Taking Aim (17 page)

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Authors: Elle James

Tags: #Contemporary romantic suspense, #Harlequin Intrigue, #Fiction

BOOK: Taking Aim
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“Who knows what motivates different people?” Jacie answered. “For what it’s worth, it sounded like he loved you.”

Tracie snorted. “Apparently he loved himself more.” She stood, swaying slightly.

“What I want to know is who the hell was the man in the mask?” The beast of a man who’d been so harsh to her sister and herself would forever haunt Jacie.

“I’m done with the bureau.” Tracie pushed her hair back from her face, revealing more bruising.

Jacie flinched at all the damage. “What do you mean?” She cast a glance toward the vehicles crowding the compound, hoping they brought medical personnel to treat her sister’s wounds.

Tracie’s dried, split lips pulled back in a sneer. “What good is it to be an agent when you can’t tell the good guys from the bad?”

Zach grabbed her shoulders and forced her to stare into his eyes. “The important thing to remember is that
are a good agent and that you are vital to this nation, to our country, to keeping us safe.”

She stared into his eyes. “Who are you?”

“I’m Zach Adams.” His hands dropped to his sides. “I used to be a special agent like you.”

“Why did
quit?” Tracie asked.

“I lost hope.” Zach faced Jacie. “Someone helped me find it again.” He held out his hand to Jacie.

She took it, butterflies storming her belly and gooseflesh rising on her arms. The man definitely turned her inside out.

Tracie turned her bruised and battered face toward Jacie. “I feel like I missed something.” She gave the hint of a smile. “Do you two know each other?”

“We didn’t. Now we do.” Jacie gave a shy smile.

“We can talk later.” Zach slipped Tracie’s arm over his shoulder. “Right now we need to have you seen by a doctor.”

Jacie looped Tracie’s other arm over her shoulders and together, they closed the distance between them and the vehicles parked near the burning barn and outbuilding. Floating embers landed on the house, lighting it like a tinderbox.

As the house burned, Jacie couldn’t feel regret for the old structure, not when it held memories of terror and torture. She hoped never to feel that trapped and hopeless again.

* * *


finally returned to normal. After finding Jacie and Tracie tied up and on the verge of being executed, he thought life had come to a standstill. Thank God, he’d arrived just in time. Bringing them out of that house alive had lifted a weight heavier than the current situation from his shoulders.

It was as if now he finally knew the meaning of his life. When he’d been a captive of Los Lobos and they’d tortured Toni to death, he’d asked God why he’d spared him and took her. Seeing Jacie and her sister about to be killed had brought his life back in focus. God had a purpose for him. He’d led him to Hank and this amazing woman. Zach was meant to fight for truth and justice, the fight he thought he’d joined the FBI to accomplish.

As the three staggered into the open, Hank Derringer broke away from a group of agents and cowboys.

“Zach, Jacie!” He took over for Jacie and, with Zach’s help, led Tracie to the back of a Hummer. The hatch was open and a man was applying a bandage to Richard Giddings’s forehead.

Zach held out a hand. “Thanks for covering me.” He glanced around. “Where’s Humberto?”

“Already on his way back to the Big Elk.”

“Any injuries?” Zach asked.

“Humberto got off without a scratch. I would have too, if I hadn’t tripped over my two left feet and landed a face-plant in the gravel.” Richard grinned at Jacie. “You don’t know how happy I am to see my best field guide on her feet and alive.”

“Thanks, Richard.” Jacie gave the man a hug, moisture glistening in her eyes.

After a quick once-over, the medic cleaned one of Tracie’s facial wounds. “Won’t know what else is damaged until we get her back to the county hospital in Wild Oak Canyon and get some X-rays. Might even take her into El Paso for CAT scans.”

“The county hospital,” Tracie insisted. “And a hot shower, please. Then I think I could sleep for a hundred years.”

Hank bundled her into another Hummer. Jacie and Zach climbed in on each side of her. As they pulled away from the ranch compound, Zach’s gut clenched as the enormity of the situation hit. He’d almost lost Jacie.

The few raindrops the clouds had released did nothing to extinguish the fire that had completely consumed the house by now. Hank called ahead on his satellite phone and had the local doctor meet them at the county hospital, machines warmed and waiting.

After what seemed an interminable amount of time and X-rays, Tracie was shown to a room where she’d spend the night monitored by a competent staff. Zach insisted that the doctor look over Jacie, as well. Though she protested that she was fine and didn’t need a doctor, she went with him.

Throughout Jacie’s examination, Zach paced in the waiting room, clenching his fists, frustrated and angry at what Jacie and Tracie had gone through.

When she finally emerged, she smiled. “Told you I was fine. Other than an ugly bruise on my cheekbone and a split lip, I’ll survive.” The doctor found no signs of concussion or brain trauma from the multiple hits she’d taken at the hands of the mystery interrogator.

“I’m glad you’re okay.” Zach gathered her in his arms and pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. “And for the record, you look great.”

“Liar.” She leaned into him, her arms circling his waist, her forehead pressed to his chest. “I’m glad it’s over.”

