Taking His Hand (Under His Roof #2) (10 page)

BOOK: Taking His Hand (Under His Roof #2)
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Leading her inside, I give her a little tour. She’s seen the building go up, and she saw the plans, but I’ve never gone through it room by room.

Instead of having the pre-session talk in the dining room, we’ll have it here,” I explain, showing her the entry room. There’s a leather couch, two chairs, and a wooden end table with a box of tissues and a vase of dried flowers.. A chocolate brown area rug covers the center of the laminate floor, and I’ve chosen some of my favorite photographs of the North Carolina coast to frame for the walls. “I actually modeled it after other therapists’ offices.”

Yeah. It has that feel.” She shifts a little on her feet, looking mildly uncomfortable.

I stand behind her, pulling her body close to mine. “Remember our first session? You were so nervous.”

Who wouldn’t be?”

Well, some of my clients enjoy being spanked and know exactly why they’re doing it. You were nervous because it was new to you.”

I lead her to the main room. It’s a little larger than my current discipline room. I haven’t moved most of the furniture yet, since my brothers might have questions about the spanking bench and the sawhorse. But I cleaned out my implement cabinet, and Ryan and I moved that, my desk, and the daybed today. It’s starting to come together.

Rachel walks along the wall of the room, her hand running along the freshly painted drywall and her eyes scanning every surface. She takes it in. The bathroom door is open, and she peeks her head inside. There are two doors, one on each end, so if my family or friends come into my office, they can use my bathroom without going through the discipline room.

She steps inside, flicks on the light, and laughs.

Nice paint job,” she says sarcastically.

I painted the walls and ceiling dark maroon. I think it looks unique, but the reaction from my brothers, and now Rachel, has been disappointing.

She walks to the desk and trails her fingers along the edge of the smooth surface. I got the desk years ago at a closeout sale from a local furniture craftsman. It’s cherry, and the color has gone from soft tan to deep brownish red. Appropriate, I think, considering its utility.

I stand behind her and bend her forward, running my hands up and down her torso. I place my hands on hers, and push her until she’s supporting her upper body with her arms, her hands flat on the desk. Then I run my hand back down her body, over her ass, and she moans.

Remember how you felt the first time you bent over this desk?”

She nods. I give her bottom a light pat, before pulling her up and spinning her to face me. Kissing her deeply, I touch her, all of her, over her clothes. She moves for me, letting me reach between her legs, squeeze her breasts, grasp her ass.

You are so beautiful,” I gasp, pulling away.

She blushes. That same, beautiful blush I’ve seen countless times since I first met her at Maddy’s Place.

I’m going to spank you tonight,” I whisper, smiling ever so slightly.

What? Why?” Her body language makes the subtle shift from aroused to nervous.

And you’ll enjoy it,” I continue, shushing her by placing a finger on her lips. “I promise.”


Shh. Do you trust me?”

Of course.”

Good.” I kiss her again, turn her around, and give her an actual swat on her ass. She yelps. I walk out, leaving her there. When I glance back I see her turning to face me, her mouth hanging open.

She is so damn cute.

Good work today,” I say as I join my brothers, who are making good progress at polishing off two pizzas by themselves. I snag a slice of pepperoni.

Ryan opens another beer and I give him a look.

No more if you’re planning on driving this afternoon, Ryan.”

He rolls his eyes and takes a long swig. “All right, Dad.”

I look back to see Rachel coming out of the office. She’s regained the ability to walk, though she still looks a little stunned.

She’s quiet while we eat, though that in and of itself isn’t abnormal for her—especially around my brothers, who are known for their constant banter. What is abnormal, however, are her facial expressions. I watch with amusement when she gets caught up in a story Ryan’s telling about his rec volleyball league. I see she’s pushed the spanking to the back of her mind, so I tap her foot with mine and give her a small smile. Her nervousness springs back and she squirms in her seat, trying to focus on Ryan instead of me.

When the guys have had their fill, Mitchell leaves to check on the restaurant. Ryan sticks around, chatting with Rachel. I know she’s encouraging him in efforts to delay what I’ve got planned, but that’s fine with me. I’m happy she’s getting to know my family.

I shower and put on fresh clothes. When I go back outside, Ryan is getting up to leave, and Rachel looks positively anguished.

Taking off?”

Yeah. Got a date.”

Do I know her?”

Nope. Her name is Amy. Cute girl. I was just telling Rachel about her.”

I wish him luck and give him a hug. He kisses Rachel on the cheek and lets himself out. Rachel and I stand quietly, looking at each other, for a few long moments. I try to make my expression as unreadable as possible until I hear the front door slam. Then I slowly turn my lips into a huge grin.

Rachel shrieks and sprints out into the yard. I burst out laughing as I run after her. She’s got nothing to be afraid of and she should know that. As she gets to the fence, she turns around to look at me. I slow down to a jog, anticipating that she’ll try to dodge me and run back toward the house.

She bites her lip in a totally sexy way. As she dives to the right to slip by me, I jump out and catch her waist in my hands. In one solid motion, I scoop her up and throw her over my shoulder.

I’ve always wanted to do this to a girl. Rachel’s perfect for it.

