Taking Chances (5 page)

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Authors: Molly McAdams

BOOK: Taking Chances
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“Come on PG,
let's go.” Chase grabbed my arm and started dragging me away.

“Chase! Stop!”
I yanked my arm out and shot him a dirty look. “What is your problem?”

“I'm taking you
and Bree to the house, and you need to pack for the weekend so let's go.” He
grabbed for me again but I dodged his hand.

“The weekend,

“You're staying
with me, go pack.”

I narrowed my
eyes and started to turn towards Brandon, “Fine, hold on.”


“Go away Chase,
I'll meet you in the room in a minute. Go find Bree.”

He moved to
stand closer behind me so I just sighed and gave Brandon a lame smile. “Sorry,
apparently I have to go. I'll see you tonight?” I don't know why I asked, he
actually lived there.

A sexy smile
lit up his face as his hand reached out to quickly brush against my arm, “See
you then.” With a hard nod directed towards Chase, he turned and walked away.

I stalked past
Chase and didn't look back at him the entire way to my room. He stood in the
doorway as Bree and I packed for the weekend, which made me uncomfortable
because I couldn't ask her which outfits I should wear. I threw in things she
had gushed over at the mall, a few pairs of underwear, sleep shorts, make-up
and all my bathroom supplies before finally saying anything to him.

“Why don't you
be a dear and carry this for me.” My tone was laced with anger, and he seemed
to find it amusing.

I tried to
squeeze by him but he caught me around my waist and pulled me close, his breath
warm as he whispered in my ear, “Anything for you sweetheart.”

My heart
pounded and my legs started to shake. I stayed in his arms a second too long
and he noticed. I pushed him off me as soon as I saw that cocky smirk take over
his face. “God you piss me off.”

“Whoa, whoa.
Did you just say 'piss'? I'm not sure if that's PG approved.” He laughed when I
glowered at him and stormed away towards the parking lot.

As soon as we
got to the house, Bree was talking to some guy on her cell in Chase’s room
which left me alone with Chase. Not wanting to deal with him, I grabbed the
remote and spread out on the couch trying to find something other than him to
hold my attention. I made it a point not to look in his direction again.
Sighing, I flipped through the guide a few more times without finding anything
interesting and just turned on the news. Sir would have been proud.

I hated that I
knew Chase was looking at me, or where he was in the room. Why does my skin
have to tingle over a guy like him? It's not that I didn't want it to, because
to be honest, he's all I could think about the last two weeks. But I've already
heard all about his one-night-stand reputation from people at school, and from
the stories his sister told me, I shouldn't even want to be with someone like
him. He was with different women all the time, I knew what happened in the café
was completely normal and Bree said he hadn't been in a relationship for four
years because it “just isn't his thing”. Apparently girls felt privileged to
have been with him at all, I would hate to be anyone's one nighter. He walked
over to the couch and I tried to still my heart when he lifted up my legs and
sat down, putting them back on his lap. No need to let him know how being near
to him had me coming undone.

“So I see my
sister is already influencing you poorly.”

Not like I
expected a deep meaningful conversation, but I hadn't been expecting that. “Do
I even want to know what you're talking about?”

“This.” He
leaned over to touch just above my lips. Damn the stupid shivers that course
through my body when he touches me.

“What, you
don't like it?”

“I never said
that, it's hot as hell.” He let his fingers trail across my jaw before sitting
up with a smirk, “But I'm disappointed you'd let her start talking you into
stuff already. Figured you weren't one to give in to people like that.”

My mouth
dropped and I pulled my knees up to my chest so I was no longer touching him.
“Not that it's your business, but I was the one who wanted them and brought it
up. I didn't know at that time that she would want to get them too, and I
certainly wouldn't let someone talk me into something like that. Glad to know
you think so highly of me.” With that I left for his room only to find it
locked. I didn't want to go back in there and face him, but I didn't want to
stand here like an idiot either. I heard his phone ring and listened to his voice
retreat as he went outside before deciding to go back to the couch. I had
barely sat down when he was next to me, arm extended with phone in hand.