“Me too.” He smoothed her hair from her forehead and tucked it behind her ear.

Jacie tipped her cheek into his open palm and pressed a kiss there. “Thank you for coming for us.”

Zach’s chest tightened as he stared down into her gray-blue eyes. “Wild horses couldn’t keep me away.”

Her gaze broke from his, her eyelids drifting downward, hiding her emotions. “I want to see my sister.”

Zach wanted to take Jacie somewhere they could be alone and hold her until his arms ached and the desperation of the past twenty-four hours abated. Instead he led her to her sister’s room.

Tracie lay with her damp hair spread across her pillow, her damaged cheeks wiped clean of dirt and grime. Her eyes were closed, her face relaxed.

Jacie paused with Zach in the doorway. “I’m staying with her tonight,” she whispered.

“No, you’re not.” Tracie’s eyes blinked open.

Zach’s fists clenched at all the swelling and the purple bruises.

Jacie stepped forward. “I’m not letting you out of my sight for a while.”

“Yes, you are.” Tracie’s lips quirked upward slightly. “I know you want to help, but Hank assured me he’d have someone stand guard throughout the night. And I should be okay to leave the hospital tomorrow. You’ve done enough and need rest as much as I do.”

“Still,” Jacie sighed, “I’d feel better knowing you’re okay.”

“And I won’t get any sleep with you hovering over me.” Tracie closed her eyes. “Please, I just want to sleep.”

Jacie closed the distance between them and gathered her sister’s hand in hers. “Are you sure?”

Tracie sighed. “Yes, I’m sure.” Her eyes edged open again. “Zach?”

Zach joined Jacie beside the hospital bed, the scents of alcohol and disinfectants making him itch to leave. “Yes.”

Tracie disengaged her hand from Jacie’s and held it out to Zach. “Thank you for coming to our rescue. I don’t want to think about how this day could have ended.” She laid his hand over Jacie’s. “Now get her out of here. And you’d better be good to her, or you’ll have me to contend with.”

Zach laughed. “If you’re anywhere near as tough as Jacie, I’ll be shaking in my boots.”

“Got that right.” Tracie’s eyelids drifted closed as though they weighed a ton. “I’ll see you two in the morning.”

Zach led Jacie out of the room.

Jacie cast one last glance over her shoulder. “I don’t like leaving her.”

“You heard her. She wants to sleep.” Zach hugged her middle. “Hank assured me that Ben Harding is one of the best ex-cops you’ll find. He’ll make sure Tracie is safe.”

Jacie leaned into Zach. “It’s been a helluva day, hasn’t it?”

“You were so brave.”

“And stupid. If I’d stayed put when you told me to, I wouldn’t have been caught.”

“And I’d be dead. You saved me.” In more ways than one, and he’d spend a lifetime thanking her. “And that tracking device you had in your shoe led us to you and your sister. I’d say it worked out okay.” Zach paused for a moment in the hallway of the hospital and touched a thumb to the bruising on her cheek. “I have to admit, though, it was a little too close for comfort.” He kissed her cheek, careful not to apply too much pressure. His mouth moved to her lips.

“Ouch.” Jacie backed away.

“Sorry.” Zach straightened. “Did I tell you I’m really glad you’re okay?”

“Yes, you did.” She laughed up at him. “Do we have rides back to the Big Elk?”

“Hank let us have use of the Hummer. He’d like to see us tomorrow if you’re up to it.”

“Ask me tomorrow. Right now I just want to go home to bed.” Her hand slipped into his and they walked out of the hospital.

The drive back to the Big Elk Ranch was accomplished in silence.

At first Zach thought Jacie had fallen asleep, she was so quiet. But a glance at her face proved him wrong. Jacie stared straight ahead, her eyes open, her bottom lip captured between her teeth.

When they pulled up in front of her little cottage, Zach leaped down and rounded to the passenger side of the vehicle to help her down. He walked her to her door. “You know, we never did have a chance to put your cabin back together.”

Jacie’s shoulders sagged. “I’ll manage.”

“You could stay in mine,” he offered, turning her to face him.

Jacie’s gaze rose to meet his. “I don’t know if I can keep my distance.”

“I’m counting on that.”

“I don’t know if I want to get any closer to you. Now that it’s all over, I’m afraid you’ll be gone tomorrow.” Her eyes filled with moisture, the blue-gray of her irises swimming. “I almost lost you today to a bullet. I’m not strong enough to lose you again.”

“You’re not going to lose me.” He slipped his hands beneath her legs and scooped her up into his arms. “I want that first real date and a lot more after that.”

“Are you sure? I thought you didn’t want a lasting relationship. And I won’t settle for less.”

“I was wrong, and for once, we’re in agreement.” He strode across the yard to his cabin and twisted the key in the doorknob while balancing her in his arms. “A little help here?”

“Not until you answer one question.”

“Fire away.”

“Do you think you could ever love me like you loved Toni?”

Zach stood still, his gaze captured by hers. Then he shook his head. “No.”

Tears welled in Jacie’s eyes. “Put me down. I can’t do this.”

