Read Taking Nicole (Vegas Mates Series)(#4) Online

Authors: Krystal Shannan

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

Taking Nicole (Vegas Mates Series)(#4) (15 page)

BOOK: Taking Nicole (Vegas Mates Series)(#4)
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“What is your name?” Nicole spoke up.

The Original lifted an eyebrow and smiled. “I have been called many names over the millennia, but my given name is Jason Antaeus Demakis.”

“Thank you for saving her,” Aaron spoke softly. “It is a debt I will never be able to repay.”

“Take good care of her. You have been given a gift even I have not been blessed with.” Sadness permeated each word.

Aaron had been alone nearly two centuries. The idea of wandering the world for millennia was baffling. “I will treasure every minute we have together.”

Jason nodded. “I have things to attend to, but I will see you at the palace tomorrow.”

“We are going back to my grandparents’ p-palace?” Nicole’s lip trembled and she hung on his arm.

“Where’s your fire, child?” Jason chuckled. “It belongs to your family now. You and your sisters are their only descendants and they’ve been stripped of their titles. All their possessions are yours.”

“They’re dead?” Aaron turned and met Nicole’s gaze.

She took a deep breath. “Lee took their magick.”

He can do that?
“So they died of …?”

“Old age,” Jason filled in.

“What about the royals’ children?”

“They will be allowed to live out their natural human lives as long as they respect the secrecy of ours and stay out of paranormal affairs. Each Original will tend to his own.”

“Will you come back to America with us?”

“Yes, but we will speak of this later. You two are free to proceed with ...” his voice trailed off.


Nicole chuckled, pulling her hand out of Aaron’s back jean pocket. She thought her appreciation of Aaron’s backside had been discreet, but apparently not.

Jason might technically be her grandfather by dozens of generations, but he looked and acted more like her Uncle Phillip, and he didn’t look a year older than Aaron.

“Take that car.” He gestured to a black sedan. “Lycurgus and I will find a different ride. The palace will be crowded, but Kate and Oren are still there. So they should have it somewhat organized as the others start arriving.”

“Thank you,” Aaron said again and grabbed her around the waist. He carried her to the car, arms and legs flailing.

“I can walk!”

“You’ve walked enough. I’m taking you away from here before he decides you’re his instead of mine.”

“Ewwww, he’s like my great-great plus more grandfather.”

“Still. His scent covers you from head to foot. That needs to change before we get back to the palace.”

Her ears perked and she let him place her in the passenger seat of the sedan. He hurried to the other side and slid in behind the wheel. A quick turn of the keys in the ignition had the car roaring to life. Aaron put it in gear and seconds later they were flying down the road. She could finally relax. Aaron pushed the button to roll down her window. She pulled the loop from her hair and let the wind whip through it. She felt so free.

They drove a couple of miles before he turned off the main thoroughfare onto a
smaller dirt road. The driveway got narrower and narrower, but he never slowed, taking the turns like he knew the path by heart.

The trees cleared and the ocean spread out ahead of them below the cliffs. The moonlight bathed the water and offered plenty of light for them to see. There were no signs of civilization. It was a beautiful lookout.

She turned and met his gaze. His brown eyes glowed almost completely gold. Heat rose inside her. She could see the bright colors of magick flowing around them.

He reached out and brushed his knuckles down her cheek. She leaned into the caress and sighed.

“You are mine, Nicole Demakis.” A growl rumbled in his throat.

“It’s about time.” She smiled and winked.

The heat in his gaze seared straight to her soul. She needed to feel him on her. In her. Taking everything she could give. Her magick reached out and mixed with his, bathing them both in heat from their desire.

She fiddled with the door latch behind her and finally pushed it open. He pushed his open as well and was at her side pulling her out of the sedan before she could even stand.

He ran his hands the length of her body, kneading first her ass and then her breasts. The soft wetness of his mouth pressed to her neck and she wanted to howl for sheer delight. This was everything she’d wanted. Everything her body, mind, and soul had dreamed of since she’d seen him in that parking lot in Logan.

