Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2) (29 page)

BOOK: Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2)
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see a hand waving at me so I place the phone in it. “Hi uncle
Frank, yes, I don’t know I just found them and one got arrested
and the other has blood all over him. I don’t know. Okay, bye.”
The hand returns the phone. Cara asks what happened and Paige fills
her in on what we saw when we got there and about the guy Knox beat
up for attacking Bailey. We arrive in the hospital and take a seat
while Cara calls Bailey’s mom and her parents. My mind is
blank; I can’t process anything. I just stare at the ugly grey
walls of the waiting room, knowing Knox would never forgive me if I
didn’t stay with Bailey, and keep and eye on her. Paige takes
off without a word so I watch the staff milling around still waiting,
after what feels like a week my phone rings.

dad,” I answer.

son, I just landed and I am heading straight to the police station,”
he tells me.

I’m at the hospital, Still no news here.”

saw Frank on the flight; he is dropping me off first then he will be
there.” I don’t know if that is good or bad but I just
say ok and end the call.

the time, I realize I have been staring at these walls for the last
two and a half hours. I see Cara in the seat opposite.

where is Bailey’s mom?” I ask noticing that no one showed

shrugs. “I left a message for her,” she sighs blinking
back tears. “This reminds me of last year sitting here waiting
to see if she would be okay.” She swipes her eyes and looks

Chapter 17


in this tiny room is pissing me off. I am being held for questioning;
apparently, the cops think I beat up my own girlfriend and that dude.
I decided after I told my story three times already that I am just
staying quiet until a lawyer or my dad shows up. Either way I am
keeping my mouth shut.

hands and clothes are still covered in blood. The cops tried to make
me take them off but I refused. If they are going to blame me then
they can get a court order for my clothes.

Mr. Porter, you can go but don’t leave town,” the cop
says as I stand up.

“Yeah watch me.”
Walking past him out into the corridor I follow him to the exit where
I find my dad waiting. His face is lined with worry until he sees me
then shock and finally relief.

He grabs me in a tight hug pulling me out of the police station and
into a waiting taxi. “Hospital,” he tells the driver who
speeds off thinking I need medical attention with all the blood on
me. My dad asks me what happened and I tell him as much as I can
without breaking down, but give up as soon as I get to the part about
Bailey getting shocked by the defibrillator I can’t go on.

she okay?” I whisper to him.

sighs, putting an arm around my shoulder. “I don’t know,
son. I went to you first.”

nod closing my eyes just as the cab pulls to a stop. My dad and I get
out and walk into the waiting room and I look around until spot Max
in the corner staring at the ceiling. I take a seat beside him making
him jump then grab me in a hug.

bro, thank fuck you’re out. This place is crazy.”

dad sits on the other seat. “What do you mean?” I ask
looking around the empty room.

“Bailey’s mom is on
the warpath and both her and Bailey’s dad have been going at it
like crazy.” I nod and no sooner did he finish, when they both
walk into the waiting area. Frank waves at me while her mom glares at

did you do to my daughter?” she hisses at me looking at my
blood stained clothes.

that’s enough,” Frank tells, her grabbing her arm as she
tries to advance on me. My dad stands and introduces himself, holding
out a hand but she refuses it.

need to leave my house. Cara will take you back to pick up your

looks at her shaking his head. “Sit down woman, and don’t
be so stupid. Knox didn’t do anything to OUR daughter.”

her head at him, her face turns a very dark shade of red. “It’s
my house, and you mind your own business.” Then she turns to me
again. My dad pulls me up.

okay, we are going,” he tells her.

could you keep us informed?” I start to protest but my dad and
Max pull me out of there finding Paige and Cara sitting on the curb.

we need to get our stuff,” Max tells them and Cara nods like
she is expecting it, then looks at me and gasps at all the blood.

arrive at the house in about five minutes. My dad follows me up
stairs. “Knox.” Turning I look at him. “It will be
okay, son. Take a shower and get changed.” I nod as he follows
me into Bailey’s room where he sits on the window seat while I
shower. I watch the water run red with the mixture of Bailey’s
blood and that dudes and my own from my busted knuckles. This is the
second time that crazy girl of mine made me split my knuckles. My
heart sinks remembering the scene when I first got there and tears
flow as I relive the moment she stopped breathing, stopped being.
Eventually the tears stop, and the water runs cold. Stepping out of
the shower, I dry off and get dressed. Walking back into the room, I
grab my case and Bailey’s, and pack everything we brought.

you should leave her stuff.” My dad nods at her case.