“It's for you.”
His mouth was set in a firm line and I noticed his jaw tick from the pressure.


“Sorry to have
to go through Chase, but I wanted to talk to you.”

I glanced back
at the phone and saw Brandon's name, smiling I brought it back to my ear and
relaxed into the cushions. “I don't mind, what's up?”

“I have a few
hours before my last class, would you like to grab a coffee with me before?”

I wanted to say
something along the lines of
Yes, please! I want nothing more than to sit
there and look at your smile for the next couple hours!
Instead, I kept it
“I'd like that. Did you want me to meet you somewhere...?” Does
he know I don't have a car?

“I'm on my way
to the house, I'll be there in five.”

“See you.” I
smiled and handed the phone back to a stone-faced Chase. I ran back to his door
and pounded on it so Bree would unlock it.

coming to pick me up for coffee!” I all but squealed.

“I'll call you
back!” She pressed end and pointed at me, “I knew it!”

“You knew he
was going to call?”

“No, I knew you
liked him!”

I scoffed.
“Bree, I don't even know him.”

“But you want

“Uh, did you
not see him?” He was ridiculously attractive, and had that rugged look that
made me quiver. “And oh my goodness that smile.”

“Oh sweetie,
you are so falling for him already.”

“Crap, Bree I'm
nervous. I don't know how to talk to guys.”

“You talk to
Chase and the other guys just fine...?”

“Yeah, but
that's because they're more annoying than anything. And so far Brandon isn't,
plus he's incredibly gorgeous.” I smiled when she elbowed me.

“Just try to
see him like the rest of them, they all love you, and I'm pretty sure he's
already completely taken with you; so you have nothing to worry about!”

“If you say so.
Do I look okay?”

“Yeah you do! I
meant to say something at lunch, you look stunning!”

I laughed at
the fact that just this morning I'd been dressing for Chase, and now here I am
getting excited about going to coffee with Brandon. And by excited, I mean
frantically nervous.

“What's funny?”


She wasn't
buying it.

“It's just no
one's ever asked me to go anywhere with them,” I lied, “and I'm getting all
excited over coffee. I feel stupid that I'm eighteen and I still haven't been
asked on a date.”

“Well I have a
feeling that isn't going to be true much longer.” Just then we heard Brandon
calling for me. “See you when you get back!”

I took a deep
breath before leaving the room to meet up with him. Heat zinged across my
cheeks when he smiled at me. Did everyone here have to have an absolutely
perfect smile and teeth? Thankfully, I'd inherited my mom's teeth, they
naturally looked like I'd had braces for years.

“You ready?”

I nodded and
ducked my head in an attempt to hide my blush. Unfortunately, I'd also
inherited that from her. I followed him out and jumped into the passenger side
of his black Jeep that looked perfect for off-roading. There wasn't much of an
opportunity for talking, unless I wanted a mouthful of hair, so I sat quietly
until we pulled into a parking lot. I grabbed the door handle but stopped when
his hand touched mine.

“Wait.” He said
with a smirk before jumping out and jogging to my side and opening my door.

a gentleman? I raised an eyebrow and smiled, “Well thank you.”

“Of course.” He
tucked my hair behind my ear and a slow smile spread across his face as he took
it all in. “Maybe I should put the top back on.”

My face fell
and my eyes grew wide.

“Oh! No, I
didn't mean it in a bad way. Far from it, I swear.”

I was suddenly
fascinated with the pavement.

He put his hand
under my chin until I looked at him again. “Harper, I'm sorry for the way that
came out. You're already the most beautiful girl I've ever seen, but I swear
the way your hair looks right now…” he trailed and his eyes heated, “I'm gonna
be fighting guys off you for sure.”

He said I was
beautiful. My smile grew wide and I put the rubber band I’d been digging out of
my purse back in, “I doubt that, but thanks.”