He claimed her mouth and thrust his tongue inside. She pushed back and he growled, pulling her body even closer. Her wet sex rubbed against the hard erection contained by his jeans. The only barrier between her and glorious nakedness was the tissue-thin, damp dress Tempe had dressed her in at the beginning of this horrible night.

The belts around her waist came loose first. He deftly worked the knots loose and then tore the dress from her body.

She caught the hem of his shirt and tugged it up. He obliged her and raised his arms so she could pull it free. His chiseled chest made her mouth water. The moonlight glistened off his sleek abs and she leaned down, tracing the tip of her tongue from one oblique to the other. The taunt muscles trembled beneath her tongue and she smiled.

Next she unbuttoned his jeans and pushed the pants down to his ankles. She licked her lips.
Commando. Good boy.
His cock thrust out from a nest of dark brown curls. Big, beautiful, and glistening with pre-cum. His scent filled her nostrils and she swiped her tongue across the velvety tip.

“Gods, Nicole.” He grabbed her shoulders, kicked out of his sandals and pants and pushed her to the soft turf a few feet from the car. His mouth descended to one of her nipples and he bit down.

She squeaked and squirmed beneath him, moaning as the biting turned to kissing. He sucked the hard nipple into his mouth again and then moved to the other. Sensations of pleasure coursed from her breasts, through her abdomen, and tugged at nerves connected to her clit. Her whole body burned to have him.

A growl rumbled from her chest. She shoved against the ground at her side and used the momentum to roll him to his back. His mouth fell open in surprise and his eyes flashed gold. She narrowed her gaze, noticing his fangs descend in his mouth.

She licked her lips and leaned down to kiss him, pinning him to the ground for only a moment before he sat up and wrapped her legs around his waist. She squeezed tight and rubbed her wet sex over the tip of his hard length.

“You are determined to be in charge, aren’t you?” He placed a kiss on her shoulder, then moved along her collarbone to her neck and nipped first one side and then the other. “I can’t wait to put my mark all over you.”

“It only takes one bite, kitty cat.”

He snorted. “Just for that, it will be more than one.”

She smiled.

“Masochist.” He smiled against her skin and then nipped her earlobe.

“I said nothing.”

“No, but I could feel your arousal rise through our bond when I said it.”

His erection prodded her sex again and she angled her hips, trying to encourage him further. “Quit teasing me. I need you inside me, now.”

“I can’t deny such a plea,” Aaron replied, his lips parting into a wide grin. He slipped an arm behind her back and gripped the back of her neck, squeezing just enough to make her gasp. Then he thrust deep, filling her completely.

“Yes, Aaron.” Her heart raced and her breathing accelerated to short pants. His hardness soothed the ache that’d been growing inside her for so long. Magick swirled around them and surged between them, igniting her senses with tingles of electricity. An orgasm curled in her center, growing and twisting through each limb until it seemed every cell in her body teetered on the edge of exploding.

He rocked her up and down, driving so deeply he pushed against her womb with each thrust. Her pussy squeezed tightly, doing its best to keep him from withdrawing at all. Fire rushed across her skin and her fangs dropped in her mouth. She grabbed his hair and pulled his head up from her breasts.

A growl tore from his throat and he hissed at her.

She snarled back and bit down hard on his shoulder. His chest shuddered and he followed suit, biting into her opposite shoulder. In seconds, the pain switched to pleasure and their magick combined, solidifying the mate bond. He thrust once more and held her down hard on his cock. Her orgasm rushed forward like water bursting through a broken dam. She screamed into his shoulder as every muscle in her body contracted and every cell in her body heated with pleasure. The coppery taste of his blood coated her tongue, and finally his animal soul joined with hers.

“You are ours,”
the unfamiliar voice of his leopard pushed into her mind.

Her wolf answered in kind,
“With everything that we are.”

Aaron’s body stiffened and his release filled her body with his hot seed. He released her shoulder, licking the wounds from his fangs. They sealed quickly and he nuzzled her chin until she released his shoulder as well. She licked it before he grabbed her hair and pulled her head to the other side, growling ‘mine’ before sinking his teeth into her other shoulder.

