Read Taking Liberty Online

Authors: Jodi Redford

Taking Liberty (13 page)

BOOK: Taking Liberty
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“Guess that's decided.” She resumed her snail-paced journey until she reached the entrance to the bridge. Guilt lanced her heart the moment she noticed the threadbare sheet crumpled on the lounger. While she'd been recuperating in comfort, Lucus had spent another night out here. “How does he even fit on that thing?” A sudden image of him contorted with his knees jabbing into his chest sprang into her mind.


Yelping, she lost her balance and toppled onto the lounger.

Lucus rushed forward and stopped her head from banging into the side rail. “Damn, didn't mean to startle you.”

“I'm okay.” Clutching his arm, she levered upright.

“Yeah. You are.” Disbelief mingled with pure joy in his voice. “Sweetness, I was beginning to lose hope.”

He called me sweetness
. Before she could ponder too hard on that revelation, he grasped the sides of her face and kissed her enthusiastically.
enthusiastically. By the time he pulled away, she was more than a little tempted to yank him onto the lounger and have her wicked way with him. Apparently being zoned out of her mind really revved her sex drive into high gear. Or maybe it was the sight of his snug, navy blue briefs and the memory of the impressive appendage it concealed.

Licking her lips, she tasted the lingering remnants of his kiss. “You ate chocolate.” She didn't hide the accusation in her voice.

Lucus grinned. “Want some?”

Amongst other things
. Warning her inner slut to behave, she nodded.

“Hold on.”

She watched him trek to the front of the ship, his nicely sculpted buns flexing with each long stride. A second later he returned with the box of truffles and fished one out. While she nibbled the morsel and prayed her stomach wouldn't reject it, Lucus gently kneaded her ankles. His constant attention to her needs brought her guilt roaring to the forefront again. “Okay, I can't take it anymore!”

Lucus immediately dropped her legs.

“Um…I didn't mean the massage. You can keep doing that if you want.” She released a blissful exhale when he continued. “I faked being asleep. I know it was wrong and I shouldn't have let things progress so far without telling you.”

His fingers stalled against her skin. “You were conscious during…all of it?”

“Pretty much.” She snuggled closer and laid her palm over his rigid knuckles. “There's no reason for you to feel awkward or anything. Just look at it as us reaching a new level of intimacy.”

He sputtered on a choke and she thumped him between his shoulder blades. With a final wheeze, he angled against the support bar and eyed her. “Gotta say, I sure wasn't expecting you to be so casual about this. Most women I know would be too embarrassed to pleasure themselves in front of a man much less beg him to lend a hand.”

She jerked away from him like she'd been scalded. “

He stared at her, his face frozen in a deer-trapped-in-headlights expression. “You weren't referring to— Oh shit.”

Scooting onto her knees, she gaped at him. “What are
talking about?”

“Maybe we could forget I said anything.”

“Yeah right. Out with it.”

Lucus gulped hard enough she could see his throat spasm. “The other night you were feverish and delusional. I tried to get some water in you, but it was like wrestling a greased pig. Best I could do was wipe you down with a rag.”

She wasn't sure she enjoyed being compared to a greased pig. “Then what happened?”

His gaze bore into hers. “Sure you want me to go into the gritty details?”

Okay, she'd already determined the basic lowdown from the little he'd let slip. A graphic play-by-play would only be humiliating. And probably arousing. Like she needed to load her raging libido with more ammunition. “No. But that was all that happened right? We didn't…?”

Lucus looked slightly offended. “If we'd slept together, you'd remember.”

“Well, you did say I was delusional.”

“Trust me, you'd remember.” Smoky promise underscored his assurance.

Her hormones danced an excited jig and she silently whacked them upside their horny little heads. To make matters worse, her bladder suddenly decided to remind her of its presence. She hoisted from the lounger and began walking towards the canvas-draped hole. Lucus got up and joined her. When he started to follow her outside, she shot him a narrow-eyed look. “I don't think so, buster. You've seen enough as it is. I'm not adding to my disgrace by squatting behind a rock in clear view of you.”