She starts pounding on my back, but she’s not hitting hard. “Let me down! I can walk, I promise!”

You can also run,” I muse. “Wouldn’t want that.”

Inside, I walk straight to the bedroom. She tenses at the end of the hallway and I know what she’s thinking. Across from the bedroom is the discipline room. But today, I don’t want to cause her pain.

I’m going to show her some amazing pleasure.

I gently set her down on the bed and whisper, “Don’t move. I’m not going to hurt you, sweetie.”

You said you were going to spank me.”

I am.”

And how—”

I cut her off with a stern look and push her back to lay down on the bed. Slowly, I straddle her and lean forward to give her the most gentle kiss I can muster. I want her to calm down before I heat her up. As I kiss her, I touch her, running my hand up her shirt, over her stomach, up along the edges of her breasts. She moans as I reach under her to unhook her bra.

Trust me, baby?” I ask as I break away. Her bra is tricky and I can’t kiss and unhook it all at once.

Yes,” she whispers. Her face is flushed. She’s going to love this.

I sit her up and pull off her shirt and her bra. Her breasts are perfect, round and supple, and I lean down to kiss each of her nipples. They’re already excited and hard. I put my ear against her chest and listen to her heartbeat. It’s fast.

You’re so fucking hot, Rachel,” I say, moving up to kiss her hard. Our tongues dance and as I hold her wrists with one hand, I reach down to slip a hand under her skirt. Through her panties, even, I can tell she’s wet.

Her skirt must have a zipper somewhere, but I can’t find it. I pull away from her mouth again, peck her nose, and sit up to study the damn thing. “This skirt is a puzzle. How the hell do I get it off?” I ask, turning her this way and that, making her giggle.

Here.” She rolls over and points to the waistline of the skirt, just below her tailbone. There’s a panel of fabric over it, concealing it. This skirt was not designed by a straight man.

Mmm, perfect.” I smile to myself. As I unzip it, she raises her hips a little, letting me lower it over her legs and feet. I throw it to the floor, pushing off her shoes as well.

She stays put on her stomach, looking back at me shyly. I admire her unabashedly while she waits for me to continue. Her legs are so perfect, leading up to her exquisite ass. I trail my fingers along her calves, up her inner thighs, until I’m between her legs.

Do you want me to touch you?” I ask.

She whimpers in a cute way and nods her head.

Then ask me to give you a little spanking.” I continue touching her, so close to her sex, and she parts her legs a little.

But David,” she says, her voice a little whiny. I frown at her and she clamps her mouth shut.

Later, she’ll understand what an erotic spanking is. She’ll look forward to them. She’ll beg me to spank her. Now, though, I want her to be nervous. It’s part of the fun.

Please spank me,” she finally whispers. Then she throws her face into the pillow and I know she’s embarrassed.

Smiling to myself, I lie sideways beside her, below her breasts, and give her ass five quick, light slaps. She groans, but I know I didn’t hurt her. Then, I run my hand between her legs, swirl my fingers around her clit through her panties, and, just as quickly, remove my hand.

Rachel whimpers. I spank her a few more times before repeating the exact same thing. I pull her panties aside, giving me access to her, and she whispers, “Take them off, please.”

Good girl,” I say, rewarding her with a few more slaps. I yank them down, over her feet, and throw them next to her skirt. She’s lying there, practically panting, and I’m wondering how I’m going to stop myself from taking her too quickly.

I really, really, want her to enjoy this.

I decide a position change is in order. “Sit up, sweetie,” I say, tugging her up to kneel beside me. Then, I take my spot at the head of the bed, my back against the headboard. Patting my lap, I give her a look. She knows what I want, crawls over to me, and puts herself over my lap.

She really is a good girl.

I give her ten swats before touching her again. Looking down at her, over my lap, is intense. I know she can feel me against her stomach and I’m hoping that some of the wiggling she’s doing is intentional, for my benefit. I look at her head, but she’s hiding her face. Her arousal, though, is obvious. When I slide my hand in between her legs once again, she lets out a moan—guttural and beautiful at once.

Not all spankings have to be for discipline,” I say, swatting her again. “Are you enjoying this?”

She nods her head and the back of her neck turns a sweet shade of red. She’s too shy to admit she’s loving this.

I rub her behind for awhile, spanking her now and again, until she starts gyrating her hips against my legs. That is too fucking much for me. I flip her off my lap, onto her back, with her head at the foot of my bed. I take off my jeans as fast as I can.

You’re mine,” I say as I position myself in between her legs. “Understand?”

She nods as I slide inside of her, making her groan.

Good girl.” I look into her eyes and she locks her gaze in mine as we make love. When I feel her getting close, when her moans get louder, I thrust deep and hard. I look down at her intensely and she cries out louder than ever before. She’s explosive around me, and I can’t hold back anymore. We climax together. It’s magnificent.

I roll off her, taking hold of her hand, and catch my breath. I’m a bit stunned. When I turn to look at her, she’s gazing at me. I touch her cheek and give her a soft smile.

I liked that,” she says.

My heart throbs with joy. “Me too, baby.”

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