I’m not leaving her here, so I’ll be staying until she
wakes up.” My dad starts to say something but I hold up my hand
to stop him. I finish packing and we walk down to the kitchen to find
Max, Paige, and Cara all waiting for us.

clears her throat. “Hey guys, I’m really sorry my aunt is
kicking you out but she asked me to get Bailey’s keys.”
She looks apprehensive when saying that last bit but I just shake my

she’s not getting them. Don’t worry, we won’t be
coming near her house but she is not getting the keys to mine or

just nods and shrugs her shoulders. “Good for you,” she
mumbles as we walk out of the house.

into the truck I roll down my window “Hey Cara, can you tell us
which hotel is closest to the hospital?”

nods. “Just follow me,” she calls, starting her car. She
pulls into the parking lot of the Four Seasons and I roll my eyes.

course,” I mutter as we pile out. “Thanks Cara.” I
wave at her.

“Hey the hospital is one
block that way.” I nod again then walk inside to catch my dad.
He got us two rooms one for Max and Paige and one for him and me, but
we all end up in my room anyway and order room service. I am not
really hungry but eat anyway just to keep alive. My mind spins out of
control thinking of everything.

anyone know who that dude was?” I ask looking around but no one

son, the police wouldn’t tell me.” We finish eating and I
check my watch frowning at the time.

am going back over there,” I tell them, not caring about the
protests or the advise against it. I just walk out of the room and
make my way to the hospital where the love of my life is.

arrive to witness Frank and his ex-wife going at it in the entryway.
He keeps shaking his head at her and refusing to believe I hurt
Bailey, which I am thankful for. At least he knows I would never hurt
her. As I step through the door, they both stop mid sentence. I don’t
think they realize they can be heard out on the street. I nod as I
pass them to have my arm yanked on. Turning, I see Bailey’s mom
stare at me with nothing but contempt.

are you doing here?” she growls at me and I sigh as I remember
my mother’s words, “be respectful baby, and don’t
ever let your manners fail you.”

a deep breath, I look at her. “Mrs. Mortenson, I did not hurt
Bailey. I love her and I would never put my hands on her like that.
Now please let me go.”

pulls her hand off my arm and bristles at my words. “You are
not welcome here.” Turning she stomps into the hospital,
leaving Frank and I standing there in between the two sets of glass

look at him; a man I have come to admire and respect a lot. “Sir
honestly; I swear I never would hurt her.” I know I am pleading
with him and I know I sound pathetic, but I just need for them to
believe me to believe I am so in love with their daughter that I
would risk jail time to keep her safe.

steps over to me griping me so tight. “I know Knox, and thank
you for saving her.” I nod as tears swim in my eyes, blurring
my vision.

you heard anything?” I ask, hoping he has good news for me but
he just shakes his head as an ambulance pulls up lights flashing. We
walk into the waiting room, which is now filled with people mostly
belonging to Bailey’s family and friends. I see that EMT dude
walking through the emergency area and take off.

bro,” I call chasing him down.

stops and looks at me. “Hey I was looking for you earlier,”
he says when I reach him.

sorry, the cops took me for questioning.” I reply and he nods.

point over to Bailey’s dad. “Hey can you tell Frank who
that guy was? I don’t him and I thought if he was from around
here..” I shrug, hoping he knows this guy.