He refused to let her go, his hands tightening around her. “Hear me out.”

“I refuse to fall in love with someone who can’t love a second time. It’s hopeless.”

“I don’t think so.” He laughed, the vibrations of his chest warming her. “I can’t love you like I did Toni because you’re a different person. Sure, I loved Toni. She was my partner. I’d give anything to have been able to save her life. We were a team.”

“See? I can’t compete with that. I’m just a trail guide.”

“And a very beautiful and courageous one at that.” He brushed a kiss across her undamaged cheek. “You never gave up. You taught me that anyone can make a difference, if they care enough.”

“I didn’t make a difference.
saved us.” Her brow furrowed. “Put me down. I need to be alone.”

He shook his head. “You made the difference, Jacie. You saved me, not only from that gunman at Enrique’s place, but from myself.” He held her tighter. “I could very well be falling in love with you, something I thought I could never do again.”

Her eyes widened. “You’re falling in love with me?” She squeaked and grasped his cheeks between her palms, her frown deepening. “But I thought you couldn’t love me like you did Toni.”

“I can’t love you like Toni because you’re Jacie. I’m falling in love with you, if you’ll give me a chance.”

Her eyes filled with tears, and a smile spread across her face. “So what’s keeping you?”

He laughed and pushed the door open to the cabin. “I don’t want to make any rash decisions when we’ve known each other less than a week.”

“Ever heard of love at first sight?” Jacie tipped her head. “Or in our case, maybe it was second or third sight.”

Zach set her on her feet and pulled her into his arms. “Whatever, I want to spend time getting to know you better.”

“Now you’re talking.” Jacie pushed the door closed behind him, shutting the world out and them in.


Hank leaned against the front of his desk. “Zach, thank you for helping Jacie and Tracie out of a tight situation. I knew you were the right man for the job, and you didn’t disappoint.”

Zach held tight to Jacie’s hand. “I’m glad I could help. Thanks for the opportunity.” His gaze was on Jacie, not Hank.

“Although we didn’t get the man behind it all, at least we uncovered one of the moles in the FBI.”

Tracie sat in a wingback leather chair, her color returning, though her eyes seemed dull and unhappy. “I wish I’d known sooner about Bruce’s activities.”

“What would you have done that you didn’t do once you learned of them?” Jacie asked.

Tracie stared at her hands. “I wouldn’t have fallen for all his lies.”

“The thing to remember is that you stayed true to your country and your duty as an FBI agent. I commend you on your spirit and desire to seek justice and truth.” Hank drew in a deep breath and opened his mouth to go on. “Which brings me to—”

Zach held up his hand. “Don’t you think Tracie makes a perfect FBI agent?”

Hank smiled. “I guess you know I was about to offer her a position?”

Tracie shook her head. “Although I’m disappointed that some of our agents are bad, I’m not giving up on the bureau. I still believe in it and what we can do to preserve justice in this country. Between you, Zach and Jacie, you reminded me of what an honor it is to serve.”

Hank waved a hand. “If you decide to retire from the bureau, please consider my team.”

Tracie smiled and nodded. “You bet I will.”

Hank turned to Jacie. “What about you? You’re quite a good shot, brave and a seeker of truth and justice—”

Jacie held up her hand. “Though I know I could do the danger thing in a pinch, it’s not for me. I like leading hunting parties and promoting the Big Elk Ranch.”

Zach squeezed her hand.

Warmth flushed her neck and cheeks at the memories of all the places those hands had been throughout the night and halfway through the morning. “Thanks, but I think I’ll stay where I am.”

“That leaves you, Zach. I consider the job you did a trial on your part and mine. I’m convinced you will be a valuable asset to this organization. Care to continue?”

Zach nodded. “If Jacie has no objections, I’m in.”

Jacie raised her hand. “No objections here, as long as I get to see you between jobs.”

“Then that’s settled. I have my contacts searching for the leader of the stateside La Familia gang that held you two ladies. Until then, stay on your toes in case he seeks retribution.”

“One other thing, Hank,” Zach interrupted. “Before Bruce died, he mentioned the man was powerful with connections in the FBI. Bruce said that he could make people disappear. He mentioned your family. He intimated that they may still be alive.”

Hank’s face blanched and he closed his eyes, dragging in a deep breath. “Any clue as to where he’s keeping them?”

“Sorry, Bruce died before he could say more than that. He didn’t know a location or in what condition they were.”

Zach didn’t want to think about what physical state Hank’s wife and child would be in. Given the mystery man’s propensity for pain, it couldn’t be good.

His arm slipped around Jacie’s shoulders. “I’ll do anything in my power to help you find him and bring him down. After what he did to Jacie and Tracie, the man deserves to die.”

Hank rose from his seat, crossed the room and held out his hand to Zach.

Zach stood and gripped the outstretched hand.

“Thank you, Zach,” Hank said. “I’ll be taking you up on that offer.”

* * * * *

Don’t miss Elle James’s next romance,
September 2013 from Harlequin Intrigue.

Keep reading for an excerpt of
by HelenKay Dimon!

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