He grunted before moving away. She stumbled outside and quickly ducked beneath the Liberty's nose just in the nick of time. Feeling immensely better and lighter in the bladder, she crossed to the stone monument and rested in its shade. “God, I hate being this weak.”

A chirp sounded above and she glanced at the gelinka lizard clinging to the side of the boulder. “You be quiet. It's partly your fault I'm in this predicament.”

The lizard twitched its tiny head and scampered off.

“Yeah, you better run.” She pushed from the rock and aimlessly wandered to the carton perched near the edge of the extinguished fire ring. Plopping her rear down, she surveyed the haze of heat shimmering between the clumps of far-off cacti. She didn't bother turning when the unmistakable rustle of canvas sounded behind her.

“What do you think you're doing?”


A growl came from Lucus. “I can see that. It's too damn hot for you to be out here in your condition.”

“I've been cooped in that ship for more than a day.” She swiveled and gave him her best puppy-dog-pleading stare. “I need a change of scenery.”

“You'll be more comfortable tucked on the lounger. Plus it's cooler.”


A brief glimmer of calculation simmered in his eyes before he masked it with feigned resignation. “Look, truth is I planned on stripping down and scrubbing off some of this desert dust.”

“Go ahead.”

A frown settled between his eyebrows. Clearly he hadn't expected her to call his bluff. “You don't understand. When I said strip, I meant all the way. The full monty.”

She lifted her shoulder in a half shrug. “I understood you perfectly. And considering you're only wearing briefs, that's what I assumed anyway. Unless you've got something else on under there.” No way would that be possible. There'd be no room.


“You don't have anything I've never seen before. Remember?”

Judging from his sudden dark glower, he'd overlooked that relevant tidbit. Grumbling a curse, he shucked his briefs and stomped towards the wash bucket.

She made no pretense at pretending not to ogle. Hell with it. She'd wanted a change of scenery and he was providing a perfect, gorgeous view. He snatched a rag hanging from a bent section of the front running light and dunked it before reaching for the tube of gel-wash. Turning his back to her, he began lathering his torso in stiff, jerky motions. She cleared her throat loudly and he glanced her way.

“No need for haste on my account.”

His eyebrows slashed towards the bridge of his nose. “What do you want me to do, give you a show?”

An amazingly wicked thought entered her brain. “Actually, I've got a better idea.” She lifted from the carton and smiled at the wary set of his face as she approached. “I believe a quid pro quo is in order.”

“A quid what?”

“You know, tit for tat. Returning the favor?” She stole the rag from him before he could hold it out of reach. “It's the least I owe you.”

“Rini—” He broke off with a surprised yelp when she smacked his right butt cheek.

“There's plenty more where that came from.”

“Didn't realize you're so kinky.” Despite the sarcasm lacing his words, there was no mistaking the rise she'd gotten out of him. Literally.

Licking her lips, she stared at his growing erection and slicked the rag down the center of his chest.

“I already did that area.”

“What are you, impatient?” Just to torment him, she ran teasing little whorls over his abdomen, playing with the line of silky-fine hair arrowing towards his groin. Stopping short of touching the head of his cock, she rinsed the rag in the bucket and wrung it. This time when she resumed, she focused on the firm globes of his derriere. He stood silent but she could feel the heat of his scrutiny lasering into the crown of her head. Fighting back a giggle, she dragged the cloth along the curve of his hip, testing how far she could taunt his barely leashed patience. He lunged sideways. She had just enough time to jump out of the way as he upended the bucket over his head.

He shook himself like a big dog, sending water droplets flying everywhere. Grinning, he grasped her against him. “Now that's dispensed with…” He lifted her, hooking her legs around his waist.

“You big brutus, you're getting me all wet.”

“Baby, I plan on getting you


Chuckling, he buried his face in the crook of her neck. “Mm, you're delicious. I could eat you like a giant truffle.”

His husky voice and the innuendo hidden in his promise caused her to squirm in anticipation, making him laugh. He licked a path along the side of her neck until he reached her ear. Rumbling a sexy chuckle, he gave her lobe a teasing bite. “Now who's the impatient one?”