I am on a call right now and I have to go give a police statement
after work so I won’t be able to talk until tomorrow morning.”
I am about to drag his ass over when his radio beeps and chatters
from his hand. He just waves and takes off pushing through the doors
marked ‘No Entry’ heaving a sigh I walk back to where
Frank is holding up the wall and join him.

know that kid?” he asks looking at the doors where he ran.

just met him last night; he is Brad’s brother but I forget his

scrunches his face for a minute. “You mean Brad, as in that kid
Bailey dated in high school?” I nod watching his face; he looks
like he is about to say something when the doctor walks out calling
for Mr. & Mrs. Mortenson.

both rush over with a slew of people behind them, including myself
eager to hear any news but the doctor holds up her hands.

I just need the parents for paperwork,” she says looking at
each of us. Sighing we walk away; she talks to them in a room for a
few minutes but I know by the way she is talking that she is in fact
giving them an update on Bailey. I begin to pace the eight steps it
takes me to cross the hallway and back, again glancing at the room
every time I turn. Finally they walk out, both looking at each other
and then address the group gathered. Leaning against the wall I
listen to the news.

is still unconscious,” her mom begins but breaks down so Frank
takes over.

looks at us all. “She is still unconscious and has two broken
ribs, a broken hand and wrist.” He coughs, clearing his throat.
“She has cuts and bruises and some kind of brain swelling but
that is all we know for now, so you don’t have to stick around.
The doctor said it might be days before she wakes up.”

looks right at me when he says that last part but then turns again.
“I don’t know if you all know, but her boyfriend Knox and
his brother Max saved my little girl’s life. Without them I
would be arranging a funeral,” he chokes on his words, needing
to walk away as I slide down the grey wall of the hospital. My
beautiful girl is alive, the words repeating in my mind. I text Max
letting him know what is going on as I watch her family and friends
slowly say goodbye and leave. Now it’s just me, and her parents
occupying the waiting area. I sit clear across the other side from
her mom, not wanting to antagonize her anymore. We all sit in silence
for about two hours until a young girl walks over speaking so low I
can barley hear her.

can come see her now,” I hear, leaping to my feet my heart
beating so hard but her mother turns to me.

are not welcome,” she says then she storms off. Frank motions
for me to sit and wait. My blood boils; I can’t believe that
woman. Pulling out my phone, I text Max.

Parents allowed to see her.


Not welcome.

what the fuck is that about?

Her mom doesn’t want me here.

sit tight bro.


put my feet up on the chairs beside me, leaning my back against the
wall and close my eyes. I sit like that for a while until I feel a
slap on the leg. Cracking an eye I see Max holding a take out bag
from Rosie’s.

thanks.” I smile, smelling the food. He hands me the bag and
one of the shakes. “You’re addicted to those.” I
nod at his shake.

I’ll need extra hours at the gym.” he rubs his stomach
slurping on the straw. I eat my burger and fries then tackle my own

“You do know Rosie’s
doesn’t do take out.” I frown at him.

“Yep I had to sweet talk
the waitress and I mentioned Bailey’s name.”

can’t help but smile at him. “Thanks Max.”

shrugs. “No biggie. I am lucky Paige stayed in the room or
you’d be eating 7-11 hotdogs.” He shivers at the thought.

“You want to sleep?”
he asks. Even though I am dog-tired, I can’t and don’t
want to sleep so I just shake my head. We see Bailey’s parents
walking down the hallway her mom walks on by and out the door while
Frank joins us. He smiles.

is still unconscious but at least she is alive.” We nod at him.
Watching him yawn makes me feel even more tired but I ignore it.

are in the Four seasons,” I tell him.

can have my bed if you like; I am going to stay here.”

you should get some sleep. I am sure I can wrangle a way for you to
see her tomorrow.” He pats my shoulder but still I refuse to
leave her so he says good night, leaving Max and me alone in this
dreary room. By eleven o’clock we notice the nurses changing

BOOK: Taking Chances (Blackrock Book 2)
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