She screamed again, surprised, pleased, and even more aroused by his roughness. Her pussy clenched his still-hard erection and the pain sent her tripping over the edge and soaring into a second orgasm. Her body throbbed and she struggled to take in air when every muscle in her chest painfully tightened.

He pumped inside her a few more times, and reached down between them to rub her swollen clit.

She moaned and squirmed. Two orgasms had made every bit of her sensitive, but especially that area. He wasn’t giving in. His jaws relaxed for a second, pulled out, and then bit down again while simultaneously pressing hard on her clit.

“Gods,” she wailed, helpless to do anything but ride out the tidal wave. His hold on her hair and shoulder rendered her immobile. She never let anyone take control if she could help it, but he’d taken everything, and it was a wonderful feeling.

He thrust once more and groaned through his second release. A few moments later, he withdrew his fangs again and licked her shoulder until the wounds closed. She shivered and leaned against his chest. There was nowhere on earth she would rather be. Ever.

Body, mind, and both souls were his.


Aaron sank to the ground and pulled Nicole down beside him. He rolled to his back and smiled when she threw a leg over his thigh and nestled her head into the crook of his shoulder.

His true mate was next to him. He never thought he’d find her, but here she was, the beat of her heart a steady thump against his ribcage. Her satisfaction flowed to him through the completed mate bond.

“Now you can carry me,” Nicole whispered.

A laugh built deep in his belly and erupted with a blast, echoing off the nearby cliffs. He squeezed her tightly and kissed her forehead.

“I love you.” It slipped right out. No pain. No hesitation. He loved her completely and without reservation.

“That’s good, because I fell in love with you somewhere along this crazy adventure, too.”

He chuckled and pinched the nipple on her exposed breast. He loved the little squeaks and grumbles she gave, pretending the pain bothered her. He knew better. Her arousal surged higher with each roll he gave the tender bud. Her magick curled
around them and licked at his body like flames from a fire.

“I could make love to you all night.”

“I’m good with that, but …” She trailed a hand down his torso and fondled his hardening dick. “I think I might pass out if you try to give me another orgasm.”

“I can’t have that. It’s such a shame you need a resting period between sessions. I can think of so many things I want to try.” He caught her hand before she could inflict pain on any part of his person.

She grinned and hopped up from the ground. Moonlight made her dampened skin glow. Her creamy breasts were heavy and full, nipples dark and erect. Several bite marks showed on them and his marks on her shoulder, though healed and invisible to the eye, permanently marked her as his. His scent was mixed with hers and no supernatural would ever be able to take that away. The Original’s scent that had covered her only a short time ago was gone.

“So, I might turn some heads if I show up at the palace like this,” she said, motioning to her nakedness.

“I can’t have that, either,” Aaron growled. He reached for the shirt she’d tossed to the side and handed it up to her. She slipped the black tee over her head and he grinned. It fell just to the bottom on her pert, round ass.

“You can still see my butt, can’t you?” She grinned and shimmied her hips.

His inner leopard couldn’t resist. He leapt to his feet and pushed her down over the hood of the sedan. He caught the hem of the shirt and tugged it back over her head and tossed it to the side. Then he ran his hands down her sides and lifted her lower half, making her strain onto her tiptoes.

“I’m the only one who’s going to enjoy such a perfect view of your ass, love. No other man will ever have that pleasure.”

“What about—”

“Shhh.” He dug his fingers into her hips, loving the moan it elicited from her. Then he thrust balls deep into her slick sex. He waited a moment, giving her time to adjust to the deeper angle and then began to move. First slowly. Then faster and harder.

Her palms slid back and forth along the hood of the car with each thrust. Mewls of pleasure poured from her mouth, turning quickly to moans and panting breaths. When her body began to clamp down harder on his dick, he slid one hand to the front of her abdomen and found her very swollen clit.

She writhed in his hands and he tightened his grip on her one hip and pressed harder with his other on her clit. Her magick gave her a great deal of power when she chose to direct it, but without focusing on it, she was just a very athletic, petite woman who only weighed about a buck twenty. Yeah, no chance she was escaping this last orgasm.

BOOK: Taking Nicole (Vegas Mates Series)(#4)
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