. It’s important but I have to share before we become intimate.”

  “You’re afraid to tell me,” she observed.

  “I don’t know what I’ll do if it frightens you.”

  “I don’t frighten easily,” she told him with a smile. He watched a few moments more and then reached to unfasten his trousers. He stripped and she sucked in her breath. He was stunning, rippling muscles under smooth pale green skin. The spots that ran down his face and neck flowed across his broad shoulders and ended on the backs of his hands. His chest was wide and delineated with muscles and tapered into a narrow waist. A new flow of spots started below his own naval (which Taylor was surprised to see). The line of spots parted into two lines just above his groin and ran down the front of each sculpted leg to end on the tops of his feet in front of his toes. Taylor decided that the statement about the size of a man’s feet didn’t just apply to human males. He was thick and long and made her mouth water and her feminine parts ache with want. 

  “Oh, that’s not frightening,” she said gesturing to him with a smile. “Impressive, very impressive actually but not frightening. Now, if it had spots, well, that might have taken a little getting used to,” she teased.

  He smiled and shook his head. He took a deep breath and his skin began to shimmer and she thought he was going to camouflage back to gold. Instead his body twisted and he dropped his hands to the floor as his body bent and shaped into something else entirely. Taylor stared at him. There was now a green and gold dragon in the room with her. Yes, the blazing hot man who just been with her was now a dragon. He stood six feet high at the shoulder with his neck and head extending another three and half feet as he looked down at her. In length he was probably close to fifteen feet from his nose to the end of his tail. He was pale green with the dark green spots and gold highlights along his neck, back, tail and head.

  She rose from the bed and approached. She had no fear. She knew this was Moz, she could feel him still. He lowered his head to her level. His eyes, now multi-faceted swirled in colors of gold and bronze, glowing from the center pupils. She touched his jaw and let her fingers slide along his spots. He shivered and she smiled so some things definitely hadn’t changed. A low growl rumbled through him as she continued to slide her hand along the pattern of spots. Yep, some things definitely hadn’t changed. She could still make him take notice by touching the spots. His skin was still smooth but she could see thousands of tiny scales made up the slightly leathery nearly smooth skin covering detailed defined muscle. She ran her hand back against the grain and like a shark’s skin it had sand papery feel to it. If it were possible he had even more muscle in this shape than in his bi-ped shape. Heat poured off of him and she leaned her whole body against him to feel it. She ran her hands over his back near his shoulders and discovered a protrusion of more leathery skin. She pulled gently and somehow wasn’t surprised when he obliged her and partially opened a huge wing. His head was turned and he was watching her quietly.

  “Can you fly?” she wanted to know.

You have legs, can you walk?
” came a teasing reply she heard in her mind and not with her ears she realized. A slow deep and mischievous smile spread across her face.

  “Will you let me ride?”

In more ways than one, my pretty,
” he laughed with a rumbling growl.

  “Then I think you should put away your wings for now and come back to bed.” She returned to the bed and watched in fascination as he shimmered and returned to his original form. He walked slowly to the bed. He knelt in front of her. “Can Ashaa do that?” she asked curiously.

  “I don’t know. Ashaa is an unknown for us. There hasn’t been a female born on our world in ever. There hasn’t been one born to our people for over five hundred years. A group of scientists who were trying to ‘improve’ us unleashed some horrible consequences. Our society split into several factions over the fight. A group of us left the original homeworld to start over but it was too late. The damage which had already occurred in our DNA was done. No one is even quite sure why the abililty to produce female offspring was lost. They’ve spent hundreds of years trying to understand it.” 

  “That’s why you wanted us.”

  “Yes, in order to breed we select a mate from four other species that we’re compatible with. Our DNA is extremely dominate so our male offspring keep most of our species traits including the ability to shift into our Gazian forms, the ability to camouflage, empathy, telepathy, healing and our coloring. Occasionally an interesting trait comes in from the other species so life is never boring. But the heavens were smiling on me when you were included in the ragtag bunch of humans we found,” he told her with a teasing smile. “Humans are the rarest of the four species because your people don’t yet have long range space travel and your planet is a forbidden stop,” he paused for a moment and his face took on a serious caste. “You’re my life mate, my soul mate,” he told her sincerely.

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