Brandon just
shook his head and led me towards the doors with a hand behind me. I wanted him
to touch my back with his big hands, to feel their warmth on me. But he never
closed the distance, just guided me. We got our drinks and went back outside to
sit on the patio before we said anything else. It was nice that he didn't feel
the need to fill the silence, plus it gave me some time to calm my nerves.

“So tell me
about yourself.” He began.

“What do you
want to know?”

One corner of his mouth turned up, his dimple barely showing.

I shrugged,
“There's not much to tell, my life has been incredibly boring.”

He laughed
softly before continuing, “Okay fine, family?”

“I grew up with
my dad, no siblings. Was home-schooled my whole life, I think just so he could
keep an eye on me.”

“Wait, you were


“I'm sorry,
you're just not what I'd pictured a home-schooler to look like.”

I laughed. I
wonder if he saw how I looked when I showed up a couple weeks ago, he would
still think that. “I guess I'll take that as a compliment?”

His warm eyes
and smile confirmed that I should. “Where was your mom?”

“She died
giving birth to me.” I was expecting him to get awkward and start apologizing
profusely, instead his eyes were soft and his mouth barely tipped up in a

“My dad's gone
too. He was on one of the planes that crashed into the twin towers.”

My heart sunk.
I never understood why people felt sorry for me. Yes it hurt knowing I'd never
meet my mom, but I hadn't had the chance to lose her. She was already gone. But
this? I would never understand Brandon's hurt, and I didn't know how to try,
but I wanted to take it away. What I did know, was that he didn't need my condolences
right now, so I reached my hand across the table and rested it on top of his.
He made slow circles on my thumb causing my entire hand to heat up.

“Tell me about

He glanced up
and my breath caught at his expression. If a masculine man could be described
as beautiful, then his expression was just that.

“He was
amazing. Hard worker, but always home for dinner with us. Brought my mom
flowers every other weekend, never missed one of our games. Taught me how to
play football and surf. He made sure to let us know we could have anything we
wanted if we worked hard enough for it. I always wanted to be like him when I
grew up. Everyone loved him, he was a great man.”

“Sounds like
it. I'm sure he would be very proud of you.”

He smiled at me
and sat back into the chair, looking at me intently.


“I've never had
someone ask me that. Normally people just tell me they're sorry and get
uncomfortable. It’s awkward and to be honest, gets kind of old.”

“Does it bother
you that I asked?”

“Not at all.
It's nice to talk about him sometimes. Your dad ever talk about your mom?”

“Um, not
exactly. Just said enough to let me know I reminded him too much of her. It
never made sense to me, he always kept me close, like with the home-schooling,
but he always made it clear he didn't want me.” I snapped my mouth shut before
I could say anything else. I exhaled in relief when he didn't ask me to explain
that further.

“Well it's his

Yeah, try
telling him that. He was stupid enough to let a bunch of horny Marines raise me.
“Are you from around here?”

“I'm from
Arizona, just south of Phoenix. My dad's side of the family doesn't live too
far away though, that's kind of what brought me here.”

“Do you see
them a lot while you're in school?”

He shrugged and
tilted his head to the side, “Usually once a month. What about you?”

“My dad’s been
in the Marine Corps since before I was born, he's stationed at Camp Lejeune.”

“And what
brought you to SDSU?” He leaned forward, his elbows resting on the table.

“You want my
honest answer?”

“Of course.”

“I wanted to
get as far from home as possible, and I love the beach. Plus, the fact that it
wasn't too far from another base was the only way I could get Sir to agree.”

“Well I'm glad
you're here Harper.”

My stomach
warmed hearing his deep voice say my name. “Me too.”

We stayed there
for the next hour and a half talking about everything from favorite movies and
foods to school and aspirations. Brandon was easy to talk to, and I had a
feeling Breanna was right, I was already falling. Hard.





nce I got back,
Bree and I took over Chase's room to get ready for tonight. I ended up in a
pair of daisy dukes and a black off the shoulder t-shirt that I absolutely
loved. I left the shadow neutral, put on some eyeliner and mascara before
putting my long hair in a low ponytail. Bree came up and pulled at my hair
making it look a little messy before she gave her approval of my overall look.

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