“Fine, I admit it.” Gasping, she wiggled in his grip. “Now let's get inside and get the feasting started.”

He practically ran into the side wall of the Liberty trying to hustle to the canvas closure. She loosened her hold around his rib cage. “Maybe you better let me tackle the climb on my own.”

Setting her on her feet, he assisted her up and followed after her. The second he cleared the opening, he swept her into his arms and beelined for the lounger.

She kicked the tousled sheet out of the way and reclined in an inviting pose. “Boy, you're insistent on keeping me contained in this darned thing, aren't you?”

His hands sliding in a lingering caress along her calves, he stretched over her. “Maybe it'll actually work this time.” He lowered his head and skimmed his lips across her cotton and lace-covered nipple. The bud tightened, eagerly seeking more attention. With a deft flick of his tongue, he generously delivered it. She arched her back and he tugged off her tank top before unhooking her bra. Pushing the cups aside, he licked his lips. “Come to papa, pretty babies.”

He scraped his teeth gently over one nipple and she bucked, her nails digging into his broad shoulders. “Lucus, please…”

“Hmm, last time you begged this sweetly, you trapped my hand between your legs.”

“I did?” Jeez, talk about pushy.

“Yep, and I'm planning a return trip there real soon. Only this time, you won't be coming around my fingers.”

His frank and raunchy pronouncement made her clitoris throb. As if he'd somehow gotten a direct transmission from the tormented nub, he roamed the valley of her stomach, edging his way south. Nibbling the sensitive hollow where her thigh and hip met, he hooked his fingers in the elastic of her bikini. He lifted to his haunches long enough to free her of her panties before resettling between her legs. He spread her labia and studied her, the rugged planes of his face set in rapt concentration. Just the faint touch of his breath down there threatened to send her rocketing over the cliff. When his tongue traced from her entrance up to her clitoris she jerked and grabbed the side rail for dear life.

He sucked her clit hard, his tongue swirling in a firm, deliberate rhythm. The orgasm welled inside her with a speed and ferocity that were overwhelming. Holding her flesh imprisoned in a throbbing peak, Lucus speared her with the hot intensity of his stare and she crashed into the shattering climax. Her scream bounced off the steel surrounding them, its echo endless. The aftershocks rippled through her, leaving her in a dazed glow. She drowsily blinked at Lucus when he rose onto his elbows. He hung his head with a massive groan. “
Damn it
. My condom stash is back on Warddok.”

“No worries. I decided to get inoculated a few years ago.” She rolled onto her belly and pointed to the barely discernible pinpricks on her upper left butt cheek. “Got re-injected last week, so I'm safe for an entire year.”

“Thank you, Jesus.”

She started to flip back over but Lucus pinned her hips in place with his big hands. “I've been dying to explore these cute dimples. No way am I passing this opportunity up.”

His tongue dipped into the hollow at the base of her tailbone and she writhed under the ticklish sensation. He apparently enjoyed tormenting her because he lingered there for several minutes before raining kisses on her rear end. His fingers slipped between her legs and delved inside her pussy. She gasped and clenched around him.

“Mm, feel good, baby?” His mouth brushed along the nape of her neck.

“Yes, but I want…more.” She groaned in frustration and need when he plunged another finger inside to join its mate. “You know that isn't what I meant, you evil bastard.”

He laughed. “Maybe you should be more specific next time.”

She abandoned any thoughts of making him suffer when the head of his cock nudged her opening. With unbearable slowness, he eased into her, his delicious thickness stretching her to the limits. Her over-stimulated senses made it impossible to hold the rising orgasm at bay. She cried out, her inner muscles clamping onto Lucus before he'd completely lodged himself. Moaning, he remained rigidly still until the quakes subsided and then he sank to the hilt with one smooth thrust.

Being filled by him, connected in the closest way two people could be, made her tremble. The intensity of emotions Lucus stirred within her was exhilarating and frightening. His arms encircled her, drawing her up against him as he rocked his hips and stroked impossibly deep. Silky chest hairs teased her back—another exquisite point of friction. When his fingers sought her clitoris again she shook her head. “No more. There's no more in me.”

BOOK: Taking Liberty
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